EXTRAORDINARY: Israel Takes Responsibility. Who Else Does?All war is hell. Not all who wage it admit their mistakes.


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
That is courage.

That is sincereity.

That is human .


Israel Takes Responsibility. Who Else Does?
All war is hell. Not all who wage it admit their mistakes.
By Matthew Hennessey
April 2, 2024 5:02 pm ET.
On Tuesday a news alert from the Journal said, "Israel has taken responsibility for a strike that has killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza. Benjamin Netanyahu said it was unintentional."

War is hell. Everyone knows that. Accidents are bound to happen, and when they do, political spinmeisters step forward to deny, deflect, delay and distract. Not here. Israel has taken responsibility. What a contrast with its adversary. The only thing Hamas takes responsibility for is doing what it loves: spreading terror and delivering death. It doesn't take responsibility for the human calamity it has unleashed on its people.

No. Hamas pushes all responsibility for the suffering of Gazans onto Israel, onto Jews and Americans. Hamas is always innocent, when, in fact, it killed 1,200 people in a single day. Israel is engaged now, as always, in a fight for survival. Often lied about, Israel nevertheless nevertheless respects the rules of war. It fights with precision and restrains its soldiers to protect the innocent. It provides food and aid to its enemy. It owns up to its mistakes.

Investigating the killing of WCK activists: the commander of the Southern Command was reprimanded, the commander of the Nahal brigade was dismissed | Hallel Bitton Rosen.
Paz Abuhzaira, 04/04/2024, 23:44 .
Chief of Staff Lt. Col. Herzi Halevi decided to depose the head of staff of the Nahal Brigade and its brigade aid commander, following the accidental killing of WCK international aid activists.

In addition, he rebuked Major General Yaron Finkelman of the Southern Command, the commander of Division 162 and the Nahal Brigade, according to Channel 14's military reporter Hallel Bitton Rosen.

Also, there are changes in the instructions for activating fire support from the air, since only with the approval of the commanding general.

But who cares? Hanas is only good to quote their pallywoody numbers of dead... and the lie that most are "children."


Daniel Greenfield - "Hang Together or Separately"
Hamas killed aid workers distributing aid in Gaza

"Just this past Sunday, these Fatah-affiliated elements secured the entry of trucks carrying humanitarian aid into Gaza City.. Reports from Gaza indicate some of them were killed by Hamas members"
From jns.org
Apr 4, 2024
That is courage.

That is sincereity.

That is human .


Israel Takes Responsibility. Who Else Does?
All war is hell. Not all who wage it admit their mistakes.
By Matthew Hennessey
April 2, 2024 5:02 pm ET.
On Tuesday a news alert from the Journal said, "Israel has taken responsibility for a strike that has killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza. Benjamin Netanyahu said it was unintentional."

War is hell. Everyone knows that. Accidents are bound to happen, and when they do, political spinmeisters step forward to deny, deflect, delay and distract. Not here. Israel has taken responsibility. What a contrast with its adversary. The only thing Hamas takes responsibility for is doing what it loves: spreading terror and delivering death. It doesn't take responsibility for the human calamity it has unleashed on its people.

No. Hamas pushes all responsibility for the suffering of Gazans onto Israel, onto Jews and Americans. Hamas is always innocent, when, in fact, it killed 1,200 people in a single day. Israel is engaged now, as always, in a fight for survival. Often lied about, Israel nevertheless nevertheless respects the rules of war. It fights with precision and restrains its soldiers to protect the innocent. It provides food and aid to its enemy. It owns up to its mistakes.

Investigating the killing of WCK activists: the commander of the Southern Command was reprimanded, the commander of the Nahal brigade was dismissed | Hallel Bitton Rosen.
Paz Abuhzaira, 04/04/2024, 23:44 .
Chief of Staff Lt. Col. Herzi Halevi decided to depose the head of staff of the Nahal Brigade and its brigade aid commander, following the accidental killing of WCK international aid activists.

In addition, he rebuked Major General Yaron Finkelman of the Southern Command, the commander of Division 162 and the Nahal Brigade, according to Channel 14's military reporter Hallel Bitton Rosen.

Also, there are changes in the instructions for activating fire support from the air, since only with the approval of the commanding general.

I have to be objective and honest as much as I want Israel to finish Hamas, they must do just that and try to ONLY do that. Right?

This attack was horrible This has hurt Israel more than it has helped them. This is the reality, some buzzwords and cliche comments only exasperate the situation. This was even worse than the murder of their own citizens because one can understand the confusion, fear and tricks Hamas play. These volunteers posed no threat at all.

Yes, was is hell, but you don't systematically kill citizens in the hopes that one terrorist is there.

There were some powerful comments on youtube, many of them I won't repeat but which resonated. One person., who I presume was Jewish based on their other comments; said something that was compelling, he/she said to the effect, "Israel has become a less Jewish nation and more just a nation named Israel".

As a self described Noahide it hurts me to consider this as being true. What is done is done, but Israel leadership, the military and even Jews know how awful this looks. They need to reign this in. I've said that the pressure by the West for them to "ramp it up and finish the war" would and has lead to mistakes. These are however, avoidable mistakes. Also, grave.

The horrible irony is that this same World Central Kitchen was proving meals to Israel after the Oct 7th attacks. Comforting people there and those who couldn't go back to their homes.

The focus should be primarily on getting the hostages out by any means necessary. Chase the loose terrorist only if 100% certain and convenient.
I have to be objective and honest as much as I want Israel to finish Hamas, they must do just that and try to ONLY do that. Right?

This attack was horrible This has hurt Israel more than it has helped them. This is the reality, some buzzwords and cliche comments only exasperate the situation. This was even worse than the murder of their own citizens because one can understand the confusion, fear and tricks Hamas play. These volunteers posed no threat at all.

Yes, was is hell, but you don't systematically kill citizens in the hopes that one terrorist is there.

There were some powerful comments on youtube, many of them I won't repeat but which resonated. One person., who I presume was Jewish based on their other comments; said something that was compelling, he/she said to the effect, "Israel has become a less Jewish nation and more just a nation named Israel".

As a self described Noahide it hurts me to consider this as being true. What is done is done, but Israel leadership, the military and even Jews know how awful this looks. They need to reign this in. I've said that the pressure by the West for them to "ramp it up and finish the war" would and has lead to mistakes. These are however, avoidable mistakes. Also, grave.

The horrible irony is that this same World Central Kitchen was proving meals to Israel after the Oct 7th attacks. Comforting people there and those who couldn't go back to their homes.

The focus should be primarily on getting the hostages out by any means necessary. Chase the loose terrorist only if 100% certain and convenient.
Israel is the last entity to want to hurt Aid especially WCK which Israel preferred over terror-tied-UNRWA.
Israel is the last entity to want to hurt Aid especially WCK which Israel preferred over terror-tied-UNRWA.
This may be true.but you can't undo a missile attack. It's lead.some to sugges Israel cares little if at all for.civilian lives. Tnis not only hurts Israel it places allies in a difficult position.
That is courage.

That is sincereity.

That is human .


Israel Takes Responsibility. Who Else Does?
All war is hell. Not all who wage it admit their mistakes.
By Matthew Hennessey
April 2, 2024 5:02 pm ET.
On Tuesday a news alert from the Journal said, "Israel has taken responsibility for a strike that has killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza. Benjamin Netanyahu said it was unintentional."

War is hell. Everyone knows that. Accidents are bound to happen, and when they do, political spinmeisters step forward to deny, deflect, delay and distract. Not here. Israel has taken responsibility. What a contrast with its adversary. The only thing Hamas takes responsibility for is doing what it loves: spreading terror and delivering death. It doesn't take responsibility for the human calamity it has unleashed on its people.

No. Hamas pushes all responsibility for the suffering of Gazans onto Israel, onto Jews and Americans. Hamas is always innocent, when, in fact, it killed 1,200 people in a single day. Israel is engaged now, as always, in a fight for survival. Often lied about, Israel nevertheless nevertheless respects the rules of war. It fights with precision and restrains its soldiers to protect the innocent. It provides food and aid to its enemy. It owns up to its mistakes.

Investigating the killing of WCK activists: the commander of the Southern Command was reprimanded, the commander of the Nahal brigade was dismissed | Hallel Bitton Rosen.
Paz Abuhzaira, 04/04/2024, 23:44 .
Chief of Staff Lt. Col. Herzi Halevi decided to depose the head of staff of the Nahal Brigade and its brigade aid commander, following the accidental killing of WCK international aid activists.

In addition, he rebuked Major General Yaron Finkelman of the Southern Command, the commander of Division 162 and the Nahal Brigade, according to Channel 14's military reporter Hallel Bitton Rosen.

Also, there are changes in the instructions for activating fire support from the air, since only with the approval of the commanding general.
You realize that they have killed far more than 7, right? Last I heard more than 100 in fact.

How many "mistakes" do they get?
You realize that they have killed far more than 7, right? Last I heard more than 100 in fact.

How many "mistakes" do they get?
I would trust an entity that takes responsibility and hear how much of the aid workers killed, they own to.

Excluding those that are not just aid workers, such as some of UNRWA epmloyee - terror tied.

And even if it's 200, I have no idea what is and isn't understandable -while tragic- in that densely populated strip of land where "pAlEsTiNe" government is the only side that seeks fatalities to gain sympathy. Which is why they use hospitals too.

When was the jihadofascist regime ever sincere?

When did they ever take responsibility?
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Blue State Marxist Democrats call Israel a pariah , demand Divestment & Sanctions . Say Israel worse than Hamas ...Wow I’m amazed they waited this long
Admitting you committed a war crime in the face of overwhelming evidence is not taking responsibility. It is acknowledging the obvious, even flaunting it. Accepting responsibility would be admitting wrongdoing and making an effort to stop further transgressions.Murdering the crew of the USS Liberty and trying to sink it and then saying "my bad, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time" was the same kind of taking responsibility we see here, and the US response never varies. Why we are enablers of this type of behavior is a mystery.
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In the late 1970s & early 1980s The Kluxers & JBS railed about the USS Liberty Incident ( now it’s gone full circle to being a clarion call of the Pro Arab Far Left & Left , go figure ...
And lettin Hamas Survive would be traitorous to Israel .
Pretty handy, eh? Are you actually saying that the US is committing treason against a foreign nation by not doing it's bidding? Is that what you really think? I must be interpreting that wrong so if you would please correct me.
In the late 1970s & early 1980s The Kluxers & JBS railed about the USS Liberty Incident ( now it’s gone full circle to being a clarion call of the Pro Arab Far Left & Left , go figure ...
Today , here in the US, most who are still talking about that (9 June 1967) accident are Neo Nazi or DavidDuKKKe type - linked forces.
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