Explaining Gaza to a $even Year-Old

Who says Hamas uses human shields?

The civilians that say Hamas won't let them evacuate targeted areas.
"To justify the current onslaught on the Palestinian civilian population of the Gaza Strip, Israeli officials repeatedly assert that Hamas uses civilians as human shields. Speaking by phone recently to his Canadian counterpart, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said 'Hamas uses innocent civilians as a human shield for terrorist activity.'

"Israeli military spokesperson, Lt Col Peter Lerner, alleged Palestinian armed groups were 'intentionally abusing' hospitals and 'other international protected symbols to indiscriminately attack Israel.'

"To be clear, the use of civilians as human shields is prohibited under international law and involves forcing civilians to directly assist in military operations or using them to shield a military object or troops from attack.

"The rhetoric continually voiced by Israeli officials regarding 'human shields' amounts to nothing more than generalisations that fall short of the precise calculation required by international humanitarian law when determining whether something is actually a military object.

"Civilians, including children, must never be targeted, and civilian structures and infrastructure are presumed not to be legitimate targets, yet Israel continues to carry out direct attacks on civilian homes, schools, hospitals and mosques.

"In order to qualify as a military objective, the object must be used for a military purpose and its total or partial destruction would result in a definite military advantage.

"Only military objectives can be lawful or legitimate objects of an attack.

"This standard is inflexible and does not change based on another party's conduct."

"Grandpa, why are they killing kids in Gaza?”

"A deep breath to compose my thoughts.

“'You said most people were good, but I think only bad people could drop bombs on little kids. There was a boy crying on TV. He lost his whole family.'

“'Most people are good but sometimes they do bad things,' I answered.

"Back came the inevitable: 'Why?'

“'Because of greed and bad ideas. Those are the two main reasons people do bad stuff...'”

"'You know what Israel is?'

“'It’s a country. My friend Sarah went there for a holiday.'

“'It’s a country that was started with some bad ideas that seemed like good ideas at the time. It’s a country the greediest people in the world give bombs, airplanes and other weapons to, because these greedy people have the bad idea that they’ll make lots of money and keep their power by doing it.'

"The look on her face proved this was far too complicated. Start over.

“'Do you know what religion is...'"

Do you know what murder is?

Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Well George, you can say;

Back in 2001, Muslims flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York. It was the proudest moment the American left had ever had. Leftists fell into a deep and abiding love with Muslims on 9/11, and we are now BFFs.

Muslims hate Jews, they want all Jews dead. We leftist love Muslims, because of 9/11 - so to please our Muslim allies, we want JOOOOZZZ dead too. So we side with the terrorist group Hamas in trying to kill JOOOOZZZ, because we hope that will encourage Muslims to do another 9/11.

You know George, just tell her the view of the American left....
Gazans didn't do 911.
Some of the Muslims who did were unhappy with US support for Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine, you know?
I think I would tell her some very greedy people in America get rich from selling weapons to the JOOOOZZZ who then mow the lawn in Gaza every couple of years.

Does anyone think that Dhimmi George can find us an article about the grandparents in Syria tell their grandchildren why their own little sisters and brothers have died. 10,000 plus children have died there; and if Dhimmi George could find a way to blame the Jews for these children's death, he wouldn't care if a million died in Syria. He is using these dead children in Gaza as his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoat, the Jews -- the same way that he uses the other Arabs there. If Dhimmi George actually cared about the Arabs, he would certainly be posting at least some of the time on this Middle East forum articles about what is happening in other parts of the Middle East where Arabs are being killed every day.

Gosh, Dhimmi George, you could have made a few bucks yourself if you had played your cards right and gotten a job with that big Arab arms dealer. Surely you must remember him since he spent a lot of time in Los Angeles.
Well George, you can say;

Back in 2001, Muslims flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York. It was the proudest moment the American left had ever had. Leftists fell into a deep and abiding love with Muslims on 9/11, and we are now BFFs.

Muslims hate Jews, they want all Jews dead. We leftist love Muslims, because of 9/11 - so to please our Muslim allies, we want JOOOOZZZ dead too. So we side with the terrorist group Hamas in trying to kill JOOOOZZZ, because we hope that will encourage Muslims to do another 9/11.

You know George, just tell her the view of the American left....
Gazans didn't do 911.
Some of the Muslims who did were unhappy with US support for Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine, you know?
I think I would tell her some very greedy people in America get rich from selling weapons to the JOOOOZZZ who then mow the lawn in Gaza every couple of years.

Does anyone think that Dhimmi George can find us an article about the grandparents in Syria tell their grandchildren why their own little sisters and brothers have died. 10,000 plus children have died there; and if Dhimmi George could find a way to blame the Jews for these children's death, he wouldn't care if a million died in Syria. He is using these dead children in Gaza as his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoat, the Jews -- the same way that he uses the other Arabs there. If Dhimmi George actually cared about the Arabs, he would certainly be posting at least some of the time on this Middle East forum articles about what is happening in other parts of the Middle East where Arabs are being killed every day.

Gosh, Dhimmi George, you could have made a few bucks yourself if you had played your cards right and gotten a job with that big Arab arms dealer. Surely you must remember him since he spent a lot of time in Los Angeles.
Maybe you've forgotten what percentage of those 700,000 Palestinian refugees in 1948 were driven into Syria? Not that you have the slightest concern for any dead children who aren't Jews.:lol:
Gazans didn't do 911.

One of the 9/11 terrorists was a Palestinian Arab, as you know. But that isn't the point, is it? Hamas is a terrorist group with the same aim as Al Qaeda, so you of the left support Hamas.

Some of the Muslims who did were unhappy with US support for Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine, you know?

The Muzzie Beasts have a "one grain" policy as defined by the corrupt Egyptian terrorist Arafat: Not one grain of sand from lands ever occupied by Muslims will be peacefully ruled by the Kafir.

Israel is a strong and vital ally of the United States, thus your enemy and the enemy of the democratic party.

Palestine doesn't exist - not more than the mid-west exists. It is simply a common term to define a region -not a country. The Palestine region that the Ottomans had was divided into states by the League of Nations and then the United Nations. 90% of Palestine went to the Muslims - the states of Jordan and Syria.

Despite Muslim Arabs controlling the overwhelming majority of land, despite Arab Muslims violating the terms of the split and murdering the Christians in Lebanon - a 3% state carved out for the Christians, the terrorists and you - the terrorists promoters, claim that tiny Israel "occupies Palestine." Sure, you're lying - Allahu Akbar - but the infidels must be driven from Muslim lands or submit as Dhimmi - amirite?

I think I would tell her some very greedy people in America get rich from selling weapons to the JOOOOZZZ who then mow the lawn in Gaza every couple of years.

And who is getting rich selling weapons to your terrorist allies?

The day the Muzzie Beasts want peace, they will stop attacking, and there will be peace. But your buddies swear they will never stop until the last Jew is murdered or enslaved. You work for this goal.
Maybe you've forgotten what percentage of those 700,000 Palestinian refugees in 1948 were driven into Syria? Not that you have the slightest concern for any dead children who aren't Jews.:lol:

Since Syria is Palestine, every bit as much as Israel is; how do you figure the Arabs who launched a war on the Jews and lost, were "refugees?"

They were soldiers of Islam who lost in their bid to conquer the Jewish portion of Palestine, and retreated to the Arab portion of Palestine.

Ottoman Palestine was all of Lebanon, all of Israel, All of Jordan, and 80% of Syria. Oh, and that remaining 20% of Syria rightfully belongs to the Kurds. So your Arab buddies are illegally occupying Kurd territory.
Maybe you've forgotten what percentage of those 700,000 Palestinian refugees in 1948 were driven into Syria? Not that you have the slightest concern for any dead children who aren't Jews.:lol:

Since Syria is Palestine, every bit as much as Israel is; how do you figure the Arabs who launched a war on the Jews and lost, were "refugees?"

They were soldiers of Islam who lost in their bid to conquer the Jewish portion of Palestine, and retreated to the Arab portion of Palestine.

Ottoman Palestine was all of Lebanon, all of Israel, All of Jordan, and 80% of Syria. Oh, and that remaining 20% of Syria rightfully belongs to the Kurds. So your Arab buddies are illegally occupying Kurd territory.
Unlike your kosher self, I don't pick my buddies based on their ethnicity. In Palestine of 1948 there were 650,000 Jews and 1.3 million Arabs living between the River and the sea. Jews were one-third of the population owning 7% of the land. Imperialists functioning through the UN gifted Jews with 50% of the land. This was done in hopes of creating a little, loyal Jewish Ulster near the heart of Arab oil. Israel was created to buy arms paid for by US taxpayers, and use those arms to attack neighboring Arab thereby, spiking oil prices.

Mission Accomplished.
Gazans didn't do 911.

One of the 9/11 terrorists was a Palestinian Arab, as you know. But that isn't the point, is it? Hamas is a terrorist group with the same aim as Al Qaeda, so you of the left support Hamas.

Some of the Muslims who did were unhappy with US support for Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine, you know?

The Muzzie Beasts have a "one grain" policy as defined by the corrupt Egyptian terrorist Arafat: Not one grain of sand from lands ever occupied by Muslims will be peacefully ruled by the Kafir.

Israel is a strong and vital ally of the United States, thus your enemy and the enemy of the democratic party.

Palestine doesn't exist - not more than the mid-west exists. It is simply a common term to define a region -not a country. The Palestine region that the Ottomans had was divided into states by the League of Nations and then the United Nations. 90% of Palestine went to the Muslims - the states of Jordan and Syria.

Despite Muslim Arabs controlling the overwhelming majority of land, despite Arab Muslims violating the terms of the split and murdering the Christians in Lebanon - a 3% state carved out for the Christians, the terrorists and you - the terrorists promoters, claim that tiny Israel "occupies Palestine." Sure, you're lying - Allahu Akbar - but the infidels must be driven from Muslim lands or submit as Dhimmi - amirite?

I think I would tell her some very greedy people in America get rich from selling weapons to the JOOOOZZZ who then mow the lawn in Gaza every couple of years.

And who is getting rich selling weapons to your terrorist allies?

The day the Muzzie Beasts want peace, they will stop attacking, and there will be peace. But your buddies swear they will never stop until the last Jew is murdered or enslaved. You work for this goal.
What percentage of the 1.7 million Palestinians living in Gaza are "Muzzie Beasts?"
Jews can end the violence in Palestine by ending their occupation and their long-cherished desire to own all the land between the River and the sea.
Gazans didn't do 911.

One of the 9/11 terrorists was a Palestinian Arab, as you know. But that isn't the point, is it? Hamas is a terrorist group with the same aim as Al Qaeda, so you of the left support Hamas.

The Muzzie Beasts have a "one grain" policy as defined by the corrupt Egyptian terrorist Arafat: Not one grain of sand from lands ever occupied by Muslims will be peacefully ruled by the Kafir.

Israel is a strong and vital ally of the United States, thus your enemy and the enemy of the democratic party.

Palestine doesn't exist - not more than the mid-west exists. It is simply a common term to define a region -not a country. The Palestine region that the Ottomans had was divided into states by the League of Nations and then the United Nations. 90% of Palestine went to the Muslims - the states of Jordan and Syria.

Despite Muslim Arabs controlling the overwhelming majority of land, despite Arab Muslims violating the terms of the split and murdering the Christians in Lebanon - a 3% state carved out for the Christians, the terrorists and you - the terrorists promoters, claim that tiny Israel "occupies Palestine." Sure, you're lying - Allahu Akbar - but the infidels must be driven from Muslim lands or submit as Dhimmi - amirite?

I think I would tell her some very greedy people in America get rich from selling weapons to the JOOOOZZZ who then mow the lawn in Gaza every couple of years.

And who is getting rich selling weapons to your terrorist allies?

The day the Muzzie Beasts want peace, they will stop attacking, and there will be peace. But your buddies swear they will never stop until the last Jew is murdered or enslaved. You work for this goal.
What percentage of the 1.7 million Palestinians living in Gaza are "Muzzie Beasts?"
Jews can end the violence in Palestine by ending their occupation and their long-cherished desire to own all the land between the River and the sea.

7 yr olds are sensitive to hypocrisy, GP, and yours is blatant. Try to explain your claim that Israel left Gaza in 2005 because they couldn't afford to defend a few sq miles of it in light of your claim that Israel wants "to own all the land between the River and the sea."
Unlike your kosher self, I don't pick my buddies based on their ethnicity.

True, you pick them by their religion. Since Islam is at war to destroy America, they are your brothers.

In Palestine of 1948 there were 650,000 Jews and 1.3 million Arabs living between the River and the sea.

Except you're lying for Allah - as you do.

You are saying "Palestine" but referencing only Israel. Nazis and Muslims - to the extent that there is any difference between the two, tend to do that.

In Palestine, there were a FUCK LOAD more Muslims than that - the population of Jordan alone dwarfs it - add in Syria and the Arabs in Israel are a little blot.

Jews were one-third of the population owning 7% of the land. Imperialists functioning through the UN gifted Jews with 50% of the land. This was done in hopes of creating a little, loyal Jewish Ulster near the heart of Arab oil. Israel was created to buy arms paid for by US taxpayers, and use those arms to attack neighboring Arab thereby, spiking oil prices.

You're lying for Allah again.

Syria and Jordan make up over 90% of the land mass of Palestine. The Jews got about 3.5% of the land mass. The Muzzie Beasts would not allow even that, and tried to murder the Jews - but failed, badly. The Jews drove the murderers out and ended up with about 5% of Palestine. Muzzie Beasts attacks twice more, and the Jews gained Gaza and the Golan Heights. So Israel now controls about 7% of Palestine.

But Allah wills that not one grain of sand be under the dominion of Kafir - right? So you engage in murder and terrorism, because it offends your demon that Jews live.

Mission Accomplished.

If you terrorists want peace, stop attacking. That's all it will take.

You never will though - you cannot abide one grain of sand that is not under Muslim control. You are a Muslim Supremacist.
What percentage of the 1.7 million Palestinians living in Gaza are "Muzzie Beasts?"
Jews can end the violence in Palestine by ending their occupation and their long-cherished desire to own all the land between the River and the sea.

Somewhere around 100%.

Muzzie Beasts have a habit of murdering anyone who is not Muslim. Your ISIS allies are leaving a trail of corpses that is unending behind them - Allahu Akbar.

Gazans didn't do 911.
Some of the Muslims who did were unhappy with US support for Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine, you know?
I think I would tell her some very greedy people in America get rich from selling weapons to the JOOOOZZZ who then mow the lawn in Gaza every couple of years.

Does anyone think that Dhimmi George can find us an article about the grandparents in Syria tell their grandchildren why their own little sisters and brothers have died. 10,000 plus children have died there; and if Dhimmi George could find a way to blame the Jews for these children's death, he wouldn't care if a million died in Syria. He is using these dead children in Gaza as his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoat, the Jews -- the same way that he uses the other Arabs there. If Dhimmi George actually cared about the Arabs, he would certainly be posting at least some of the time on this Middle East forum articles about what is happening in other parts of the Middle East where Arabs are being killed every day.

Gosh, Dhimmi George, you could have made a few bucks yourself if you had played your cards right and gotten a job with that big Arab arms dealer. Surely you must remember him since he spent a lot of time in Los Angeles.
Maybe you've forgotten what percentage of those 700,000 Palestinian refugees in 1948 were driven into Syria? Not that you have the slightest concern for any dead children who aren't Jews.:lol:

You can repeat yourself like a robot all you want to Dhimmi George, but the Arab leaders told these Palestinian refugees to leave; and when they wiped out the Jews, they could come back and take over the property of the Jews. My, my, millions and millions of Displaced People after World War II who were able to resettle thousands of miles from their original countries, learn a new language, and get on with their lives. It's a shame that the Arabs, just like you do, wanted to use these so-called Palestinians as pawns in their fight against the Jews. Meanwhile, those Arabs in the area who didn't leave because they actually had property and other assets in the area are now Israeli citizens. Does anyone actually think that Dhimmi George cares about any Arab children at all? If they do, they have to be very, very foolish.
Maybe you've forgotten what percentage of those 700,000 Palestinian refugees in 1948 were driven into Syria? Not that you have the slightest concern for any dead children who aren't Jews.:lol:

Since Syria is Palestine, every bit as much as Israel is; how do you figure the Arabs who launched a war on the Jews and lost, were "refugees?"

They were soldiers of Islam who lost in their bid to conquer the Jewish portion of Palestine, and retreated to the Arab portion of Palestine.

Ottoman Palestine was all of Lebanon, all of Israel, All of Jordan, and 80% of Syria. Oh, and that remaining 20% of Syria rightfully belongs to the Kurds. So your Arab buddies are illegally occupying Kurd territory.

Unlike your kosher self, I don't pick my buddies based on their ethnicity. In Palestine of 1948 there were 650,000 Jews and 1.3 million Arabs living between the River and the sea. Jews were one-third of the population owning 7% of the land. Imperialists functioning through the UN gifted Jews with 50% of the land. This was done in hopes of creating a little, loyal Jewish Ulster near the heart of Arab oil. Israel was created to buy arms paid for by US taxpayers, and use those arms to attack neighboring Arab thereby, spiking oil prices.

Mission Accomplished.

Dhimmi George, the Robot, is posting the same old stuff over and over and over. Anyone with even half a brain realizes that the Jews are his favorite scapegoat, and he just uses the Arabs as his pawn in his fight against the Jews. You have buddies, Dhimmi George? Just who are your buddies that you hang out with in real life? In your neighborhood, we know they are not Arabs.
I do not benefit from the terrorism of your Hamas buddies.

How well does it pay for you?
I don't profit from any form of war crime.
Do you?

"Israeli forces have killed over 200 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip over the past 23 days. In order to obfuscate this harsh reality, Israeli officials claim 'self-defence' and contend that civilian deaths are justified because Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

"Israel is an occupying power that is attacking and destroying an occupied Palestinian civilian population.

"These civilian deaths are not collateral damage.

"They are war crimes."


I've never heard you condemn any war crimes committed by Hamas.

Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

What do you call it when Israel warns civilians to leave an area before an attack and Hamas forces the civilians to stay?
What do you call it when Hamas stores rockets in and fires rockets from the grounds of a school?
What evidence do you have Hamas "forces civilians to stay?"
Hamas war crimes are committed in response to an illegal occupation by Israel.
Israel is the occupying power of Gaza and therefore responsible for protecting civilians living under its occupation. End the occupation and war crimes will end on both sides.
What percentage of the 1.7 million Palestinians living in Gaza are "Muzzie Beasts?"
Jews can end the violence in Palestine by ending their occupation and their long-cherished desire to own all the land between the River and the sea.

Somewhere around 100%.

Muzzie Beasts have a habit of murdering anyone who is not Muslim. Your ISIS allies are leaving a trail of corpses that is unending behind them - Allahu Akbar.

I didn't send arms from Libya to IS, did you?
Who's been getting rich from arming Radical Islam since Carter was in the White House?
Not me.
What percentage of the 1.7 million Palestinians living in Gaza are "Muzzie Beasts?"
Jews can end the violence in Palestine by ending their occupation and their long-cherished desire to own all the land between the River and the sea.

Somewhere around 100%.

Muzzie Beasts have a habit of murdering anyone who is not Muslim. Your ISIS allies are leaving a trail of corpses that is unending behind them - Allahu Akbar.

I didn't send arms from Libya to IS, did you?
Who's been getting rich from arming Radical Islam since Carter was in the White House?
Not me.

Believe me, if Dhimmi George had been able to get a good position in one of the defense industries in Los Angeles, he would have pocketed his paycheck and not given a thought to who was arming whom.
I didn't send arms from Libya to IS, did you?

Do you send a monthly check to Hamas? Chances are part of the is going to ISIS.

Who's been getting rich from arming Radical Islam since Carter was in the White House?
Not me.

So, your support of terrorism is driven by your hatred of JOOOOZZ and America?
I send a monthly donation to the Real News Network.
Maybe you should try it?
Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest - Heiner Flassbeck on Reality Asserts Itself (1/5)

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