Expert: President Trump can issue executive order stopping family separations at the border

No. They should kick them out with the dipshits who brought them in. Let Mexico sort em out.
Bush signed the law into effect, why don't you get him to do it? Bath house BJ barry had 8 years to undo it, why don't you get him to do it?
Obama wanted as many illegal aliens to come into the US as he could cram in here - all to become Democrat VOTES. He didn't want anything to interfere, so he couldn't do it out in the open. Instead, he did it clandestine, kept it hidden. Even his own Democrats admit it >>

Democrat Admits Child Migrant Crisis "Was Kept Very Quiet Under Obama"
You should read your article before you link them -- so I will ask you

How do you separate children from their parents if the children were already unaccompanied? Meaning, they were already not with the parents when they got here.

You trump lovers are pathetic -- if you feel it is a good policy, own it -- why try to accredit it to a president yall claim to hate?
10,000 children came with smugglers, not parents. We should let them in because they are children?

(Doing my best Mr. Rogers impression)

Can you say Child Sex Trafficking?

I knew you could.


The Dems don’t seem to give a shit.
Great, so you admit this is a new policy then; because no other president since 1997 broke up families like trump is doing now.

Nice try. The only way you can ever get someone to "agree" with you is to pretend they said something they didn't.

Yes, I "admit" that it's a completely new policy for the President of the United States to enforce the laws, because I "admit" that YOUR President did a shit-ass job of it.

If you want to claim the "victory" of having me "agree" with you, then YOU are admitting that the policy in question is NOT the one you said it was, and that the last President YOU supported was an abject failure.

Go right ahead and "agree" with that.
The policy of locking up every single illegal alien charged with a misdemeanor is resulting in breaking up families. No other president before Trump ever did that. There’s reason Trump can’t simply process these people and ship the whole family back whole, rather than incarcerating the parents and shipping their kids off to various locations around the country.
Possible solutions;
Seal the border so they can't get here in the first place. Best one.
Immediately deport all of them without trial.
Imprison the kids with the Parents until trial and deportation. Liberals didn't like that one.
there are already walls and fences along much of the border and building newer and bigger ones are still not going to keep illegals out. If you want to stop illegal immigration, make it harder for them to find work here.
Easier to build one single buildable wall then to police hundreds, perhaps thousands of businesses who want cheap labor.
And when they continue to get in in spite of the wall, then what? Build a third one even higher?
(Doing my best Mr. Rogers impression)

Can you say Child Sex Trafficking?

I knew you could.


The Dems don’t seem to give a shit.

Except that even republicans admit that there is no set process in place for finding out if the kids being held are child sex victims...

Nor is there a process in place for re-uniting kids with their parents -- plenty of the parents are being sent back without the kids due to poor tracking of the kids to the parents.

Simply claiming they are doing this for the purposes of fighting child sex trafficking is a lie -- especially when Sessions admitted he is doing this as a deterrent to immigration/asylum period.

I also find it funny that as much as republicans claim that government can't do anything right -- they have the utmost confidence that when it comes to keeping up with these children, the government is flawless -- based on what?
You mean the illegal mandate where I was taxed because I didn't have insurance? Yeah, Trump ended that bullshit thank God!
No, I mean the mandate that was deemed legal by our U.S. Supreme Court. Calling it “illegal” is you simply lying again.
What difference does it make. People just lied on their tax form and said they had insurance so they didn't have to pay the penalty anyhow.
And people who got audited got caught lying. Using your logic, we should do away with speed limits because many people ignore that law too.

The way to stop family separations is for the asshole Illegals to stop bringing their children to the scene of a crime.

Nothing else needs to be done.
(Doing my best Mr. Rogers impression)

Can you say Child Sex Trafficking?

I knew you could.


The Dems don’t seem to give a shit.

Except that even republicans admit that there is no set process in place for finding out if the kids being held are child sex victims...

Nor is there a process in place for re-uniting kids with their parents -- plenty of the parents are being sent back without the kids due to poor tracking of the kids to the parents.

Simply claiming they are doing this for the purposes of fighting child sex trafficking is a lie -- especially when Sessions admitted he is doing this as a deterrent to immigration/asylum period.

I also find it funny that as much as republicans claim that government can't do anything right -- they have the utmost confidence that when it comes to keeping up with these children, the government is flawless -- based on what?

Then the right thing to do is to hold them from the adult until such assurances can be met. PERIOD!
Nice try. The only way you can ever get someone to "agree" with you is to pretend they said something they didn't.

Yes, I "admit" that it's a completely new policy for the President of the United States to enforce the laws, because I "admit" that YOUR President did a shit-ass job of it.

If you want to claim the "victory" of having me "agree" with you, then YOU are admitting that the policy in question is NOT the one you said it was, and that the last President YOU supported was an abject failure.

Go right ahead and "agree" with that.
The policy of locking up every single illegal alien charged with a misdemeanor is resulting in breaking up families. No other president before Trump ever did that. There’s reason Trump can’t simply process these people and ship the whole family back whole, rather than incarcerating the parents and shipping their kids off to various locations around the country.
Possible solutions;
Seal the border so they can't get here in the first place. Best one.
Immediately deport all of them without trial.
Imprison the kids with the Parents until trial and deportation. Liberals didn't like that one.
there are already walls and fences along much of the border and building newer and bigger ones are still not going to keep illegals out. If you want to stop illegal immigration, make it harder for them to find work here.
Easier to build one single buildable wall then to police hundreds, perhaps thousands of businesses who want cheap labor.
And when they continue to get in in spite of the wall, then what? Build a third one even higher?
cross that bridge when we get to it.
(Doing my best Mr. Rogers impression)

Can you say Child Sex Trafficking?

I knew you could.


The Dems don’t seem to give a shit.

Except that even republicans admit that there is no set process in place for finding out if the kids being held are child sex victims...

Nor is there a process in place for re-uniting kids with their parents -- plenty of the parents are being sent back without the kids due to poor tracking of the kids to the parents.

Simply claiming they are doing this for the purposes of fighting child sex trafficking is a lie -- especially when Sessions admitted he is doing this as a deterrent to immigration/asylum period.

I also find it funny that as much as republicans claim that government can't do anything right -- they have the utmost confidence that when it comes to keeping up with these children, the government is flawless -- based on what?
there is a dna test that shows the person their with is not a family member.
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

Do you think a single child should be allowed into this country when we cannot verify that the adult they are with are not child sex traffickers?
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?
When issued a ticket do they show up to court or do they throw ticket in the trash like the illegals do?
Trump has already decided not to enforce other laws he wants changed. Don’t pretend like this is something he hasn’t done, can’t do, or won’t do.
Which other laws?

No, it wasn’t. Cite the 1997 law that stipulates breaking up families....
Cite any year law that stipulates not prosecuting criminals and putting them in jail for their crimes if they have kids.

Trump has already decided not to enforce other laws he wants changed. Don’t pretend like this is something he hasn’t done, can’t do, or won’t do.

Prove it. Name me the laws Trump has elected to ignore and not enforce. Spit it the fuck out, and don't even think of citing some left-wing blog as "evidence".

Good job, but you'll never get an honest answer from those scum.

Moron ... I answered it. :mm:
Note that I said HONEST answer.
Not only was my answer honest, but I even supported it with a verifiable link.
Of course you did. Links are proof of what exactly?
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

Do you think a single child should be allowed into this country when we cannot verify that the adult they are with are not child sex traffickers?
Of course not, safety first. But don’t conflate the situation everybody knows that’s not what’s happening which is why you hear both Trump and republicans calling for a change in the law to keep families together. It’s a bit hypocritical for Trump to be doing so as he is the one using this as leverage to get his wall
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

Do you think a single child should be allowed into this country when we cannot verify that the adult they are with are not child sex traffickers?
Of course not, safety first. But don’t conflate the situation everybody knows that’s not what’s happening which is why you hear both Trump and republicans calling for a change in the law to keep families together. It’s a bit hypocritical for Trump to be doing so as he is the one using this as leverage to get his wall
How can everyone know that's not what's happening when 99 percent of us are not down there at the border? lol
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

Do you think a single child should be allowed into this country when we cannot verify that the adult they are with are not child sex traffickers?
Of course not, safety first. But don’t conflate the situation everybody knows that’s not what’s happening which is why you hear both Trump and republicans calling for a change in the law to keep families together. It’s a bit hypocritical for Trump to be doing so as he is the one using this as leverage to get his wall

Is that why the Libs and the Liberal Media, knowing the prevalence of Child Sex Trafficking on our souther border pushed so hard for the change?

Yea, right?
No, it wasn’t. Cite the 1997 law that stipulates breaking up families....
I just told you. it doesn't stipulate that, the breaking up is a automatic result.
Great, so you admit this is a new policy then; because no other president since 1997 broke up families like trump is doing now.

Nice try. The only way you can ever get someone to "agree" with you is to pretend they said something they didn't.

Yes, I "admit" that it's a completely new policy for the President of the United States to enforce the laws, because I "admit" that YOUR President did a shit-ass job of it.

If you want to claim the "victory" of having me "agree" with you, then YOU are admitting that the policy in question is NOT the one you said it was, and that the last President YOU supported was an abject failure.

Go right ahead and "agree" with that.
The policy of locking up every single illegal alien charged with a misdemeanor is resulting in breaking up families. No other president before Trump ever did that. There’s reason Trump can’t simply process these people and ship the whole family back whole, rather than incarcerating the parents and shipping their kids off to various locations around the country.

Yeah, well, the policy of locking up people who are charged with other crimes ALSO results in breaking up families. In this case, as in those cases, the responsibility and blame lies with the people who chose to break the law, not the people tasked with enforcing it and cleaning up the mess. If your suggestion is that anyone who has squeezed out a kid or two should become immune to laws and the consequences of breaking them - and we know that IS what you're suggesting, since you insist on chanting "misdemeanor, misdemeanor!" to signal to everyone how negligible and silly you think our national sovereignty is - then I'm going to have to point out yet again that there's a reason why no one takes you seriously and views you with the same disdain they'd give to a dumpster fire.

There is NOT a reason why Trump can't process these people and ship the whole family back, because that's exactly what happens in the vast majority of cases. There ARE reasons, however, why the Trump administration can't detain children with their parents if the parents insist on prolonging the process, and those reasons are called "laws".

You might as well give up arguing that Trump should just disregard the law and do as he pleases, the way your hero Obama used to do. There's no way we're going to believe that you would let that pass unremarked, and there's no way we're going to be in favor of it ourselves, since a large part of the reason Trump was elected was PRECISELY because we were tired of having a President who thought he was God-Emperor.
A link I have below shows that Obama had a lot of unaccompanied children from south of the border to take care of. I hate when the extreme righties here always say 'but obama did it too, waa waa waa', like a bunch of little kids trying to justify a bad thing they did.

Trump cannot blame policy of separating children on Obama

Straw man. No one is comparing it to Obama housing unaccompanied minors. We're ACTUALLY comparing it to Obama's policy of simply releasing illegal immigrants into the population with no attempt at prosecuting them, let alone deporting them.
The law was made in 1997. It doesn't stipulate about separating families per se, but it bans kids from being put in adult jails (where the parents are) - so it de facto does stipulate separating famiies. Note: this applies to ALL criminals, and ALL laws - Americans, burglaries, bad checks, everything.

As for EOs, they can make a new law. They can't rescind an existing one. Only Congress can do that (which Trump has stated)
No, it wasn’t. Cite the 1997 law that stipulates breaking up families....
Cite any year law that stipulates not prosecuting criminals and putting them in jail for their crimes if they have kids.
Misdemeanors rarely land folks in jail.

Crossing the border illegally is an exception. Last time I checked, there was no law requiring that ALL misdemeanors be treated as exactly the same. As with all crimes, the handling and punishment depends entirely on the circumstances of the crime.

And FYI, don't think it's lost on anyone that you Unamerican traitorous sacks of shit keep parroting that "just a misdemeanor" line over and over because what you're REALLY saying is that you think illegal immigration is nothing important and shouldn't be a crime at all.

Go ahead, draw an analogy between illegal immigration and jaywalking. That seems to be really popular with you asshats, and not a one of you seems to realize that all you're accomplishing is to tell people how little you value our nation.
Jaywalking isn’t a federal crime. It’s not even a misdemeanor where I live. So no, there is no analogy there to draw upon. But g’head, keep on cheering to rip families apart.

G'head, keep on cheering the use of children as tools to commit crimes.

Don't even TRY to claim the moral high ground on me, bub. I'M not the one who keeps shouting, "misdemeanor!" to show everyone disdain for the border. I'm not the one who keeps demanding that Trump just rewrite the laws on the fly, and pretending that would be accepted. And it's YOUR comrades in lying who keep bringing up jaywalking. No one on MY side of the argument thinks the immigration laws are negligible.

For most of those people, the separation is a day or two. And then they're deported. Damned right I'm cheering for it, and proud of it. How proud are YOU of admitting that you think the law is just a suggestion, to be ignored on a whim?
A link I have below shows that Obama had a lot of unaccompanied children from south of the border to take care of. I hate when the extreme righties here always say 'but obama did it too, waa waa waa', like a bunch of little kids trying to justify a bad thing they did.

Trump cannot blame policy of separating children on Obama

Straw man. No one is comparing it to Obama housing unaccompanied minors. We're ACTUALLY comparing it to Obama's policy of simply releasing illegal immigrants into the population with no attempt at prosecuting them, let alone deporting them.
Kathryn Steinle.

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