Extra Credit in Math if they bring in printer paper!


Defender of the month
May 16, 2010
My daughters got extra credit in Math for bringing in a package of printer paper.

I gave it to them, but... is that really ethical? I know the schools are getting cutbacks, but my daughter told me that one woman at the school accidentally printed off 500 copies of something. They waste a lot of stuff there.
An inappropriate reward, in my opinion, if that credit is going towards her grade.
Oh, they always send that kind of request home with my kids. Mostly in the beginning of the year. You know, all those forms that need to be filled out? If they bring them in on time or early, they get extra credit. Box of tissues? Yup. Other classroom supplies? Yup.

It's bulloney, 100%.
Oh, they always send that kind of request home with my kids. Mostly in the beginning of the year. You know, all those forms that need to be filled out? If they bring them in on time or early, they get extra credit. Box of tissues? Yup. Other classroom supplies? Yup.

It's bulloney, 100%.


Americans are being trained young in the fine art of politics, while kids in other nations learn long division and blow their noses into a "Class Towel."
No school is suffering cutbacks, we pay more per student than any other industrialized nation.

1. School gets free supplies which helps their bottom line.
2. Schools Math scores go up giving the appearance of statistical improvement.

Send these people a nasty e-mail next time they ask for donations.
In the wife's 4 years as a classroom teacher, she spent thousands- and I mean thousands of dollars of her own money on classroom supplies. When she was eligible for tenure, they fired her.
Fuck school boards.
In the wife's 4 years as a classroom teacher, she spent thousands- and I mean thousands of dollars of her own money on classroom supplies. When she was eligible for tenure, they fired her.
Fuck school boards.

I have zero problems sending in classroom supplies. I have a huge problem with 'extra credit' given for them. :mad:
Teaching kids how to bribe people at such a young age ? Extra credit should be earned, not bought. I don't care if it is just school supplies, what's to stop them from asking for other favors...I would seriously have a conversation with the teacher, if she was teaching my kids.
Just send a single blank sheet of paper with the instructions "copy this 500 times".
If I gave them as much paper as they wanted, would they let my kid eat french fries as many days a week as he wanted, and not just one day as government demands?
I give out "No Homework" coupons when we run out of tissues. I got tired of buying a box a week.
It does seem unethical, but I'm not sure if it's worth making a stink. My daughters both like this Math teacher. He seems like a good guy to me.
No it's not ethical.

It's highly unprofessional, in fact.

How sad that some teacher needed to go to those lengths to get the supplies they needed.
I would have been happy to donate printer paper if they needed it so badly.
son's school would send home a list....kinda a care package for your kid.....tissues that kinda thing....i always supplied it...and teachers are only allowed a 250 tax credit for buying stuff and they buy more than that...

the money the taxpayers pay...goes to other things....like the middle level of management....here the superintendent makes over 90 k a year...this is a poor county but we have a million dollar plus football complex at the high school
I don't see how it is unethical. I got extra credit in biology for bringing in toads to dissect.
I don't see how it is unethical. I got extra credit in biology for bringing in toads to dissect.

This shouldn't be too confusing..

Because if you get extra grade point credits for giving your school supplies you're PAYING for your grades.

Is that really so confusing?

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