EXTENSIVE use of social media by Russia to promote TRUMP & GOP DURING/AFTER election (Oxford UNIV)


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018

Brutal new Senate report on Russian meddling in 2016 election shows just how extensive the attack was on democracy


16 DEC 2018 AT 18:58 ET


Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Screen capture)

The Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the extent of the 2016 election meddling at the hands of the Russians.

According to a copy obtained by the Washington Post, Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project worked with the network analysis firm Graphika to detail the impacts Russian agents had using every social media platform available.

The Russians attempted “to influence online discourse both in support of President Donald Trump’s candidacy and “to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members [of Trump’s main opposition groups] from voting,” the report said.

The study reviewed the millions of posts provided by major technology companies and is the first of its kind.

The operations reportedly “shifted over time, peaking at key political moments, such as presidential debates or party conventions,” the Post said, citing the report.

“What is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican Party — and specifically Donald Trump,” the report says. “Trump is mentioned most in campaigns targeting conservatives and right-wing voters, where the messaging encouraged these groups to support his campaign. The main groups that could challenge Trump were then provided messaging that sought to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members from voting.”

Some Republicans still refuse to believe Russia had any impact on the election, and Trump maintains it did not influence the votes cast, must less his win. The report disputes that, however. If the election seemed overly toxic and divided, it was part of the plan to anger and then mobilize the GOP base.

“The Russians aimed particular energy at activating conservatives on issues such as gun rights and immigration while sapping the political clout of left-leaning African American voters by undermining their faith in elections and spreading misleading information about how to vote,” the Post reported. “Many other groups — Latinos, Muslims, Christians, gay men and women, liberals, Southerners, veterans — got at least some attention from Russians operating thousands of social media accounts.”...


Brutal new Senate report on Russian meddling in 2016 election shows just how extensive the attack was on democracy


16 DEC 2018 AT 18:58 ET


Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Screen capture)

The Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the extent of the 2016 election meddling at the hands of the Russians.

According to a copy obtained by the Washington Post, Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project worked with the network analysis firm Graphika to detail the impacts Russian agents had using every social media platform available.

The Russians attempted “to influence online discourse both in support of President Donald Trump’s candidacy and “to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members [of Trump’s main opposition groups] from voting,” the report said.

The study reviewed the millions of posts provided by major technology companies and is the first of its kind.

The operations reportedly “shifted over time, peaking at key political moments, such as presidential debates or party conventions,” the Post said, citing the report.

“What is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican Party — and specifically Donald Trump,” the report says. “Trump is mentioned most in campaigns targeting conservatives and right-wing voters, where the messaging encouraged these groups to support his campaign. The main groups that could challenge Trump were then provided messaging that sought to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members from voting.”

Some Republicans still refuse to believe Russia had any impact on the election, and Trump maintains it did not influence the votes cast, must less his win. The report disputes that, however. If the election seemed overly toxic and divided, it was part of the plan to anger and then mobilize the GOP base.

“The Russians aimed particular energy at activating conservatives on issues such as gun rights and immigration while sapping the political clout of left-leaning African American voters by undermining their faith in elections and spreading misleading information about how to vote,” the Post reported. “Many other groups — Latinos, Muslims, Christians, gay men and women, liberals, Southerners, veterans — got at least some attention from Russians operating thousands of social media accounts.”...

The Washington Post.
Of course.....*rolling eyes*

Brutal new Senate report on Russian meddling in 2016 election shows just how extensive the attack was on democracy


16 DEC 2018 AT 18:58 ET


Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Screen capture)

The Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the extent of the 2016 election meddling at the hands of the Russians.

According to a copy obtained by the Washington Post, Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project worked with the network analysis firm Graphika to detail the impacts Russian agents had using every social media platform available.

The Russians attempted “to influence online discourse both in support of President Donald Trump’s candidacy and “to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members [of Trump’s main opposition groups] from voting,” the report said.

The study reviewed the millions of posts provided by major technology companies and is the first of its kind.

The operations reportedly “shifted over time, peaking at key political moments, such as presidential debates or party conventions,” the Post said, citing the report.

“What is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican Party — and specifically Donald Trump,” the report says. “Trump is mentioned most in campaigns targeting conservatives and right-wing voters, where the messaging encouraged these groups to support his campaign. The main groups that could challenge Trump were then provided messaging that sought to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members from voting.”

Some Republicans still refuse to believe Russia had any impact on the election, and Trump maintains it did not influence the votes cast, must less his win. The report disputes that, however. If the election seemed overly toxic and divided, it was part of the plan to anger and then mobilize the GOP base.

“The Russians aimed particular energy at activating conservatives on issues such as gun rights and immigration while sapping the political clout of left-leaning African American voters by undermining their faith in elections and spreading misleading information about how to vote,” the Post reported. “Many other groups — Latinos, Muslims, Christians, gay men and women, liberals, Southerners, veterans — got at least some attention from Russians operating thousands of social media accounts.”...

The Washington Post.
Of course.....*rolling eyes*

I'll tell you what, when FOX or any of the CRAP-SHIT sites that you THINK pass for 'news' get to be 100 years old, maybe I'll give THEM another look!

Rolling eyes and gagging.
Anybody still in denial about Trump and Russia is just plain stupid and dumb. However, I still believe the man still would have got elected because Hillary was such a fucked up candidate.
Raw story
Factual Reporting: MIXED

Notes: The Raw Story is an American online news organization founded in 2004 by John Byrne. It covers current national and international political and economic news and publishes its own editorials and investigative pieces. The Raw Story describes itself as progressive, bringing attention to stories that it sees as downplayed or ignored by other media outlets. Raw Story demonstrates left wing bias in reporting and story selection. Raw Story has a Half-True claim with Politifact and an Unproven claim with Snopes. (5/15/2016)
Wow, I just read the study and don’t see any of what is being reported .

Brutal new Senate report on Russian meddling in 2016 election shows just how extensive the attack was on democracy


16 DEC 2018 AT 18:58 ET


Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Screen capture)

The Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the extent of the 2016 election meddling at the hands of the Russians.

According to a copy obtained by the Washington Post, Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project worked with the network analysis firm Graphika to detail the impacts Russian agents had using every social media platform available.

The Russians attempted “to influence online discourse both in support of President Donald Trump’s candidacy and “to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members [of Trump’s main opposition groups] from voting,” the report said.

The study reviewed the millions of posts provided by major technology companies and is the first of its kind.

The operations reportedly “shifted over time, peaking at key political moments, such as presidential debates or party conventions,” the Post said, citing the report.

“What is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican Party — and specifically Donald Trump,” the report says. “Trump is mentioned most in campaigns targeting conservatives and right-wing voters, where the messaging encouraged these groups to support his campaign. The main groups that could challenge Trump were then provided messaging that sought to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members from voting.”

Some Republicans still refuse to believe Russia had any impact on the election, and Trump maintains it did not influence the votes cast, must less his win. The report disputes that, however. If the election seemed overly toxic and divided, it was part of the plan to anger and then mobilize the GOP base.

“The Russians aimed particular energy at activating conservatives on issues such as gun rights and immigration while sapping the political clout of left-leaning African American voters by undermining their faith in elections and spreading misleading information about how to vote,” the Post reported. “Many other groups — Latinos, Muslims, Christians, gay men and women, liberals, Southerners, veterans — got at least some attention from Russians operating thousands of social media accounts.”...

Ah, so that's what happened! You know, one minute I was prancing around in my pussyhat, and the next I was wearing a MAGA hat and voting for Trump.
It is up to democrat socialists to march on the white White House and forcibly remove Trump undoing the 2016 election. That's what I want to see.
Anybody still in denial about Trump and Russia is just plain stupid and dumb. However, I still believe the man still would have got elected because Hillary was such a fucked up candidate.

Not according to numerous political statisticians who gamed it out!

Explain to us why the ONLY WOMAN who ever got that far was required to run a MORE perfect campaign? That smacks of hyopcrisy, misogny or just simply an obvious double standard. ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING WHO SHE WAS RUNNING AGAINST! Think about it.

Brutal new Senate report on Russian meddling in 2016 election shows just how extensive the attack was on democracy


16 DEC 2018 AT 18:58 ET


Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Screen capture)

The Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the extent of the 2016 election meddling at the hands of the Russians.

According to a copy obtained by the Washington Post, Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project worked with the network analysis firm Graphika to detail the impacts Russian agents had using every social media platform available.

The Russians attempted “to influence online discourse both in support of President Donald Trump’s candidacy and “to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members [of Trump’s main opposition groups] from voting,” the report said.

The study reviewed the millions of posts provided by major technology companies and is the first of its kind.

The operations reportedly “shifted over time, peaking at key political moments, such as presidential debates or party conventions,” the Post said, citing the report.

“What is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican Party — and specifically Donald Trump,” the report says. “Trump is mentioned most in campaigns targeting conservatives and right-wing voters, where the messaging encouraged these groups to support his campaign. The main groups that could challenge Trump were then provided messaging that sought to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members from voting.”

Some Republicans still refuse to believe Russia had any impact on the election, and Trump maintains it did not influence the votes cast, must less his win. The report disputes that, however. If the election seemed overly toxic and divided, it was part of the plan to anger and then mobilize the GOP base.

“The Russians aimed particular energy at activating conservatives on issues such as gun rights and immigration while sapping the political clout of left-leaning African American voters by undermining their faith in elections and spreading misleading information about how to vote,” the Post reported. “Many other groups — Latinos, Muslims, Christians, gay men and women, liberals, Southerners, veterans — got at least some attention from Russians operating thousands of social media accounts.”...

Ah, so that's what happened! You know, one minute I was prancing around in my pussyhat, and the next I was wearing a MAGA hat and voting for Trump.

I doubt very VERY seriously someone went from a PUSSYHAT to a MAGA HAT! Unless of course, they were selling both!
Ah, so that's what happened! You know, one minute I was prancing around in my pussyhat, and the next I was wearing a MAGA hat and voting for Trump.

I doubt very VERY seriously someone went from a PUSSYHAT to a MAGA HAT! Unless of course, they were selling both!
I see you gotta wake up purty early in the morning to get one by you.

Brutal new Senate report on Russian meddling in 2016 election shows just how extensive the attack was on democracy


16 DEC 2018 AT 18:58 ET


Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Screen capture)

The Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the extent of the 2016 election meddling at the hands of the Russians.

According to a copy obtained by the Washington Post, Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project worked with the network analysis firm Graphika to detail the impacts Russian agents had using every social media platform available.

The Russians attempted “to influence online discourse both in support of President Donald Trump’s candidacy and “to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members [of Trump’s main opposition groups] from voting,” the report said.

The study reviewed the millions of posts provided by major technology companies and is the first of its kind.

The operations reportedly “shifted over time, peaking at key political moments, such as presidential debates or party conventions,” the Post said, citing the report.

“What is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican Party — and specifically Donald Trump,” the report says. “Trump is mentioned most in campaigns targeting conservatives and right-wing voters, where the messaging encouraged these groups to support his campaign. The main groups that could challenge Trump were then provided messaging that sought to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members from voting.”

Some Republicans still refuse to believe Russia had any impact on the election, and Trump maintains it did not influence the votes cast, must less his win. The report disputes that, however. If the election seemed overly toxic and divided, it was part of the plan to anger and then mobilize the GOP base.

“The Russians aimed particular energy at activating conservatives on issues such as gun rights and immigration while sapping the political clout of left-leaning African American voters by undermining their faith in elections and spreading misleading information about how to vote,” the Post reported. “Many other groups — Latinos, Muslims, Christians, gay men and women, liberals, Southerners, veterans — got at least some attention from Russians operating thousands of social media accounts.”...

Gee, i wonder why he would hate Hillary so much.

Why Putin hates Hillary

Brutal new Senate report on Russian meddling in 2016 election shows just how extensive the attack was on democracy


16 DEC 2018 AT 18:58 ET


Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Screen capture)

The Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the extent of the 2016 election meddling at the hands of the Russians.

According to a copy obtained by the Washington Post, Oxford University’s Computational Propaganda Project worked with the network analysis firm Graphika to detail the impacts Russian agents had using every social media platform available.

The Russians attempted “to influence online discourse both in support of President Donald Trump’s candidacy and “to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members [of Trump’s main opposition groups] from voting,” the report said.

The study reviewed the millions of posts provided by major technology companies and is the first of its kind.

The operations reportedly “shifted over time, peaking at key political moments, such as presidential debates or party conventions,” the Post said, citing the report.

“What is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican Party — and specifically Donald Trump,” the report says. “Trump is mentioned most in campaigns targeting conservatives and right-wing voters, where the messaging encouraged these groups to support his campaign. The main groups that could challenge Trump were then provided messaging that sought to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members from voting.”

Some Republicans still refuse to believe Russia had any impact on the election, and Trump maintains it did not influence the votes cast, must less his win. The report disputes that, however. If the election seemed overly toxic and divided, it was part of the plan to anger and then mobilize the GOP base.

“The Russians aimed particular energy at activating conservatives on issues such as gun rights and immigration while sapping the political clout of left-leaning African American voters by undermining their faith in elections and spreading misleading information about how to vote,” the Post reported. “Many other groups — Latinos, Muslims, Christians, gay men and women, liberals, Southerners, veterans — got at least some attention from Russians operating thousands of social media accounts.”...

The Washington Post.
Of course.....*rolling eyes*
The WP was only one of many media outlets that reported on the Russia meddling study RELEASED BY THE US SENATE.
The report was done by OXFORD UNIVERSITY & its research partner, which showed ...

The research details a vast campaign spearheaded by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) - a Russian company that has been described by the United States Intelligence Community as a troll farm with ties to the Russian government.”
Russia 'meddled in all big social media'

You should read more than a few WORDS before making judgement, or your stupidity will reveal itself!

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