Expert: President Trump can issue executive order stopping family separations at the border

What they're angling for is for Trump to use the same Unconstitutional power Obama did, simply decide not to enforce the law, and turn all the illegal immigrants loose to wander away and disappear. And THEN - bonus! - they get the masses of illegals they want AND they get to attack Trump for not solving illegal immigration.
Trump has already decided not to enforce other laws he wants changed. Don’t pretend like this is something he hasn’t done, can’t do, or won’t do.
Which other laws?

Sorry, but the Trump administration has continued to abide by the law in regards to Obamacare. It continues to function exactly as specified by the laws currently in effect. Trying to compare Trump's completely legal and Constitutional pushing for Congressional legislation CHANGING Obamacare to Obama simply saying, "I don't like this law, so fuck it, I'm not going to enforce it" is just another sign that we should ignore everything you say.
Liar, it is not functioning exactly how it was specified in the law. The law included an individual mandate. Trump is ignoring that and is not enforcing it. What a pity you foaming at the mouth righties struggle do to post without lying.

Ah, yes. "Trump is ignoring the law, by changing it."

I actually did a very thorough answer of your utter bullshit, and the computer lost it when I hit "Post". So I'm going to have to recompile it when I have some more time.
Obama was not even remotely tough on illegals, and when his administration was forced to deal with them instead of just turning them loose, they bungled it mightily.

That clear things up for you, Sparkles?

So you admit at least that when Obama came up with the plan of separating children from their mothers -- that was an awesome kick ass idea, right?

I mean, that took some serious balls to just stick it to those illegals like that, show those fucking animals where they belong, and Obama did that -- fuck yea!

Why don't you just give the man credit for doing a great thing?

"So you admit . . . something that bears no resemblance to what you actually said."

You really need to stop renting out the space between your ears as a landfill.
Trump has already decided not to enforce other laws he wants changed. Don’t pretend like this is something he hasn’t done, can’t do, or won’t do.
Which other laws?

Sorry, but the Trump administration has continued to abide by the law in regards to Obamacare. It continues to function exactly as specified by the laws currently in effect. Trying to compare Trump's completely legal and Constitutional pushing for Congressional legislation CHANGING Obamacare to Obama simply saying, "I don't like this law, so fuck it, I'm not going to enforce it" is just another sign that we should ignore everything you say.
Liar, it is not functioning exactly how it was specified in the law. The law included an individual mandate. Trump is ignoring that and is not enforcing it. What a pity you foaming at the mouth righties struggle do to post without lying.

Ah, yes. "Trump is ignoring the law, by changing it."

I actually did a very thorough answer of your utter bullshit, and the computer lost it when I hit "Post". So I'm going to have to recompile it when I have some more time.
If Trump ignored the law I still don't think the regressive libs would "fawn" all over him like they do Bath house.
For the Dims, this is STILL about votes. Nothing else. Their crocodile tears aren't fooling anyone anymore.
They don't give a damn about any children. They're idiot children themselves!
They are wanting the border invaded because it's the ONLY possible way for them to keep any kind of power in DC. PERIOD. And everyone smart knows it.

I don't give a flying _____ what else they may say.
The policy of locking up every single illegal alien charged with a misdemeanor is resulting in breaking up families. No other president before Trump ever did that. There’s reason Trump can’t simply process these people and ship the whole family back whole, rather than incarcerating the parents and shipping their kids off to various locations around the country.
Possible solutions;
Seal the border so they can't get here in the first place. Best one.
Immediately deport all of them without trial.
Imprison the kids with the Parents until trial and deportation. Liberals didn't like that one.
there are already walls and fences along much of the border and building newer and bigger ones are still not going to keep illegals out. If you want to stop illegal immigration, make it harder for them to find work here.
Easier to build one single buildable wall then to police hundreds, perhaps thousands of businesses who want cheap labor.
And when they continue to get in in spite of the wall, then what? Build a third one even higher?
cross that bridge when we get to it.
Nah, we’ve been down that road before.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... well ya can’t get fooled again — old Tennessee proverb
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
Obama didn't separate children and parents.
Yeah? Then..gosh..what is this?


Sorry, but the Trump administration has continued to abide by the law in regards to Obamacare. It continues to function exactly as specified by the laws currently in effect. Trying to compare Trump's completely legal and Constitutional pushing for Congressional legislation CHANGING Obamacare to Obama simply saying, "I don't like this law, so fuck it, I'm not going to enforce it" is just another sign that we should ignore everything you say.
Liar, it is not functioning exactly how it was specified in the law. The law included an individual mandate. Trump is ignoring that and is not enforcing it. What a pity you foaming at the mouth righties struggle do to post without lying.

Ah, yes. "Trump is ignoring the law, by changing it."

I actually did a very thorough answer of your utter bullshit, and the computer lost it when I hit "Post". So I'm going to have to recompile it when I have some more time.
If Trump ignored the law I still don't think the regressive libs would "fawn" all over him like they do Bath house.

Of course not. I've pointed out several times that they're trying to get the bonus of all the unimpeded illegals they want, AND the chance to attack Trump for not fixing illegal immigration.
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

Do you think a single child should be allowed into this country when we cannot verify that the adult they are with are not child sex traffickers?
Of course not, safety first. But don’t conflate the situation everybody knows that’s not what’s happening which is why you hear both Trump and republicans calling for a change in the law to keep families together. It’s a bit hypocritical for Trump to be doing so as he is the one using this as leverage to get his wall
How can everyone know that's not what's happening when 99 percent of us are not down there at the border? lol
Because nobody is saying that’s what’s happening except for the partisan that are trying to make excuses. Most elected officials including Trump is advocating a change to the law to keep families together
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

Do you think a single child should be allowed into this country when we cannot verify that the adult they are with are not child sex traffickers?
Of course not, safety first. But don’t conflate the situation everybody knows that’s not what’s happening which is why you hear both Trump and republicans calling for a change in the law to keep families together. It’s a bit hypocritical for Trump to be doing so as he is the one using this as leverage to get his wall

Is that why the Libs and the Liberal Media, knowing the prevalence of Child Sex Trafficking on our souther border pushed so hard for the change?

Yea, right?
Again, what does that have to do with anything? When you ditch the topic to try and point out the hypocrisy of your opponents then you have lost the argument. I don’t give a shit about the wingnut hypocrites in either side. Pointing to that doesn’t make your point any stronger, it only makes you sound weak
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???

"Barry"? Nicely played, the base of bigots probably adores you.

But, I digress. President Obama is not President of the United States at the moment, and if every living FLOTUS had told him his policy was cruel and immoral I suspect President Obama would have considered their counsel and issue and EO to reunite the children with their parent(s).

Of course the current Commander-in-Chief's (donnie) moral turpitude will mean he will continue to blame Obama and the Democrats as will the Trumpanzees, and never take any responsibility for things which go awry.

So, you want the children in jail with the parents?
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

Do you think a single child should be allowed into this country when we cannot verify that the adult they are with are not child sex traffickers?
Of course not, safety first. But don’t conflate the situation everybody knows that’s not what’s happening which is why you hear both Trump and republicans calling for a change in the law to keep families together. It’s a bit hypocritical for Trump to be doing so as he is the one using this as leverage to get his wall
How can everyone know that's not what's happening when 99 percent of us are not down there at the border? lol
Because nobody is saying that’s what’s happening except for the partisan that are trying to make excuses. Most elected officials including Trump is advocating a change to the law to keep families together
Keep them together in Mexico.
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

It is an option to put an offender in jail on a misdemeanor...especially if the offender doesn't have a fixed address.
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter
Actually there was a law suite that created the law that requires children to not be housed with adults while their asylum claim is being processed.
It's sad that the Democrats are sick with hate that they want kids to be housed with adult Human Traffickers, rapist and murderers
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
So what? What does that have to do with anything that’s going on now? Do you really think that distracting from the situation by trying to point out political hypocrisy is of any help?

Are you trying to make a point that since Dems didn’t complain about it under Obama then they have no right to complain about what’s happening now? Fine, fair point so all the partisan hacks can beat it... so now that it is us moderates and independents left, what do you think about the issue at hand?

So, what is YOUR idea for a solution? Do you want the children to go to jail with their parents?
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses

But, it's not illegal or even unusual to go to jail for a misdemeanor. It is unusual to go to prison for committing a misdemeanor and in most states (I'm not sure about all 50), it will not happen.
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

It is an option to put an offender in jail on a misdemeanor...especially if the offender doesn't have a fixed address.
Yes, it’s also an option to put jaywalkers in jail but we aren’t questioning the legality, it’s a question about the right way to enforce.
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
So what? What does that have to do with anything that’s going on now? Do you really think that distracting from the situation by trying to point out political hypocrisy is of any help?

Are you trying to make a point that since Dems didn’t complain about it under Obama then they have no right to complain about what’s happening now? Fine, fair point so all the partisan hacks can beat it... so now that it is us moderates and independents left, what do you think about the issue at hand?

So, what is YOUR idea for a solution? Do you want the children to go to jail with their parents?
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses

But, it's not illegal or even unusual to go to jail for a misdemeanor. It is unusual to go to prison for committing a misdemeanor and in most states (I'm not sure about all 50), it will not happen.
Again, not questioning the legality. Questioning the way the laws are being enforced. Trump made a zero tolerance policy and ramped up the severity that they enforce these laws. That’s his right, but as we can see it is causing a lot of controversy
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

It is an option to put an offender in jail on a misdemeanor...especially if the offender doesn't have a fixed address.
Yes, it’s also an option to put jaywalkers in jail but we aren’t questioning the legality, it’s a question about the right way to enforce.

The offender has no fixed address. His/her appearance in court cannot be guaranteed and if he/she is released, it is likely they will not be found and arrested for not appearing because they will not be found. It is the right way to enforce in such a circumstance.
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Is that so ? Why not ?
Why not? Because they are not serious offenses. Do you think we should throw jaywalkers in jail as well? How about people who run stop signs or speed? Kind of a silly question don’t you think?

It is an option to put an offender in jail on a misdemeanor...especially if the offender doesn't have a fixed address.
Yes, it’s also an option to put jaywalkers in jail but we aren’t questioning the legality, it’s a question about the right way to enforce.

The offender has no fixed address. His/her appearance in court cannot be guaranteed and if he/she is released, it is likely they will not be found and arrested for not appearing because they will not be found. It is the right way to enforce in such a circumstance.
That’s fine if you feel that way. Sounding like the majority of people disagree with you. Including Trump and Ted Cruz

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