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Expect a Hillary Clinton win in 2016

and the leading GOP candidate in new series
The difference between your gun and your health insurance is someone is actually coming for your health insurance.

too long to fit on a bumper sticker leftard. please edit
Its too long to fit in your cognitive capacity....ask someone to explain my post to you...good luck ...you need it

ur right leftard; i DON'T speak stupid. i tried but i just can't dumb myself down to your level, it's simply too far down
The difference between your gun and your health insurance is someone is actually coming for your health insurance.

too long to fit on a bumper sticker leftard. please edit
Its too long to fit in your cognitive capacity....ask someone to explain my post to you...good luck ...you need it

ur right leftard; i DON'T speak stupid. i tried but i just can't dumb myself down to your level, it's simply too far down
you are a weakling a coward and a fool but then again that is the way you are going when you are a white conservative GOP voter....Its the stupid stupid...that makes you a conservative............
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but i got posters!!

lmao libs are idiots!!

and you have nothing but the obnoxious arrogance of the white entitled conservative male ... a weakling a fool a coward...and proud as hell of it ..in short a GOP voter


type in big bold letters; talk tough from across the Internet pussy, it means you're right ya know!

what do you think i feel "entitled" to left-wing loser?

you're a clown

and everybody knows it
The difference between your gun and your health insurance is someone is actually coming for your health insurance.

too long to fit on a bumper sticker leftard. please edit
Its too long to fit in your cognitive capacity....ask someone to explain my post to you...good luck ...you need it

ur right leftard; i DON'T speak stupid. i tried but i just can't dumb myself down to your level, it's simply too far down
you are a weakling a coward and a fool but then again that is the way you are going when you are a white conservative GOP voter....Its the stupid stupid...that makes you a conservative............

under progressives the richest got richer and the very poorest got poorer

talk about stupid, what's more stupid than a bold-typing left-wing loser and his tiny pathetic race card???

since i already wiped the floor with you feel free to have the last word. It's not like i didnt already know arrogant sissies on the Left never know when to give up; you guys just dont have the character.

since i already wiped the floor with you feel free to have the last word. It's not like i didnt already know arrogant sissies on the Left never know when to give up; you guys just dont have the character.
I love the declarations of Victory...they always come when you feel the most defeated...:2up: the other tell tale sign you are feeling"the butt hurt"...gay baiting "arrogant sissies":badgrin:
A party that keeps running on an economic philosophy that doesn't produce will eventually collapse because people have to eat. Employment is incredibly low right now which means that people are going to wonder where are all the jobs? All we have to do is wait.
Nope. The last election cycle Dems only got 37% of the white vote. That's why Dems lost big.

As for Hillary.....per the Wall Street Journal:

Okay, you can keep repeating that. Midterms don't count. Sorry, man, I don't want to keep breaking that to you, but a midterm with record low turnout that only really had contests in backwater ass inbred states dont' count, which is why Obama is pretty much ignoring you.

So will Hillary after she retakes the Senate.

Midterms don't count? Only to Dems that are too fucking stupid to go out and vote. :lol: The Hildabeast is not the magic Negro. The bitch is not trusted or liked by 2/3 of Americans ans she will not get the minority turnout that Obama did. But hey....keep hope alive. :D
I really don't understand why the Rino & Establishment groupies don't form a 3rd party. They must think they can win the White House with Hate & Ignorance--and Divide & Separate.

Their NUMBER 1 guy, Donald Trump is now polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with voting Latino's. Republican Latino's are changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in hordes. Cubans are historically Republican so you can color Florida & several other states BLUE at this time. There are several states that Hillary Clinton won't even have to campaign in right now to secure those electoral votes.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

These R & E groupies sure didn't pay attention to what happened in 2012, where we lost WOMEN by double digits, by them dragging us into--"who's going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape" which was always answered by an old WHITE male. Women are now polling at 2 to 1 against DONALD TRUMP.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then we have several other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals in this race, that could NEVER appeal to women because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz--(who also wouldn't capture any Latino votes--much less the women vote)--Rand Paul---Mike Huckabee--Rick Santorum--Bobby Jindal, and the other two who already committed political suicide over women's issues (Scott Walker & Rick Perry) have already had to drop out.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

As we witnessed in 2012--the Hate & Ignorance rolls over onto the eventual GOP nominee, making it virtually impossible to win. I expect that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS, and that we will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.

They are going to witness the POWER of Women & Latino voters in November 2016, and they don't even see it coming.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups = black lives matter
I really don't understand why the Rino & Establishment groupies don't form a 3rd party. They must think they can win the White House with Hate & Ignorance--and Divide & Separate.

Their NUMBER 1 guy, Donald Trump is now polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with voting Latino's. Republican Latino's are changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in hordes. Cubans are historically Republican so you can color Florida & several other states BLUE at this time. There are several states that Hillary Clinton won't even have to campaign in right now to secure those electoral votes.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

These R & E groupies sure didn't pay attention to what happened in 2012, where we lost WOMEN by double digits, by them dragging us into--"who's going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape" which was always answered by an old WHITE male. Women are now polling at 2 to 1 against DONALD TRUMP.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then we have several other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals in this race, that could NEVER appeal to women because of their extreme stance on abortion. Ted Cruz--(who also wouldn't capture any Latino votes--much less the women vote)--Rand Paul---Mike Huckabee--Rick Santorum--Bobby Jindal, and the other two who already committed political suicide over women's issues (Scott Walker & Rick Perry) have already had to drop out.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

As we witnessed in 2012--the Hate & Ignorance rolls over onto the eventual GOP nominee, making it virtually impossible to win. I expect that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS, and that we will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.

They are going to witness the POWER of Women & Latino voters in November 2016, and they don't even see it coming.


You have any actual facts to back up these grandiose claims? Driving Latinos away in droves? Hardly!
intelligent people learn from their mistakes ... then you have right wingers.

end of story.

The numbers just aren't there for a GOP candidate to win. I think this was Trump's intention anyway, as he had blasted Republicans for their loss in 2012 citing the reason as being too mean spirited toward illegals.

Trump never had any intention of winning, just driving it into Hillary Clinton's lap was the goal. And unfortunately it worked. Say Hello to Madam President Hillary Clinton.

Keep on whistling past the graveyard!
Er..umm.. Bush also said he was for civil unions and wanted to leave it up to the states to decide and Darth Cheney outright opposed a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman and remind me which President was it that signed DOMA into law ?

IMHO civil unions and leaving it up to the states would have been saleable however as votes in state after state demonstrated the deal breaker was the use of the word "marriage", I'm no fan of George W. Bush but I think he had the right idea with respect to civil unions and leaving it completely up to the states, if that had been embraced by both parties this issue could have been put to bed 10 years ago, alas neither major party was willing to give up even a tiny piece of it's wedge issue bone and homosexuals have needlessly suffered as a result of it.

What is it with you Rightwingers trying to rewrite History? Bush OPENLY pandered to the homophobes. He openly promised to put Homophobia in the constitution.

CNN.com - Bush calls for ban on same-sex marriages - Feb. 25, 2004

Actually,what Bush saidabout leaving homophobia up to the states was actually pretty fucking retarded. No, Civil Unions are the equivlent to a colored drinking fountain. Gays weren't putting up with that shit for good reason.

Of course, Bush accomplished his mission, which was not to protect youChristians from the big, bad homos.

It was to get you to vote to let the rich keep fucking you.

so again the Democrat argument is that by "change!" they meant keep blaming your own failures on the last guy in office, even going into your freaking eighth and final year

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Uh, guy, Obama didn't wreck the economy, that was your boy Bush. You know, there's no point putting you back in charge if you people don't ever OWN anything.

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