Expanding the Size of SCOTUS


Apr 7, 2018
Do you think things will get so ugly that some Administration will expand the size of the Court?

There is nothing to prevent a future Administration from passing a law to increase the size of SCOTUS, with 218 House votes, 51 Senate votes (after eliminating the filibuster) and a President's signature. The President could immediately add, say, four Justices to the new seats.
I seem to remember FDR tried that, and it got shut down
I seem to remember FDR tried that, and it got shut down

Congress wouldn't do it. But that was then and this is now, and if the Dems ever get control of the House, Senate, and WH again then it could happen. Far as I know, there's no constitutional language that says they can't do it.
That would be a disaster.

Let's just say that a Democrat is elected in 2020 and decides to do this. What's to stop it from continuing every time the opposition party is elected? I wouldn't put it past some politician to try it not thinking of the consequences though.

Rick (hboats)
That would be a disaster.

Let's just say that a Democrat is elected in 2020 and decides to do this. What's to stop it from continuing every time the opposition party is elected? I wouldn't put it past some politician to try it not thinking of the consequences though.

Rick (hboats)
yea - one side is in power so they expand it to 21 seats so they can appoint 12 more.

9 is more than enough. we've got much bigger gov issues to fix than worrying about the # of scotus's running around.

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