Explaining Gaza to a $even Year-Old


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Dhimmi George, have you something from CounterPunch that pertains to what the grandfathers of the surviving siblings of the 10,000 plus children who have been murdered by your new masters say? Somehow, since CounterPunch only disses Israel because of the Jews, I don't think Dhimmi George will come up with any stories -- even though 10,000 plus is an enormously high number.
"Her expectant stare caused a moment of panic. She needed an explanation. She needed the truth. But the dilemma in explaining war to a seven year old is that simple answers — 'these are the good guys and those are the bad guys'” — are part of the problem.

"Simple answers limit critical thinking and enable those who profit from war to manipulate people.

"How could I explain a complicated subject in a simple enough manner that helped my granddaughter learn to think for herself? I had to try.

“'You know what Israel is?'"

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"Her expectant stare caused a moment of panic. She needed an explanation. She needed the truth. But the dilemma in explaining war to a seven year old is that simple answers — 'these are the good guys and those are the bad guys'” — are part of the problem.

"Simple answers limit critical thinking and enable those who profit from war to manipulate people.

"How could I explain a complicated subject in a simple enough manner that helped my granddaughter learn to think for herself? I had to try.

“'You know what Israel is?'"

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Well we certainly know what you are -- mentally unbalanced. Now bring us some stories about what the grandfathers are saying to their surviving grandchildren of the 10,000 plus children who have been killed in the rest of the Middle East.
"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Dhimmi George, have you something from CounterPunch that pertains to what the grandfathers of the surviving siblings of the 10,000 plus children who have been murdered by your new masters say? Somehow, since CounterPunch only disses Israel because of the Jews, I don't think Dhimmi George will come up with any stories -- even though 10,000 plus is an enormously high number.
CounterPunch is filled with writers who've lived and worked in hell-holes like Syria and Gaza which the Jewish state helped create in '48

"We are doctors and scientists, who spend our lives developing means to care and protect health and lives.

"We are also informed people; we teach the ethics of our professions, together with the knowledge and practice of it. We all have worked in and known the situation of Gaza for years.

"On the basis of our ethics and practice, we are denouncing what we witness in the aggression of Gaza by Israel.

"We ask our colleagues, old and young professionals, to denounce this Israeli aggression.

"We challenge the perversity of a propaganda that justifies the creation of an emergency to masquerade a massacre, a so-called 'defensive aggression'.

"In reality it is a ruthless assault of unlimited duration, extent, and intensity. We wish to report the facts as we see them and their implications on the lives of the people.

"We are appalled by the military onslaught on civilians in Gaza under the guise of punishing terrorists..."

Lancet: an Open Letter for the People of Gaza » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Jews are the terrorists in Gaza.
"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Dhimmi George, have you something from CounterPunch that pertains to what the grandfathers of the surviving siblings of the 10,000 plus children who have been murdered by your new masters say? Somehow, since CounterPunch only disses Israel because of the Jews, I don't think Dhimmi George will come up with any stories -- even though 10,000 plus is an enormously high number.
CounterPunch is filled with writers who've lived and worked in hell-holes like Syria and Gaza which the Jewish state helped create in '48

"We are doctors and scientists, who spend our lives developing means to care and protect health and lives.

"We are also informed people; we teach the ethics of our professions, together with the knowledge and practice of it. We all have worked in and known the situation of Gaza for years.

"On the basis of our ethics and practice, we are denouncing what we witness in the aggression of Gaza by Israel.

"We ask our colleagues, old and young professionals, to denounce this Israeli aggression.

"We challenge the perversity of a propaganda that justifies the creation of an emergency to masquerade a massacre, a so-called 'defensive aggression'.

"In reality it is a ruthless assault of unlimited duration, extent, and intensity. We wish to report the facts as we see them and their implications on the lives of the people.

"We are appalled by the military onslaught on civilians in Gaza under the guise of punishing terrorists..."

Lancet: an Open Letter for the People of Gaza » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Jews are the terrorists in Gaza.

Then tell us what all these unbiased people who write for CounterPunch have written about the 10,000 plus children who have died in the rest of the Middle East. You can also give us some articles where these unbiased people have written about all the innocent children who have died in other Muslim areas of the world.
"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

How a Muslim terrorist explains it to a 7 year old.

"Well, now that we're married.........."
"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

How a Muslim terrorist explains it to a 7 year old.

"Well, now that we're married.........."

Don't forget you condom.:badgrin:
"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

How a Muslim terrorist explains it to a 7 year old.

"Well, now that we're married.........."

Don't forget you condom.:badgrin:

Stop posting selfies.
"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

How a Muslim terrorist explains it to a 7 year old.

"Well, now that we're married.........."

Don't forget you condom.:badgrin:

Did your Jewish boyfriend dump you? Or on you? :lol:

Don't forget you condom.:badgrin:

Did your Jewish boyfriend dump you? Or on you? :lol:
Do you profit from killing babies?:eusa_clap:

How about your new masters, Dhimmi George? After all, they have managed to kill thousands and thousands of them and more and more of them will be killed by your masters. It is realized that you don't care about any Arab babies who are killed, but just use these Gazan babies as your pawns against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
Did your Jewish boyfriend dump you? Or on you? :lol:
Do you profit from killing babies?:eusa_clap:

I do not benefit from the terrorism of your Hamas buddies.

How well does it pay for you?
I don't profit from any form of war crime.
Do you?

"Israeli forces have killed over 200 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip over the past 23 days. In order to obfuscate this harsh reality, Israeli officials claim 'self-defence' and contend that civilian deaths are justified because Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

"Israel is an occupying power that is attacking and destroying an occupied Palestinian civilian population.

"These civilian deaths are not collateral damage.

"They are war crimes."

Do you profit from killing babies?:eusa_clap:

I do not benefit from the terrorism of your Hamas buddies.

How well does it pay for you?
I don't profit from any form of war crime.
Do you?

"Israeli forces have killed over 200 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip over the past 23 days. In order to obfuscate this harsh reality, Israeli officials claim 'self-defence' and contend that civilian deaths are justified because Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

"Israel is an occupying power that is attacking and destroying an occupied Palestinian civilian population.

"These civilian deaths are not collateral damage.

"They are war crimes."


I've never heard you condemn any war crimes committed by Hamas.

Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

What do you call it when Israel warns civilians to leave an area before an attack and Hamas forces the civilians to stay?
What do you call it when Hamas stores rockets in and fires rockets from the grounds of a school?
I do not benefit from the terrorism of your Hamas buddies.

How well does it pay for you?
I don't profit from any form of war crime.
Do you?

"Israeli forces have killed over 200 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip over the past 23 days. In order to obfuscate this harsh reality, Israeli officials claim 'self-defence' and contend that civilian deaths are justified because Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

"Israel is an occupying power that is attacking and destroying an occupied Palestinian civilian population.

"These civilian deaths are not collateral damage.

"They are war crimes."


I've never heard you condemn any war crimes committed by Hamas.

Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

What do you call it when Israel warns civilians to leave an area before an attack and Hamas forces the civilians to stay?
What do you call it when Hamas stores rockets in and fires rockets from the grounds of a school?
Gaza is occupied territory.
Israel is the occupying power.
Israel offers nothing more than generalizations regarding "human shields"
In fact, Israel uses human shields more often than Hamas.
Hamas resists an illegal occupation that Israel imposes.
Israel should end its illegal occupation of Palestine.
"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Well George, you can say;

Back in 2001, Muslims flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York. It was the proudest moment the American left had ever had. Leftists fell into a deep and abiding love with Muslims on 9/11, and we are now BFFs.

Muslims hate Jews, they want all Jews dead. We leftist love Muslims, because of 9/11 - so to please our Muslim allies, we want JOOOOZZZ dead too. So we side with the terrorist group Hamas in trying to kill JOOOOZZZ, because we hope that will encourage Muslims to do another 9/11.

You know George, just tell her the view of the American left....
"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Well George, you can say;

Back in 2001, Muslims flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York. It was the proudest moment the American left had ever had. Leftists fell into a deep and abiding love with Muslims on 9/11, and we are now BFFs.

Muslims hate Jews, they want all Jews dead. We leftist love Muslims, because of 9/11 - so to please our Muslim allies, we want JOOOOZZZ dead too. So we side with the terrorist group Hamas in trying to kill JOOOOZZZ, because we hope that will encourage Muslims to do another 9/11.

You know George, just tell her the view of the American left....
Gazans didn't do 911.
Some of the Muslims who did were unhappy with US support for Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine, you know?
I think I would tell her some very greedy people in America get rich from selling weapons to the JOOOOZZZ who then mow the lawn in Gaza every couple of years.
I don't profit from any form of war crime.
Do you?

"Israeli forces have killed over 200 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip over the past 23 days. In order to obfuscate this harsh reality, Israeli officials claim 'self-defence' and contend that civilian deaths are justified because Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

"Israel is an occupying power that is attacking and destroying an occupied Palestinian civilian population.

"These civilian deaths are not collateral damage.

"They are war crimes."


I've never heard you condemn any war crimes committed by Hamas.

Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

What do you call it when Israel warns civilians to leave an area before an attack and Hamas forces the civilians to stay?
What do you call it when Hamas stores rockets in and fires rockets from the grounds of a school?
Gaza is occupied territory.
Israel is the occupying power.
Israel offers nothing more than generalizations regarding "human shields"
In fact, Israel uses human shields more often than Hamas.
Hamas resists an illegal occupation that Israel imposes.
Israel should end its illegal occupation of Palestine.

Nothing you've claimed here excuses Hamas using human shields.
I've never heard you condemn any war crimes committed by Hamas.

Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

What do you call it when Israel warns civilians to leave an area before an attack and Hamas forces the civilians to stay?
What do you call it when Hamas stores rockets in and fires rockets from the grounds of a school?
Gaza is occupied territory.
Israel is the occupying power.
Israel offers nothing more than generalizations regarding "human shields"
In fact, Israel uses human shields more often than Hamas.
Hamas resists an illegal occupation that Israel imposes.
Israel should end its illegal occupation of Palestine.

Nothing you've claimed here excuses Hamas using human shields.
Who says Hamas uses human shields?
The same people who say Israel isn't the occupying power of Gaza?:cuckoo:

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