Explain this huge fear over covid

But was covid-19 any worse then seasonal flu that can kill 60,000 in a single month?
The answer is NO!
No it isn't.
If you look at covid-19, it only was killing 30,000 per month, but continued doing do for a year and a half because we would not let it end.
"Let it end..." The strategy of an idiot.
So you really can't blame more than the first 2 months on the virus.
Was that before or after the miracle your blob said was going to get here arrived?
All the rest of the deaths we have to blame on the CDC, that was bound and determined to "flatten the curve", even though that is well known to prevent any epidemic from ending, and causing the maximum death toll over time.
The CDC made it's recommendations; Trump undermined everyone of them. Now it's GOP governors undermining them.

Do you also blame the American Heart Association for the elevated level of heart disease in Americans?

Wow...you're stupid.
When I am 93, I hope I get something like covid and go quickly.
When you are 93, life just getting started, Jesus on the cross.
Fauci was all wrong in his death estimates for covid-19 with herd immunity.
That is easy to tell because all seasonal flu is as infectious and as lethal.
He assumed no one was immune to covid already, so assumed 70% of the 330 million would have to get it.
That is wrong because those under 18 have shown a consistent immunity, and over half the population appears to be asymptomatic, which also means inherent immunity.
The asymptomatic also means his lethality estimate was way too high because asymptomatic did not know they were infected, so were not counted.
But main mistake is that Fauci to a lethality based on those dying who were mostly over 70, and used that lethality for the entire 240 million the thought would have to get infected. And the reality is that only need about 30 million infected, and if you only accept young/healthy volunteers, you reduce the death factor by 400. Those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die than those over 70.
So just take Fauci's 2.4 million, divide by 400, and you get 6,000 dead only.
And it would have been over in 2 weeks, last March.
Great post. I am not seeing a huge deathtoll here from covid. In fact, as real pandemics go (say the influenza out break of 1919) this is a nondemic, a fauxdemic. If this is what our leaders deem as a sensible response, we are totally screwed. Its like having the foxes guarding the proverbial hen house. We are totally f*cked.
I literally knew someone that was 32 years old and died from a scratch on their finger. He was tending his flower garden and was infected with a bacteria that destroyed his heart. We live, we die. Why is the CDC treating a minor novel virus as if it was the black death, they know by now this is mostly harmless and survivable. The CDC is the problem here, not Covid.
A finger scratch =1 death
Covid = 600,000+ deaths

You see the difference mary?
What was your experience with them???

There was this c**t at one place I worked (sorry for the "c" word, but thats what she is) who continually whined and complained she was sick, but never said from what. She continuously coughed with her big mouth WIDE OPEN, spewing her shit on EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY.

I mean she would COUGH IN THEIR FACES!! As she did me one day! She continuously and constantly did this, and the management would do nothing to her! She would leave her spewed shit all over copiers, phones, tables, coffee counters........whatever she was near, whatever she passed by, whatever she was in front of........she is a disgusting, diseased piece of slime that isn't worthy of life.

People kept complaining to management, especially the ones she would talk to, and then cough DIRECTLY INTO THEIR FACES, spewing her slime all over them!!

So I called the mayors office about this, asking if the city could do something or say something to the company. They said I needed to contact the CDC, since this pertained to germs and disease. So I got on the CDC website and filed a formal complaint...not just on this diseased piece of shit, but the company that refused to do anything about her.

I talked to a woman at the CDC about this over the phone when they called about my complaint. She said she would check into it and call me back the next day.

She called me back the next day, said she talked to her boss, and told me "there's nothing we can do". I told her this disgusting POS is contaminating who knows HOW many people, with god knows WHAT, making people sick and nauseous just being spewed and coughed on, and having all the offices equipment and counters contaminated with god knows what being spewed from her fat mouth, as well as the air we have to breath in the office.

And this is what she told me, and I am NOT paraphrasing..........these were her exact words to me - "we can't do anything, because she would have to contaminate and kill at least 1/4 of the population before we would step in". I told her epidemics like Bubonic Plague, SARS, and other diseases start with somebody spreading it by spewing it onto others, so why was she defrauding the taxpayers working for this scam organization, and WHY thousands and thousands of people have to DIE for her to get off her ass and DO her job!?! All she said was "sorry" and hung up.

They are SO corrupt, that she told me the truth instead of placating me with lies, like all the other government agencies do.

After this, I notified the HR department and filed another complaint. This time, I told them if they weren't going to do something about this diseased bitch.......the next time she coughed on me, I would take it as harassment and assault and protect myself.

The HR dept must have talked to her after that, because she became a hermit to her cubicle. Which made everybody else in the office quite happy.
Lots more solutions than just mass transit. People drive cars in the UK too.

The problem with the covid argument is that sometimes for a pandemic to end, you need to kill a lot of people.

No, ending the epidemic does not kill people, but save lives eventually.
Take Fauci's 2.4 million death estimate for herd immunity.
That was wrong because he had a high lethality estimate based on not knowing a lot of asymptomatic infected were not reported.
It was wrong because he assumed no one already immune, which is foolish since coronaviruses around for millions of years, and clearly under 18 are inherently immune.
But the main reason that was wrong is those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die than those over 70, so you have to divide 2.4 million by 400 if you use healthy/young volunteers for deliberate variolation.
That results in only 6,000 deaths, and could have ended it last March.

No it isn't.

"Let it end..." The strategy of an idiot.

Was that before or after the miracle your blob said was going to get here arrived?

The CDC made it's recommendations; Trump undermined everyone of them. Now it's GOP governors undermining them.

Do you also blame the American Heart Association for the elevated level of heart disease in Americans?

Wow...you're stupid.

You clearly are not thinking.
First all, you should know by now I am far left, anti-Trump, and pro real vaccine.
The strategy of "flattening the curve" simply is stupid, can't work, prevents any epidemic from ending, keeps it around forever, and kills the most people.
You can not argue against that, since it is the obvious truth.

Heart disease is caused by bad nutrition and is not communicable.
Epidemics are prolonged by bad strategy, like "flattening the curve".
What ends epidemics is ONLY running out of local hosts, nothing else.
When new more potent variants come thru the little shutdown we had is going to seem appealing. Just wait.
When new more potent variants come thru the little shutdown we had is going to seem appealing. Just wait.

You have it backwards.
It is time that causes more variants, and it is "flattening the curve" with these little shutdowns that give the epidemic more time.
A SCAMdemic was packaged as a panDEMic in order to destroy our civil liberties. It's pathetic how gullible a large portion of the public are.

Now, they want to punish the unvaxxed for the failure of the Emergency Use Authorization vaccines to eradicate a virus and for the fact that the vaxxed are still getting the CCP virus.
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I literally knew someone that was 32 years old and died from a scratch on their finger. He was tending his flower garden and was infected with a bacteria that destroyed his heart. We live, we die. Why is the CDC treating a minor novel virus as if it was the black death, they know by now this is mostly harmless and survivable. The CDC is the problem here, not Covid.

The government abusing power is far deadlier than a virus with a 99%+ survival rate.
My bosses kids got COVID and she's got them "locked" in their rooms. She's a nutjob, literally.
She went and got the shots as soon as they were available for her age group. And she's been posting political propaganda about it on our department Teams page.........which is not only against company rules, but extremely UNprofessional, and she pisses people off with it. She believes EVERYTHING the extreme left says.......ALL OF IT!! She's a dense moron and on top of that, she has absolutely NO managerial skills of any kind. We have to continually babysit her and clean up after her and correct ALL of the problems she makes.

HOW she hasn't won the Dementocrat of the Year award yet, is beyond me!!
No, ending the epidemic does not kill people, but save lives eventually.
Take Fauci's 2.4 million death estimate for herd immunity.
That was wrong because he had a high lethality estimate based on not knowing a lot of asymptomatic infected were not reported.
It was wrong because he assumed no one already immune, which is foolish since coronaviruses around for millions of years, and clearly under 18 are inherently immune.
But the main reason that was wrong is those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die than those over 70, so you have to divide 2.4 million by 400 if you use healthy/young volunteers for deliberate variolation.
That results in only 6,000 deaths, and could have ended it last March.

Right, so your "herd immunity" says 6,000 deaths, and yet the US had MORE deaths than you're claiming by the 3rd of April 2020.

So, literally your argument is, that if people hadn't bothered to wear masks, less people would have died from this, than if they had been wearing masks and not keeping away from other people.

You clearly are not thinking.
We've had millions of doses of the vaccine; a minuscule number of deaths, very small number of serious side effects.
First all, you should know by now I am far left, anti-Trump, and pro real vaccine.
This is a real vaccine that is preventing illness.
The strategy of "flattening the curve" simply is stupid, can't work, prevents any epidemic from ending, keeps it around forever, and kills the most people.
Present another viral pandemic where your remedy worked. I am curious; if this were 1985 and you were giving advice to the gays and drug users who were contracting AIDS...would your advice had been to continue sharing needles and not to worry about AIDS? If not, why not.
You can not argue against that, since it is the obvious truth.
I'll wait for your response above. Here are the stats you have to say were a "failure"

Here is the data from 2019:

Heart disease is caused by bad nutrition and is not communicable.
Didn't say it was. But you're blaming an organization that is battling Covid (successfully I might add) for the spread of Covid....it would stand to reason you would blame another organization for Heart Disease continuing to kill people. The CDC recommendations were solid and successful; the politicians on both sides of the aisle screwed up.

Epidemics are prolonged by bad strategy, like "flattening the curve".
What ends epidemics is ONLY running out of local hosts, nothing else.
So your idea is that the virus will just go away when there are enough corpses.

No thanks.


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