Expand The US War In Syria Or Get Out: What Say You?...

Expand US War in Syria Or Get Out

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oh good-----you understand that the issue is the SEA WATER
WAYS AND THE PORT CITIES-----both about the red sea
and the Mediterranean. AND you understand how VITAL they
are to the civilized world. Iran and Russia ABSOLUTELY will
block our ships at the vital strait of Hormuz if they can-----and if
you have your way -----they will be able to do so
And what exactly is shipped through Hormuz?

This isn't a real question.....is it?
Of course it is. Feel free to answer.

Son you don't even belong in this conversation.

"About 20% of the world's petroleum (about 35% of the petroleum traded by sea) passes through the strait, making it a highly important strategic location for international trade.[1]"

Strait of Hormuz - Wikipedia
Not our oil. Who’s oil?

Try reading kid. It would become a Global problem.
"The president’s public posturing on potential military action in Syria is reckless and irresponsible. Launching missiles is not a reality television show and should not be joked about at a dinner nor referenced flippantly in a tweet."
Unfortunately, Obama didn't end any wars. He spoke of withdrawal in Iraq, but it didn't happen. Troop levels were reduced, but then came ISIS. He increased troop levels and continued war there.
No, you need to stop right there. Troops fighting in Syria were not even a tiny fraction of what he pulled out of Iraq.

He did reduce troop levels in Iraq, but he didn't withdraw. And then came ISIS. He was pressured to increase troop levels again.
I hear ya. And i think Trump was headed towards withdrawal. But then a 'Chemical Attack' suddenly happens. What can he do now? It's pretty much a Lose-Lose scenario for him at this point. He'll be damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. It's the same position Obama was in with Iraq and Afghanistan. He ended up choosing to stay and continue the wars. Looks like Trump is gonna do the same. It's very sad.
Obama, like Trump now, kept the Afghanistan war going for God knows what reason. But he ended the Iraq war which was years and years overdue. He did not invade Syria.

I will give Trump props if he says there’s nothing for the U.S. to gain from any further activity in Syria, the ships are turning around to places they’re actually needed, and we’re outta there. Not going to happen though, of course.

Unfortunately, Obama didn't end any wars. He spoke of withdrawal in Iraq, but it didn't happen. Troop levels were reduced, but then came ISIS. He increased troop levels and continued war there. The same happened in Afghanistan.

And now, Trump starts talking withdrawal in Syria, we immediately get a 'Chemical Attack.' Something always conveniently happens to guarantee us staying in these countries. It's actually become predictable now. I just don't think Trump can fight the 'Regime Change' Agenda. Killing Assad has been planned for years. They're not gonna stop until it's done. I don't think Trump has a say in it. That's how i feel anyway.

The assads should have been killed years ago-----so true

Nah, i can't support the 'Regime Change' policy. It's unwise and unjust. We do have international norms and laws. Demanding the removal (Killing) of a foreign leader, is illegal. The US/West had no right to declare Regime Change in Syria.

I can. I would have supported the "regime change" of Pol Pot
too--------and the regime change of BINNY LADEN

The Regime Change Policy is illegal. What if countries started declaring Regime Change on us? I don't think we would like that. We don't have the right to choose leaders for other nations. And we certainly don't have the right to kill the leaders we don't like. It's why we have International norms and laws. We had no business interfering in Syria's Civil War. Period, end of story.
I tend to go with you on that.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!

Well actually, Obama got us into the Syria mess. He funded & armed Jihadi fighters (Rebels) in Syria. He sought 'Regime Change.' And i don't support the Regime Change policy. I disagreed with Obama dragging us into the Syrian War. We had no right declaring Regime Change.

So Trump inherited Obama's Syria mess, just like Obama inherited Bush's Iraq mess. For me, i think It's time for us to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East. It's time to come home. Get out of Syria now. We don't belong there.
The only thing Trump inherited from Obama with regards to Syria was an easily reversible policy.

What it is now is his making.

"Easily reversed." You sure about that? The Regime Policy in Syria is fully supported by most US Politicians. Withdrawing from Syria, would actually be the most difficult thing for Trump to do. There's nothing easy about the mess he inherited in Syria.
Obama implemented his policy without congressional approval, nothing stopping Trump from reversing it.

Trump is every bit the subversive that Obama was so stop kidding yourself.

The Regime Change Policy is supported by most US Politicians. Both Parties have pushed it all over the world, especially in Syria. Trump isn't gonna change that so easily. You saw what happened the moment he spoke of withdrawal.
It's cracking me up to watch all the pseuedocons say now that we should never have gone into Syria, after demanding we go after ISIS and calling Obama coward for not bombing Assad.

These fucking goldfish are truly Orwellian.

"We have always been at war with eastasia."
It's cracking me up to watch all the pseuedocons say now that we should never have gone into Syria, after demanding we go after ISIS and calling Obama coward for not bombing Assad.

These fucking goldfish are truly Orwellian.

"We have always been at war with eastasia."
Never go into Syria. Lol

The mission to kill ISIS there has never been an issue. Arming others to overthrow Assad has.

I would remind you under Obama U.S. weapons from FSA were gotten by ISIS and Nutra rats.

My stance is kill ISIS and get the hell out.

On the Chlorine attack. I want confirmation. I don't believe it this time.
Remember the last administration praising the Arab Spring. People fighting for Democracy. LOL

In a world governed by religion.

Caught in the quicksand of the Middle East.
Remember the last administration praising the Arab Spring. People fighting for Democracy. LOL

In a world governed by religion.

Caught in the quicksand of the Middle East.

eagle----I do not exactly recall the administration praising "ARAB SPRING"---
but I do DISTINCTLY remember jerks on messageboards doing so---JERKS.
It reminded of the jerks who adulated the Pakistani mujahedeen in Afghanistan
way back in the 1980s. The VOCABULARY was the same-----"it's democracy"
Americans (including people in the white house) DO NOT UNDERSTAND
I tend to go with you on that.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"

No one is "OUT" ------Russia is IN, Iran is IN, Turkey is to the North, Assad is IN, Baathism is IN, Caliphatism is IN. The
is IN

Russia and Iran have always been in Syria. And the US/West is everywhere else. The US/West has been installing Puppet Regimes all over the Middle East for many years. So Russia and Iran have Syria? That's all they have. The US/West has the rest.

That's the big problem with Empire. Nothing's ever enough. We need to scale things back and adopt a humble foreign policy again. This Empire-building Agenda is gonna be the end of us. All Empires fall. Our Founding Fathers fully understood that. They defeated one and created our country. It's time to disengage from the Middle East. Time to come home.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"

No one is "OUT" ------Russia is IN, Iran is IN, Turkey is to the North, Assad is IN, Baathism is IN, Caliphatism is IN. The
is IN

Russia and Iran have always been in Syria. And the US/West is everywhere else. The US/West has been installing Puppet Regimes all over the Middle East for many years. So Russia and Iran have Syria? That's all they have. The US/West has the rest.

That's the big problem with Empire. Nothing's ever enough. We need to scale things back and adopt a humble foreign policy again. This Empire-building Agenda is gonna be the end of us. All Empires fall. Our Founding Fathers fully understood that. They defeated one and created our country. It's time to disengage from the Middle East. Time to come home.

try to make sense
I tend to go with you on that.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.

Yes, many Jihadis have fled to Europe. Western Europe especially, has a very bloody road ahead. We shouldn't have interfered with Syria's Civil War. Period, end of story.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.

Yes, many Jihadis have fled to Europe. Western Europe especially, has a very bloody road ahead. We shouldn't have interfered with Syria's Civil War. Period, end of story.

not exactly a "civil war" ------RUSSIAN AND IRANIAN IMPERIALISM ---wake up
Looks like Trump just announced a new massive bombing campaign in Syria. Do you agree or disagree with his decision?
False dilemma fallacy.

The United States can facilitate attacks on the Assad Regime by its NATO allies; Syria will pay a price for its war crimes without direct American involvement.

That the current ‘administration’ is unwilling or unable to do this is further proof of its incompetence.

NATO is the US.
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"

No one is "OUT" ------Russia is IN, Iran is IN, Turkey is to the North, Assad is IN, Baathism is IN, Caliphatism is IN. The
is IN

Russia and Iran have always been in Syria. And the US/West is everywhere else. The US/West has been installing Puppet Regimes all over the Middle East for many years. So Russia and Iran have Syria? That's all they have. The US/West has the rest.

That's the big problem with Empire. Nothing's ever enough. We need to scale things back and adopt a humble foreign policy again. This Empire-building Agenda is gonna be the end of us. All Empires fall. Our Founding Fathers fully understood that. They defeated one and created our country. It's time to disengage from the Middle East. Time to come home.

try to make sense

Russia and Iran have always been in Syria. It's nothing new. Assad is a Shiite. So naturally, Syria has had close ties to Shiite Iran. But regardless, the US/West controls the rest of the Middle East. Russia and Iran being in one Middle East country, isn't the end of the world. It certainly doesn't justify 'Regime Change' and all this killing.
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.

Yes, many Jihadis have fled to Europe. Western Europe especially, has a very bloody road ahead. We shouldn't have interfered with Syria's Civil War. Period, end of story.

not exactly a "civil war" ------RUSSIAN AND IRANIAN IMPERIALISM ---wake up

So? US/Western Imperialism has dominated the Middle East for many years. It's what Empire is all about. We need to move away from Empire-Building. It won't end well for us. We're already $21 Trillion in Debt and spread way too thin all over the world. All this meddling and war is gonna come back to bite us at some point.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"

No one is "OUT" ------Russia is IN, Iran is IN, Turkey is to the North, Assad is IN, Baathism is IN, Caliphatism is IN. The
is IN

Russia and Iran have always been in Syria. And the US/West is everywhere else. The US/West has been installing Puppet Regimes all over the Middle East for many years. So Russia and Iran have Syria? That's all they have. The US/West has the rest.

That's the big problem with Empire. Nothing's ever enough. We need to scale things back and adopt a humble foreign policy again. This Empire-building Agenda is gonna be the end of us. All Empires fall. Our Founding Fathers fully understood that. They defeated one and created our country. It's time to disengage from the Middle East. Time to come home.

try to make sense

Russia and Iran have always been in Syria. It's nothing new. Assad is a Shiite. So naturally, Syria has had close ties to Shiite Iran. But regardless, the US/West controls the rest of the Middle East. Russia and Iran being in one Middle East country, isn't the end of the world. It certainly doesn't justify 'Regime Change' and all this killing.

nope-------Russia and Iran have no ALWAYS been in Syria-------Long ago---
ANTIOCHUS was in Syria. Assad is an ALAWITE----not precisely a Shiite.
Russia and Iran's expansion to Syria is an ATROCITY
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.

Yes, many Jihadis have fled to Europe. Western Europe especially, has a very bloody road ahead. We shouldn't have interfered with Syria's Civil War. Period, end of story.

not exactly a "civil war" ------RUSSIAN AND IRANIAN IMPERIALISM ---wake up

So? US/Western Imperialism has dominated the Middle East for many years. It's what Empire is all about. We need to move away from Empire-Building. It won't end well for us. We're already $21 Trillion in Debt and spread way too thin all over the world. All this meddling and war is gonna come back to bite us at some point.

If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"

No one is "OUT" ------Russia is IN, Iran is IN, Turkey is to the North, Assad is IN, Baathism is IN, Caliphatism is IN. The
is IN

Russia and Iran have always been in Syria. And the US/West is everywhere else. The US/West has been installing Puppet Regimes all over the Middle East for many years. So Russia and Iran have Syria? That's all they have. The US/West has the rest.

That's the big problem with Empire. Nothing's ever enough. We need to scale things back and adopt a humble foreign policy again. This Empire-building Agenda is gonna be the end of us. All Empires fall. Our Founding Fathers fully understood that. They defeated one and created our country. It's time to disengage from the Middle East. Time to come home.

try to make sense

Russia and Iran have always been in Syria. It's nothing new. Assad is a Shiite. So naturally, Syria has had close ties to Shiite Iran. But regardless, the US/West controls the rest of the Middle East. Russia and Iran being in one Middle East country, isn't the end of the world. It certainly doesn't justify 'Regime Change' and all this killing.

nope-------Russia and Iran have no ALWAYS been in Syria-------Long ago---
ANTIOCHUS was in Syria. Assad is an ALAWITE----not precisely a Shiite.
Russia and Iran's expansion to Syria is an ATROCITY

They have one country in the Middle East. How many does the US/West have? You wanna talk about 'Imperialism', how many innocent people has the US/West killed over there, in order to install their numerous Puppet Regimes? I assure you, Russia and Iran aren't even close. Think on that a bit.

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