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Expect a Hillary Clinton win in 2016

I expect her to win. When it comes to the one national election, America IMO simply has more than enough voters today that genuinely want government to take care of them. For that overall reason, the Dim is going to win, since they seek to train people into believing government is their nanny.
Thanks OREO , its good to see your despair out in the open . So yeah , you'll either get a Trump or Cruz type or a 'hilary' . If a 'fiorina' or 'ben' , jebito gets the nomination I'll be voting 'hilary' or 'bernie' . Anyway , good to see your despair , it makes me smile Oreo !!

It's not despair--IT'S called Math & HISTORY of what has happened in the past. Of course, something that you obviously never paid any attention too.

These numbers are HORRID--and simply put-- no GOP nominee is not going to overcome it.

You're missing Rush Limbaugh (Mr Establishment)-- so you back to your radio you certainly do want to miss that Trump rally--or other Reich wing candidate that CAN'T win on his program today.
Yeah Obama is a reminder of what it was like at the end of Bill's presidency. We all felt like we were in the sewer at the end and we are felling it again under Obama. At least Clinton left us a decent economy.
I expect the liberal community to shower Hillary with awards.

She will win a Nobel peace prize for not kicking Bill out of the House after getting a blowjob.

She will also achieve the coveted EGOT.

She will win an Oscar for her acting skills at the Benghazi hearings. She will receive a Tony for her stage performances during the campaign. She will win an Emmy for her debate performances. And finally, a Grammy for her negro impersonation.
Ah, acting skills are necessary for a president. HW didn't have any, but he could laugh at himself and he was incredibly well prepared.

But before crowning Hillary, it might be good to know who the gop runs.
I expect the liberal community to shower Hillary with awards.

She will win a Nobel peace prize for not kicking Bill out of the House after getting a blowjob.

She will also achieve the coveted EGOT.

She will win an Oscar for her acting skills at the Benghazi hearings. She will receive a Tony for her stage performances during the campaign. She will win an Emmy for her debate performances. And finally, a Grammy for her negro impersonation.

She will win an award from the Americans with a Disability foundation
oh great, crystal ball time

but why wouldn't she, since the DNC didn't think enough of you all to give you ANYONE else worth anything to vote for. that's how little they think of you all. they made YOUR choices for you Already. just how degrading. but they know their base will march like sheep and go vote for lying old hag, Hillary. shameful really
I fully expect Mrs. Clinton to win. American voters do not think in any term but winning for their side. It is disgusting the way America has gone since Mr. Clinton lied his ass off in front of the nation. Mrs. Clinton, Obama and Rice all lied about Benghazi but those who must win at all cost could care less, what are four lives? What are lies, something to be used for political expedience.
It is amazing how Ds can lie with impunity and get away with it. Proof the media still has enormous power to influence weak minded voters like Jake.

Remember when dip shit HW said, "read my lips, no new taxes" and then raised taxes...then the media hung him with that. Hillary is exposed as a liar and the media says she did great. Charley Rose did it this morning...CBS’s Charlie Rose Desperately Tries to Lecture Rubio on Benghazi - See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/jeffrey-meyer/2015/10/29/cbss-charlie-rose-desperately-tries-lecture-rubio-benghazi#sthash.P2vueein.dpuf

Mrs. Clinton took full responsibilty for Benghazi. Responsibility without consequence, that's pure BS. The truth is she didn't know what she was doing as SOS and people died. Was it malicious? No. Was it incompetence, absolutely.

She doesn't deserve to be president but she will be any way, I am afraid.

Yes, she will be, the Reich wing of the Republican party lead by Rush Limbaugh has insured that. I think if Republicans keep going after her for Bengazi & emails-- it will only elevate her further, as it will now look like they're "picking on her."

The numbers just aren't here for a Republican win. The Reich wing strikes again.
if a REAL Conservative can't be elected then might as well have a 'hilary' Oreo !!
Thanks OREO , its good to see your despair out in the open . So yeah , you'll either get a Trump or Cruz type or a 'hilary' . If a 'fiorina' or 'ben' , jebito gets the nomination I'll be voting 'hilary' or 'bernie' . Anyway , good to see your despair , it makes me smile Oreo !!

It's not despair--IT'S called Math & HISTORY of what has happened in the past. Of course, something that you obviously never paid any attention too.

These numbers are HORRID--and simply put-- no GOP nominee is not going to overcome it.

You're missing Rush Limbaugh (Mr Establishment)-- so you back to your radio you certainly do want to miss that Trump rally--or other Reich wing candidate that CAN'T win on his program today.
proof you know nothing. Rush is the most anti establishment conservative out there.

You're right you might as well just name Rush Limbaugh (Mr. Establishment) as he & you are taking down the Republican party in the process. While you're sipping on your coffee, the morning after the election, as Hillary Clinton is getting sworn in--you can all say to yourselves--"well at least we stood on our Principles."

Of course shortly thereafter Rush Limbaugh will be going to the bank--saying "Oh Thank God" I have got Hillary Clinton to talk about for another 4 to 8 years. Those OBSCENE profits are gonna keep rolling in.

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end of the 'rinos' is ok with me and has nothing to do with Rush although I like him very much Oreo . I've long disliked the 'bushs' , mostly after 'gwb' tried pushing amnesty . Same with 'mccain' who I didn't vote for in 2008 . After 'hilary' is elected I'll be sipping coffee imagining 'rinos' pulling their hair out as they look at tax increases to pay for everyones FREE college Oreo !!
end of the 'rinos' is ok with me and has nothing to do with Rush although I like him very much Oreo . I've long disliked the 'bushs' , mostly after 'gwb' tried pushing amnesty . Same with 'mccain' who I didn't vote for in 2008 . After 'hilary' is elected I'll be sipping coffee imagining 'rinos' pulling their hair out as they look at tax increases to pay for everyones FREE college Oreo !!

Rush Limbaugh's favorite word is Establishment. He and the others have been having daily Trump rallies. There's a lot of people that know absolutely nothing about politics that carry around the Limbaugh bible. They're very easy to debate because they don't know much about policy or issues, but they know who the "establishment/rino's" are. Or at least they think they do.

Personally I turned him off in 2012 when he cost us the election going on a 30 minute tirade about a woman that we would have never heard of, over the cost of birth control pills. This elevated her to NATIONAL attention--and it's one of the reasons Republicans lost women by double digits--securing a 2nd term for Obama.

I don't think anyone who is supporting Donald Trump can call themselves conservative, much less a Republican. This guy has supported so many liberal democrat policies it's hard to count them all. Like Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus bill.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Sometimes you have to wonder--just who's side Mr. Establishment is really on. I think he's on the OBSCENE profit side of the equation. Mr. Establishment knows these numbers, and he also knows it's virtually impossible to win the White House with them.

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Ah, acting skills are necessary for a president. HW didn't have any, but he could laugh at himself and he was incredibly well prepared.

But before crowning Hillary, it might be good to know who the gop runs.

It's all in the numbers. Right now--the R & E Groupies, aka the right wing of the Republican party have handed this election to Hillary Clinton. Their support of Donald Trump did it. There's no candidate that is going to overcome a NEGATIVE 75% Latino vote. There is no candidate that is going to sustain the mass's of women voting for the 1st woman President.

Women are the majority voter in this country, representing 54% of the voting block. They outvote men by 10 points. Hillary Clinton automatically has a 6 to 10 point advantage in this race. It's clear that Republicans or at least the right wing of the party are sticking their noses up at Carly Fiorina--who they're also referring to as a "rino or establishment candidate" who could even it up. The average woman on the street believes that the Republican party is oppressive to women. In fact in 2012 we lost the younger woman vote by a whopping 36 points. Trump is already losing them by a 2 to 1 margin. He's definitely lost all of the Latino votes.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

I just don't see how we're going to be able to regain our footing here, regardless of who the GOP candidate is. I think this may cost us the U.S Senate and a lot of house seats too.
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I fully expect Mrs. Clinton to win. American voters do not think in any term but winning for their side. It is disgusting the way America has gone since Mr. Clinton lied his ass off in front of the nation. Mrs. Clinton, Obama and Rice all lied about Benghazi but those who must win at all cost could care less, what are four lives? What are lies, something to be used for political expedience.
It is amazing how Ds can lie with impunity and get away with it. Proof the media still has enormous power to influence weak minded voters like Jake.

Remember when dip shit HW said, "read my lips, no new taxes" and then raised taxes...then the media hung him with that. Hillary is exposed as a liar and the media says she did great. Charley Rose did it this morning...CBS’s Charlie Rose Desperately Tries to Lecture Rubio on Benghazi - See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/jeffrey-meyer/2015/10/29/cbss-charlie-rose-desperately-tries-lecture-rubio-benghazi#sthash.P2vueein.dpuf

Mrs. Clinton took full responsibilty for Benghazi. Responsibility without consequence, that's pure BS. The truth is she didn't know what she was doing as SOS and people died. Was it malicious? No. Was it incompetence, absolutely.

She doesn't deserve to be president but she will be any way, I am afraid.

Yes, she will be, the Reich wing of the Republican party lead by Rush Limbaugh has insured that. I think if Republicans keep going after her for Bengazi & emails-- it will only elevate her further, as it will now look like they're "picking on her."

The numbers just aren't here for a Republican win. The Reich wing strikes again.

Take you Nazi implications and your BS meme, created by the left wing, and shove it where the Sun don't shine.
Oh, I dunno...

The American People gave the House back to the Pubs in 2010, and they've kept it ever since, including the 2012 general election...

The American People gave the Senate back to the Pubs in 2014, and I don't think they'll give it back anytime soon...

The American People have seen how having control of Congress and lacking control of the White House does for the functioning of government...

Eight (by then) years of The Magic Negro and hyper-spending on the domestic front and utter failure on the foreign policy front have left their mark...

The People don't trust the Pubs, but, then again, they don't trust the Dems, either...

The People are tired of Washington Business as Usual...

The People are tired of political family dynasties... be they Bushes, Clintons, Romneys, Kennedys...Pub... Dem... whatever...

The Dem bullpen is embarrassingly and painfully shallow this year...

The Pub bullpen is deep and substantive this year...

People haven't forgotten (yet) how badly the Pubs screwed the pooch with the recent Depression nor the misbegotten war in Iraq...

But they also have nowhere else to turn, after eight years of spendthrift activity, a weakening of the military, and disaster after disaster in foreign policy...

There's a good chance that the Pubs will get their shit together sufficiently to put up a viable candidate and a decent store-front and facade...

And that - once again - the combination of Pubs, plus next-gen Reagan Democrats, will give the Pubs the White House in 2016, and let them keep the Congress...

In the end, when you get right down to where the bear shits in the woods...

The only poll that really matters is the one we all take on November 8, 2016...
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