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Expect a Hillary Clinton win in 2016

I fully expect Mrs. Clinton to win. American voters do not think in any term but winning for their side. It is disgusting the way America has gone since Mr. Clinton lied his ass off in front of the nation. Mrs. Clinton, Obama and Rice all lied about Benghazi but those who must win at all cost could care less, what are four lives? What are lies, something to be used for political expedience.
It is amazing how Ds can lie with impunity and get away with it. Proof the media still has enormous power to influence weak minded voters like Jake.

Remember when dip shit HW said, "read my lips, no new taxes" and then raised taxes...then the media hung him with that. Hillary is exposed as a liar and the media says she did great. Charley Rose did it this morning...CBS’s Charlie Rose Desperately Tries to Lecture Rubio on Benghazi - See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/jeffrey-meyer/2015/10/29/cbss-charlie-rose-desperately-tries-lecture-rubio-benghazi#sthash.P2vueein.dpuf

Mrs. Clinton took full responsibilty for Benghazi. Responsibility without consequence, that's pure BS. The truth is she didn't know what she was doing as SOS and people died. Was it malicious? No. Was it incompetence, absolutely.

She doesn't deserve to be president but she will be any way, I am afraid.

Yes, she will be, the Reich wing of the Republican party lead by Rush Limbaugh has insured that. I think if Republicans keep going after her for Bengazi & emails-- it will only elevate her further, as it will now look like they're "picking on her."

The numbers just aren't here for a Republican win. The Reich wing strikes again.

you see right there is why, I don't Know why anyone would take you serious about anything. when you post crap like.
the Reich wing of The Republican party lead by Rush Limbaugh, BLAAAA BLAAA blaaaa

Are you Jake Starkey's Long Lost cousin or something? If you're a Republican then I'm the queen of England
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I really don't understand why the Rino & Establishment groupies don't form a 3rd party.
The people who should be forming the third party are the Freedom Caucus types, the small group of hardcore conservatives who have so distorted the party.

But the reason they're not is that they don't want to start from scratch. They want the GOP's infrastructure, which they know they could never develop on their own.
What do you mean by "distorted the party?" The Republican party, I see, has only swung to the left not the right. Certainly anything the right agrees with today is the same that the right has agreed with since I have been following politics.

I think you suffer from the distortion of reality that a lot of those on the left suffer, not saying you are on the left. The center has swung so far left that those who are on the right now appear to be on the fringe. So the only way the right will appear to not be on the fringe is to move to the left, not likely to happen. At least soon.
By "distorting the party" I mean that it has essentially been split into two, which is why there was such drama over Boehner and Ryan.

If the party has indeed moved Left, I think it's fair to wonder if it's because it has done a poor job with messaging. Not "the message", but messaging, the way it has presented itself to the public. And this messaging has only gotten worse with the talk of RINOs, because it makes the wing of the party look VERY absolutist.

Look, I don't have a dog in this hunt, but I would think the party would look for incremental victories rather than trying to yank the country in its direction. Right now the party doesn't look together enough to do that.

I agree the party leadership sucks and I am glad Bohner is gone now time for McConnell (sp).

They had an incremental victory in 2016. No one was handed a mandate as big and they blew it. They deserve to lose the next election and should because they apparently do not wish to lead in the direction their party patrons wish. That leaves us with democrats, and RINOs, we are screwed royally.
Ah, acting skills are necessary for a president. HW didn't have any, but he could laugh at himself and he was incredibly well prepared.

But before crowning Hillary, it might be good to know who the gop runs.

It's all in the numbers. Right now--the R & E Groupies, aka the right wing of the Republican party have handed this election to Hillary Clinton. Their support of Donald Trump did it. There's no candidate that is going to overcome a NEGATIVE 75% Latino vote. There is no candidate that is going to sustain the mass's of women voting for the 1st woman President.

Women are the majority voter in this country, representing 54% of the voting block. They outvote men by 10 points. Hillary Clinton automatically has a 6 to 10 point advantage in this race. It's clear that Republicans or at least the right wing of the party are sticking their noses up at Carly Fiorina--who they're also referring to as a "rino or establishment candidate" who could even it up. The average woman on the street believes that the Republican party is oppressive to women. In fact in 2012 we lost the younger woman vote by a whopping 36 points. Trump is already losing them by a 2 to 1 margin. He's definitely lost all of the Latino votes.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

I just don't see how we're going to be able to regain our footing here, regardless of who the GOP candidate is. I think this may cost us the U.S Senate and a lot of house seats too.

You do realize the Dems only got 44% of the white female vote in the last election? You understand that right? That's why the Dems got their asses handed to them.

Thread = Fail. :(
I just realized he's a Jake Starkey the second. Dresses in a Republican costume, but if you drop the mask they are full blown Hillary/Democrat cult member
You do realize the Dems only got 44% of the white female vote in the last election? You understand that right? That's why the Dems got their asses handed to them.

Yeah, too bad they let those Darkie women vote, eh?

Midterms don't count, guy. No President ever said, "Gee, the rejected my party in the mid-terms". Not Obama, not Clinton, not Bush, not Reagan."

And history usually vindicates them.

You won a midterm in backwater states with a record low turnout. This is really nothing to be proud of.
I fully expect Mrs. Clinton to win. American voters do not think in any term but winning for their side. It is disgusting the way America has gone since Mr. Clinton lied his ass off in front of the nation. Mrs. Clinton, Obama and Rice all lied about Benghazi but those who must win at all cost could care less, what are four lives? What are lies, something to be used for political expedience.
It is amazing how Ds can lie with impunity and get away with it. Proof the media still has enormous power to influence weak minded voters like Jake.

Remember when dip shit HW said, "read my lips, no new taxes" and then raised taxes...then the media hung him with that. Hillary is exposed as a liar and the media says she did great. Charley Rose did it this morning...CBS’s Charlie Rose Desperately Tries to Lecture Rubio on Benghazi - See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/jeffrey-meyer/2015/10/29/cbss-charlie-rose-desperately-tries-lecture-rubio-benghazi#sthash.P2vueein.dpuf

Mrs. Clinton took full responsibilty for Benghazi. Responsibility without consequence, that's pure BS. The truth is she didn't know what she was doing as SOS and people died. Was it malicious? No. Was it incompetence, absolutely.

She doesn't deserve to be president but she will be any way, I am afraid.

Yes, she will be, the Reich wing of the Republican party lead by Rush Limbaugh has insured that. I think if Republicans keep going after her for Bengazi & emails-- it will only elevate her further, as it will now look like they're "picking on her."

The numbers just aren't here for a Republican win. The Reich wing strikes again.

Take you Nazi implications and your BS meme, created by the left wing, and shove it where the Sun don't shine.

I am a conservative--and I am just giving you a little MATH & HISTORY. Honestly, I don't think Republicans with their attitudes--are even close to seeing this one coming. Election eve may look something like this.


Here's why Hillary will probably win.

First, the GOP seems nowhere near overcoming it's weaknesses with women and Hispanics. and no, nominating rubio or firorina wouldn't fix that.

The electoral college favors Democrats.

You do realize the Dems only got 44% of the white female vote in the last election? You understand that right? That's why the Dems got their asses handed to them.
Here's why Hillary will probably win.

First, the GOP seems nowhere near overcoming it's weaknesses with women and Hispanics. and no, nominating rubio or firorina wouldn't fix that.

The electoral college favors Democrats.

You do realize the Dems only got 44% of the white female vote in the last election? You understand that right? That's why the Dems got their asses handed to them.

I know that Republicans LOST the women vote by DOUBLE DIGITS in 2012, and lost younger women by a WHOPPING 36 points. I also know that Romney only captured 27% of the Latino vote, when we typically have to have 35 to 40% of that vote to win the White House. Donald Trump has chased them away and he is polling at a NEGATIVE 75% right now. That is going to roll over on any nominee that is chosen.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Republicans are the minority party in this country at around 41 million, democrats are 46 million, and Independents are the the majority representing 40% of the entire electorate today.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 advantage because she will be the first woman Presidential nominee. Women are the majority voters in this country today representing 54%. They outvote men by 10 points. Right now you might as well start a Super Bowl game with 27 points on the board for the other side.

It's not looking good for Republicans in 2016. They're still flopping around on all the male candidates who don't have a snowballs chance in hell against this kind of force. We still have morons supporting Trump. They're so dam stupid they don't even see this coming. In their efforts to drown out the 1st woman Presidential GOP nominee--they're going to get Hillary Clinton shoved up their ass's. And frankly they deserve it.

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Here's why Hillary will probably win.

First, the GOP seems nowhere near overcoming it's weaknesses with women and Hispanics. and no, nominating rubio or firorina wouldn't fix that.

The electoral college favors Democrats.

You do realize the Dems only got 44% of the white female vote in the last election? You understand that right? That's why the Dems got their asses handed to them.

I know that Republicans LOST the women vote by DOUBLE DIGITS in 2012, and lost younger women by a WHOPPING 36 points. I also know that Romney only captured 27% of the Latino vote, when we typically have to have 35 to 40% of that vote to win the White House. Donald Trump has chased them away and he is polling at a NEGATIVE 75% right now. That is going to roll over on any nominee that is chosen.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Republicans are the minority party in this country at around 41 million, democrats are 46 million, and Independents are the the majority representing 40% of the entire electorate today.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 advantage because she will be the first woman Presidential nominee. Women are the majority voters in this country today representing 54%. They outvote men by 10 points. Right now you might as well start a Super Bowl game with 27 points on the board for the other side.

It's not looking good for Republicans in 2016. They're still flopping around on all the male candidates who don't have a snowballs chance in hell against this kind of force. We still have morons supporting Trump. They're so dam stupid they don't even see this coming. In their efforts to drown out the 1st woman Presidential GOP nominee--they're going to get Hillary Clinton shoved up their ass's. And frankly they deserve it.


Obama isn't running. You know that...right? A lying. bitchy old white woman is not going to get the minority vote that the Obummbler did. And the Dems no longer get whites votes. The last election cycle it was 37%. Sad. :(

Whites are 65% of the electorate. If Dems continue to get 37% of the white vote or less they lose big....again. Just like they did in the last election.
And if Hi-lie-ry gets indicted? Then it really doesn't matter WHO the republicans nominate.
I think the Democratic nominee has the edge right now, but things can always change. I see it more in terms of whether the Republican candidate loses it on their own by recycling another boring package that says tax cuts for the rich and more defense spending and a great big wall will somehow bring us prosperity. About 40% or so of the country are brainwashed people who are happy to vote for that because they believe that nonsense.

But everyone else you need to go along with it just isn't there for Republicans. I think it says something that they've completely ignored their fallout report from 2012, which basically said, "If we want to be a viable national party in presidential election years, we need to find ways to grow the base by getting more minorities/women/young people in the tent because we continue to stubbornly only go after old white men who yell at clouds."

Establishment Republicans understand that they need to grow the tent, yet all they stand for is stuff that appeals to old white people who are dying in droves by the day. 89% of voters were white in '96. By 2012 it was 72% of voters. We may actually see that number drop to a smidge below 70% this time and if all the GOP is going to do is rag on women, so-called entitled young people and minorities, they can kiss 2016 goodbye.
Obama isn't running. You know that...right? A lying. bitchy old white woman is not going to get the minority vote that the Obummbler did. And the Dems no longer get whites votes. The last election cycle it was 37%. Sad. :(

Whites are 65% of the electorate. If Dems continue to get 37% of the white vote or less they lose big....again. Just like they did in the last election.

Guy, you are delusional. First, Obama got 44% of the White vote in 2012.

Election Polls -- Presidential Vote by Groups

He also got 57% of the FEMALE vote.

But the real area you need to worry about is AGE.

In 2012, Obama got 62% of the Under 30 vote.
The only age group Romney won was 65 and over. with 54%.

Which group is less likely to show up in 2016 because they will be taking dirt naps?

Now, here's the thing. The wet dream of republicans is that blacks won't show up for Hillary like they did for Obama.

Okay. Let's look at that.

In 2012, Blacks made up 13% of the electorate. Obama got 95% of their vote.

In 2004, Blacks made up 11% of the electorate. John Kerry STILL got 93% of their vote.

Hillary might not do as well as Obama, but she WILL do better than Kerry.
I really don't understand why the Rino & Establishment groupies don't form a 3rd party. They must think they can win the White House with Hate & Ignorance--and Divide & Separate.

Their NUMBER 1 guy, Donald Trump is now polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with voting Latino's. Republican Latino's are changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in hordes. Cubans are historically Republican so you can color Florida & several other states BLUE at this time. There are several states that Hillary Clinton won't even have to campaign in right now to secure those electoral votes.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

These R & E groupies sure didn't pay attention to what happened in 2012, where we lost WOMEN by double digits, by them dragging us into--"who's going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape" which was always answered by an old WHITE male. Women are now polling at 2 to 1 against DONALD TRUMP.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then we have several other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals in this race, that could NEVER appeal to women because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz--(who also wouldn't capture any Latino votes--much less the women vote)--Rand Paul---Mike Huckabee--Rick Santorum--Bobby Jindal, and the other two who already committed political suicide over women's issues (Scott Walker & Rick Perry) have already had to drop out.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

As we witnessed in 2012--the Hate & Ignorance rolls over onto the eventual GOP nominee, making it virtually impossible to win. I expect that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS, and that we will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.

They are going to witness the POWER of Women & Latino voters in November 2016, and they don't even see it coming.

Anyone that supports letting Hillary back in the White House is about as stupid as they come.
And if Hi-lie-ry gets indicted? Then it really doesn't matter WHO the republicans nominate.

Except there's ZERO chance she will be indicted.

First, the current AG would have to call a Grand Jury. Ain't gonna happen.

Second, you'd have to prove she did something a little worse than "Didn't follow e-mail protocol".

I mean, did you guys learn NOTHING from the whole Lewinsky thing? Just because you think the Clintons are evil for merely existing, you have to kind of prove to regular folks that they did something wrong.

Lie about getting a blow job?. Most of us would.

Not following e-mail protocols? Most of us don't.
I think the Democratic nominee has the edge right now, but things can always change. I see it more in terms of whether the Republican candidate loses it on their own by recycling another boring package that says tax cuts for the rich and more defense spending and a great big wall will somehow bring us prosperity. About 40% or so of the country are brainwashed people who are happy to vote for that because they believe that nonsense.

But everyone else you need to go along with it just isn't there for Republicans. I think it says something that they've completely ignored their fallout report from 2012, which basically said, "If we want to be a viable national party in presidential election years, we need to find ways to grow the base by getting more minorities/women/young people in the tent because we continue to stubbornly only go after old white men who yell at clouds."

Establishment Republicans understand that they need to grow the tent, yet all they stand for is stuff that appeals to old white people who are dying in droves by the day. 89% of voters were white in '96. By 2012 it was 72% of voters. We may actually see that number drop to a smidge below 70% this time and if all the GOP is going to do is rag on women, so-called entitled young people and minorities, they can kiss 2016 goodbye.
The Democrat field is nothing but old white people, so this is just another example of Democrat hypocrisy.

Democrats think that all they need to do is run a woman this time to win. Never mind that the GOP has a black, two Hispanics, and a woman running as well.

The fix is in. The media has this election rigged.

But just imagine the surprise if on Wednesday morning you discover that the American people saw through this scam, and voted for the Republican as a protest against corruption in the media and in the establishment currently running Washington.


They're ready to say that to a Hillary Presidency.
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Obama isn't running. You know that...right? A lying. bitchy old white woman is not going to get the minority vote that the Obummbler did. And the Dems no longer get whites votes. The last election cycle it was 37%. Sad. :(

Whites are 65% of the electorate. If Dems continue to get 37% of the white vote or less they lose big....again. Just like they did in the last election.

Guy, you are delusional. First, Obama got 44% of the White vote in 2012.

Election Polls -- Presidential Vote by Groups

He also got 57% of the FEMALE vote.

But the real area you need to worry about is AGE.

In 2012, Obama got 62% of the Under 30 vote.
The only age group Romney won was 65 and over. with 54%.

Which group is less likely to show up in 2016 because they will be taking dirt naps?

Now, here's the thing. The wet dream of republicans is that blacks won't show up for Hillary like they did for Obama.

Okay. Let's look at that.

In 2012, Blacks made up 13% of the electorate. Obama got 95% of their vote.

In 2004, Blacks made up 11% of the electorate. John Kerry STILL got 93% of their vote.

Hillary might not do as well as Obama, but she WILL do better than Kerry.

Maybe you haven't heard.....Obama isn't running again. :D And the last election Dems only got 37% of the white vote.

If Dems get the same percentage of the white vote again in 2016 they lose big....just like they did in the last election.

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