Explain to me WHY WE NEED a "Do Something Congress/Executive"???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Is there any logical reason why we need more laws? More regulations?
Is there any logical reason the tyranny of the EXCEPTION is now forcing EVERY minute, rare event or issue has a law and regulations?

What stupid group of people totally depend on a superior group telling them how and where to do everything from womb to tomb?

Another crude measure of regulation or deregulation is to count the number of pages in the U.S. Federal Register.
The Federal Register is the government’s daily publication of new and proposed rules.
Some of the rules are trivial and some have large impact; some are proposed and some are final; some are clarifications and some are new. But cumulatively the Register’s increasing or decreasing bulk tells us something about regulatory trends.
For the last generation, here are the Federal Register’s total page counts for selected years:
1980s: 52,992 pages per year average.
1990s: 62,237 pages per year average.
2005: 73,870 pages.
2010: 81,405 pages.

Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. » Deregulation? The Federal Register?s size

So using the above averages there have been added since 1981 to 2010 a total of 2,667,365 pages of rules, regulations since 1980.

"In 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP.
As a comparison, in the same year, corporate pre-tax profits for all businesses totaled about $ 1.46 trillion.
The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks

So what value add to our economy would there be IF THESE compliance costs were reduced by half?
That would mean nearly $1 trillion a year spent in the economy!
The economic multiplier states for every $1 million spent is multiplied by 1.18 or the economy grows in 1 year by $1 trillion!
If the economy grew by $1 trillion that means 6 million new jobs!
Because the progs feel that government is the only way to take care of things, get things done, etc... They have no faith in minorities doing for themselves, poor being anything but poor without government throwing money at them, etc... and with that, their jealousy wants others to pay for the feelings they have
Yea for these people the "Golden Rule" is 'them that has the gold rules"... but they don't know obviously that the REAL Golden Rule if extended to ALL of society
would reduce dramatically "rules and regulations" because ONCE we understood that "doing unto others as I would have others do unto me" would make
me think societally,globally while acting locally!
For example... why do I drive at the speed limit in a school zone...just because it is the law and I don't want to get caught?
What if I and others really comprehend that we can't alter the laws of physics which state my eye seeing a kid dart out in the road can't send a
neuron signal to the brain then to the foot in time to stop the car if I"M DRIVING 50mph!
But the laws of physics say I can if I'm driving at the speed limit of 20mph!
But most of us don't obey laws because they make sense... we do out of fear of being caught rather then fear of the law of physics!
Because we're paying them to do something

It would be a hell of lot cheaper paying them to do nothing then the crappy stuff that does everything in the world to make ALL our lives more complicated!
Sometimes the best solution to a problem is to do nothing. I wish the US government would learn this lesson.
Is there any logical reason why we need more laws? More regulations?

Is there any logical reason the tyranny of the EXCEPTION is now forcing EVERY minute, rare event or issue has a law and regulations?

What stupid group of people totally depend on a superior group telling them how and where to do everything from womb to tomb?

Another crude measure of regulation or deregulation is to count the number of pages in the U.S. Federal Register.

The Federal Register is the government’s daily publication of new and proposed rules.

Some of the rules are trivial and some have large impact; some are proposed and some are final; some are clarifications and some are new. But cumulatively the Register’s increasing or decreasing bulk tells us something about regulatory trends.

For the last generation, here are the Federal Register’s total page counts for selected years:

1980s: 52,992 pages per year average.

1990s: 62,237 pages per year average.

2005: 73,870 pages.

2010: 81,405 pages.

Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. » Deregulation? The Federal Register?s size

So using the above averages there have been added since 1981 to 2010 a total of 2,667,365 pages of rules, regulations since 1980.

"In 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP.

As a comparison, in the same year, corporate pre-tax profits for all businesses totaled about $ 1.46 trillion.

The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks

So what value add to our economy would there be IF THESE compliance costs were reduced by half?

That would mean nearly $1 trillion a year spent in the economy!

The economic multiplier states for every $1 million spent is multiplied by 1.18 or the economy grows in 1 year by $1 trillion!

If the economy grew by $1 trillion that means 6 million new jobs!


The things they need to do is undo the last eight decades of legislation that led us to this mess.
Yep, saw a report on TV yesterday that regulations cost the economy about 1.8 trillion per year and climbing. That's a hidden tax that we all pay in higher prices and fewer jobs and this administration is still churning them out.
Because that's the premise. We pay them and they're supposed to do something. Hell anything at this point.

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