Expert: President Trump can issue executive order stopping family separations at the border

Translation: " I win because I say I do." Sorry kid you're just not up to snuff.

No worries. You tell yourself whatever you need to hear to feel better about yourself.

So wait, you DIDN'T want the families to stay together?
Of course I do, but not in jail. That’s your strawman to fight since your position is too weak to stand on its own without one.

No, that's YOU revealing your real agenda, which I for one have been stating all along: you think the only "humane" solution is to simply let all illegals loose into the interior of the country, and not prosecute any of them. And no solution will ever be right EXCEPT that. It was never that you thought it was "horrible" for children to be separated from their parents, any more than you thought it was "horrible" two years ago to detain families together. You think it's "horrible" to enforce the border.

What little moral standing you had on this subject is now officially gone.
Nah, you’re just a raving imbecile as that is not my “agenda.” What I’d like to see happen is to have the entire family caught at the border, kept together, processed within 72 hours — and shipped back to the country they came from. And if they can’t be sent back to the country of origin, send them back across the border they crossed.

See now why I always considered you an idiot?

Oh, bullshit. Maybe I'm giving you too much credit for intelligence. Maybe you really don't understand anything that's going on here.

Most illegals are already processed very quickly, but no matter how much you try to streamline the process, there are always hitches. I mean, honestly, did you think we were holding onto these people and taking responsibility for feeding, housing, and caring for them because we enjoyed their company?

Sure, you can do the hearing and the deportation order in a day or two, but then what do you think happens? You think we just fly over their country of origin and push 'em out the door with parachutes? Unless we want an international incident, we have to make arrangements with their home country to send 'em back. All of the countries insist on some sort of documentation to prove that the person actually belongs there. Countries like Mexico, it's pretty quick and easy. Some others make it a pain in the ass. And SOME countries refuse to accept deportees. I absolutely think the US should make those countries suffer miserably, diplomatically speaking, until they take their runaways back.

And then there's the question of the ones who request asylum. If they started out by sneaking into the country, instead of going through proper channels, we don't turn 'em loose to await the processing of their asylum claim. Partly, that's because they tend not to come back for their hearings. Partly it's for their benefit, because their cases get processed much faster if they're in custody than if they're turned loose.

Meanwhile, the reality is that we have to do SOMETHING with those people. Which brings us back to the question: what would YOU like to do with people until they can be deported?
Oh I didn't miss the point. Sounds like you missed the entire thing.

Those pictures were taken in 2014. Who was POTUS in 2014??
I already answered that. Are you having a hard time following? Here I’ll paste my previous response....

Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

It was the law then and its the law now.

The only disgusting thing I see is idiots like you who want to be responsible for the world.

Those kids were brought by their supposed parents claiming to be refugees. Many of them don't belong to the adults who brought them.

If you want to hold yourself responsible then be my guest. I sure as fuck won't.

Oh the children, What a load of horseshit.

Something is wrong with you. They are kids

Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents.

Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Well, they DO travel without their parents. It's arguable whether a lot of them are old enough.

If the parents don't think they are old enough, why do they send them? Honestly, this confirms my questioning a lot of what's being said.
What about my statement makes you think I missed the pictures? Sounds like you missed the point. Read slower

Oh I didn't miss the point. Sounds like you missed the entire thing.

Those pictures were taken in 2014. Who was POTUS in 2014??
I already answered that. Are you having a hard time following? Here I’ll paste my previous response....

Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

It was the law then and its the law now.

The only disgusting thing I see is idiots like you who want to be responsible for the world.

Those kids were brought by their supposed parents claiming to be refugees. Many of them don't belong to the adults who brought them.

If you want to hold yourself responsible then be my guest. I sure as fuck won't.

Oh the children, What a load of horseshit.

Something is wrong with you. They are kids

Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents.

Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
So what’s your point?
Oh I didn't miss the point. Sounds like you missed the entire thing.

Those pictures were taken in 2014. Who was POTUS in 2014??
I already answered that. Are you having a hard time following? Here I’ll paste my previous response....

Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

It was the law then and its the law now.

The only disgusting thing I see is idiots like you who want to be responsible for the world.

Those kids were brought by their supposed parents claiming to be refugees. Many of them don't belong to the adults who brought them.

If you want to hold yourself responsible then be my guest. I sure as fuck won't.

Oh the children, What a load of horseshit.

Something is wrong with you. They are kids

Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents.

Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
So what’s your point?

My point is that apparently the PARENTS of these "children" thought they were old enough to travel across an entire nation to get to our borders. So, while you claim to think there's something "wrong" with Claudette, you are falsely portraying the young people as "kids".
I already answered that. Are you having a hard time following? Here I’ll paste my previous response....

Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

It was the law then and its the law now.

The only disgusting thing I see is idiots like you who want to be responsible for the world.

Those kids were brought by their supposed parents claiming to be refugees. Many of them don't belong to the adults who brought them.

If you want to hold yourself responsible then be my guest. I sure as fuck won't.

Oh the children, What a load of horseshit.

Something is wrong with you. They are kids

Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents.

Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
So what’s your point?

My point is that apparently the PARENTS of these "children" thought they were old enough to travel across an entire nation to get to our borders. So, while you claim to think there's something "wrong" with Claudette, you are falsely portraying the young people as "kids".
Your saying that kids young kids aren’t being detained? Really?
It was the law then and its the law now.

The only disgusting thing I see is idiots like you who want to be responsible for the world.

Those kids were brought by their supposed parents claiming to be refugees. Many of them don't belong to the adults who brought them.

If you want to hold yourself responsible then be my guest. I sure as fuck won't.

Oh the children, What a load of horseshit.

Something is wrong with you. They are kids

Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents.

Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
So what’s your point?

My point is that apparently the PARENTS of these "children" thought they were old enough to travel across an entire nation to get to our borders. So, while you claim to think there's something "wrong" with Claudette, you are falsely portraying the young people as "kids".
Your saying that kids young kids aren’t being detained? Really?

Are you retarded? Go back and read what I said. "Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents." People like you are just tiresome.
Something is wrong with you. They are kids

Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents.

Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
So what’s your point?

My point is that apparently the PARENTS of these "children" thought they were old enough to travel across an entire nation to get to our borders. So, while you claim to think there's something "wrong" with Claudette, you are falsely portraying the young people as "kids".
Your saying that kids young kids aren’t being detained? Really?

Are you retarded? Go back and read what I said. "Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents." People like you are just tiresome.
Again I’m not seeing your point? Are you just trying to distract from the real issue that young children were being seperated from their parents? Cause that’s what was really happening. So there were 32k unaccompanied minors... Not seeing your point or what that has to do with the issue at hand
Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents.

Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
So what’s your point?

My point is that apparently the PARENTS of these "children" thought they were old enough to travel across an entire nation to get to our borders. So, while you claim to think there's something "wrong" with Claudette, you are falsely portraying the young people as "kids".
Your saying that kids young kids aren’t being detained? Really?

Are you retarded? Go back and read what I said. "Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents." People like you are just tiresome.
Again I’m not seeing your point? Are you just trying to distract from the real issue that young children were being seperated from their parents? Cause that’s what was really happening. So there were 32k unaccompanied minors... Not seeing your point or what that has to do with the issue at hand

Ok, let me simplify it for you even further. There are 12,000 children in custody right now. 2,000 were separated from their parents when their parents were arrested. 10,000 were separated from their parents by their parents. I do NOT like that the 2,000 were separated from their parents, but I'd like it even LESS if those 2,000 were put in jail with their parents and other adults.
So what’s your point?

My point is that apparently the PARENTS of these "children" thought they were old enough to travel across an entire nation to get to our borders. So, while you claim to think there's something "wrong" with Claudette, you are falsely portraying the young people as "kids".
Your saying that kids young kids aren’t being detained? Really?

Are you retarded? Go back and read what I said. "Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents." People like you are just tiresome.
Again I’m not seeing your point? Are you just trying to distract from the real issue that young children were being seperated from their parents? Cause that’s what was really happening. So there were 32k unaccompanied minors... Not seeing your point or what that has to do with the issue at hand

Ok, let me simplify it for you even further. There are 12,000 children in custody right now. 2,000 were separated from their parents when their parents were arrested. 10,000 were separated from their parents by their parents. I do NOT like that the 2,000 were separated from their parents, but I'd like it even LESS if those 2,000 were put in jail with their parents and other adults.
So it sounds like you support the old system that Trump just changed. Do you take issue with his EO?
My point is that apparently the PARENTS of these "children" thought they were old enough to travel across an entire nation to get to our borders. So, while you claim to think there's something "wrong" with Claudette, you are falsely portraying the young people as "kids".
Your saying that kids young kids aren’t being detained? Really?

Are you retarded? Go back and read what I said. "Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents." People like you are just tiresome.
Again I’m not seeing your point? Are you just trying to distract from the real issue that young children were being seperated from their parents? Cause that’s what was really happening. So there were 32k unaccompanied minors... Not seeing your point or what that has to do with the issue at hand

Ok, let me simplify it for you even further. There are 12,000 children in custody right now. 2,000 were separated from their parents when their parents were arrested. 10,000 were separated from their parents by their parents. I do NOT like that the 2,000 were separated from their parents, but I'd like it even LESS if those 2,000 were put in jail with their parents and other adults.
So it sounds like you support the old system that Trump just changed. Do you take issue with his EO?

I honestly believe you are trolling for attention and I made a mistake responding to you in the first place. Troll, troll, troll your boat, but no more attention from me!
Your saying that kids young kids aren’t being detained? Really?

Are you retarded? Go back and read what I said. "Over 32,000 are old enough to travel across Mexico unaccompanied by their parents." People like you are just tiresome.
Again I’m not seeing your point? Are you just trying to distract from the real issue that young children were being seperated from their parents? Cause that’s what was really happening. So there were 32k unaccompanied minors... Not seeing your point or what that has to do with the issue at hand

Ok, let me simplify it for you even further. There are 12,000 children in custody right now. 2,000 were separated from their parents when their parents were arrested. 10,000 were separated from their parents by their parents. I do NOT like that the 2,000 were separated from their parents, but I'd like it even LESS if those 2,000 were put in jail with their parents and other adults.
So it sounds like you support the old system that Trump just changed. Do you take issue with his EO?

I honestly believe you are trolling for attention and I made a mistake responding to you in the first place. Troll, troll, troll your boat, but no more attention from me!
I’m not trolling at all. I see hyperbolic statements and distraction tactics like you were doing and I call them out. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong and I’ll apologize but you’ll have to make a smart argument. Yelling troll and then running away is not giving any credibility to your statements

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