Exposed: The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏

I don't think BN "feigned" anything. that makes you and O'Donnell liars,, bald faced liars. You lose
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏

The reason Obama screwed up isn't just because of what he said, it's because of his failure to take everything into account when he said it.

The problem is Obama was very unclear, as usual, about what he meant. He tries to sound intelligent by talking in an indirect manner, and the result is total confusion.

Saying 1967 borders as a starting point is BS from the start. Then he attempts to hedge this SNAFU by saying "mutually agreed swaps". The fact is Israel won't even acknowledge the 1967 borders as a starting point because they are indefensible.

I don't care how some media talking-head tries to spin and re-explain what Obama "REALLY MEANT" after the fact. He should have been more clear from the beginning. Add to that the knowledge that Obama has people in his administration that are friends with Hamas.....I'm sorry, Israel must assume the worst out of a need for survival. They can't trust a President that hates them and continually sides with their enemies.

The stare-down and the rolling eyes act Obama pulled when the Israeli President was talking to the press was an insult . I saw it and I couldn't believe it. It was despicable.
He tried to hide it by placing his hand on his cheek, but the cameras caught it. You should have seen the video. Obama was rolling his eyes like he was gonna be sick or something. Maybe taking a crap in his pants.....and it obviously irked Netanyahu. It's very obvious why the Brits used the codename "Smart-Alec" for Obama while he was in the UK.


just look at the expression on his face in this one picture, obie doodle hates BN, but we knew that when BN was at the WH the first time and left to sit in his room without a dinner invitation. How low class is obie doodle gonna get?
The cons are so transparent. When the Pres. respects world leaders, he's belittling the office and when he calls Beebee on his BS pronouncements he's being disrespectful. Poor, transparent, cons :( You can't have it both ways asswipes LOLOL
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The stare-down and the rolling eyes act Obama pulled when the Israeli President was talking to the press was an insult . I saw it and I couldn't believe it. It was despicable.
And to America haters, there was nothing insulting about NuttyYahoo's lying to the American Press, the American People and the American President. To CON$ it was commendable. now he's lying???

So predictable.

All he said was that the 1967 borders will not be even considered as a starting point. That was not a lie.
I stopped reading after "Lawrence O'Donnell's very smart..."

The guy is a liar and a shameless self-admitted socialist stooge.

That is because your fingers are in your ears and you are singing lalalalala.

If you watch the video, you will see he said the words "mutually agreed" in his sentences and so did Netanyahu 5 days later.

O'Donnell is very smart AND leans Left, so what? Can't you ever agree with one fucking thing Obama or any Democrat says? :lol:
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏

The reason Obama screwed up isn't just because of what he said, it's because of his failure to take everything into account when he said it.

The problem is Obama was very unclear, as usual, about what he meant. He tries to sound intelligent by talking in an indirect manner, and the result is total confusion.

Saying 1967 borders as a starting point is BS from the start. Then he attempts to hedge this SNAFU by saying "mutually agreed swaps". The fact is Israel won't even acknowledge the 1967 borders as a starting point because they are indefensible.

I don't care how some media talking-head tries to spin and re-explain what Obama "REALLY MEANT" after the fact. He should have been more clear from the beginning. Add to that the knowledge that Obama has people in his administration that are friends with Hamas.....I'm sorry, Israel must assume the worst out of a need for survival. They can't trust a President that hates them and continually sides with their enemies.

The stare-down and the rolling eyes act Obama pulled when the Israeli President was talking to the press was an insult . I saw it and I couldn't believe it. It was despicable.
He tried to hide it by placing his hand on his cheek, but the cameras caught it. You should have seen the video. Obama was rolling his eyes like he was gonna be sick or something. Maybe taking a crap in his pants.....and it obviously irked Netanyahu. It's very obvious why the Brits used the codename "Smart-Alec" for Obama while he was in the UK.


just look at the expression on his face in this one picture, obie doodle hates BN, but we knew that when BN was at the WH the first time and left to sit in his room without a dinner invitation. How low class is obie doodle gonna get?

You're assuming a lot in your analysis. :cuckoo:
Congratulations to Lawrence O'Donnell! :clap2:

That was a well produced documentary that is saying what many of us have been saying since Obama's speech. The only difference it the video presented facts. Of course these Facts will be ignored by the far right, and as Mitt Romney's words indicate, those nearer to the middle.

We need to understand that the Right is struggling to exist. To the left, they have the Democrats and a President whose popularity is now well above 50%. To the right, they have the Tea Baggers with their obsurd, and often, false stances. The establishment GOP is an endangered animal. I doubt very seriously that, within 10 years, the GOP, as we know it, will be in existance.

The stare-down and the rolling eyes act Obama pulled when the Israeli President was talking to the press was an insult . I saw it and I couldn't believe it. It was despicable.
And to America haters, there was nothing insulting about NuttyYahoo's lying to the American Press, the American People and the American President. To CON$ it was commendable. now he's lying???

So predictable.

All he said was that the 1967 borders will not be even considered as a starting point. That was not a lie.
Of course it is.

Obama said it would be the 67 borders modified WITH MUTUALLY AGREED UPON SWAPS and NuttyYahoo told Congress the exact same thing.

Transcript & Video: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Speech U.S. Congress May 24, 2011 at Ironic Surrealism

The status of the settlements will be decided only in negotiations. But we must also be honest. So I am saying today something that should be said publicly by anyone serious about peace. In any peace agreement that ends the conflict, some settlements will end up beyond Israel’s borders. The precise delineation of those borders must be negotiated. We will be very generous on the size of a future Palestinian state. But as President Obama said, the border will be different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967.
And to America haters, there was nothing insulting about NuttyYahoo's lying to the American Press, the American People and the American President. To CON$ it was commendable. now he's lying???

So predictable.

All he said was that the 1967 borders will not be even considered as a starting point. That was not a lie.
Of course it is.

Obama said it would be the 67 borders modified WITH MUTUALLY AGREED UPON SWAPS and NuttyYahoo told Congress the exact same thing.

Transcript & Video: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Speech U.S. Congress May 24, 2011 at Ironic Surrealism

The status of the settlements will be decided only in negotiations. But we must also be honest. So I am saying today something that should be said publicly by anyone serious about peace. In any peace agreement that ends the conflict, some settlements will end up beyond Israel’s borders. The precise delineation of those borders must be negotiated. We will be very generous on the size of a future Palestinian state. But as President Obama said, the border will be different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967.

I expect most of those who have been screaming and saying Obama threw Israel under the bus, would like for this thread to go away. It points out, in well defined terms, just how much of a liar their arguments have been. They would like to see this thread go away. What a bunch of Hypocrites...
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Israeli Kids Against Their Own Army & Killing of Innocent Palestinians‬‏[/ame]​
Sorry, but you'll have to watch the video.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feigned outrage over President Obama's suggestion that Israel and Palestine borders should be based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Then in Netanyahu's congressional address yesterday, he made that same suggestion. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"

YouTube - ‪Lawrence O'Donnell's Very Smart Take On The Right Wing's Fake 1967 Israeli Borders "Controversy"‬‏

Im laughing my balls off.................... might as well be standing buck naked in the middle of Siberia yelling "FIRE" with this thread!!!!!

Lawrence O'Donnell?:up::boobies::funnyface:

Nobody watches that show except the same few thousand hardcore lefty k00ks.........every single night.

Reality is 95% perception in life s0n...................and this is a POLITICS forum.


In other words..................
Now there's TWO imbeciles, making me look like Nostradamus!

The stare-down and the rolling eyes act Obama pulled when the Israeli President was talking to the press was an insult . I saw it and I couldn't believe it. It was despicable.
And to America haters, there was nothing insulting about NuttyYahoo's lying to the American Press, the American People and the American President. To CON$ it was commendable.
They love their Party more than their country.

They make the Soviets look like pikers.
The CON$ will ignore this like the plague.
Yes, they will.

Instead, they will attack Lawrence O'Donnell.

I ignore EVERYTHING that Crazy Larry, the admitted Socialist says.


The first wingnut chimes in exactly on cue and as predicted!


Hey wingnut: refute what he says not who he is.

Nothing Crazy Larry says is of any interest to me. I suspect that you and the three other people that watch his show hang on every lie he tells.
Yes, they will.

Instead, they will attack Lawrence O'Donnell.

I ignore EVERYTHING that Crazy Larry, the admitted Socialist says.


The first wingnut chimes in exactly on cue and as predicted!


Hey wingnut: refute what he says not who he is.

Nothing Crazy Larry says is of any interest to me. I suspect that you and the three other people that watch his show hang on every lie he tells.

So, you would not care if George W Bush said the same thing? Well, he did. He said the very same thing that Obama said. But there was no outrage from the right. Don't look at the video, because it will prove you to be a dogmatic fool, denying facts. Wait, I just defined the far right, didn't I?
I'm gonna say it. I know some people won't like it but I have to say it.*

OBAMA MUST GO. HE IS WORSE THAN BUSH. His speech about israel was beyond the pale of arrogance and ignorance.*

He thinks cuz he got bin laden through intel set up by the bush administration, that's he is king of the middle east now? *
I'm gonna say it. I know some people won't like it but I have to say it.*

OBAMA MUST GO. HE IS WORSE THAN BUSH. His speech about israel was beyond the pale of arrogance and ignorance.*

He thinks cuz he got bin laden through intel set up by the bush administration, that's he is king of the middle east now? *

You didn't look at the video either, did you?
Okay, Lawrence O'Donnel is full of crap.

What he conveniently left out.

Sure, Clinton talked a good game with the Palestinians.

But when a Palestinian State was put on the Table for Arafat he walked away.

The Palestinians are NEVER going to agree to a State as long as Israel exists.

That's Number one.

Number 2: Lawrence is trying to split hairs.

Bibi did NOT say what Obama said.

He CLEARLY SAID the 1967 borders are not defensible.

"Agreed swaps" doesn't mitigate the 1967 border if you are starting from that point (the point of the 1967 borders).

Bibi said NO.

Bibi went on to say, sure there will have to a negotiated border with some settlements beyond Israel's border, but the swaps aren't going to start with the 1967 border.

O'Donnel can claim otherwise, and I'm sure liberals lap it up, because they want to believe Bibi didn't humiliate Obama, BUT THAT IS FAR TOO OBVIOUS.


That's BS! Clinton talked all the time about it. Sure it was criticized, BUT IT STILL IS!

I remember the talks the Clinton admin had with Arafat. Clinton did everything but bend over and kiss Arafat's ass. Arafat wasn't going to agree to a state unless he got all of Israel. That much was obvious!

And Bush wasn't criticized for talking Palestinian State? Yes he was!

O'Donnel is spinning the whole thing into a parallel reality.

I'm sure you libs lap it all up like the usual kool-aid you drink but it just doesn't fit in with reality.

My evidence:

Clinton, Arafat Discuss Palestinian State


Clinton, Arafat Discuss Palestinian State - Los Angeles Times

William J. Clinton: Press Briefing by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and National Security Advisor Sandy Berger

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