expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

I'll believe it when I see it.

I personally know Tim Liewicke (he ran AEG) and he was convinced beyond a doubt that the NFL was going to give LA not one but TWO NFL franchises to play downtown- at the newly constructed "farmer's field". He told me it was "all but a done deal". The LA City council approved it over 2 years ago......

Farmers Field - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


I didnt see anything in that link you posted where it says that paragraph you just posted.i figured that was from a link, am i wrong? is that YOUR own words that YOU personally know Tim Liewicke?

well you wont have to wait very long to see it.they have to make the relocation announcement by march 15th is the deadline of their intentions.

Yes, I personally know Tim Liewicke.
since i can never get any kind of an answer from the saint louis apologists when I post this,would likeek to hear YOUR comments on this below.
I'll believe it when I see it.

I personally know Tim Liewicke (he ran AEG) and he was convinced beyond a doubt that the NFL was going to give LA not one but TWO NFL franchises to play downtown- at the newly constructed "farmer's field". He told me it was "all but a done deal". The LA City council approved it over 2 years ago......

Farmers Field - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

since i can never get an answer on this from the saint louis apologists the fact they always run off all the time everytime i post this,would like to hear your take on this comment the announcers of the niners/chargers game made in their preseason game.

my take is they only mentioned the chargers and raiders stadium situation because they know the rams situation is a done deal,that they are a lock,only makes since. you?

oh and you have no answer for the fact i have mentioned many times either that while i was watching the chargers/49ers preseason game up in santa clara"talk about someone with an obsession,like YOU'RE one to talk.:lmao::lmao::cuckoo:" you cant let THAT one go.:cuckoo:

while watching it,the announcers were saying-I wish the politicians from san diego would come up here sometime to see a game.if they did,they would see what a beautilful stadium this is and it would probably get them motivated to get something done with their stadium situation they have there.LA wants to have an NFL team very soon in the next two years and they are very serious about it.so if they arent careful,they may lose the chargers to LA."

They also then went on to say as well-the raiders are also trying to get something done with their situation as well.they have their own stadium issues also."

Lets see,the RAMS situation as anybody like myself that has followed it closely,knows that THEIR situation in saint louis is FAR more desperate and worse than the raiders and chargers situations are.WHY did the announcers not even talk about the rams stadium situation huggy? I guess cause they forgot or something right?:cuckoo:

Lets see,the rams stadium situation is 100 times worse than the chargers and raiders situations are for new stadiums,the chargers and the raiders had sellout crowds on opening day,the rams were dead last in attendeance like they always are every year,the raiders and chargers have a good loyal fanbase that supports them,the rams DONT.

The rams games in saint louis as seen in that video,always have the majority of fans being from the opposing teams there. as those sportscasters said in that chargers/niners game, LA is serious about getting an NFL team there in the next two years

"oh and they have already said it wont be an expansion team so lets not hear any expansion talk."

gee could it be possible that the REASON the sportscaster announcers in that niners/chargers game did not mention the rams in the conversation is because its a done deal and they are trying to keep a lid on it as best they can? :cuckoo::biggrin:
so very true on BOTH counts here below.:thup:

The reason they made some improvements to the dome such as better food, sound systems, wifi, and being more active in the community is because they are doing what is required in the move stipulations. They are trying to show that they have tried to work with the community and have tried to get fans in the seats at the stadium. Obviously from the numbers I am seeing and the amount of fans from the other team that are showing up, they have proved thus far that they do have an invisible fan base there regardless of what they have tried to do.

When STL didnt get a expansion team like they planned.( hence the red seats in the dome ) they already had a fall back plan (namely the Rams) . I dont see the ppl of StL rallying like the fans of Minnesota to keep them there. The reason Stan is keeping his mouth shut reminds me of how Georgia was in 94. Why tell the public the team is moving and create problems and even worse attendance numbers. Stan knows the from a financial outlook, moving to L.A is the right choice.
The Rams will sellout a game this year for sure, just go to San Diego in Nov. And u will see the real Ram fans show up. L.A. Rams 4 Life.
Rams Super Bowl winning QB Kurt Warner on 710 ESPN when asked about the NFL in L.A. :
"I think St. Louis deserves a team but if you're going to move a team here the Rams make the most sense because of their history in Los Angeles and they already have a built-in fan base. "
here is why the raiders wont be coming back to LA thank god.:dance:

few weeks earlier, the Raiders were in talks to move to San Antonio, which would be easier on The League and anti-trust laws. The NFL doesn’t want the Raiders back in L.A

Where would the Raiders play at first if they decided to move to L.A.? Pasadena doesn’t want any part of L.A. Raiders fans hanging around the Rose Bowl. USC now controls the Coliseum and can deny a lease to anyone. Popular thinking is that the Trojans don’t want the Raiders in their house, either. Scheduling for next year’s games would be nearly impossible.
San Antonio is different. The Raiders could play in the Alamodome until a new stadium is complete. And it’s doubtful that The League would fight the move. It will fight one to L.A. .
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found this comment from an actual Rams fan in saint louis VERY interesting.:biggrin:

Thought I would write an anecdotal update... As many of you might remember, I am a fan of the BBTLAR movement living in St. Louis. I grew up in Palmdale, but currently live in St. Charles county, Missouri - 38 miles from the Edward Jones Dome. Currently, I am finishing up some higher education for a career change, and the other while I was in class, there was an exchange between my professor and a few of us in class that I feel typifies the current mood in the area regardi...ng the Rams.
It was around 6:30 PM when the class was just getting to the first scheduled break when the professor glanced at his phone and scoffed. He recognized the number as one of the Rams' season ticket lines. He then declared testily that there was no way he would be re-upping his tickets until there was news about a new stadium, a sentiment to which other students began sympathizing and eagerly agreeing with.
In short, I think that the KRISTL folks' attempt to fill the dome are being undermined by a very unhappy public who doesn't WANT to fill the dome because they don't perceive any loyalty to the city on the Rams' part. Keep in mind that this is only anecdotal evidence from one person living in the area, but the way I see it, if it is indeed the case that the only way the Rams stay is if they start seeing attendance climb, they might be in a catch 22 because short of the Rams suddenly blowing out every opponent by 30 points, I don't think tickets are going to sell until there is some sort of indication that the Rams will stay...
this is how pretty much most the rams fans in the midwest feel about them.lol

They had one Glory YEAR. Nothing else. Let them go, they are an embarrassment to St. Louis.:lmao:
this was recently written by an LA sportswriter.

Los Angeles makes another move for NFL team
He hasnt done his homework very well because the NFL has already said when they bring a team to LA within the next couple years it wont be an expansion team.that leaves the raiders,chargers and rams who all want a new stadium.The raiders are out as I have spelled out many times here cause most the owners down want them there and thats who they would need approval from.the chargers had many opportunitys to move the last fews and did not.dean spanos has said he wants to keep them there and his actions prove he is telling the truth.

that leaves the rams who are free to leave after this year and whos owner would be an idiot to keep them there cause unlie the chargers and raiders,they have NO FAN SUPPORT in saint louis whatsoever,the crowds for games there alway shave the majority of fans being from the opposing team.:biggrin:
Let me just add that there was a lot of resistance to an MLB team in DC, given the lack of support to the two teams who previously couldn't make a go of it here, plus the active interference of the Baltimore Orioles.

Well, DC got a team. It revitalized the neighborhood where they put the team (and we are talking worst of the worst to great) here. The team is profitable, people go to the games, and they are in the playoffs.

It can happen.
this is to funny that people actually believe the rams wil stay in saint louis next year. i love their theory they have that stan is using the land purchase for leverage because its not working,the city of saint louis isnt trying to come up wity any kind of solution out there :biggrin:

and again,he is free to move the team after this year.

Use of Leverage to Build Stadiums Common in NFL - 101Sports.com

Before briefly giving a rundown of how moving threats and the corresponding leverage they invoke have helped get stadiums constructed in several NFL cities over the last 20 years, it’s critical to make one point crystal clear to any of the powers-that-be in St. Louis and the state who are reading this column:
Without a doubt, Rams owner Stan Kroenke – the second-wealthiest owner in the nation’s most prestigious sports league – possesses both the wealth and business acumen to ultimately pull off a move to Los Angeles if necessary steps are not quickly taken by local leadership to ensure the long-term stay of the franchise that brought both a Super Bowl title and the greatest show on turf to the Show-Me State, the St. Louis Rams.
Unlike most of the organizations discussed below, the Rams have a history in L.A. and an owner who is very familiar with the market after sitting on the now-defunct L.A. stadium committee for several years.
Furthermore, Kroenke’s acquisition of 60 acres at long-rumored prospective NFL stadium site Hollywood Park – coupled with his ability to potentially purchase additional acreage there – adds weight to a situation that should have already been taken very, very seriously.
And if all of that isn’t enough to get the full attention of city and state leaders, these individuals need look no further back than 1987 to see absolute proof that a move from the Gateway City really can happen. Leadership should learn from history by studying the sad exodus of the football Cardinals, who departed after failing to secure a new stadium agreement here.

amazing how the saint louis apologists here have such a bad memory they cant even remember that this would not be the first time an NFL team left their city.the cardinals also left saint louis as you can see above because they could not get a new stadium deal done either,and yet people here actually think THIS time is any different when there is NO DISCUSSIONS OR DIOLOGUE TAKING PLACE BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE RAMS?:rolleyes-41::rofl::rofl:

hate to break your heart saint louis apologists,but the same thing that is happening now in saint louis is exactly what was happening in LA when they lost the Rams.The city of saint louis and the rams organization are all saying to the people down there-dont worry,everythings going to be fine.something will be worked out,they're not leaving.

problem is thats the EXACT same thing that was being said to the rams fans in LA back then.
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Shit....we are a quarter through the season and still no word of the Rams moving to LA next year

Time is running out before 9-11 inside job looks like a fool again
Shit....we are a quarter through the season and still no word of the Rams moving to LA next year

Time is running out before 9-11 inside job looks like a fool again
as usual ,you display your memory problems.go back and read my posts.I said SEVERAL times they wont be making the announcement till AFTER the football season is over dipshit.:cuckoo:
Rumor Alert Kroenke s Los Angeles Stadium is For Rams and New Soccer Team L.A. Gunners Riverfront Times

Will Stan Kroenke move the Rams to L.A. and start another soccer team?
Whispers in the British media say St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke wants to turn his newly-purchased land in Los Angeles into a stadium for both kinds of football.
The billionaire sports mogul wants to move the Rams back to California and start a Major League Soccer team called the Los Angeles Gunners, according to an anonymous tipster quoted in The Sun. That 60 acre plot of land Kroenke recently purchased would be the site of a 75,000-seat stadium.
Stan Kroenke.Living up to the nickname Silent Stan, Kroenke hasn't said a word since declaring to the NFL that he bought land suited for a stadium. The purchase set off a frenzy in St. Louis, the city Kroenke could leave if he doesn't get the millions of dollars he wants to build a new stadium.
It's not too hard to believe Kroenke is eyeing a new soccer team. He owns Arsenal Football Club, an English Premier League team, and the Colorado Rapids in the MLS.
See also: Stan Kroenke: 92nd Wealthiest American and 10th Largest Landowner
The L.A. Gunners would be a sister-team of sorts to Arsenal. But Los Angeles already has a culture-crossover soccer team, and it's not going well.
Chivas USA, the American sister club to Mexico's popular Chivas de Guadalajara, struggles to attract fans to games or land a television deal. The team's crowning achievement was reaching the conference semifinals in 2007. When David Beckham played for Los Angeles' other MLS team, the Galaxy, his $4 million salary was larger than the payroll for all Chivas' players combined.
See also: If We're Such a Soccer Town, Why Doesn't St. Louis Have a Major League Soccer Team?
The stadium wouldn't be the first football-soccer combo. The Seattle Seahawks and the Seattle Sounders share Centurylink Field. Atlanta is redesigning their football stadium to include soccer, and they don't even have an MLS team yet. On the flip side, Tottenham Hotspur Football Club in England wants to build a stadium to attract an NFL team.
The Sun's report says plans for a football/football stadium in L.A. are in their infancy, but the tipster said the name L.A. Gunners was a "tip of the hat" to Arsenal's nickname. (British media are more liberal with using unnamed sources than the typical American news outlet.)
Follow Lindsay Toler on Twitter at @StLouisLindsay. E-mail the author at [email protected].
this is what all i have been saying all along,that while other teams from other cities like the chargers and raiders are talking to their cities about getting a new deal done for a new stadium,thats not happening in saint louis at all yet people here STILL think the rams will back in saint louis next year.:cuckoo:

Let Me Upgrade Ya - Turf Show Times

While several teams throughout the NFL have inked new deals with their host cities, the St. Louis Rams are still twiddling their thumbs waiting for something to happen

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