expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

as i said,great pic of you there below wrongwinger.

the whole world sees what you look like

Still haven’t seen anything close to a stadium in LA

LA Rams are a myth created by the NFL

You don’t believe the NY Giants actually play in NY do you?
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still MORE butthurt from the whining troll I love it.:haha::laughing0301::lmao:

i wonder what WRONGwinger will look like when he grows up,we know what he looks like NOW?:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I called it.I always said many times in this thread that once the Rams got back to LA they would be successful and their losing ways they had for over ten years straight in stank louis would come to an end because the NFL was going to want LA to do well in the market after having no team in LA for over 20 years.

I dont think the Chargers will ever get to represent LA in the superbowl while they are there because next to Mark Davis,they have the most horrible ownership in the league.we will see

I said that we would be successful once they came back to LA but i never saw them being superbowl champions so soon.we might see a lot of this in future years as well from them.we shall see,

I called it.I always said many times in this thread that once the Rams got back to LA they would be successful and their losing ways they had for over ten years straight in stank louis would come to an end because the NFL was going to want LA to do well in the market after having no team in LA for over 20 years.

I dont think the Chargers will ever get to represent LA while they are there because next to Mark Davis,they have the most horrible ownership in the league.we will see

I said that we would be successful once they came back to LA but i never saw them being superbowl champions so soon.we might see a lot of this in future years as well from them.we shall see,

The fans in St Louis were great to the Rams, they supported them through thick and thin.

Kroenke built a losing team on purpose, would not spend money like he is in LA, just so he would have an excuse to get out of St Louis. The NFL helped him as they wanted the money his big shiny new stadium would bring in.

Both the NFL and Kroenke fucked St Louis and they did not deserve it.
The fans in St Louis were great to the Rams, they supported them through thick and thin.

Kroenke built a losing team on purpose, would not spend money like he is in LA, just so he would have an excuse to get out of St Louis. The NFL helped him as they wanted the money his big shiny new stadium would bring in.

Both the NFL and Kroenke fucked St Louis and they did not deserve it.
I believe more times than not the team with the best record does not win the Super Bowl.

And the number one seed in basketball or baseball or hockey too.

Is this true?
I believe more times than not the team with the best record does not win the Super Bowl.

And the number one seed in basketball or baseball or hockey too.

Is this true?

pretty much. it is about getting hot at the right time
What fun would playoffs be if the number one seed always won?

I think they should make it more special then for having the best record at the end of the season. The playoff champs and regular season champs.
i just told you the number one team loses a lot....this year the number one and two teams lost...
i just told you the number one team loses a lot....this year the number one and two teams lost...
Packers and Tampa Bay only had 1 more win than the Rams and they don't play the same teams. Maybe the Rams had a tougher schedule?

What they should do is there are 32 teams. That's 16 in the East and 16 in the West. All 16 teams in the west should play each other once and all 16 teams should play each other in the east. That way everyone has the same schedule. Remember the year the Panthers and Cam Newton made it to the Superbowl? They had the weakest schedule and were almost undefeated.
Packers and Tampa Bay only had 1 more win than the Rams and they don't play the same teams. Maybe the Rams had a tougher schedule?

What they should do is there are 32 teams. That's 16 in the East and 16 in the West. All 16 teams in the west should play each other once and all 16 teams should play each other in the east. That way everyone has the same schedule. Remember the year the Panthers and Cam Newton made it to the Superbowl? They had the weakest schedule and were almost undefeated.
when they make up the schedules they have no idea who is going to be good or bad...
The fans in St Louis were great to the Rams, they supported them through thick and thin.

Kroenke built a losing team on purpose, would not spend money like he is in LA, just so he would have an excuse to get out of St Louis. The NFL helped him as they wanted the money his big shiny new stadium would bring in.

Both the NFL and Kroenke fucked St Louis and they did not deserve it.
You are obviously a butthurt stank Louis fan because thst is so much bullshit it’s not even funny. :rofl: Stank Louis has the most fair weather NFL fans on the planet dumbass.the ONLY time they ever supported them was during the greatest show on turf days when they had Marshall Faulk and Kurt Warner.when they got to St. Louis,the first four years when they had horrible teams and were big time losers,that stadium was half empty all the time and they We’re having the same problem tye chargers are in LA and the raiders are in Vegas with the majority of fans thst did show up would be from the opposing teams.:rofl:then once the rams started losing again after they lost Warner and Faulk,the stadium became half empty again and the opposing fans made it look like a home game fir them.

The problem with your lies is I went to one of their games there the last season in St. Louis,so I saw personally with my own eyes,it was the home opener against the Seahawks,a team thst should have been back to back Super Bowl champions if not for a criminal coach,that stadium was half empty taken over by Seahawks fans for a SUPERBOWL team no,less. :abgg2q.jpg: as they always were with visiting fans.,as always,you prove you have never been interested in facts,only telling lies.i took you off ignore cause I figured here in the sports section you would at least not lie as you do in the politics section.i see I was hoping for too much.
i posted many pics on this thread thst showed how the stadium was half empty their last season there.

Thanks fir proving your a St. Louis homer butthurt over this the fact in all your babble,you don’t want to discuss the evil,bitch Georgia frontiere how she fucked over the fans in LA by moving them there because she wanted to be in her hometown of stank Louis not giving a shit about the fans.the fans hated her because she ran thst team into the ground trading away Eric Dickerson and their other best players.the fans begged her to sell the team.

In your bias, you of course did not want to mention the fact the evil Georgia frontiere purposely gutted the Rams when they were in LA getting rid of Dickerson and their best players so they would start losing and have a loser in LA.

a wrong was righted with the rams coming back to LA, you St. Louis homers are such dumbasses you don’t even realise thst the Rams were never even St. Louiss NFL team,,they were just there fir a pit stop,st Louis REAL football team,the cardinals plays in Arizona dumbass.:rofl:
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Matter of fact,if you go back and look several pages back on this thread,you will see a poster thst lives in St. Louis who came on here and stated that LA can have the Rams.thst he was glad to see them go. :abgg2q.jpg: guess what,that’s how the majority of the people in St. Louis felt,when I went to that game in st Louis to see them play the Seahawks back then,I asked many fans how they felt about t thst the rams were leaving fir LA next year,only a few said they felt bad,the majority of them said,who gives a shit,they can have them.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl:

the fans in stank Louis did not give a shit about losing the rams most of them,or they would have shown up,now the Oakland and San Diego fans,I DO feel really sorry fir them,THEY got screwed,they supported the chargers and raiders through thick and thin.

the NFL is an evil organization,they do not give a shit about history,just shiny brand new stadiums.

the Rams belong in LA,chargers in San Diego,and Raiders in Oakland.

the NFL of course does not give a shit about fan loyalty that’s why only an idiot would tune into these nfl games all the time.it used to be every year,there would be no way I would miss the Super Bowl.,this was the first Super Bowl I have watched sense the Seahawks cheatriots Super Bowl when Pete the cheat threw that game fir the cheaters.
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You are obviously a butthurt stank Louis fan because thst is so much bullshit it’s not even funny. :rofl: Stank Louis has the most fair weather NFL fans on the planet dumbass.the ONLY time they ever supported them was during the greatest show on turf days when they had Marshall Faulk and Kurt Warner.when they got to St. Louis,the first four years when they had horrible teams and were big time losers,that stadium was half empty all the time and they We’re having the same problem tye chargers are in LA and the raiders are in Vegas with the majority of fans thst did show up would be from the opposing teams.:rofl:then once the rams started losing again after they lost Warner and Faulk,the stadium became half empty again and the opposing fans made it look like a home game fir them.

The problem with your lies is I went to one of their games there the last season in St. Louis,so I saw personally with my own eyes,it was the home opener against the Seahawks,a team thst should have been back to back Super Bowl champions if not for a criminal coach,that stadium was half empty taken over by Seahawks fans as they always were with visiting fans.,as always,you prove you have never been interested in facts,only telling lies.i took you off ignore cause I figured here in the sports section you would at least not lie as you do in the politics section.i see I was hoping for too much.
i posted many pics on this thread thst showed how the stadium was half empty their last season there.

Thanks fir proving your a St. Louis homer butthurt over this the fact in all your babble,you don’t want to discuss the evil,bitch Georgia frontiere how she fucked over the fans in LA by moving them there because she wanted to be in her hometown of stank Louis not giving a shit about the fans.the fans hated her because she ran thst team into the ground trading away Eric Dickerson and their other best players.the fans begged her to sell the team.

a wrong was righted with the rams coming back to LA, you St. Louis homers are such dumbasses you don’t even realise thst the Rams were never even St. Louiss NFL team,,they were just there fir a pit stop,st Louis REAL football team,the cardinals plays in Arizona dumbass.:rofl:
frontire didnt fuck over the LA fans she fucked over the fans in Anaheim and OC......
frontire didnt fuck over the LA fans she fucked over the fans in Anaheim and OC......
Getting technical I see.might want to explain thst to little gator boy,someone obviously clueless how the rams fans in Southern California sense you are getting technical here,how they git fucked over by her,that the fans hated her and still go to her grave to this day to piss on it they still hate the monster who is burning in hell now.how the fans begged her to sell the team.

so sad thst carrol rosenbloom had to die,there is no way in hell had he lived,he would ever have moved them out of LA to the OC.the very next year after he died she just happened to use thst opportunity to move them to Orange County which opened up the doors fir traiter Al also burning in hell now,to move the Raidersvto LA. The evil bitch didn’t even respect her husbands wishes to keep the team in LA moving them first to OC and then of course stank Louis.

These nfl,owners are so fuckimg stupid they just don’t get it that with ucla and usc,two teams in LA just doesn’t work,never has. :uhoh3:

one thing that cannot be debated is the rams are the only team of the raiders chargers and them thst belong in LA,the fact we had the rams and the raiders at one time,now the rams and chargers.,the rams of those three,are the only one mentioned both times,they are also the only one of the three thst was there by themselves being there fir thirty years by themselves owning LA before the bitch moved them to Orange County.

First it was the rams and raiders,now it’s rams and chargers,nobody wants the chargers there,it is crystal clear only the Rams belong in LA.

the more and more the NFL keeps the chargers in LA and the Raiders in Vegas,they are just embarrassing themselves.
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frontire didnt fuck over the LA fans she fucked over the fans in Anaheim and OC......
This is how I understand an owner who doesn't care about winning. They suck so they get good draft picks. Suddenly they are good because they have a lot of young new good talent. They make the playoffs. These young guys want more money. Instead of paying them, they trade them and start the downward spiral back to suck, repeat the process.

So when it comes time to make some moves, spend some money and build a championship, they chicken out. They figure they're making shit tons of money losing why bother?

Are you watching the new Laker series on HBO? About the Magic Johnson era. It's so good. Only 2 episodes in. The coach quit. He's not buying in to Dr. Buss' vision. And when he met Red Auerbach (what a dick) it was great when Dr. Buss told him he now realizes what he has to do. He has to cut his heart out and beat him to death with it. LOL. Boy did Dr. Buss change the NBA. Auerbach laughed at him and told him he was a loser. He said, "but you don't even know me". I can't wait to see Red eat his words when Magic beats Larry.
You are obviously a butthurt stank Louis fan because thst is so much bullshit it’s not even funny. :rofl: Stank Louis has the most fair weather NFL fans on the planet dumbass.the ONLY time they ever supported them was during the greatest show on turf days when they had Marshall Faulk and Kurt Warner.when they got to St. Louis,the first four years when they had horrible teams and were big time losers,that stadium was half empty all the time and they We’re having the same problem tye chargers are in LA and the raiders are in Vegas with the majority of fans thst did show up would be from the opposing teams.:rofl:then once the rams started losing again after they lost Warner and Faulk,the stadium became half empty again and the opposing fans made it look like a home game fir them.

The problem with your lies is I went to one of their games there the last season in St. Louis,so I saw personally with my own eyes,it was the home opener against the Seahawks,a team thst should have been back to back Super Bowl champions if not for a criminal coach,that stadium was half empty taken over by Seahawks fans for a SUPERBOWL team no,less. :abgg2q.jpg: as they always were with visiting fans.,as always,you prove you have never been interested in facts,only telling lies.i took you off ignore cause I figured here in the sports section you would at least not lie as you do in the politics section.i see I was hoping for too much.
i posted many pics on this thread thst showed how the stadium was half empty their last season there.

Thanks fir proving your a St. Louis homer butthurt over this the fact in all your babble,you don’t want to discuss the evil,bitch Georgia frontiere how she fucked over the fans in LA by moving them there because she wanted to be in her hometown of stank Louis not giving a shit about the fans.the fans hated her because she ran thst team into the ground trading away Eric Dickerson and their other best players.the fans begged her to sell the team.

In your bias, you of course did not want to mention the fact the evil Georgia frontiere purposely gutted the Rams when they were in LA getting rid of Dickerson and their best players so they would start losing and have a loser in LA.

a wrong was righted with the rams coming back to LA, you St. Louis homers are such dumbasses you don’t even realise thst the Rams were never even St. Louiss NFL team,,they were just there fir a pit stop,st Louis REAL football team,the cardinals plays in Arizona dumbass.:rofl:
Matter of fact,if you go back and look several pages back on this thread,you will see a poster thst lives in St. Louis who came on here and stated that LA can have the Rams.thst he was glad to see them go. :abgg2q.jpg: guess what,that’s how the majority of the people in St. Louis felt,when I went to that game in st Louis to see them play the Seahawks back then,I asked many fans how they felt about t thst the rams were leaving fir LA next year,only a few said they felt bad,the majority of them said,who gives a shit,they can have them.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl:

the fans in stank Louis did not give a shit about losing the rams most of them,or they would have shown up,now the Oakland and San Diego fans,I DO feel really sorry fir them,THEY got screwed,they supported the chargers and raiders through thick and thin.

the NFL is an evil organization,they do not give a shit about history,just shiny brand new stadiums.

the Rams belong in LA,chargers in San Diego,and Raiders in Oakland.

the NFL of course does not give a shit about fan loyalty that’s why only an idiot would tune into these nfl games all the time.it used to be every year,there would be no way I would miss the Super Bowl.,this was the first Super Bowl I have watched sense the Seahawks cheatriots Super Bowl when Pete the cheat threw that game fir the cheaters.
I know I
Matter of fact,if you go back and look several pages back on this thread,you will see a poster thst lives in St. Louis who came on here and stated that LA can have the Rams.thst he was glad to see them go. :abgg2q.jpg: guess what,that’s how the majority of the people in St. Louis felt,when I went to that game in st Louis to see them play the Seahawks back then,I asked many fans how they felt about t thst the rams were leaving fir LA next year,only a few said they felt bad,the majority of them said,who gives a shit,they can have them.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl:

the fans in stank Louis did not give a shit about losing the rams most of them,or they would have shown up,now the Oakland and San Diego fans,I DO feel really sorry fir them,THEY got screwed,they supported the chargers and raiders through thick and thin.

the NFL is an evil organization,they do not give a shit about history,just shiny brand new stadiums.

the Rams belong in LA,chargers in San Diego,and Raiders in Oakland.

the NFL of course does not give a shit about fan loyalty that’s why only an idiot would tune into these nfl games all the time.it used to be every year,there would be no way I would miss the Super Bowl.,this was the first Super Bowl I have watched sense the Seahawks cheatriots Super Bowl when Pete the cheat threw that game fir the cheaters.
Proof in the pudding I hit the nail on the head here in my two posts the fact that USMBs biggest resident troll smellybozos hates those two accurate posts of mine. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: The trollboy who has to lie to evade facts.he put a thumbs down in those two posts of mine but as always in his debates,he has no evidence to counter facts or the points I brought up as he never does in the politics section that the Demonrats are destroying America.:abgg2q.jpg:

trollboys like smellybozo and golfing gator in their babble and lies thst the refs gave the game to the Rams,they talk about the call the refs made against thst bengals defender on third down thst was called a holding penalty saying he did not hold him thst gave the rams a touchdown and the lead when the bengals defender grasped the rams sleeve yet sense they are such poor debaters,they cannot refute the much more obvious NON call penalty on the bengals when that bengals wide receiver grabbed Ramsay’s facemask and threw him to the ground giving the bengals their only touchdown in the second half,thst was the ONLY touchdown they could score in the second half,they could not move the ball the entire time.they don’t want to talk about that non call offensive pass interference non call penalty the refs blew not calling no sir.:hellno:

if anything,the refs redeemed themselves at the end with thst call thst went the rams way at the end because the Rams would never have had to come from behind in the first place to win the game had the refs done their jobs they are suppose to do. :uhoh3: :cuckoo:

what’s really comical about the morons like smellybozo who say the refs gave the game to the Rams,that call they said the bengals committed a penalty on the goal line,that was a fifty fifty call that could go have gone either way,it’s not uncommon fir refs to make those kind of calls in games, in a moment like thst,it’s always fifty/ fifty if the refs will call a flag,in this day and age of NFL football,you can’t play defense anymore like you were used to be allowed to do remember? You can barely touch a player anymore on defense without a yellow flag being thrown.

however the NON call offensive pass interference penalty the bengals receiver committed but was not called when he grabbed the rams facemask and threw him to the ground,thst one there is no debate thst a personal foul was committed,that one was 100% A no questionable blatant personal foul penalty committed thst refs NEVER overlook,that one is NEVER fifty/ fifty in a game by the refs,thst always gets called.:uhoh3:
Oh but smellybozo and golfing gator don’t want to talk about that one how the refs blew that non call,no sir,they do not want to talk about how thst was a gift to the bengals by the refs,how thst was the only touchdown the bengals could muster in the second half,thst they could not muster any touchdowns in the second half after thst.
No sirreee Bob.:no_text11:

it was the complete opposite,the refs did everything on the planet to try and give this game to the BUNGELS and yet they STILL could not beat the Rams right bluzman61 Billo_Really JustAGuy1 :cool:
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