explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Guns don't have an ideology of killing or enslaving non-believers.

That's beside the point. If you don't want law abiding gun owners painted with a broad brush, don't paint every last member of a particular faith as those who have "an ideology of killing or enslaving nonbelievers."

It's not beside the point because Islam's raison d'être is to force Islam on the world.


These knee-jerk responses are getting on my nerves.

Denial is the Liberal's favorite knee-jerk response to truth.
I watch the news.............see a white man who brutally rapes a women, tortures and kills her. Then I say........We should hang his ass................

Does this mean I hate all whites...............

I see a Mexican who does the same dang thing.........Then I say We should hang his ass.............

Does this mean I hate all Mexicans..........

I see a black man.......robs, rapes and kills.........Then I say We should hang his ass.............

Does this mean I hate all Blacks............

I see a Radical Islamic Terrorist.....He kills and maims.............Then I say we should hang his ass........

Does this mean I hate all Muslims...

As I have already stated...............I am tired of the Straw man argument that when we condemn Terrorist Attacks that we condemn all Muslims when we say so............To those who continue this LAME argument...you can kiss my ass. When those Radicalized kill in our country or another.............I will again say we should wipe the floor with Radical Islam and those who choose to conduct Terrorist Attacks around the World.

I don't think you do, but read what some have posted here.

I will FURTHER CONDEMN nations in the Middle East that openly support Terrorist Groups......Fund them......arm them....train them..........and give money to the families of those who lose a family member conducting an act of Terrorism.........Iran being a perfect example as they fund terror groups around the globe.

I am ex military...........Did tours in the Persian Gulf and Somalia............We went there to save starving people....including starving Muslims........from Radical Muslims and Warlords................we went to a country to drive invading Muslims out of another Muslim Nation........In Europe.............we went after the Serbs............who were guess what...........killing Muslims............We now go there because countries funded and protected Radical Terrorist who conducted Terror attacks against our people, our country, and our Way of Life...................

When the countries over there stop SUPPORTING TERRORIST...........then someone like me will not be at your doorstep with firepower to remind you that WE ARE WATCHING YOU............Should these countries or these Terrorist groups...........DO HARM to our people and our allies we will be there to pound you into the ground like a Tent Post..........

The Middle Eastern Nations need to clean out the garbage there............They need to stop funding, training, and arming terrorist groups............Until they do...............We will be on your doorstep................Should you go to far or groups go to far.........we will be forced to pound you...............And While your at it.............Stop chanting Death to America ........because one day.......someone like me.............will in front of you...........saying I'm here.........Kill me..........

We are tired of the Islamic BS and terror attacks around the globe................and tired of those condemning us for saying something about it..................Should this continue.......and it will.............the West will be forced to fight a regional war in the Middle East.

Agree. And until those countries can decide to come together and do something together, it's going to be hard to solve. They'd be smart to make alliances with Israel, form a MidEast consortium and clean up.
The Western Societies are getting very angry. They are getting tired of the terror attacks. And there will be hell to pay if it doesn't end..........

I've been waiting for this Hell to be paid since 2002. I wish we could hurry it up.
Ok. Clearly you make no distinction between extremists and ordinary people. Another person calling for genocide.

It does not have to be "Genocide". They can take islam back to islamist countries. don't come out. simple. You want to practice......do it away from Civilized countries.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms

If Trump is a retard, what does that make the Bi-Racial, Homosexual, Muslim lover of a ex-president who lead from behind and most of his cabinet choices were crooks or Commies? Hate to say it, (not really) but you cant get more stupid than a liberal. Even a box of rocks has more intelligence.

Daschle Ends Bid for Post; Obama Concedes Mistake
Obama's Communist Czars - Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd - CommieBlaster
The real reason Valerie Jarrett is the most hated person in Washington
Poison Pero is RIGHT!: Cass Sunstein (Obama Regulatory/'Manipulatory' Czar)

President Obama was a voracious reader and had an obvious grasp of complex issues that he studied

Trump relies on coloring books

You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.
The situation is this, why do Muslims who adhere to Islam want to even live in Western nations?

Everything about Islam is incompatible with living in ANY Western nation.

If you want to live in another nation, then when in Rome do as the Romans. The Muslims in Western nations want to adhere to a backward philosophy that was invented in the 7th Century and has not adapted or modernised since because the teachings of Mohammed cannot be adapted, deleted or even modernised in any way shape or form.

So you have a group of people who hate Western values, but who want to live in Western nations who have the mentally of the 7th Century where they DEMAND that women dress a certain way, where they DEMAND you cannot drink alcohol or eat certain foods, where women who are not dressed as they DEMAND are perfectly entitled to be raped or defiled in any way by the Muslim men because the Muslim men think that basically ALL Western women are just sluts and are therefore objects to rape (the Muslim men treat their own women lower than dogs) plus all the other stuff they scream about that they want changing.

If I go to a Muslim nation I would be told, they would DEMAND I cover myself up and speak when I'm spoken to or else.

They come to Western nations, yet don't want to dump Islam and adapt and live as we do in the West, they should be FORCED to live by our customs and our traditions or be told to GTFO and go back to an Islamic nation.

Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
I'd much rather not paint with such a broad brush, thanks.

Nobody can seem to delineate between Islam, and radical Islam. Instead simply pigeonholing the two in the same category. But I am getting tired of trying to explain the difference. It's clear people would much rather be driven by their hatred rather than the facts. No offense.
Islam is radical.
If the shoe fits...........wear it...............if not.........then you aren't the problem.

I grow tired of the straw man argument that we condemn you all every time we talk about terrorist attacks and Radical Islam. Every time someone says we paint you all as evil. It is BS, and I am tired of it.

Curious, I've heard similar arguments from conservatives regarding gun violence. It goes something like this:

"Just because one sociopath with a gun murders a bunch of people doesn't mean all gun owners are murderous sociopaths." Liberals use the broad brush just as much as you conservatives do.

But hey, let's pretend there's no double standard here.

Guns don't have an ideology of killing or enslaving non-believers.

Gun cultures do.

Guns and Religions are tools - it's how the users use them that matters. I'll point out Christianity as an example - there's plenty of crap there that a believer could use to justify bad behavior, but they don't. On the other hand, there are plenty of whackos and cult figures who use those bits to justify horrific things - LRA and Bokho Haram for example. There are plenty of muslims who are horrified at what is being done by some of these people in the name of their religion.
Ok. Clearly you make no distinction between extremists and ordinary people. Another person calling for genocide.

It does not have to be "Genocide". They can take islam back to islamist countries. don't come out. simple. You want to practice......do it away from Civilized countries.

Ethnic cleansing, that is so much better.

On the other hand, if American citizens don't want to leave their homes, you might end up having to kill them. You really can't avoid some form of genocide.
^^^^edit: add on. I am beyond caring what they want. Make a law, islam outside the home not allowed. Possess a koran is 10 years in prison or you can surrender to export to any muslim country. No islam anymore. not allowed. No more tax exempt status. No Mas mousqe in USA.

Where are all the MSM NEWS "reporters"? Why are they not shoving a mic in muslim faces over in the Britian mosques? Getting comments on the mass bombing for no reason other than to kill or ??? convert? LOL. too busy chasing BO/Beast russian story to cover for Beast defeat.

Instead they run to shove mic in DJT face or the MT face. May I body slam Catlyn Couric please?
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You guys talk about Islam that me as a Muslim don't even know. No it doesn't preach hatred, and no it doesn't preach killing, those verses that you quotell about jihad and holy war don't apply to now a days. Again if you gonna brush us all with the same brush you only doing the terrorists we all fighting a huge favor.

The situation is this, why do Muslims who adhere to Islam want to even live in Western nations?

Everything about Islam is incompatible with living in ANY Western nation.

If you want to live in another nation, then when in Rome do as the Romans. The Muslims in Western nations want to adhere to a backward philosophy that was invented in the 7th Century and has not adapted or modernised since because the teachings of Mohammed cannot be adapted, deleted or even modernised in any way shape or form.

So you have a group of people who hate Western values, but who want to live in Western nations who have the mentally of the 7th Century where they DEMAND that women dress a certain way, where they DEMAND you cannot drink alcohol or eat certain foods, where women who are not dressed as they DEMAND are perfectly entitled to be raped or defiled in any way by the Muslim men because the Muslim men think that basically ALL Western women are just sluts and are therefore objects to rape (the Muslim men treat their own women lower than dogs) plus all the other stuff they scream about that they want changing.

If I go to a Muslim nation I would be told, they would DEMAND I cover myself up and speak when I'm spoken to or else.

They come to Western nations, yet don't want to dump Islam and adapt and live as we do in the West, they should be FORCED to live by our customs and our traditions or be told to GTFO and go back to an Islamic nation.

Lots of Muslims live by western values because they are western. You don't have to "dump Islam" to believe in a Constitutional and secular government, human rights, equality, women's rights, et
You'd rather Islamists exterminate you first? :cuckoo:

I'd much rather not paint with such a broad brush, thanks.

Nobody can seem to delineate between Islam, and radical Islam. Instead simply pigeonholing the two in the same category. But I am getting tired of trying to explain the difference. It's clear people would much rather be driven by their hatred rather than the facts. No offense.
Islam is radical.
If the shoe fits...........wear it...............if not.........then you aren't the problem.

I grow tired of the straw man argument that we condemn you all every time we talk about terrorist attacks and Radical Islam. Every time someone says we paint you all as evil. It is BS, and I am tired of it.

Curious, I've heard similar arguments from conservatives regarding gun violence. It goes something like this:

"Just because one sociopath with a gun murders a bunch of people doesn't mean all gun owners are murderous sociopaths." Liberals use the broad brush just as much as you conservatives do.

But hey, let's pretend there's no double standard here.
Making a mountain out of a mole hill. See Syria.....and the entire middle east in flames and see the bigger picture.....

Your double standard doesn't show the spread of radical Islam across the whole region over there and now in Europe.
I watch the news.............see a white man who brutally rapes a women, tortures and kills her. Then I say........We should hang his ass................

Does this mean I hate all whites...............

I see a Mexican who does the same dang thing.........Then I say We should hang his ass.............

Does this mean I hate all Mexicans..........

I see a black man.......robs, rapes and kills.........Then I say We should hang his ass.............

Does this mean I hate all Blacks............

I see a Radical Islamic Terrorist.....He kills and maims.............Then I say we should hang his ass........

Does this mean I hate all Muslims...

As I have already stated...............I am tired of the Straw man argument that when we condemn Terrorist Attacks that we condemn all Muslims when we say so............To those who continue this LAME argument...you can kiss my ass. When those Radicalized kill in our country or another.............I will again say we should wipe the floor with Radical Islam and those who choose to conduct Terrorist Attacks around the World.

I don't think you do, but read what some have posted here.

I will FURTHER CONDEMN nations in the Middle East that openly support Terrorist Groups......Fund them......arm them....train them..........and give money to the families of those who lose a family member conducting an act of Terrorism.........Iran being a perfect example as they fund terror groups around the globe.

I am ex military...........Did tours in the Persian Gulf and Somalia............We went there to save starving people....including starving Muslims........from Radical Muslims and Warlords................we went to a country to drive invading Muslims out of another Muslim Nation........In Europe.............we went after the Serbs............who were guess what...........killing Muslims............We now go there because countries funded and protected Radical Terrorist who conducted Terror attacks against our people, our country, and our Way of Life...................

When the countries over there stop SUPPORTING TERRORIST...........then someone like me will not be at your doorstep with firepower to remind you that WE ARE WATCHING YOU............Should these countries or these Terrorist groups...........DO HARM to our people and our allies we will be there to pound you into the ground like a Tent Post..........

The Middle Eastern Nations need to clean out the garbage there............They need to stop funding, training, and arming terrorist groups............Until they do...............We will be on your doorstep................Should you go to far or groups go to far.........we will be forced to pound you...............And While your at it.............Stop chanting Death to America ........because one day.......someone like me.............will in front of you...........saying I'm here.........Kill me..........

We are tired of the Islamic BS and terror attacks around the globe................and tired of those condemning us for saying something about it..................Should this continue.......and it will.............the West will be forced to fight a regional war in the Middle East.

Agree. And until those countries can decide to come together and do something together, it's going to be hard to solve. They'd be smart to make alliances with Israel, form a MidEast consortium and clean up.
The Western Societies are getting very angry. They are getting tired of the terror attacks. And there will be hell to pay if it doesn't end..........

I've been waiting for this Hell to be paid since 2002. I wish we could hurry it up.
Politicians lose wars...........as do the Appeasement policies and trying to be liked by everyone which has a snowflake chance in hell of working.
If you don't want law abiding gun owners painted with a broad brush, don't paint every last member of a particular faith as those who have "an ideology of killing or enslaving nonbelievers."

This kind of ignorance, exhibited above by Etherion, is the major obstacle to defeating terrorism, in my opinion. The narrative saturating social media and the main stream media is one that promotes the idea that Islam is a good religion or a non violent religion. This is completely false. Anyone who has read the Islamic doctrine knows full well the intent of Muhammad and what fighting in Allah's Cause means. Until we accept the fact that Islam is a terrible and violent ideology, we will not be able to identify the enemy - let alone defeat it.
I watch the news.............see a white man who brutally rapes a women, tortures and kills her. Then I say........We should hang his ass................

Does this mean I hate all whites...............

I see a Mexican who does the same dang thing.........Then I say We should hang his ass.............

Does this mean I hate all Mexicans..........

I see a black man.......robs, rapes and kills.........Then I say We should hang his ass.............

Does this mean I hate all Blacks............

I see a Radical Islamic Terrorist.....He kills and maims.............Then I say we should hang his ass........

Does this mean I hate all Muslims...

As I have already stated...............I am tired of the Straw man argument that when we condemn Terrorist Attacks that we condemn all Muslims when we say so............To those who continue this LAME argument...you can kiss my ass. When those Radicalized kill in our country or another.............I will again say we should wipe the floor with Radical Islam and those who choose to conduct Terrorist Attacks around the World.

I don't think you do, but read what some have posted here.

I will FURTHER CONDEMN nations in the Middle East that openly support Terrorist Groups......Fund them......arm them....train them..........and give money to the families of those who lose a family member conducting an act of Terrorism.........Iran being a perfect example as they fund terror groups around the globe.

I am ex military...........Did tours in the Persian Gulf and Somalia............We went there to save starving people....including starving Muslims........from Radical Muslims and Warlords................we went to a country to drive invading Muslims out of another Muslim Nation........In Europe.............we went after the Serbs............who were guess what...........killing Muslims............We now go there because countries funded and protected Radical Terrorist who conducted Terror attacks against our people, our country, and our Way of Life...................

When the countries over there stop SUPPORTING TERRORIST...........then someone like me will not be at your doorstep with firepower to remind you that WE ARE WATCHING YOU............Should these countries or these Terrorist groups...........DO HARM to our people and our allies we will be there to pound you into the ground like a Tent Post..........

The Middle Eastern Nations need to clean out the garbage there............They need to stop funding, training, and arming terrorist groups............Until they do...............We will be on your doorstep................Should you go to far or groups go to far.........we will be forced to pound you...............And While your at it.............Stop chanting Death to America ........because one day.......someone like me.............will in front of you...........saying I'm here.........Kill me..........

We are tired of the Islamic BS and terror attacks around the globe................and tired of those condemning us for saying something about it..................Should this continue.......and it will.............the West will be forced to fight a regional war in the Middle East.

Agree. And until those countries can decide to come together and do something together, it's going to be hard to solve. They'd be smart to make alliances with Israel, form a MidEast consortium and clean up.
The Western Societies are getting very angry. They are getting tired of the terror attacks. And there will be hell to pay if it doesn't end..........

I've been waiting for this Hell to be paid since 2002. I wish we could hurry it up.
Politicians lose wars...........as do the Appeasement policies and trying to be liked by everyone which has a snowflake chance in hell of working.

Liberal are cowards.
Thank you.....best post so far.

Do we Muslims hate terrorism? Yes we do....who suffered greatly from it?? We did...
Iraq, lybia, Syria had no Isis or AL Qaeda till the west distabilized those countries an in the case of Syria financed Isis in the beginning. If one wants to cure a disease you should learn how it grew from the first place. Otherwise, just more violence and more innocent lives.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Who funded Isis? Who wanted Assad out and create chaos in Syria for Isis to take control of some parts if Syria and Iraq?

And BTW AL qaeda was trained by the CIA to fight the soviets...but I guess some didn't learn from that.

And have you also asked yourselves, why there are refugees in the 1st place? And who were those responsible for it and why?

Don't tell me you're blaming the wealthy West?? lmao The pull factor of wealth is one thing old boy but the Assad regime's slaughter accounts for many as well.


So this excuses a Useful Idiot blowing up people in Manchester??

There will be a price to pay.


He's not "excusing" anyone. He has repeatedly said he abhors terrorism and what is done in the name of his religion. But no one wants to hear it because minds were made up as soon as he posted. He's trying to make some points that everyone is to angry, too upset, too horrified to take in after this tragedy so they are dog piling him. Why not give him a chance and listen to what he has to say instead of putting words in his mouth?

His points are that ISIS didn't come out of a vacuum - and it's not going to be gotten rid of without understanding what led to it and what is feeding it.

We have a long history of outside meddling, religious and ethnic factions, nationalistic aspirations and now failed states and a vacuum of power and law that created and nourishes ISIS and provides them with a ready supply of brainwashed recruits becuase it's easy to convince them that they can finally do something "meaningful" against the "enemy". It's easier to claim they just "hate the west" and "freedom" and hate what we stand for but it's nowhere that simple.


Got about three more pages of this for 2017. Since I know they won't read the link someone provided.

Surprisingly most are in muslim coutries and they still don't want to do anything about it? KuKoo KuKoo.
Guns don't have an ideology of killing or enslaving non-believers.

That's beside the point. If you don't want law abiding gun owners painted with a broad brush, don't paint every last member of a particular faith as those who have "an ideology of killing or enslaving nonbelievers."

It's not beside the point because Islam's raison d'être is to force Islam on the world.


These knee-jerk responses are getting on my nerves.

Tough shit.

So it is a knee jerk response? Are you admitting your argument has no substance?
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View attachment 129083

Got about three more pages of this for 2017. Since I know they won't read the link someone provided.

Surprisingly most are in muslim coutries and they still don't want to do anything about it? KuKoo KuKoo.

Iraq, Syria and Libya are in the midst of civil wars, and are or close to being failed states. Afghanistan is also in a war.

Now...what is your point with this? They don't "want" to do anything about this?

H.L. Mencken: For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.
This kind of ignorance, exhibited above by Etherion, is the major obstacle to defeating terrorism, in my opinion.

Actually the type of ignorance I see is yours, trying to broadbrush an entire religion. No wonder there are terrorists, your stereotypical attitudes are what create them. These people are convinced you want to wipe them all out.

Your ad hominem shows how weak your argument is.

The narrative saturating social media and the main stream media is one that promotes the idea that Islam is a good religion or a non violent religion.

Wow. Don't you dare put words in my mouth.

I never said anything like that. To be quite honest, I have no real opinion of Islam as a religion, because I am a Christian, and I don't launch snap judgements of other beliefs like you do.
Until we accept the fact that Islam is a terrible and violent ideology, we will not be able to identify the enemy - let alone defeat it.

Let's say the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition were happening today instead of Radical Islamic terrorism, we could have said the same thing about Christianity. But as you can see, our faith evolved out of that into what it is today. The acts of the Conquistadors and Crusaders went against what the Bible taught, and I am most certain what these Islamic extremists are doing is the same via the precepts of Islam.
Guns don't have an ideology of killing or enslaving non-believers.

That's beside the point. If you don't want law abiding gun owners painted with a broad brush, don't paint every last member of a particular faith as those who have "an ideology of killing or enslaving nonbelievers."

It's not beside the point because Islam's raison d'être is to force Islam on the world.


These knee-jerk responses are getting on my nerves.

Denial is the Liberal's favorite knee-jerk response to truth.

Am I denying anything? Or am I actually launching an effective counter argument?

I find this humorous, you think I'm a liberal. My political beliefs are more in line with the founding fathers than yours are. They would cringe at some of the suggestions you and others have made on this thread.

Come now.
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View attachment 129083

Got about three more pages of this for 2017. Since I know they won't read the link someone provided.

Surprisingly most are in muslim coutries and they still don't want to do anything about it? KuKoo KuKoo.

Iraq, Syria and Libya are in the midst of civil wars, and are or close to being failed states. Afghanistan is also in a war.

Now...what is your point with this? They don't "want" to do anything about this?

H.L. Mencken: For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.

My point is: Let the muslims clean up muslim problems. They cause all the problems, fix it. Fix it in you own lands. Do not bring that crap out to other lands. Nice spin job about civil war. lol.

Keep spinning. Here is 59 countries (last year) for you to SPIN on.
Come on. Are you guys going to insult me or actually debate me? I was accused of seeing things in "black and white" earlier, but it seems to be the other way around.

Some Conservatives: "Islam bad, us good!"
Some Liberals: "Christianity bad, Islam good!"

Geez Louise! I thirst for intellectual debate! Not this rank childishness!

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