Explaining Gaza to a $even Year-Old

I didn't send arms from Libya to IS, did you?

Do you send a monthly check to Hamas? Chances are part of the is going to ISIS.

Who's been getting rich from arming Radical Islam since Carter was in the White House?
Not me.

So, your support of terrorism is driven by your hatred of JOOOOZZ and America?
I send a monthly donation to the Real News Network.
Maybe you should try it?
Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest - Heiner Flassbeck on Reality Asserts Itself (1/5)

The "Real" News Network doesn't really do news, my little Hamas wind-up toy, but rather is an obscure, roundtable opinion show. I guess their opinions appeal to you. I certainly prefer Uncensored's Naked News Network. More credibility.
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Do you send a monthly check to Hamas? Chances are part of the is going to ISIS.

So, your support of terrorism is driven by your hatred of JOOOOZZ and America?
I send a monthly donation to the Real News Network.
Maybe you should try it?
Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest - Heiner Flassbeck on Reality Asserts Itself (1/5)

The "Real" News Network doesn't really do news, my little Hamas wind-up toy, but rather is an obscure, roundtable opinion show. I guess their opinions appeal to you. I certainly prefer Uncensored's Naked News Network. More credibility.
Baltimore Hosts Dueling Rallies over Israel's Gaza Assault

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