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Expect a Hillary Clinton win in 2016

THIS SHIT is why Republicans will lose the election, not because the Hildebeast, that murdering, corrupt, lying, criminal is anything but presidential.....



Besides the DemocRATS and especially the Hildebeast have this down to a fine science!...

Interesting.. every time I hear anything about race, it is coming form the moonbat progressives...
Maybe you haven't heard.....Obama isn't running again. :D And the last election Dems only got 37% of the white vote.

If Dems get the same percentage of the white vote again in 2016 they lose big....just like they did in the last election.

Uh, no, according to which poll you cite,t hey got from 41-44% of the White Vote.

And I promise you , there are a LOT of white women who wouldn't vote for Obama who WILL vote for Hillary.

Nope. The last election cycle Dems only got 37% of the white vote. That's why Dems lost big.

As for Hillary.....per the Wall Street Journal:

In June, 44% of white women had a favorable view of Mrs. Clinton, compared to 43% who didn’t. In July, those numbers moved in the wrong direction for Mrs. Clinton: Only 34% of white women saw her in a positive light, compared to 53% who had a negative impression of her, the poll found.

Hillary Clinton Loses Ground With White Women — WSJ/NBC Poll
And if Hi-lie-ry gets indicted? Then it really doesn't matter WHO the republicans nominate.

Except there's ZERO chance she will be indicted.

First, the current AG would have to call a Grand Jury. Ain't gonna happen.

Second, you'd have to prove she did something a little worse than "Didn't follow e-mail protocol".

I mean, did you guys learn NOTHING from the whole Lewinsky thing? Just because you think the Clintons are evil for merely existing, you have to kind of prove to regular folks that they did something wrong.

Lie about getting a blow job?. Most of us would.

Not following e-mail protocols? Most of us don't.

The cronyism is rampant in the Oblahblah administration, but thankfully the FBI is objective. We shall see.
Nope. The last election cycle Dems only got 37% of the white vote. That's why Dems lost big.

As for Hillary.....per the Wall Street Journal:

Okay, you can keep repeating that. Midterms don't count. Sorry, man, I don't want to keep breaking that to you, but a midterm with record low turnout that only really had contests in backwater ass inbred states dont' count, which is why Obama is pretty much ignoring you.

So will Hillary after she retakes the Senate.
I really don't understand why the Rino & Establishment groupies don't form a 3rd party. They must think they can win the White House with Hate & Ignorance--and Divide & Separate.

Their NUMBER 1 guy, Donald Trump is now polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with voting Latino's. Republican Latino's are changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in hordes. Cubans are historically Republican so you can color Florida & several other states BLUE at this time. There are several states that Hillary Clinton won't even have to campaign in right now to secure those electoral votes.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

These R & E groupies sure didn't pay attention to what happened in 2012, where we lost WOMEN by double digits, by them dragging us into--"who's going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape" which was always answered by an old WHITE male. Women are now polling at 2 to 1 against DONALD TRUMP.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then we have several other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals in this race, that could NEVER appeal to women because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz--(who also wouldn't capture any Latino votes--much less the women vote)--Rand Paul---Mike Huckabee--Rick Santorum--Bobby Jindal, and the other two who already committed political suicide over women's issues (Scott Walker & Rick Perry) have already had to drop out.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

As we witnessed in 2012--the Hate & Ignorance rolls over onto the eventual GOP nominee, making it virtually impossible to win. I expect that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS, and that we will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.

They are going to witness the POWER of Women & Latino voters in November 2016, and they don't even see it coming.


yes, stupid people who don't understand that the rightwingnut teatards are the interlopers and the so-called "establishment" and "RINO" republicans are actually Republicans.

You're the ones who need to start the third party. but as you say, i never underestimate the level of stupid to which people can sink.
I really don't understand why the Rino & Establishment groupies don't form a 3rd party. They must think they can win the White House with Hate & Ignorance--and Divide & Separate.

Their NUMBER 1 guy, Donald Trump is now polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with voting Latino's. Republican Latino's are changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in hordes. Cubans are historically Republican so you can color Florida & several other states BLUE at this time. There are several states that Hillary Clinton won't even have to campaign in right now to secure those electoral votes.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

These R & E groupies sure didn't pay attention to what happened in 2012, where we lost WOMEN by double digits, by them dragging us into--"who's going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape" which was always answered by an old WHITE male. Women are now polling at 2 to 1 against DONALD TRUMP.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then we have several other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals in this race, that could NEVER appeal to women because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz--(who also wouldn't capture any Latino votes--much less the women vote)--Rand Paul---Mike Huckabee--Rick Santorum--Bobby Jindal, and the other two who already committed political suicide over women's issues (Scott Walker & Rick Perry) have already had to drop out.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

As we witnessed in 2012--the Hate & Ignorance rolls over onto the eventual GOP nominee, making it virtually impossible to win. I expect that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS, and that we will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.

They are going to witness the POWER of Women & Latino voters in November 2016, and they don't even see it coming.


yes, stupid people who don't understand that the rightwingnut teatards are the interlopers and the so-called "establishment" and "RINO" republicans are actually Republicans.

You're the ones who need to start the third party. but as you say, i never underestimate the level of stupid to which people can sink.
They don't want to start from scratch. They need the GOP's infrastructure, and they know it.

Makes sense, as destructive to the party as it is.
Oh, I dunno...

The American People gave the House back to the Pubs in 2010, and they've kept it ever since, including the 2012 general election...

The American People gave the Senate back to the Pubs in 2014, and I don't think they'll give it back anytime soon...

The American People have seen how having control of Congress and lacking control of the White House does for the functioning of government...

Eight (by then) years of The Magic Negro and hyper-spending on the domestic front and utter failure on the foreign policy front have left their mark...

The People don't trust the Pubs, but, then again, they don't trust the Dems, either...

The People are tired of Washington Business as Usual...

The People are tired of political family dynasties... be they Bushes, Clintons, Romneys, Kennedys...Pub... Dem... whatever...

The Dem bullpen is embarrassingly and painfully shallow this year...

The Pub bullpen is deep and substantive this year...

People haven't forgotten (yet) how badly the Pubs screwed the pooch with the recent Depression nor the misbegotten war in Iraq...

But they also have nowhere else to turn, after eight years of spendthrift activity, a weakening of the military, and disaster after disaster in foreign policy...

There's a good chance that the Pubs will get their shit together sufficiently to put up a viable candidate and a decent store-front and facade...

And that - once again - the combination of Pubs, plus next-gen Reagan Democrats, will give the Pubs the White House in 2016, and let them keep the Congress...

In the end, when you get right down to where the bear shits in the woods...

The only poll that really matters is the one we all take on November 8, 2016...

Oh.....yes....but THOSE are the smart Americans. Didn't you know?
I think you identify an important point. Many Americans who generally vote R are very disappointed in the R Party. Many like you have left the party. Many refused to vote for Lil' Crazy Johnny and the Progressive Mitt. Thus allowing BO to attain a position he never should have. I do not think anything has changed. If the Rs turn the back on their constituency again, and it appears like they might, they lose again.

Guy, this is the kind of magical thinking that gets you into trouble.

Okay- REALITY CHECK. 2004 was the high water mark of GOP voting, when George W. Bush bot 62,040,610 votes.

In 2008 , John McCain got 59,948,323. Really, only 2 million less votes than Bush.

In 2012, the Weird Mormon Robot got 60,933,500. Only a million votes less than Bush got.

What happened was the Democratic base grew.

Kerry got 59,028,444 votes, but Obama got 69,498,516. Ten Million More people came out to reject the fucking mess the Bush Crime Family made of the country. In 2012, Obama STILL got 65,915,796.

Now, do you really think that the 1-2 million people who voted for Bush who didn't vote for McCain and Romney were Conservatives who were just so angry that Mccain and Romney didn't hate Mexicans and Gays just like Jesus did?

Or is it more likely that they were moderates who just saw that Bush fucked it up, and McCain and Romney were just offering more of the same?
I really don't understand why the Rino & Establishment groupies don't form a 3rd party. They must think they can win the White House with Hate & Ignorance--and Divide & Separate.

Their NUMBER 1 guy, Donald Trump is now polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with voting Latino's. Republican Latino's are changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in hordes. Cubans are historically Republican so you can color Florida & several other states BLUE at this time. There are several states that Hillary Clinton won't even have to campaign in right now to secure those electoral votes.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

These R & E groupies sure didn't pay attention to what happened in 2012, where we lost WOMEN by double digits, by them dragging us into--"who's going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape" which was always answered by an old WHITE male. Women are now polling at 2 to 1 against DONALD TRUMP.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then we have several other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals in this race, that could NEVER appeal to women because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz--(who also wouldn't capture any Latino votes--much less the women vote)--Rand Paul---Mike Huckabee--Rick Santorum--Bobby Jindal, and the other two who already committed political suicide over women's issues (Scott Walker & Rick Perry) have already had to drop out.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

As we witnessed in 2012--the Hate & Ignorance rolls over onto the eventual GOP nominee, making it virtually impossible to win. I expect that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS, and that we will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.

They are going to witness the POWER of Women & Latino voters in November 2016, and they don't even see it coming.


yes, stupid people who don't understand that the rightwingnut teatards are the interlopers and the so-called "establishment" and "RINO" republicans are actually Republicans.

You're the ones who need to start the third party. but as you say, i never underestimate the level of stupid to which people can sink.
They don't want to start from scratch. They need the GOP's infrastructure, and they know it.

Makes sense, as destructive to the party as it is.

it makes sense from a logistical perspective. it is, however, lies. and them referring to the actual GOP as RINO's and "establishment" is their typical misuse of words in order to deceive.

have a good morning. i'm off to work now.

One could conclude the Ds are convinced Mrs.Liar will win. If the Rs are so stupid as to nominate another progressive similar to McCant or Mitt, then they just might lose again.

Yes, clearly America is just comping at the bit to elect a Libertarian.

Oh, no. Wait. You guys only get 1% of the vote.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people Joe... And I never underestimate your stupidity.
I really don't understand why the Rino & Establishment groupies don't form a 3rd party. They must think they can win the White House with Hate & Ignorance--and Divide & Separate.

Surely you're joking, When it comes to the politics of division the Democrats are the world heavyweight champions, their whole spiel is based on pitting disparate groups of "victims" against their "evil oppressors", the Republicans engage in this sort of nefarious nonsense as well but they're amateurs compared to the "turn on neighbors" pros over at the Democrat Party. Ask yourself what do the Democrats have to offer these days that isn't pointing the finger of blame at some vast swath of the citizenry and promising to "punish" them? You'd think that after 7 years of a President who makes no secret about the fact the he's only beholden to those that agree with him would have clued everybody in on this but apparently some citizens have been too busy to notice.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people Joe... And I never underestimate your stupidity.

so you read all those numbers, and none of them sunk in because Math is like Science and History, one of those liberal conspiracies that are undermining the American way of life, eh?

seriously, how do you go through life like this? It would seem a simple lack of math skills would be a big impediment in life.
Surely you're joking, When it comes to the politics of division the Democrats are the world heavyweight champions, their whole spiel is based on pitting disparate groups of "victims" against their "evil oppressors", the Republicans engage in this sort of nefarious nonsense as well but they're amateurs compared to the "turn on neighbors" pros over at the Democrat Party. Ask yourself what do the Democrats have to offer these days that isn't pointing the finger of blame at some vast swath of the citizenry and promising to "punish" them? You'd think that after 7 years of a President who makes no secret about the fact the he's only beholden to those that agree with him would have clued everybody in on this but apparently some citizens have been too busy to notice.

Fox, here's the problem with that.

If anyone "divided" the country, it was republicans.

They are the ones who have run against the minorities, the gays and the feminists.

Mostly to keep stupid white males voting against their own economic interests.

Case in point. 2004, banning gay marriage was all the big thing for Republicans. Don't pay any attention to the fact Cheney's daughter is a carpet-muncher, we need to protect those good Christians from them gays trying to call their relationships marriages because one state had legalized gay marriage at that point.

But then a funny thing happened. The GOP won and stopped talking about the subject. They did proceed to preside over a massive shift of American jobs overseas, allowing the Bankers to loot the economy, and they even tried to privatize social security.

But oddly, not a peep about them gays.

Today gay marriage is legal, and a lot of you stupid white Christian Males who voted for Bush in 2004 are finding yourselves working at Wal Mart for minimum wage.

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