Exposing the Deep State Swamp


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Exposing the Deep State swamp may be one of the most important events in U.S. history. For the last CENTURY, the American people have been fed a carefully orchestrated load of crap about everything from war to welfare and everything in between. Our political processes have been corrupted under a guise of "democracy" and our judicial processes are little more than ego-driven exercises of power over others.

Like him or hate him, President Trump has done an invaluable service by exposing this rot for what it is. The more cynical of us may decry the resulting loss of public faith in these institutions, despite their obvious flaws, but this attitude is precisely what has permitted them to grow and metastasize into full-blown corruption.

Time will tell whether we have the courage to drain this putrid swamp or else sink back into its ooze.
Here are the two leaders of the Deep State..

Swamp Scum Republicans take Big Money from Big Pharma to Vote for Patent Extensions. Those Excessive Regulations Block All Competition Screwing US Workers.
the DEEP STATE doesnt exist - something that is perfect for RW dipshhits to hold on to.

idiots ..
The Deep State Meme doesn't even qualify as a conspiracy theory, a theory has substance and can be tested. If someone can provide substance to this meme, please do.
the DEEP STATE doesnt exist - something that is perfect for RW dipshhits to hold on to.

idiots ..
Yeah all those leaks are normal..........uh no
It does exist. Trump threatens a lot of their ways in DC....they don't like the gravy train being overturned.
I'm still waiting for someone to define what the deep state is. I mean I know it's a made up term meant to conjure fear of the unknown, but it's funny to watch people like the OP act like they know what it is and it's a problem that Trump is dealing with. lol.
I'm still waiting for someone to define what the deep state is. I mean I know it's a made up term meant to conjure fear of the unknown, but it's funny to watch people like the OP act like they know what it is and it's a problem that Trump is dealing with. lol.

The Deep State Meme doesn't even qualify as a conspiracy theory, a theory has substance and can be tested.
There is no Deep State banner flying, but, there certainly is an element that is embedded in our politics
that is guiding our government in a direction that's contrary to our FF's vision. It does transcend party lines.
Optics on the Capital floor and optics at Billy Martin's Tavern is quite the contrast.

I don't trust government, the Founding Fathers didn't trust government and you shouldn't either.
Was this OP written by the Onion? God, Trump has created a swamp so great that even the Creature from the Black Lagoon would protest, " Hey, I ain't going any where near that rat invested bog. Too many Trump varmints!"
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the DEEP STATE doesnt exist - something that is perfect for RW dipshhits to hold on to.

idiots ..

Did you hear that everyone? Siete says that the deep state does not exist.

End of story! Got it!?

There, that was easy.
Trump parrots Fox


so it must be true

anti government loons love shit like that - but they elected Trump so bullshit is their strong suit. Shove some of Clintons uranium up their butt and its happy ever after time.
the DEEP STATE doesnt exist - something that is perfect for RW dipshhits to hold on to.

idiots ..

Did you hear that everyone? Siete says that the deep state does not exist.

End of story! Got it!?

There, that was easy.

Is the Deep State part of the Illuminati or part of the NWO?

Are the free masons and the knight Templars part of the deep state?
Republicans run everything and yet they still worry about nonsense like a deep state.
I'm still waiting for someone to define what the deep state is. I mean I know it's a made up term meant to conjure fear of the unknown, but it's funny to watch people like the OP act like they know what it is and it's a problem that Trump is dealing with. lol.

The Deep State resides in the bureaucracies of government which are immune from public oversight and are supported by a revolving door of public and private employment. (90% of our laws are regulations issued by these agencies.) The players in this cabal can be identified by their (or their families') financial ties to partisan political groups and nonprofit organizations. Donald Trump threatens these cozy relationships in a very personal way. No wonder he is so hated by these people.

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