Explain how this is an exoneration

Mueller's report explains his prosecutorial decisions in four points.
  1. The DOJ's OLC has issued the opinion that a sitting President cannot be indicted, and the SC accepted that opinion for the purposes of his investigation, further recognizing that a DOJ indictment might preempt the constitutional mechanism of impeachment.
  2. The investigation was nevertheless warranted because an criminal investigation is permitted under the OLC's standard, even when an indictment is not. Other individuals engaging in obstruction could be prosecuted immediately. And the President is not immune from prosecution after leaving office, regardless of whether impeachment proceedings are brought or are successful. So the investigation served the purpose of preserving evidence while witness memories were fresh.
  3. The normal public mechanism for an individual accused of a crime to clear themselves is a speedy public criminal trial. If the sitting President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while in office, then it would be unfair for the SC to affirmatively accuse him of a crime that cannot be prosecuted in a criminal court of law at this time. Even a sealed indictment's secrecy could not be guaranteed to be preserved. Accordingly, a criminal accusation against a sitting President could be harmful to the country, because the accusation cannot be resolved in the normal adversarial manner of a criminal trial.
  4. The results of the investigation do not allow the SC to conclude that the President did not commit obstruction.

So please explain how this exonerates Donald?

Did he delete 33,000 e-mails under subpoena?

Did he smash all his mobile devices with a hammer to avoid examination?

Did he set up secret servers to avoid detection?

Did he use bleachbit to wipe his servers clean to avoid examination?

Did his classified e-mails all end up on a pedophiles laptop?

Guess what? Even if he did all of the above, no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against him. So, we can safely say Trump is in the clear based on FBI/DOJ practices.

No collusion. No obstruction. No Conspiracy. No Cooridation. No Impeachment. 2020 Landslide confirmed.
No crime; therefore, no obstruction.

"Brilliant".....just damn "brilliant"........

The first fucking point in the O/P states that based on DOJ policy (NOT law) a sitting president CANNOT be indicted.
Then sure, "no crime" can be charged to a sitting president....

HOWEVER, Mueller's CLEAR point is that TWO options remain open AFTER his investigation:

1. Impeachment proceedings by the House.......and/or

2. Indicting Trump AFTER he is out of office......

Therefore, Trump's campaign slogan SHOULD be: "Vote for me, my cult, and keep me out of prison"

Again. No crime; therefore, no obstruction. That is how that went down. I'm sorry you don't like it. I'm sorry your unhappy. Whether you like it or not, they guy turned over about a million documents. As has already been pointed out this is very different than say.....over 30,000 missing emails.

Nat, you need to move on.........it's 2019. The rest of the country is done.
Mueller's report explains his prosecutorial decisions in four points.
  1. The DOJ's OLC has issued the opinion that a sitting President cannot be indicted, and the SC accepted that opinion for the purposes of his investigation, further recognizing that a DOJ indictment might preempt the constitutional mechanism of impeachment.
  2. The investigation was nevertheless warranted because an criminal investigation is permitted under the OLC's standard, even when an indictment is not. Other individuals engaging in obstruction could be prosecuted immediately. And the President is not immune from prosecution after leaving office, regardless of whether impeachment proceedings are brought or are successful. So the investigation served the purpose of preserving evidence while witness memories were fresh.
  3. The normal public mechanism for an individual accused of a crime to clear themselves is a speedy public criminal trial. If the sitting President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while in office, then it would be unfair for the SC to affirmatively accuse him of a crime that cannot be prosecuted in a criminal court of law at this time. Even a sealed indictment's secrecy could not be guaranteed to be preserved. Accordingly, a criminal accusation against a sitting President could be harmful to the country, because the accusation cannot be resolved in the normal adversarial manner of a criminal trial.
  4. The results of the investigation do not allow the SC to conclude that the President did not commit obstruction.

So please explain how this exhonerates Donald?

Sadly, you, along with millions of other American Voters have fallen into an endlessly recursive whirlpool/cesspool, really known as the Hegelian-Postmodernist Loop and you cannot escape it because in order to do so, you'd have to want to and wanting to would mean admitting your religion of radical Leftist ideology is wrong? So what is this H-PL mentioned in my first sentence? H-PL is a zealotry disorder wherein adherents (cultists really) who have surrendered their minds and souls fully to the worship of radical Leftist ideology continue endlessly to ask the same question about the same set of issues regardless of the fact that they already know or have the answer(s) and yet nevertheless expect to get a different answer (the one they want) if they ask the same question enough times to enough different people. Of course, facts and truths never change thus the victim of H-PL never receives the answer he or she most desires, no matter how many times he or she asks the same loaded questions. Regrettably, to date no known cure exists.

Perhaps you're sharp enough to understand what I did there in the above paragraph, perhaps not. Allow me to enlighten you. In using true radical Leftist modus operandi I fabricated (from thin air, no less) a new reality wherein a mental disorder no one ever heard of (because I made it up) is sweeping the nation, afflicting mass cross-sections of our Democrat population. My motivation? To mass deceive any who read this thread and sow doubt in the most cherished political foundations of their sentient existence. In short, I wanted to emulate CNN/MSNBC/MSM in general's coverage of the Mueller Report release and much as they are doing to their viewers and the American People at large, plant seeds of, water and nourish a meta narrative forest of overt lies.

What's worse? H-PL, the radical Leftist ideology disorder I created on the fly for this post? It perfectly describes the behavior, MO and symptoms of Leftism dominated mass media, intellectualism and all those who worship its every lying word. That is how blatant are the lies of the MSM who beamed your OP talking points into your brainpan.

In shorter: perhaps you'd like to explain to us how your talking points do not exonerate our great President? Seems the burden to do so rests heavily upon the set of shoulders who will not take "no" for an answer, regardless of truth, facts and the obvious. However, I suspect you will never relent, never accept exoneration, never believe a word not programmed into you by cable news network automatons.
It's just propaganda, dude. Nothing special and it does not only afflict the left.
Mueller's report explains his prosecutorial decisions in four points.
  1. The DOJ's OLC has issued the opinion that a sitting President cannot be indicted, and the SC accepted that opinion for the purposes of his investigation, further recognizing that a DOJ indictment might preempt the constitutional mechanism of impeachment.
  2. The investigation was nevertheless warranted because an criminal investigation is permitted under the OLC's standard, even when an indictment is not. Other individuals engaging in obstruction could be prosecuted immediately. And the President is not immune from prosecution after leaving office, regardless of whether impeachment proceedings are brought or are successful. So the investigation served the purpose of preserving evidence while witness memories were fresh.
  3. The normal public mechanism for an individual accused of a crime to clear themselves is a speedy public criminal trial. If the sitting President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while in office, then it would be unfair for the SC to affirmatively accuse him of a crime that cannot be prosecuted in a criminal court of law at this time. Even a sealed indictment's secrecy could not be guaranteed to be preserved. Accordingly, a criminal accusation against a sitting President could be harmful to the country, because the accusation cannot be resolved in the normal adversarial manner of a criminal trial.
  4. The results of the investigation do not allow the SC to conclude that the President did not commit obstruction.

So please explain how this exonerates Donald?

It exonerates TRUMP by exposing the underlying purpose of the entire Russia investigation and appointment of Mueller as being political.

You must have been reading Brietbart Report, not the Mueller report.

Rudy was on this morning and destroyed the DNC fake news media.
Mueller's report explains his prosecutorial decisions in four points.
  1. The DOJ's OLC has issued the opinion that a sitting President cannot be indicted, and the SC accepted that opinion for the purposes of his investigation, further recognizing that a DOJ indictment might preempt the constitutional mechanism of impeachment.
  2. The investigation was nevertheless warranted because an criminal investigation is permitted under the OLC's standard, even when an indictment is not. Other individuals engaging in obstruction could be prosecuted immediately. And the President is not immune from prosecution after leaving office, regardless of whether impeachment proceedings are brought or are successful. So the investigation served the purpose of preserving evidence while witness memories were fresh.
  3. The normal public mechanism for an individual accused of a crime to clear themselves is a speedy public criminal trial. If the sitting President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while in office, then it would be unfair for the SC to affirmatively accuse him of a crime that cannot be prosecuted in a criminal court of law at this time. Even a sealed indictment's secrecy could not be guaranteed to be preserved. Accordingly, a criminal accusation against a sitting President could be harmful to the country, because the accusation cannot be resolved in the normal adversarial manner of a criminal trial.
  4. The results of the investigation do not allow the SC to conclude that the President did not commit obstruction.

So please explain how this exonerates Donald?
Because he says it does of course.
Mueller's report explains his prosecutorial decisions in four points.
  1. The DOJ's OLC has issued the opinion that a sitting President cannot be indicted, and the SC accepted that opinion for the purposes of his investigation, further recognizing that a DOJ indictment might preempt the constitutional mechanism of impeachment.
  2. The investigation was nevertheless warranted because an criminal investigation is permitted under the OLC's standard, even when an indictment is not. Other individuals engaging in obstruction could be prosecuted immediately. And the President is not immune from prosecution after leaving office, regardless of whether impeachment proceedings are brought or are successful. So the investigation served the purpose of preserving evidence while witness memories were fresh.
  3. The normal public mechanism for an individual accused of a crime to clear themselves is a speedy public criminal trial. If the sitting President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while in office, then it would be unfair for the SC to affirmatively accuse him of a crime that cannot be prosecuted in a criminal court of law at this time. Even a sealed indictment's secrecy could not be guaranteed to be preserved. Accordingly, a criminal accusation against a sitting President could be harmful to the country, because the accusation cannot be resolved in the normal adversarial manner of a criminal trial.
  4. The results of the investigation do not allow the SC to conclude that the President did not commit obstruction.

So please explain how this exonerates Donald?

A prosecutor has two choices, prosecute or not.

No prosecution is exoneration.

Go have a good cry now. You fuckers will be eviscerated in 2020. Senate will increase the number of Americans. The house will see the Americans MASSIVELY route the democrats. I don't know that you'll recover by 2024.
The investigation's objective was SPECIFICALLY to determine if there existed "obstruction of justice".......

mueller report.png

There's the stated objective in black and white. Read it and weep, fuckface.
What Trump cult members FAIL to understand is this simple conclusion reached by Mueller......that is:

  • Since Trump IS president, he CANNOT be indicted (based on DOJ policy)........
  • WHEN Trump is NOT president, HE WILL BE INDICTED based EXACTLY on the same conclusions reached by Mueller's investigation..
What Trump cult members FAIL to understand is this simple conclusion reached by Mueller......that is:

  • Since Trump IS president, he CANNOT be indicted (based on DOJ policy)........
  • WHEN Trump is NOT president, HE WILL BE INDICTED based EXACTLY on the same conclusions reached by Mueller's investigation..

You are making that man a martyr. You need to be really fucking sure that you are willing to be responsible for that...............for a second time.
What Trump cult members FAIL to understand is this simple conclusion reached by Mueller......that is:

  • Since Trump IS president, he CANNOT be indicted (based on DOJ policy)........
  • WHEN Trump is NOT president, HE WILL BE INDICTED based EXACTLY on the same conclusions reached by Mueller's investigation..

Did he delete 33,000 e-mails under subpoena?

Did he smash all his mobile devices with a hammer to avoid examination?

Did he set up secret servers to avoid detection?

Did he use bleachbit to wipe his servers clean to avoid examination?

Did his classified e-mails all end up on a pedophiles laptop?

Guess what? Even if he did all of the above, no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against him. So, we can safely say Trump is in the clear based on FBI/DOJ practices.
The investigation's objective was SPECIFICALLY to determine if there existed "obstruction of justice".......

View attachment 257123

There's the stated objective in black and white. Read it and weep, fuckface.

Fo you and other MORONS.........(apologize after reading below)

Mueller's assignment clearly states that the SC was assigned duties under 28 CFR 600.4 (a) (LOOK IT UP)

Since most Trumpo cult members would NEVER actually research facts, here is what the above citation states:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.
The investigation's objective was SPECIFICALLY to determine if there existed "obstruction of justice".......

View attachment 257123

There's the stated objective in black and white. Read it and weep, fuckface.

Fo you and other MORONS.........(apologize after reading below)

Mueller's assignment clearly states that the SC was assigned duties under 28 CFR 600.4 (a) (LOOK IT UP)

Since most Trumpo cult members would NEVER actually research facts, here is what the above citation states:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

No reasonable prosecutor would pursue a case based on the Mueller Report findings. Trump didn't even use a hammer or any bleachbit on his devices.
Mueller's report explains his prosecutorial decisions in four points.
  1. The DOJ's OLC has issued the opinion that a sitting President cannot be indicted, and the SC accepted that opinion for the purposes of his investigation, further recognizing that a DOJ indictment might preempt the constitutional mechanism of impeachment.
  2. The investigation was nevertheless warranted because an criminal investigation is permitted under the OLC's standard, even when an indictment is not. Other individuals engaging in obstruction could be prosecuted immediately. And the President is not immune from prosecution after leaving office, regardless of whether impeachment proceedings are brought or are successful. So the investigation served the purpose of preserving evidence while witness memories were fresh.
  3. The normal public mechanism for an individual accused of a crime to clear themselves is a speedy public criminal trial. If the sitting President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while in office, then it would be unfair for the SC to affirmatively accuse him of a crime that cannot be prosecuted in a criminal court of law at this time. Even a sealed indictment's secrecy could not be guaranteed to be preserved. Accordingly, a criminal accusation against a sitting President could be harmful to the country, because the accusation cannot be resolved in the normal adversarial manner of a criminal trial.
  4. The results of the investigation do not allow the SC to conclude that the President did not commit obstruction.

So please explain how this exonerates Donald?

Okay, I’ll explain it for you:

If two years of FBI investigations and wire taps can’t provide any evidence of a crime, then that typically means the accused is exonerated, vindicated, and not going to be charged with anything.

You’re welcome.
It exonerates TRUMP

Just for fun.....where the fuck do morons like you draw THAT "conclusion"????

Did you hear it from Trump himself, Hannity, Donny-baby, Ivanka???

God how truly DUMB these cult members are...........deplorables is too kind a term.....lol

What Facts, and Evidence to you have that implicates Trump of a crime or wrongdoing?

Ignorant, poorly educated Trump cultists SHOULD have someone read to them the MUeller report.....

It is not my job to educate you morons.......READ THE FUCKING REPORT and learn the stated facts and evidence.....and if you cannot read......you have NO business spewing your stupidity on here.
No reasonable prosecutor would pursue a case based on the Mueller Report findings. Trump didn't even use a hammer or any bleachbit on his devices.

When all else "fails" for Trump ass kissers........BRING UP HILLARY...............LMAO
Mueller's report explains his prosecutorial decisions in four points.
  1. The DOJ's OLC has issued the opinion that a sitting President cannot be indicted, and the SC accepted that opinion for the purposes of his investigation, further recognizing that a DOJ indictment might preempt the constitutional mechanism of impeachment.
  2. The investigation was nevertheless warranted because an criminal investigation is permitted under the OLC's standard, even when an indictment is not. Other individuals engaging in obstruction could be prosecuted immediately. And the President is not immune from prosecution after leaving office, regardless of whether impeachment proceedings are brought or are successful. So the investigation served the purpose of preserving evidence while witness memories were fresh.
  3. The normal public mechanism for an individual accused of a crime to clear themselves is a speedy public criminal trial. If the sitting President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while in office, then it would be unfair for the SC to affirmatively accuse him of a crime that cannot be prosecuted in a criminal court of law at this time. Even a sealed indictment's secrecy could not be guaranteed to be preserved. Accordingly, a criminal accusation against a sitting President could be harmful to the country, because the accusation cannot be resolved in the normal adversarial manner of a criminal trial.
  4. The results of the investigation do not allow the SC to conclude that the President did not commit obstruction.

So please explain how this exonerates Donald?

As no crimes occurred, there is no need to have a trial; nor is there any need for Trump to exonerate himself. The burden is on others to prove he is guilty. They didn't.
As no crimes occurred, there is no need to have a trial; nor is there any need for Trump to exonerate himself. The burden is on others to prove he is guilty. They didn't

Again, yet ANOTHER Trump cult member who relies on Hannity to interpret Mueller's findings.....

Reading is such a fucking burden on their half brain......

(But you have other dimwits on here agreeing with you because they TOO can't read......LOL)
The investigation's objective was SPECIFICALLY to determine if there existed "obstruction of justice".......

View attachment 257123

There's the stated objective in black and white. Read it and weep, fuckface.

Fo you and other MORONS.........(apologize after reading below)

Mueller's assignment clearly states that the SC was assigned duties under 28 CFR 600.4 (a) (LOOK IT UP)

Since most Trumpo cult members would NEVER actually research facts, here is what the above citation states:

§ 600.4 Jurisdiction.
(a)Original jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall be established by the Attorney General. The Special Counsel will be provided with a specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated. The jurisdiction of a Special Counsel shall also include the authority to investigate and prosecute federal crimes committed in the course of, and with intent to interfere with, the Special Counsel's investigation, such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.

Trump: "Gee I wish I could stop this investigation based on a lie that is hampering my ability to do my job and ruining my life."

Dems: "AH-HA! GOTCHA!"

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