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Expect a Hillary Clinton win in 2016

I really don't understand why the Rino & Establishment groupies don't form a 3rd party. They must think they can win the White House with Hate & Ignorance--and Divide & Separate.

Their NUMBER 1 guy, Donald Trump is now polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with voting Latino's. Republican Latino's are changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in hordes. Cubans are historically Republican so you can color Florida & several other states BLUE at this time. There are several states that Hillary Clinton won't even have to campaign in right now to secure those electoral votes.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

These R & E groupies sure didn't pay attention to what happened in 2012, where we lost WOMEN by double digits, by them dragging us into--"who's going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape" which was always answered by an old WHITE male. Women are now polling at 2 to 1 against DONALD TRUMP.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then we have several other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals in this race, that could NEVER appeal to women because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz--(who also wouldn't capture any Latino votes--much less the women vote)--Rand Paul---Mike Huckabee--Rick Santorum--Bobby Jindal, and the other two who already committed political suicide over women's issues (Scott Walker & Rick Perry) have already had to drop out.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

As we witnessed in 2012--the Hate & Ignorance rolls over onto the eventual GOP nominee, making it virtually impossible to win. I expect that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS, and that we will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.

They are going to witness the POWER of Women & Latino voters in November 2016, and they don't even see it coming.


yes, stupid people who don't understand that the rightwingnut teatards are the interlopers and the so-called "establishment" and "RINO" republicans are actually Republicans.

You're the ones who need to start the third party. but as you say, i never underestimate the level of stupid to which people can sink.

YAWN; this idiot never gets tired of making a fool of herself

did she just admit the far Left took over the Democrat Party, thus eliminating the need to start their own Party??
Surely you're joking, When it comes to the politics of division the Democrats are the world heavyweight champions, their whole spiel is based on pitting disparate groups of "victims" against their "evil oppressors", the Republicans engage in this sort of nefarious nonsense as well but they're amateurs compared to the "turn on neighbors" pros over at the Democrat Party. Ask yourself what do the Democrats have to offer these days that isn't pointing the finger of blame at some vast swath of the citizenry and promising to "punish" them? You'd think that after 7 years of a President who makes no secret about the fact the he's only beholden to those that agree with him would have clued everybody in on this but apparently some citizens have been too busy to notice.

Fox, here's the problem with that.

If anyone "divided" the country, it was republicans.

They are the ones who have run against the minorities, the gays and the feminists.

Mostly to keep stupid white males voting against their own economic interests.

Case in point. 2004, banning gay marriage was all the big thing for Republicans. Don't pay any attention to the fact Cheney's daughter is a carpet-muncher, we need to protect those good Christians from them gays trying to call their relationships marriages because one state had legalized gay marriage at that point.

But then a funny thing happened. The GOP won and stopped talking about the subject. They did proceed to preside over a massive shift of American jobs overseas, allowing the Bankers to loot the economy, and they even tried to privatize social security.

But oddly, not a peep about them gays.

Today gay marriage is legal, and a lot of you stupid white Christian Males who voted for Bush in 2004 are finding yourselves working at Wal Mart for minimum wage.

isnt it amazing how left-wing losers take 100 lines to make fools of themselves when the first 2 sentences of the stupidity they post reveals them to be morons/??????
speaking of who "stopped talking about it" until he did a 180:

The 'evolution' of Obama's stance on gay marriage - NBC ...
May 9, 2012 - Obama voted against moving ahead with the proposed amendment. ... But once he was elected president Obama disappointed his gay and

libs are hypocrites who spout stupid shat that doesnt hold up to scrutiny
I really don't understand why the Rino & Establishment groupies don't form a 3rd party. They must think they can win the White House with Hate & Ignorance--and Divide & Separate.

Their NUMBER 1 guy, Donald Trump is now polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with voting Latino's. Republican Latino's are changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in hordes. Cubans are historically Republican so you can color Florida & several other states BLUE at this time. There are several states that Hillary Clinton won't even have to campaign in right now to secure those electoral votes.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

These R & E groupies sure didn't pay attention to what happened in 2012, where we lost WOMEN by double digits, by them dragging us into--"who's going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape" which was always answered by an old WHITE male. Women are now polling at 2 to 1 against DONALD TRUMP.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then we have several other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals in this race, that could NEVER appeal to women because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz--(who also wouldn't capture any Latino votes--much less the women vote)--Rand Paul---Mike Huckabee--Rick Santorum--Bobby Jindal, and the other two who already committed political suicide over women's issues (Scott Walker & Rick Perry) have already had to drop out.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

As we witnessed in 2012--the Hate & Ignorance rolls over onto the eventual GOP nominee, making it virtually impossible to win. I expect that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS, and that we will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.

They are going to witness the POWER of Women & Latino voters in November 2016, and they don't even see it coming.


It's far worse than that.

Polling pedophiles Hillary leads the GOP by 40%

Among Islamic jihadists, Hillary lead by 99%.

Among transgenders, those who like to have sex with animals and dead people, and bisexuals and gays, Hillary leads by 89%

Among Nazis, communists, and Marxists, Hillary leads by 100%.

Stick a fork in it GOP, it's over.
isnt it amazing how left-wing losers take 100 lines to make fools of themselves when the first 2 sentences of the stupidity they post reveals them to be morons/??????

I guess if you can't comprehend more than two lines of an argument, doesn't that make you the stupid one?

Clearly, you can't refute the point i made, that the GOP uses things like race, religion and sex to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests.

Hey, ever notice that abortion never gets banned, but the rich always get their tax cuts? Now how is that?
isnt it amazing how left-wing losers take 100 lines to make fools of themselves when the first 2 sentences of the stupidity they post reveals them to be morons/??????

I guess if you can't comprehend more than two lines of an argument, doesn't that make you the stupid one?

Clearly, you can't refute the point i made, that the GOP uses things like race, religion and sex to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests.

Hey, ever notice that abortion never gets banned, but the rich always get their tax cuts? Now how is that?

i comprehend all of it dullard, the problem is you just dont make sense.

the rich got richer and the poorest got poorer ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH

SO your comments about people voting against their own economic interests are just more brainwashed stupidity flowing from a left-wing loser deep in denial about basic realities
Surely you're joking, When it comes to the politics of division the Democrats are the world heavyweight champions, their whole spiel is based on pitting disparate groups of "victims" against their "evil oppressors", the Republicans engage in this sort of nefarious nonsense as well but they're amateurs compared to the "turn on neighbors" pros over at the Democrat Party. Ask yourself what do the Democrats have to offer these days that isn't pointing the finger of blame at some vast swath of the citizenry and promising to "punish" them? You'd think that after 7 years of a President who makes no secret about the fact the he's only beholden to those that agree with him would have clued everybody in on this but apparently some citizens have been too busy to notice.

Fox, here's the problem with that.

If anyone "divided" the country, it was republicans.

They are the ones who have run against the minorities, the gays and the feminists.
Personally I don't care about gay marriage myself, but I do understand why people who subscribe to certain religions object to the word "marriage" being used in that context, however I'm not so far gone as to blame historical prejudices against homosexuality on the Republican Party. IMHO this divisiveness was created by the pro gay marriage crowd that insisted on the use of the word "marriage" instead of using some other term (e.g. "civil unions") which provided the same privileges and responsibilities that marriage provides without having to cross into the realm of religious tradition, the Democrats predictably seized on this as a wedge issue and thus were the principle agents in causing the hostility that now exists within the citizenry.

Mostly to keep stupid white males voting against their own economic interests.
That's your opinion and if I may say so one that is by all appearances hypocritical since the Democrats do the same thing to everybody that doesn't happen to white and male, it does speak to the fact that apparently you (like so many others) cannot see beyond divisive factors (gender, race, religion, sexual orientation , etc..,). The Republicans are indeed miscreants that cannot be trusted but they are no worse than Democrats in this regard since both parties main goal is gaining and maintaining power which will allow them to continue to fleece the masses.

Bottom line if you believe either major party has YOUR best interests at heart, you're a sucker and if you believe the Democrats aren't completely captured in the orbit of divisive politics you're a sucker living on planet ludicrous.

Case in point. 2004, banning gay marriage was all the big thing for Republicans. Don't pay any attention to the fact Cheney's daughter is a carpet-muncher, we need to protect those good Christians from them gays trying to call their relationships marriages because one state had legalized gay marriage at that point.
Are you trying to point out that the Republicans can be hypocrites ? Thanks for telling me what I already know, here's something that you probably haven't noticed, Her Royal Highness is currently out bashing Wall Street with all the gusto of a german shepard about to eat a kobe filet while at the same time enjoying the largess and patronage of those very bankers that she publicly lambasts, put that one in your hypocrisy pipe and smoke it.
speaking of who "stopped talking about it" until he did a 180:

Gay Marriage was never a centerpiece of Obama's campaign in 2008 like it was of Bush's in 2004.

He never said, "elect me, and I will put an amendment in the constitution that defines marriage as one man and one woman". Bush said EXACTLY that.

Now, in 2012, Obama came out in favor of gay marriage, after a decade of discussion on the issue boiled down to "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad" as the strongest arguments you could come up with.

So recap. Bush came out against gay marriage and promised you homophobes he wouldn't let the mean old gays get you.

But by 2008, nothing was done about gay marriage, while you sit in your house with your underwater mortgage and your busted 401K.

Not that you would do any critical thinking about that.
obama canned the tax cuts for the richest; they still got RICHER ON HIS WATCH THEN THEY WERE GETTIG UNDER REUBLICANS

Oh and idiot; the poor still got POORER ON OBAMA'S WATCH, not only poorer but AT A FASTER PACE UNDER OBAMA than was the case under Bush and Republicans.

YOU can try to call me names all day, IDIOT. but i have the facts on my side and you dont

idiots and hypocrites
i comprehend all of it dullard, the problem is you just dont make sense.

the rich got richer and the poorest got poorer ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH

SO your comments about people voting against their own economic interests are just more brainwashed stupidity flowing from a left-wing loser deep in denial about basic realities

So again, the Republican Argument is that Obama didn't fix what bush fucked up fast enough.

While ignoring the fact Bush was the guy who fucked it up.

Typical, and kind of boring.
obama canned the tax cuts for the richest; they still got RICHER ON HIS WATCH THEN THEY WERE GETTIG UNDER REUBLICANS

Oh and idiot; the poor still got POORER ON OBAMA'S WATCH, not only poorer but AT A FASTER PACE UNDER OBAMA than was the case under Bush and Republicans.

YOU can try to call me names all day, IDIOT. but i have the facts on my side and you dont

idiots and hypocrites

I ccall you names because you are a fantastically stupid person.

Turn off the hate radio and try to engage in critical thinking.
He never said, "elect me, and I will put an amendment in the constitution that defines marriage as one man and one woman". Bush said EXACTLY that.
Er..umm.. Bush also said he was for civil unions and wanted to leave it up to the states to decide and Darth Cheney outright opposed a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman and remind me which President was it that signed DOMA into law ?

IMHO civil unions and leaving it up to the states would have been saleable however as votes in state after state demonstrated the deal breaker was the use of the word "marriage", I'm no fan of George W. Bush but I think he had the right idea with respect to civil unions and leaving it completely up to the states, if that had been embraced by both parties this issue could have been put to bed 10 years ago, alas neither major party was willing to give up even a tiny piece of it's wedge issue bone and homosexuals have needlessly suffered as a result of it.
Surely you're joking, When it comes to the politics of division the Democrats are the world heavyweight champions, their whole spiel is based on pitting disparate groups of "victims" against their "evil oppressors", the Republicans engage in this sort of nefarious nonsense as well but they're amateurs compared to the "turn on neighbors" pros over at the Democrat Party. Ask yourself what do the Democrats have to offer these days that isn't pointing the finger of blame at some vast swath of the citizenry and promising to "punish" them? You'd think that after 7 years of a President who makes no secret about the fact the he's only beholden to those that agree with him would have clued everybody in on this but apparently some citizens have been too busy to notice.

Fox, here's the problem with that.

If anyone "divided" the country, it was republicans.

They are the ones who have run against the minorities, the gays and the feminists.

Mostly to keep stupid white males voting against their own economic interests.

Case in point. 2004, banning gay marriage was all the big thing for Republicans. Don't pay any attention to the fact Cheney's daughter is a carpet-muncher, we need to protect those good Christians from them gays trying to call their relationships marriages because one state had legalized gay marriage at that point.

But then a funny thing happened. The GOP won and stopped talking about the subject. They did proceed to preside over a massive shift of American jobs overseas, allowing the Bankers to loot the economy, and they even tried to privatize social security.

But oddly, not a peep about them gays.

Today gay marriage is legal, and a lot of you stupid white Christian Males who voted for Bush in 2004 are finding yourselves working at Wal Mart for minimum wage.

Joehammad talks a big game!
speaking of who "stopped talking about it" until he did a 180:

The 'evolution' of Obama's stance on gay marriage - NBC ...
May 9, 2012 - Obama voted against moving ahead with the proposed amendment. ... But once he was elected president Obama disappointed his gay and

libs are hypocrites who spout stupid shat that doesnt hold up to scrutiny
The liar and con artist was never against gay marriage to begin with, he just acted liked he was against it to get elected.
i comprehend all of it dullard, the problem is you just dont make sense.

the rich got richer and the poorest got poorer ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH

SO your comments about people voting against their own economic interests are just more brainwashed stupidity flowing from a left-wing loser deep in denial about basic realities

So again, the Republican Argument is that Obama didn't fix what bush fucked up fast enough.

While ignoring the fact Bush was the guy who fucked it up.

Typical, and kind of boring.

so again the Democrat argument is that by "change!" they meant keep blaming your own failures on the last guy in office, even going into your freaking eighth and final year

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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