Explaining Socialism to a Republican

Another self proclaimed victor. You cons just can't lose!
Says he who knows he cannot answer my question.
I guess I'll have to reiterate since you weren't bright enough to get it the first time.
It's not a matter of anyone being bright enough to understand your 'answer', it's a matter of you deliberately failing to address the question.

Perhaps, however, you do not understand the question - giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll ask differently.

You wish for the state to force people to give up their freedoms so that said state can enforce your version of morality.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
Your statement was
"You wish for the state to force people to give up their freedoms so that said state can enforce your version of morality."
That sounds like the right wing goal concerning same sex marriage. How is that not the same as your claim?
Red herring -- an attempt to avoid the issue by changing the subject.

Please educate me as to why your reasoned opposition to socialism is only applied when it helps the poor, but it's not a problem when it helps the rich. If you believe socialism is bad, is it be bad in all cases?
Huh. The admitted liar asks a loaded question. Funny.
Can you show that I do not have a problem with socialism when it help the rich?
You specifically? No. The right wing? You know that is a silly question.
Sorry - I cannot speak for the group. You'll have to ask someone else.
Bullshit....You claim to speak for teabaggers all the time.
Another lie.
Says he who knows he cannot answer my question.
I guess I'll have to reiterate since you weren't bright enough to get it the first time.
It's not a matter of anyone being bright enough to understand your 'answer', it's a matter of you deliberately failing to address the question.

Perhaps, however, you do not understand the question - giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll ask differently.

You wish for the state to force people to give up their freedoms so that said state can enforce your version of morality.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
Your statement was
"You wish for the state to force people to give up their freedoms so that said state can enforce your version of morality."
That sounds like the right wing goal concerning same sex marriage. How is that not the same as your claim?
Red herring -- an attempt to avoid the issue by changing the subject.
Says he who offered the red herring so as to avoid the subject.
It's not a matter of anyone being bright enough to understand your 'answer', it's a matter of you deliberately failing to address the question.

Perhaps, however, you do not understand the question - giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll ask differently.

You wish for the state to force people to give up their freedoms so that said state can enforce your version of morality.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
My version of morality...
Who are YOU to have the state enforce it on others?
Who are YOU to have amorality enforced on others?
One thing they don't realize is a family that works together,does things for each other is socialism...

Eye roll, that was stupid
Really why is that because you know its true.A family is a collective

The problem is when the parents of a family invite all the poor families in their neighborhood over for dinner every night, give them money to pay for their kids school, let them come over when their refridgerator runs low, buys their needy kids clothes, etc and dont have anything left for their own kids. Of course, its always good to teach your children compassion for those who have less then them, but it is about the balance. What happens when one parent overrides the other and makes a series of bad decisions, bankrupting the family?
Yeah, our government acts like a parent in many ways, domesticaly and internationaly, Im not sure where the line should be drawn, but it takes you back to the seperation of powers issue as well.
It's not a matter of anyone being bright enough to understand your 'answer', it's a matter of you deliberately failing to address the question.
Perhaps, however, you do not understand the question - giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll ask differently.
You wish for the state to force people to give up their freedoms so that said state can enforce your version of morality.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
My version of morality...
Who are YOU to have the state enforce it on others?
Who are YOU to have amorality enforced on others?
Dodging the question again, eh?
Not a surprise.
I accept your surrender. It came sooner than I thought it would but that just means I waste less time on you.
Another self proclaimed victor. You cons just can't lose!
Says he who knows he cannot answer my question.
I guess I'll have to reiterate since you weren't bright enough to get it the first time.
It's not a matter of anyone being bright enough to understand your 'answer', it's a matter of you deliberately failing to address the question.

Perhaps, however, you do not understand the question - giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll ask differently.

You wish for the state to force people to give up their freedoms so that said state can enforce your version of morality.
Who are you to force your morality on others?

Your statement was
"You wish for the state to force people to give up their freedoms so that said state can enforce your version of morality."
That sounds like the right wing goal concerning same sex marriage. How is that not the same as your claim?

Liberal freaks would turn our great country into Saddam and Gomorrah if they had their way.
It's not a matter of anyone being bright enough to understand your 'answer', it's a matter of you deliberately failing to address the question.
Perhaps, however, you do not understand the question - giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll ask differently.
You wish for the state to force people to give up their freedoms so that said state can enforce your version of morality.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
My version of morality...
Who are YOU to have the state enforce it on others?
Who are YOU to have amorality enforced on others?
Dodging the question again, eh?
Not a surprise.
You probably don't get along with many people do you. Frightening thought - an outcast sniper. Just try not to take it out on school kids.
Only the right is cognitively dissonant enough to aspire to a divine Commune of Heaven and practice their communism in Cuba, while claiming to really really have Faith in Capitalism in public venues.
It's not a matter of anyone being bright enough to understand your 'answer', it's a matter of you deliberately failing to address the question.
Perhaps, however, you do not understand the question - giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll ask differently.
You wish for the state to force people to give up their freedoms so that said state can enforce your version of morality.
Who are you to force your morality on others?
My version of morality...
Who are YOU to have the state enforce it on others?
Who are YOU to have amorality enforced on others?
Dodging the question again, eh?
Not a surprise.
You probably don't get along with many people do you. Frightening thought - an outcast sniper. Just try not to take it out on school kids.
Fact remains: you continue to run away fro the question I asked.
You know it, I know it -- difference is that I am honest enough to admit it.
My version of morality...
Who are YOU to have the state enforce it on others?
Who are YOU to have amorality enforced on others?
Dodging the question again, eh?
Not a surprise.
You probably don't get along with many people do you. Frightening thought - an outcast sniper. Just try not to take it out on school kids.
Fact remains: you continue to run away fro the question I asked.
You know it, I know it -- difference is that I am honest enough to admit it.
I've tried to lead you to a perspective outside of your narrow confines but you're not having it. You'd apparently rather cling to your hollow 'victory'.
Who are YOU to have the state enforce it on others?
Who are YOU to have amorality enforced on others?
Dodging the question again, eh?
Not a surprise.
You probably don't get along with many people do you. Frightening thought - an outcast sniper. Just try not to take it out on school kids.
Fact remains: you continue to run away fro the question I asked.
You know it, I know it -- difference is that I am honest enough to admit it.
I've tried to lead you to a perspective outside of your narrow confines....
No - you simply do not want to answer the question I asked
Who are YOU to have amorality enforced on others?
Dodging the question again, eh?
Not a surprise.
You probably don't get along with many people do you. Frightening thought - an outcast sniper. Just try not to take it out on school kids.
Fact remains: you continue to run away fro the question I asked.
You know it, I know it -- difference is that I am honest enough to admit it.
I've tried to lead you to a perspective outside of your narrow confines....
No - you simply do not want to answer the question I asked
So you want to know who I am to have my morality enforced on others? I'm a moral human being. Are you implying that you don't believe there's such a thing as morality? Or are you amoral and that's the side you're pulling for?
Dodging the question again, eh?
Not a surprise.
You probably don't get along with many people do you. Frightening thought - an outcast sniper. Just try not to take it out on school kids.
Fact remains: you continue to run away fro the question I asked.
You know it, I know it -- difference is that I am honest enough to admit it.
I've tried to lead you to a perspective outside of your narrow confines....
No - you simply do not want to answer the question I asked
So you want to know who I am to have my morality enforced on others? I'm a moral human being.
OK...so, because you are moral.you have standing to have the state force your morality on others.
How does this make you different from right-wingers that would have their state impose their morality on you?
Dodging the question again, eh?
Not a surprise.
You probably don't get along with many people do you. Frightening thought - an outcast sniper. Just try not to take it out on school kids.
Fact remains: you continue to run away fro the question I asked.
You know it, I know it -- difference is that I am honest enough to admit it.
I've tried to lead you to a perspective outside of your narrow confines....
No - you simply do not want to answer the question I asked
So you want to know who I am to have my morality enforced on others? I'm a moral human being. Are you implying that you don't believe there's such a thing as morality? Or are you amoral and that's the side you're pulling for?

Oh, so you're a fascist.
You probably don't get along with many people do you. Frightening thought - an outcast sniper. Just try not to take it out on school kids.
Fact remains: you continue to run away fro the question I asked.
You know it, I know it -- difference is that I am honest enough to admit it.
I've tried to lead you to a perspective outside of your narrow confines....
No - you simply do not want to answer the question I asked
So you want to know who I am to have my morality enforced on others? I'm a moral human being.
OK...so, because you are moral.you have standing to have the state force your morality on others.
How does this make you different from right-wingers that would have their state impose their morality on you?
How do you think humanity has made it this far? I think there are certain moral codes that have been indispensible in this regard. The golden rule being chief among them.

As for right-wing morality, it seems to be centered around gay issues which I don't believe affect me at all. Well, that and anti-science, pro-corporation crap.
Fact remains: you continue to run away fro the question I asked.
You know it, I know it -- difference is that I am honest enough to admit it.
I've tried to lead you to a perspective outside of your narrow confines....
No - you simply do not want to answer the question I asked
So you want to know who I am to have my morality enforced on others? I'm a moral human being.
OK...so, because you are moral.you have standing to have the state force your morality on others.
How does this make you different from right-wingers that would have their state impose their morality on you?
As for right-wing morality, it seems to be centered around gay issues which I don't believe affect me at all. Well, that and anti-science, pro-corporation crap.
You didn't answer the question. I'll ask in in a different way.
You are moral.and so you have standing to have the state force your morality on others.
What then is your argument against other moral people using the state to impose their morality on you?
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Socialism is God's way of saying, "You make too much money!"

Okay. I paraphrased Robin Williams. Sue me.
Can Taxing the wealthiest "into Heaven" be immoral?

Stealing is always immoral.

Trying to shove that camel through the eye of the needle, eh? Immanentizing the Eschaton?
Is it really "stealing" from the wealthiest to Tax them into Heaven?
Yes. Theft is theft, and that is immoral.

The Left is always looking for justification for their theft to assuage their guilt.
I've tried to lead you to a perspective outside of your narrow confines....
No - you simply do not want to answer the question I asked
So you want to know who I am to have my morality enforced on others? I'm a moral human being.
OK...so, because you are moral.you have standing to have the state force your morality on others.
How does this make you different from right-wingers that would have their state impose their morality on you?
As for right-wing morality, it seems to be centered around gay issues which I don't believe affect me at all. Well, that and anti-science, pro-corporation crap.
You didn't answer the question. I'll ask in in a different way.
You are moral.and so you have standing to have the state force your morality on others.
What then is your argument against other moral people using the state to impose their morality on you?
I insist there is no appeal to ignorance of our own laws and that Any fallacy is that form of appeal to it.

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