Experts warn UK against 'blindly' following US in jabbing healthy five-year-olds against Covid because the reasons are 'scientifically weak' — as FDA


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Meanwhile, the insanity of vaccinating 5-11-year-olds here in the USA goes forward. The soon-to-be ex-mayor of NYC seems almost demonically gleeful at the thought of vaccinating these 5-11-year-olds. It is quite scary.

Experts warn UK against 'blindly' following US in jabbing healthy five-year-olds against Covid because the reasons are 'scientifically weak' — as FDA panel approves Pfizer's vaccine for primary school-aged children

Arguments to vaccinate children as young as five against Covid are 'scientifically weak', British experts claimed today after the US moved closer to jabbing infants. An advisory panel to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday almost unanimously agreed the benefits of giving under-12s Pfizer's jab outweighed risks.

American health chiefs are expected to green light the plans within days, which will put pressure on the UK to follow suit.

But British scientists have warned against 'blindly' recommending the jabs to primary school-aged children without weighing up the risks 'extremely carefully'.

Professor David Livermore, a medical microbiologist at the University of East Anglia told MailOnline: 'Vaccinating children to protect adults via herd immunity is ethically dubious and is scientifically weak.'

There are also still fears about myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation detected in children, mostly boys, in around one in 10,000 cases after vaccination.

Critics say children are better off catching Covid and getting protection naturally because the risk of being admitted to ICU is about one in 500,000.


Critics say children are better off catching Covid and getting protection naturally because the risk of being admitted to ICU is about one in 500,000.
Imagine being a working parent, just getting by, and you have your child vaccinated so they can stay in school...THEN they become chronically ill or even pass away. Imagine living with the horror of the fact that had they just refused the jab, their child would still be alive. The government may have finally found a sure way to cause people to violently rise up.
The latest data shows that children are also getting covid and potentially dying from it. Getting the jab may be "less risky".

Only a small proportion of young children with Covid get severely ill or die. Though weekly data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that Covid deaths among children under age 15 also reached its highest level in September, only 41 children died of Covid from Sept. 4 to Oct. 2.

And, this is what we are trying to avoid with this highly adaptable and transmissible pathogen:

From September through November of 1918, the death rate from the Spanish flu skyrocketed. In the United States alone, 195,000 Americans died from the Spanish flu in just the month of October. And unlike a normal seasonal flu, which mostly claims victims among the very young and very old, the second wave of the Spanish flu exhibited what’s called a “W curve”—high numbers of deaths among the young and old, but also a huge spike in the middle composed of otherwise healthy 25- to 35-year-olds in the prime of their life.

“That really freaked out the medical establishment, that there was this atypical spike in the middle of the W,” says Harris.

Meanwhile, the insanity of vaccinating 5-11-year-olds here in the USA goes forward. The soon-to-be ex-mayor of NYC seems almost demonically gleeful at the thought of vaccinating these 5-11-year-olds. It is quite scary.

Experts warn UK against 'blindly' following US in jabbing healthy five-year-olds against Covid because the reasons are 'scientifically weak' — as FDA panel approves Pfizer's vaccine for primary school-aged children

Arguments to vaccinate children as young as five against Covid are 'scientifically weak', British experts claimed today after the US moved closer to jabbing infants. An advisory panel to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday almost unanimously agreed the benefits of giving under-12s Pfizer's jab outweighed risks.
American health chiefs are expected to green light the plans within days, which will put pressure on the UK to follow suit.
But British scientists have warned against 'blindly' recommending the jabs to primary school-aged children without weighing up the risks 'extremely carefully'.
Professor David Livermore, a medical microbiologist at the University of East Anglia told MailOnline: 'Vaccinating children to protect adults via herd immunity is ethically dubious and is scientifically weak.'
There are also still fears about myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation detected in children, mostly boys, in around one in 10,000 cases after vaccination.
Critics say children are better off catching Covid and getting protection naturally because the risk of being admitted to ICU is about one in 500,000.

"Professor" David Livermore is an antivaxer trying to stay relevant. He's been touting the herd immunity thing from day one. This is just the next stage.
The latest data shows that children are also getting covid and potentially dying from it. Getting the jab may be "less risky".

Only a small proportion of young children with Covid get severely ill or die. Though weekly data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that Covid deaths among children under age 15 also reached its highest level in September, only 41 children died of Covid from Sept. 4 to Oct. 2.

And, this is what we are trying to avoid with this highly adaptable and transmissible pathogen:

From September through November of 1918, the death rate from the Spanish flu skyrocketed. In the United States alone, 195,000 Americans died from the Spanish flu in just the month of October. And unlike a normal seasonal flu, which mostly claims victims among the very young and very old, the second wave of the Spanish flu exhibited what’s called a “W curve”—high numbers of deaths among the young and old, but also a huge spike in the middle composed of otherwise healthy 25- to 35-year-olds in the prime of their life.

“That really freaked out the medical establishment, that there was this atypical spike in the middle of the W,” says Harris.

What is “potentially dying”?
"Professor" David Livermore is an antivaxer trying to stay relevant. He's been touting the herd immunity thing from day one. This is just the next stage.
You’ve got some vaccines based on mRNA, some on monkey viruses, some on human viruses, not of these being an attenuated SARS-CoV-2 virus, believed by some to be non-existent. Next, the mandates cross the age barriers with in-your-face authoritarian arrogance at the 5-year-old boundary, the precise age limit that generally defines a mature immune system. This is accelerated medical mafia arrogance quite akin to CRT molesting captive audiences in schools, and by default, the non-present parents of the audience.
You’ve got some vaccines based on mRNA, some on monkey viruses, some on human viruses, not of these being an attenuated SARS-CoV-2 virus, believed by some to be non-existent. Next, the mandates cross the age barriers with in-your-face authoritarian arrogance at the 5-year-old boundary, the precise age limit that generally defines a mature immune system. This is accelerated medical mafia arrogance quite akin to CRT molesting captive audiences in schools, and by default, the non-present parents of the audience.
Yet, you right-wingers have no problem with Ivermectin?
You’ve got some vaccines based on mRNA, some on monkey viruses, some on human viruses, not of these being an attenuated SARS-CoV-2 virus, believed by some to be non-existent. Next, the mandates cross the age barriers with in-your-face authoritarian arrogance at the 5-year-old boundary, the precise age limit that generally defines a mature immune system. This is accelerated medical mafia arrogance quite akin to CRT molesting captive audiences in schools, and by default, the non-present parents of the audience.
Thanks for the irrelevant conspiracy mongering whack-jobbery.

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