Expert: President Trump can issue executive order stopping family separations at the border

Oh I didn't miss the point. Sounds like you missed the entire thing.

Those pictures were taken in 2014. Who was POTUS in 2014??
I already answered that. Are you having a hard time following? Here I’ll paste my previous response....

Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

The problem with kids at the border is totally a Democrat creation. Watching all you sleazy lying pretentious douchebags pretending your leaders had nothing to do with it is the ultimate nauseating circus.
WTF?? If it was just a Democrat creation, why did Trump reverse his family break-up policy yesterday?

Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

It wasn't? In what world was immigration and the border NOT a mess prior to Trump's administration? And what color is the sky IN that world?
I already answered that. Are you having a hard time following? Here I’ll paste my previous response....

Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

The problem with kids at the border is totally a Democrat creation. Watching all you sleazy lying pretentious douchebags pretending your leaders had nothing to do with it is the ultimate nauseating circus.
WTF?? If it was just a Democrat creation, why did Trump reverse his family break-up policy yesterday?

Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Its the same mess it was back in 2014 only back then with Barry as POTUS you certainly didn't give a shit.
Nope, not the same mess as Obama wasn't locking of border crossers for committing misdemeanors and separating families. This is all new to Trump due to his zero tolerance policy.
I already answered that. Are you having a hard time following? Here I’ll paste my previous response....

Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

The problem with kids at the border is totally a Democrat creation. Watching all you sleazy lying pretentious douchebags pretending your leaders had nothing to do with it is the ultimate nauseating circus.
WTF?? If it was just a Democrat creation, why did Trump reverse his family break-up policy yesterday?

Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Yeah, right:


Those were unaccompanied kids who crossed the border. Not kids who the government ripped from their parents arms. How many times need you be informed of this until it sinks in, fucking moron?
The problem with kids at the border is totally a Democrat creation. Watching all you sleazy lying pretentious douchebags pretending your leaders had nothing to do with it is the ultimate nauseating circus.
WTF?? If it was just a Democrat creation, why did Trump reverse his family break-up policy yesterday?

Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Its the same mess it was back in 2014 only back then with Barry as POTUS you certainly didn't give a shit.
Nope, not the same mess as Obama wasn't locking of border crossers for committing misdemeanors and separating families. This is all new to Trump due to his zero tolerance policy.

Of course he wasn't. Those pictures of kids in cells are fake. LMAO

You really are an idiot.
I already answered that. Are you having a hard time following? Here I’ll paste my previous response....

Obama was president in 2014, if you need to point the finger at Obama to feel better then go right ahead, if you need to change the focus of the conversation towards partisan hypocrisy then go right ahead but none of that changes the facts. Those are weak diversions. Trump issued a directive of zero tolerance that directly impacted this problem. He could undo it with a phone call. He is trying to use it as leverage to get his wall. The Left is politicizing the shit out of this to make Trump look heartless. That’s what’s happening and while it’s all happening the problem with kids at the border is really happening and it is disgusting.

The problem with kids at the border is totally a Democrat creation. Watching all you sleazy lying pretentious douchebags pretending your leaders had nothing to do with it is the ultimate nauseating circus.
WTF?? If it was just a Democrat creation, why did Trump reverse his family break-up policy yesterday?

Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

It wasn't? In what world was immigration and the border NOT a mess prior to Trump's administration? And what color is the sky IN that world?
You poor thing, bless your heart. But do try harder to keep up. The "mess" of tearing kids away from their parents is the "mess" being discussed.
Oh the children, What a load of horseshit.

Maybe if we kept our noses out of Central America for the past few decades -- they wouldn't be so fucked up now --- but we didn't and now the chickens have come to roost
It's always America's fault with you dumbass snowflakes, isn't it? Central America is fucked up because it's infested by Central Americans.
WTF?? If it was just a Democrat creation, why did Trump reverse his family break-up policy yesterday?

Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Its the same mess it was back in 2014 only back then with Barry as POTUS you certainly didn't give a shit.
Nope, not the same mess as Obama wasn't locking of border crossers for committing misdemeanors and separating families. This is all new to Trump due to his zero tolerance policy.

Of course he wasn't. Those pictures of kids in cells are fake. LMAO

You really are an idiot.
No, the photos are not fake -- they're just not of kids who were taken from their parents by our government.
Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Its the same mess it was back in 2014 only back then with Barry as POTUS you certainly didn't give a shit.
Nope, not the same mess as Obama wasn't locking of border crossers for committing misdemeanors and separating families. This is all new to Trump due to his zero tolerance policy.

Of course he wasn't. Those pictures of kids in cells are fake. LMAO

You really are an idiot.
No, the photos are not fake -- they're just not of kids who were taken from their parents by our government.

The papers tell a different tale.

You really are an idiot.
The problem with kids at the border is totally a Democrat creation. Watching all you sleazy lying pretentious douchebags pretending your leaders had nothing to do with it is the ultimate nauseating circus.
WTF?? If it was just a Democrat creation, why did Trump reverse his family break-up policy yesterday?

Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Yeah, right:


Those were unaccompanied kids who crossed the border. Not kids who the government ripped from their parents arms. How many times need you be informed of this until it sinks in, fucking moron?
Nevertheless, your messiah, Obama, put them in cages. He put thousands of pathetic little children in cages.
(D) Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer, proudly publicly proclaimed the Democrats aren't gonna do anything on Immigration. He boasted about it.

The Democrats want this Open Border chaos. That should be very obvious to American Voters. Hopefully they'll make Democrats pay at the Ballot Box. Stay tuned.
Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Its the same mess it was back in 2014 only back then with Barry as POTUS you certainly didn't give a shit.
Nope, not the same mess as Obama wasn't locking of border crossers for committing misdemeanors and separating families. This is all new to Trump due to his zero tolerance policy.

Of course he wasn't. Those pictures of kids in cells are fake. LMAO

You really are an idiot.
No, the photos are not fake -- they're just not of kids who were taken from their parents by our government.

As if that's the only issue that matters. And, of course, Obama did the same exact thing.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Its the same mess it was back in 2014 only back then with Barry as POTUS you certainly didn't give a shit.
Nope, not the same mess as Obama wasn't locking of border crossers for committing misdemeanors and separating families. This is all new to Trump due to his zero tolerance policy.

Of course he wasn't. Those pictures of kids in cells are fake. LMAO

You really are an idiot.
No, the photos are not fake -- they're just not of kids who were taken from their parents by our government.

The papers tell a different tale.

You really are an idiot.
No, they don't...

Children at the Border

More than 68,000 children have been caught crossing the United States border alone since October — double last year’s number. President Obama has called the surge an “urgent humanitarian situation,” and lawmakers have called for hearings on the crisis.

Since Jan. 1, more than 43,000 unaccompanied minors have been placed with sponsors, usually parents or relatives. They remain there while their cases are being processed. The majority of the children are in states where immigrants have traditionally settled, like Texas, New York, California and Florida. A large number have also been sent to Maryland, Virginia, Georgia and Louisiana.
The problem with kids at the border is totally a Democrat creation. Watching all you sleazy lying pretentious douchebags pretending your leaders had nothing to do with it is the ultimate nauseating circus.
WTF?? If it was just a Democrat creation, why did Trump reverse his family break-up policy yesterday?

Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Yeah, right:


Those were unaccompanied kids who crossed the border. Not kids who the government ripped from their parents arms. How many times need you be informed of this until it sinks in, fucking moron?

What difference does that make? Are you OK with putting children in cages?
WTF?? If it was just a Democrat creation, why did Trump reverse his family break-up policy yesterday?

Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Yeah, right:


Those were unaccompanied kids who crossed the border. Not kids who the government ripped from their parents arms. How many times need you be informed of this until it sinks in, fucking moron?

What difference does that make? Are you OK with putting children in cages?
Of course not. That's a different issue. This thread is about tearing kids away from their parents.
Oh the children, What a load of horseshit.

Maybe if we kept our noses out of Central America for the past few decades -- they wouldn't be so fucked up now --- but we didn't and now the chickens have come to roost

Yeah, Central America would be paradise if the United States would just ignore them.

You get more brain-damaged with every post. At some point, you're going to forget how to breathe in and out.
...but we didn't did we

TO THE MODS: Can I get a Sarcasm emoji, please? This whole "English language" thing seems to be a bit beyond Biffy here without cue cards.
Just because it's the Democrats' mess doesn't mean SOMEONE isn't going to have to clean it up.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Yeah, right:


Those were unaccompanied kids who crossed the border. Not kids who the government ripped from their parents arms. How many times need you be informed of this until it sinks in, fucking moron?

What difference does that make? Are you OK with putting children in cages?
Of course not. That's a different issue. This thread is about tearing kids away from their parents.

Well be happy, they'll now stay with their parents in prison. You won.

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Yeah, right:


Those were unaccompanied kids who crossed the border. Not kids who the government ripped from their parents arms. How many times need you be informed of this until it sinks in, fucking moron?

What difference does that make? Are you OK with putting children in cages?
Of course not. That's a different issue. This thread is about tearing kids away from their parents.

Well be happy, they'll now stay with their parents in prison. You won.

Your useless strawman is laughed at and summarily discarded. * poof *

It wasn't a "mess" before Trump got his little fingers on it.

Yeah, right:


Those were unaccompanied kids who crossed the border. Not kids who the government ripped from their parents arms. How many times need you be informed of this until it sinks in, fucking moron?

What difference does that make? Are you OK with putting children in cages?
Of course not. That's a different issue. This thread is about tearing kids away from their parents.

Well be happy, they'll now stay with their parents in prison. You won.

Which was "eeeevil" before, and will be "eeevil" again in about two minutes, because all this is a mass of smoke and mirrors to sneak in catch-and-release.
Yeah, right:


Those were unaccompanied kids who crossed the border. Not kids who the government ripped from their parents arms. How many times need you be informed of this until it sinks in, fucking moron?

What difference does that make? Are you OK with putting children in cages?
Of course not. That's a different issue. This thread is about tearing kids away from their parents.

Well be happy, they'll now stay with their parents in prison. You won.

Your useless strawman is laughed at and summarily discarded. * poof *

Translation: " I win because I say I do." Sorry kid you're just not up to snuff.
Those were unaccompanied kids who crossed the border. Not kids who the government ripped from their parents arms. How many times need you be informed of this until it sinks in, fucking moron?

What difference does that make? Are you OK with putting children in cages?
Of course not. That's a different issue. This thread is about tearing kids away from their parents.

Well be happy, they'll now stay with their parents in prison. You won.

Your useless strawman is laughed at and summarily discarded. * poof *

Translation: " I win because I say I do." Sorry kid you're just not up to snuff.

No worries. You tell yourself whatever you need to hear to feel better about yourself.

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