Explain this huge fear over covid

It's time to depose the CDC as our unelected dictators. These clowns are abusing their power, this "lockdown" is doing way more harm than covid. What else can say?
They ought to take people like you when they get sick to a special clinic staffed by random strangers who google your treatments from the shadiest possible websites.
Well, out side of a touch of arthritis, I'm good. Actually in reality, not looking at wed sites, just facts, me buck-o. Various friends, neighbors and siblings got vaccinated after they STILL got covid. Yep, and they still got it yet again. And guess what, none of them died. In fact, one corvid survivor said it was little worse than the flu. So, where do you get this bullshit COVID IS LIKE THE BLACK DEATH websites? And why are you bothering to lecture me on this when you obviously don't know what the hell you are talking about?
Well, out side of a touch of arthritis, I'm good. Actually in reality, not looking at wed sites, just facts,.me buck-o. Various friends, neighbors and siblings got vaccinated after they got covid. Yep, and they still got it yet again. And guess what, none of them died. In fact, one corvid survivor said it was little worse than the flu. So, where do you get this bullshit COVID IS LIKE THE BLACK DEATH websites?
When you are dying from whatever you eventually die from you will turn to medical science and beg them to save your life.
When you are dying from whatever you eventually die from you will turn to medical science and beg them to save your life.
My...(fill the blank here) Mother (just for instance) died of cancer that was misdiagnosed by the wonderful genius MD's at Kaiser Permanente because in their cost cutting wisdom, they sort of neglected certain tests that prolonged her suffering and pain. So spare me pedantic lectures about this shit. That was just one of many examples I can name about the incompetency of the medical industry, so I am no big fan of the CDC right now.
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My...(fill the blank here) Mother (just for instance) died of cancer that was misdiagnosed by the wonderful geniuses MD's at Kaiser Permanente because in their cost cutting wisdom, they sort of neglected certain tests that prolonged her suffering and pain. So spare the lectures about this shit. that was just one of many examples I can name about the incompetency of the medical industry.
Don't mistake my comments for concern. I smile every time I hear about some antivax death cultist like yourself succumbing to the virus.
Don't mistake my comments for concern. I smile every time I hear about some antivax death cultist like yourself succumbing to the virus.
That's the bloody point. NOBODY is dying here, its exaggerated bullshit...this is a nothing burger here. More people died of homicides in Chicago last week than of corvid!
Well since it's got a 99% survivability rate. Does it justify a year long lockdown and destroying our economy? Some of us are skeptical of the CDC. Convince us we needed this lockdown.

Well, people are also likely to die from other things. The excess death rate is HIGHER than the Covid mortality rate.

But then I guess people don't like having a 1% chance of dying on any given day.
Leftists get scared when a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government tells them that something might end their life on this earth. They, deep down, know where they're going.
Newsflash - Life on this earth is just a temporary gig.
That's the bloof homicide in Chicago last week than of corvid.
Well, people are also likely to die from other things. The excess death rate is HIGHER than the Covid mortality rate.

But then I guess people don't like having a 1% chance of dying on any given day.
Here is the #1 killer of Americans: Car accidents. Why no lockdown on automobiles all of a sudden? Just a silly virus that is 99% survivable. Because...follow the science? They flip and then they flop, masks don't work, then they do. Vice Prez Harris says ..Trumps' vaccines' don't work, they aren't approved by the FDA, but NOW they suddenly work because...TAADA! because Biden says so. Magic! Things work because Democrats say so...follow the science? It's more like: "Follow the dogma you piece of trash plebian idiots".
I have an aunt who is 93 and just got covid a couple of months ago, may she rest in peace..

right there in that chair she's still sitting in and from which she has not budged in years as long as she has her remote control and her gin and tonic.

When I am 93, I hope I get something like covid and go quickly.
600,000 plus domestic deaths from one disease is completely dismissed. It does make you wonder about these peoples' sanity. All smack aside, you really have to wonder about the sanity of the OP.
But was covid-19 any worse then seasonal flu that can kill 60,000 in a single month?
The answer is NO!
If you look at covid-19, it only was killing 30,000 per month, but continued doing do for a year and a half because we would not let it end.
So you really can't blame more than the first 2 months on the virus.
All the rest of the deaths we have to blame on the CDC, that was bound and determined to "flatten the curve", even though that is well known to prevent any epidemic from ending, and causing the maximum death toll over time.
They ought to take people like you when they get sick to a special clinic staffed by random strangers who google your treatments from the shadiest possible websites.

Any doctor will tell you that "flattening the curve" is a terrible plan, prevents any epidemic from ending, and kills the most people by keeping any epidemic around forever.
Please give us an example of all the lockdowns you speak of

Only once before has anyone been foolish enough to do a lock down, and that was Spanish flu.
Spanish flu is still around.
Fairly insignificant.
But by using a foolish lock down, they kept Spanish flu from ending, made it last for over 2 years, and caused it to kill over a million people in the US.
That should have been enough proof for anyone, to NEVER try to "flatten the curve", unless it is extremely lethal, like Ebola, and you are willing to quickly end it with a full quarantine.
600,000 plus domestic deaths from one disease is completely dismissed. It does make you wonder about these peoples' sanity. All smack aside, you really have to wonder about the sanity of the OP.
Bull, 550,000 of them would have bee.n dead anyway
Here is the #1 killer of Americans: Car accidents. Why no lockdown on automobiles all of a sudden? Just a silly virus that is 99% survivable. Because...follow the science? They flip and then they flop, masks don't work, then they do. Vice Prez Harris says ..Trumps' vaccines' don't work, they aren't approved by the FDA, but NOW they suddenly work because...TAADA! because Biden says so. Magic! Things work because Democrats say so...follow the science? It's more like: "Follow the dogma you piece of trash plebian idiots".

This argument is such a bad one.

In the UK they have far, far less deaths on the roads because THEY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Why not do something about Covid and guns deaths and car deaths and all of this?

US politics seems to be "don't do anything, because there's always something worse"
Bull, 550,000 of them would have bee.n dead anyway

Fauci was all wrong in his death estimates for covid-19 with herd immunity.
That is easy to tell because all seasonal flu is as infectious and as lethal.
He assumed no one was immune to covid already, so assumed 70% of the 330 million would have to get it.
That is wrong because those under 18 have shown a consistent immunity, and over half the population appears to be asymptomatic, which also means inherent immunity.
The asymptomatic also means his lethality estimate was way too high because asymptomatic did not know they were infected, so were not counted.
But main mistake is that Fauci to a lethality based on those dying who were mostly over 70, and used that lethality for the entire 240 million the thought would have to get infected. And the reality is that only need about 30 million infected, and if you only accept young/healthy volunteers, you reduce the death factor by 400. Those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die than those over 70.
So just take Fauci's 2.4 million, divide by 400, and you get 6,000 dead only.
And it would have been over in 2 weeks, last March.
This argument is such a bad one.

In the UK they have far, far less deaths on the roads because THEY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Why not do something about Covid and guns deaths and car deaths and all of this?

US politics seems to be "don't do anything, because there's always something worse"

People don't do anything about car deaths because the solution is mass transit, and they like their cars better, so want the risk.
Gun deaths are mostly from the war on drugs, and the rest is lack of justice and opportunity. People like being wealthy as the cost of other people so are not going to change that either.
The biggest cause of death every year the 100k killed each year in the US, by medical malpractice.
{.... Famous Cases of Medical Malpractice. Unfortunately more than 95,000 people die each year as a result of medical malpractice. There are many different forms of medical negligence and all should be taken very seriously. It is not only “average” people that are hurt and affected by medical malpractice. ...{
But to fix that would require public health care, so we can't have that.

Covid is easy to stop, all we have to do is stop "flattening the curve", and it will be over in a month.
When you "flatten the curve", you prevent any epidemic from ending. You essentially conserve easy hosts.
People don't do anything about car deaths because the solution is mass transit, and they like their cars better, so want the risk.
Gun deaths are mostly from the war on drugs, and the rest is lack of justice and opportunity. People like being wealthy as the cost of other people so are not going to change that either.
The biggest cause of death every year the 100k killed each year in the US, by medical malpractice.
{.... Famous Cases of Medical Malpractice. Unfortunately more than 95,000 people die each year as a result of medical malpractice. There are many different forms of medical negligence and all should be taken very seriously. It is not only “average” people that are hurt and affected by medical malpractice. ...{
But to fix that would require public health care, so we can't have that.

Covid is easy to stop, all we have to do is stop "flattening the curve", and it will be over in a month.
When you "flatten the curve", you prevent any epidemic from ending. You essentially conserve easy hosts.

Lots more solutions than just mass transit. People drive cars in the UK too.

The problem with the covid argument is that sometimes for a pandemic to end, you need to kill a lot of people.

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