explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

At 6:25 of the video.......you see the explanation.......quickly of the split of Islam into different groups.......Brought about by the Mongol Invasions and control of the region.............So roughly in 1600, the culmination of the civil Wars between rival groups within Islam occurred.......................And that INTERNAL struggle is the basis of the fighting between Sunni and Shia today..................Both believing they are the true path of Islam..........Why......because the leaders before went into a power struggle for control of the empire and set each other to War with each other.

The video shows..........that Caliphate after Caliphate occurred throughout Islamic History.........Well before we ever even existed as a Nation...........It shows how that they conquered Spain and nearly took France.........except for this guy..............


Who saved Europe from the Peaceful Muslim Invaders of his time...............Today the next caption would fit........


Then the Crusades to drive back the invasion of Muslim Forces.......and eventually the removal of all Muslims from Spain.......

Then further on........The Ottoman Empire expelled in WWI......The Ottoman Empire was another Caliphate to rule the region by the Sword and later the gun......

Expelled by the West and controlled primarily by England and France as the Turks sided with Germany and just committed Genocide in the Armenia.


This is what the Ottomans did during this Genocide............hanging on to their Empire by slaughtering the infidels of their time.


After Christian fighters captured Jerusalem during the First Crusade, groups of pilgrims from across Western Europe began visiting the Holy Land. Around 1118, a French knight named Hugues de Payens founded a military order devoted to protecting these pilgrims, calling it the Poor Knights of the Temple of King Solomon (later the Knights Templar). In 1129 the knights received the formal endorsement of the Catholic Church, and new recruits and lavish donations began pouring in from across Europe. Known for their austere code of conduct and signature style of dress (white habits emblazoned with a red cross), the Templars established new chapters throughout Western Europe. They developed a reputation as fierce warriors during the Crusades and set up a network of banks, gaining enormous financial sway. At the height of their influence, they boasted a sizable fleet of ships, owned the island of Cyprus and served as a primary lender to European monarchs and nobles.

Muslim soldiers retook Jerusalem and turned the tide of the Crusades in the late 12th century, forcing the Templars to relocate their base of operations to Paris. There, King Philip IV resolved to bring down the order, perhaps because the Templars had denied the indebted ruler additional loans. On October 13, 1307, scores of French Templars were arrested and brutally tortured until many confessed to false charges. Three years later, dozens were burned at the stake in Paris. Under pressure from King Philip, Pope Clement V reluctantly dissolved the Knights Templar in 1312.

While most historians agree that the Knights Templar fully disbanded 700 years ago, some people believe the order went underground and remains in existence to this day. In the 18th century, certain organizations, most notably the Freemasons, revived some of the medieval knights’ symbols and traditions. More recently, stories about the legendary Templars—that they dug up the Holy Grail while occupying the Temple Mount, for instance, or harbored a secret capable of destroying the Catholic Church—have found their way into popular books and films.

My photos of a templar historical reconstitution in my région Vienne/France









MusicTemplar with French Honor to the Templier.

My photos of a templar historical reconstitution in my région Vienne/France
Last edited:
At 6:25 of the video.......you see the explanation.......quickly of the split of Islam into different groups.......Brought about by the Mongol Invasions and control of the region.............So roughly in 1600, the culmination of the civil Wars between rival groups within Islam occurred.......................And that INTERNAL struggle is the basis of the fighting between Sunni and Shia today..................Both believing they are the true path of Islam..........Why......because the leaders before went into a power struggle for control of the empire and set each other to War with each other.

The video shows..........that Caliphate after Caliphate occurred throughout Islamic History.........Well before we ever even existed as a Nation...........It shows how that they conquered Spain and nearly took France.........except for this guy..............


Who saved Europe from the Peaceful Muslim Invaders of his time...............Today the next caption would fit........


Then the Crusades to drive back the invasion of Muslim Forces.......and eventually the removal of all Muslims from Spain.......

Then further on........The Ottoman Empire expelled in WWI......The Ottoman Empire was another Caliphate to rule the region by the Sword and later the gun......

Expelled by the West and controlled primarily by England and France as the Turks sided with Germany and just committed Genocide in the Armenia.


This is what the Ottomans did during this Genocide............hanging on to their Empire by slaughtering the infidels of their time.


After Christian fighters captured Jerusalem during the First Crusade, groups of pilgrims from across Western Europe began visiting the Holy Land. Around 1118, a French knight named Hugues de Payens founded a military order devoted to protecting these pilgrims, calling it the Poor Knights of the Temple of King Solomon (later the Knights Templar). In 1129 the knights received the formal endorsement of the Catholic Church, and new recruits and lavish donations began pouring in from across Europe. Known for their austere code of conduct and signature style of dress (white habits emblazoned with a red cross), the Templars established new chapters throughout Western Europe. They developed a reputation as fierce warriors during the Crusades and set up a network of banks, gaining enormous financial sway. At the height of their influence, they boasted a sizable fleet of ships, owned the island of Cyprus and served as a primary lender to European monarchs and nobles.

Muslim soldiers retook Jerusalem and turned the tide of the Crusades in the late 12th century, forcing the Templars to relocate their base of operations to Paris. There, King Philip IV resolved to bring down the order, perhaps because the Templars had denied the indebted ruler additional loans. On October 13, 1307, scores of French Templars were arrested and brutally tortured until many confessed to false charges. Three years later, dozens were burned at the stake in Paris. Under pressure from King Philip, Pope Clement V reluctantly dissolved the Knights Templar in 1312.

While most historians agree that the Knights Templar fully disbanded 700 years ago, some people believe the order went underground and remains in existence to this day. In the 18th century, certain organizations, most notably the Freemasons, revived some of the medieval knights’ symbols and traditions. More recently, stories about the legendary Templars—that they dug up the Holy Grail while occupying the Temple Mount, for instance, or harbored a secret capable of destroying the Catholic Church—have found their way into popular books and films.

My photos of a templar historical reconstitution in my région Vienne/France









MusicTemplar with French Honor to the Templier.

My photos of a templar historical reconstitution in my région Vienne/France

Yes...........the Crusades are part of the History of the Region..................and their beginning happened as a response to the others invading the region.............

Leading to the Ottoman Empire later on.....that remained until WWI.............

Leading to the Colonization of North Africa and the Middles East by England and France.................

2 sides taking over the region over time.............And now 1 side wishes to repeat it.........others oppose it.




That picture is from England..............They swore and Oath their too...................Are they in violation of the Oath to the host country now..............

American Muslims who gave their life fighting for our country.
They understand what an Oath and Promise is......................they gave their lives for it.........


Him........NOT SO MUCH
Here's a demonstration of exactly WHY we stand against bigotry on this site, such as has been aired in this thread by cowards hiding behind internet anonymity:

Witnesses: Man Cut the Throats of Two MAX Passengers Who Tried to Stop Anti-Muslim Bullying of Women on Northeast Portland Train

>> May 26: A man riding the MAX [light rail service] in Northeast Portland [Oregon] fatally stabbed two passengers who tried to stop him from hurling racial and anti-Muslim insults at women on the train, witnesses tell WW's news partner KATU-TV. <<​

That is exactly what this ignorance leads to. On this board we just get shouted down and falsely accused. In real life we get stabbed to death for doing the same thing.

Full thread just posted
Prior to the attack, police say the suspect was yelling hateful statements at two Muslim girls, one of whom was wearing a hijab. His speech was not specifically anti-Muslim and his behavior was erratic, Portland Police Bureau Sgt. Pete Simpson said.

Sgt. Pete Simpson with Portland Police added the suspect appeared to be acting erratically, and wasn't necessarily focused on anti-Muslim insults during the attack.

He said the two young women had left the train before police arrived. The identities of the women aren't known and Simpson said detectives would like to speak to them and any others who left the scene.
PPB: Suspect hurled insults at Muslim women, slashed throats of men who tried to stop him

Here's a demonstration of exactly WHY we stand against bigotry on this site, such as has been aired in this thread by cowards hiding behind internet anonymity:

Witnesses: Man Cut the Throats of Two MAX Passengers Who Tried to Stop Anti-Muslim Bullying of Women on Northeast Portland Train

>> May 26: A man riding the MAX [light rail service] in Northeast Portland [Oregon] fatally stabbed two passengers who tried to stop him from hurling racial and anti-Muslim insults at women on the train, witnesses tell WW's news partner KATU-TV. <<​

That is exactly what this ignorance leads to. On this board we just get shouted down and falsely accused. In real life we get stabbed to death for doing the same thing.

Full thread just posted

American Muslims who gave their life fighting for our country.
They understand what an Oath and Promise is......................they gave their lives for it.........


Him........NOT SO MUCH

There are wonderful Muslims out there, 99% are great, then you have a bunch of terrorists who claim to be Muslim and then you have the terrorist sympathizers. The terrorist and their sympathizers need to be taken care of.

American Muslims who gave their life fighting for our country.
They understand what an Oath and Promise is......................they gave their lives for it.........


Him........NOT SO MUCH

There are wonderful Muslims out there, 99% are great, then you have a bunch of terrorists who claim to be Muslim and then you have the terrorist sympathizers. The terrorist and their sympathizers need to be taken care of.

Before that can be done they need to be identified. Which you are flatly incapable of.

American Muslims who gave their life fighting for our country.
They understand what an Oath and Promise is......................they gave their lives for it.........


Him........NOT SO MUCH

There are wonderful Muslims out there, 99% are great, then you have a bunch of terrorists who claim to be Muslim and then you have the terrorist sympathizers. The terrorist and their sympathizers need to be taken care of.

Before that can be done they need to be identified. Which you are flatly incapable of.
And you are?

Hasan was giving signs long before he did the deed................
Pogo now accuses me of Bigotry..........because I dare to point out issues both over there and here.
Then gives an example of Blow Back by crazies of another group...........

Riddle me this..................

Westboro Baptist Church are quite frankly scum. They aren't Muslims but to me they are scum. Am I now a Bigot against the Baptist as well.................................

I point out those that are obviously radical........like those who march with signs saying Islam will Dominate and Freedom Go to Hell, but I can't identify a possible threat when seeing a freaking Nutcase................

Pogo now accuses me of Bigotry..........because I dare to point out issues both over there and here.
Then gives an example of Blow Back by crazies of another group...........

Riddle me this..................

Westboro Baptist Church are quite frankly scum. They aren't Muslims but to me they are scum. Am I now a Bigot against the Baptist as well.................................

I point out those that are obviously radical........like those who march with signs saying Islam will Dominate and Freedom Go to Hell, but I can't identify a possible threat when seeing a freaking Nutcase................


According to the left, defending Westboro is bad and anti-American, but defending terrorists and terrorist sympathizers is pro-American.

Hating terrorists is now bigotry. We need to love and understand why they kill innocent people.
Last edited:
Pogo now accuses me of Bigotry..........because I dare to point out issues both over there and here.
Then gives an example of Blow Back by crazies of another group...........

Riddle me this..................

Westboro Baptist Church are quite frankly scum. They aren't Muslims but to me they are scum. Am I now a Bigot against the Baptist as well.................................

I point out those that are obviously radical........like those who march with signs saying Islam will Dominate and Freedom Go to Hell, but I can't identify a possible threat when seeing a freaking Nutcase................


According to the left, defending Westboro is bad and anti-American, but defending terrorists and terrorist sympathizers is pro-American.
I've long ago gave up on understanding Liberal Logic...
What she fails to note, is the Baptist have no affiliation with Westboro.
Pogo now accuses me of Bigotry..........because I dare to point out issues both over there and here.
Then gives an example of Blow Back by crazies of another group...........

Riddle me this..................

Westboro Baptist Church are quite frankly scum. They aren't Muslims but to me they are scum. Am I now a Bigot against the Baptist as well.................................

I point out those that are obviously radical........like those who march with signs saying Islam will Dominate and Freedom Go to Hell, but I can't identify a possible threat when seeing a freaking Nutcase................


Greater Manchester Police described the evacuation in the inner-city area as a "precautionary measure to ensure everyone's safety".

Boscombe Street was cleared by counter-terror officers on Saturday morning, and a bomb disposal van was sent to the scene.

Mark Rowley, the head of national counter-terrorism policing, said 17 searches had either concluded or were continuing - mostly in the North West.

Speaking outside Scotland Yard, he stressed there was still much to do and warned more searches and arrests were likely to take place in the coming days.

Overnight, officers performed a controlled explosion at a property in Cheetham Hill. Two men, 20 and 22, were arrested.

A bus was also stormed to detain a 44-year-old man in Rusholme.

Police say they have tracked down a large part of the network linked to suicide bomber Salman Abedi - with "thousands of exhibits" now being examined by investigators.

"I think it is fair to say that there has been enormous progress with the investigation, but there is still an awful lot of work to do," Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said.
UK's terror threat level reduced to 'severe'
Because there is far more concern in their brainwashed minds of being PC multicultural than staying alive
The assa guy here keep chirping about "all the good Muslims" I think we believe they mostly don't killus but why do so disproportionately many kill us?
Pogo now accuses me of Bigotry..........because I dare to point out issues both over there and here.
Then gives an example of Blow Back by crazies of another group...........

Riddle me this..................

Westboro Baptist Church are quite frankly scum. They aren't Muslims but to me they are scum. Am I now a Bigot against the Baptist as well.................................

I point out those that are obviously radical........like those who march with signs saying Islam will Dominate and Freedom Go to Hell, but I can't identify a possible threat when seeing a freaking Nutcase................


According to the left, defending Westboro is bad and anti-American, but defending terrorists and terrorist sympathizers is pro-American.
I've long ago gave up on understanding Liberal Logic...
eagle1462010, I think I understood that these are superficial people who think only of their small navel which ranks side of the terrorist Muslims. They are unable to feel compassion for the victims of terrorists.
We can see it in all the sensitive thread it is always the same song Muslims are not all monsters, but nothing nothing about the victims of the attacks that means a lot, no?
Prior to the attack, police say the suspect was yelling hateful statements at two Muslim girls, one of whom was wearing a hijab. His speech was not specifically anti-Muslim and his behavior was erratic, Portland Police Bureau Sgt. Pete Simpson said.

Sgt. Pete Simpson with Portland Police added the suspect appeared to be acting erratically, and wasn't necessarily focused on anti-Muslim insults during the attack.

He said the two young women had left the train before police arrived. The identities of the women aren't known and Simpson said detectives would like to speak to them and any others who left the scene.
PPB: Suspect hurled insults at Muslim women, slashed throats of men who tried to stop him

Here's a demonstration of exactly WHY we stand against bigotry on this site, such as has been aired in this thread by cowards hiding behind internet anonymity:

Witnesses: Man Cut the Throats of Two MAX Passengers Who Tried to Stop Anti-Muslim Bullying of Women on Northeast Portland Train

>> May 26: A man riding the MAX [light rail service] in Northeast Portland [Oregon] fatally stabbed two passengers who tried to stop him from hurling racial and anti-Muslim insults at women on the train, witnesses tell WW's news partner KATU-TV. <<​

That is exactly what this ignorance leads to. On this board we just get shouted down and falsely accused. In real life we get stabbed to death for doing the same thing.

Full thread just posted
Prior to the attack the man was screaming "I hate white" people. Then he shoved a bystander off the Platform onto the train tracks.

'I Hate White People': Black Male Charged with Attempted Murder as a Hate Crime

This is the same kind of crazy as the man shouting at the muslim women. The man who hates white people is crazy. He's not a bigot and it wasn't hate speech. Neither was the guy screaming at the two women.
Pogo now accuses me of Bigotry..........because I dare to point out issues both over there and here.
Then gives an example of Blow Back by crazies of another group...........

Riddle me this..................

Westboro Baptist Church are quite frankly scum. They aren't Muslims but to me they are scum. Am I now a Bigot against the Baptist as well.................................

I point out those that are obviously radical........like those who march with signs saying Islam will Dominate and Freedom Go to Hell, but I can't identify a possible threat when seeing a freaking Nutcase................


According to the left, defending Westboro is bad and anti-American, but defending terrorists and terrorist sympathizers is pro-American.
I've long ago gave up on understanding Liberal Logic...
eagle1462010, I think I understood that these are superficial people who think only of their small navel which ranks side of the terrorist Muslims. They are unable to feel compassion for the victims of terrorists.
We can see it in all the sensitive thread it is always the same song Muslims are not all monsters, but nothing nothing about the victims of the attacks that means a lot, no?
Well they go we condemn the Muslim for his actions...........but you guys are the real problem here..............yeah they do.

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