Explosion reported in Philadelphia.

Muslims ?

Remember the plane that went down on the way to Egypt? Once people thought it wasn't terrorism and just poor maintenance then no one gave a damn.

Planes do explode, on occasion. Especially of terrorist is on board.

I guess we'll know pretty soon.

EgyptAir wreckage found

Yeah, we might, but it's funny how it was "it's a terrorist act, has to be" "It probably isn't" "What plane crash?"
If theres are terrorism in Philadelphia explosion U.S. must go in war against ISIS. Perhaps in Middle east and in new Libya war must there was good 5000 NATO troops and 1000 is British troops news from early election this year in U.S. and the Libyan Armed. U.S. must fight this terrorism back if there has been terrorist in Philadelphia air planes rights. ISIS is bad for every humans in Middle East and America and World's.
If theres are terrorism in Philadelphia explosion U.S. must go in war against ISIS. Perhaps in Middle east and in new Libya war must there was good 5000 NATO troops and 1000 is British troops news from early election this year in U.S. and the Libyan Armed. U.S. must fight this terrorism back if there has been terrorist in Philadelphia air planes rights. ISIS is bad for every humans in Middle East and America and World's.

That's exactly what ISIS wants. Chance to kill loads of Americans.

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