Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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Everything whites own is based on crime and murder. Don't be sad when the same is done to you.
Lisa558 earns more money than you know exists. Unlike the black criminals you admire she earns it with the superior intelligence that is typical among Jews.
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Lisa558 earns more money than you know exists. Unlike the black criminals you admire she earnes it with the superior intelligence that is typical among Jews.
Actually, I’m retired now, but I did pretty well for myself. Took some initiative (and risk) and started my own consulting business. Ran it for almost 20 years.

Thank you for the compliment.
Everything whites own is based on crime and murder. Don't be sad when the same is done to you.
uh oh ! Urkel's mad !

…..the poster boy for integration violently raped his own mother…..

“Upon the return home of his mother, he threatened her with a knife and told her he would kill her if she refused him sex. In a desperate plea, his mother offered him money for a prostitute instead, but he refused.

The victim was so severely beaten during the attack that investigators found blood spatter all over the apartment. After the rape, Lohombo reportedly apologized to his mother and called her an ambulance before fleeing.

His mother was transported to the hospital with serious injuries including bleeding on the brain. She was also heavily impacted psychologically by the attack and told nurses she was worried her son may have impregnated her.”

…..the poster boy for integration violently raped his own mother…..

“Upon the return home of his mother, he threatened her with a knife and told her he would kill her if she refused him sex. In a desperate plea, his mother offered him money for a prostitute instead, but he refused.

The victim was so severely beaten during the attack that investigators found blood spatter all over the apartment. After the rape, Lohombo reportedly apologized to his mother and called her an ambulance before fleeing.

His mother was transported to the hospital with serious injuries including bleeding on the brain. She was also heavily impacted psychologically by the attack and told nurses she was worried her son may have impregnated her.”

You need to reach pretty low before finding a Negro who is a poster boy for anything civilized and decent.

The Negro race represents an earlier stage of human evolution. That is the reason for the low average Negro IQ, and the high rate of Negro violent crime.
it really made the scholars mad when a black man worked with Trump to get money invested in the black community. That’s what liberal logic does to the black mind.


The linked article describes the findings of a study on the relative treatment of Blacks in the local criminal justice system (Allegheny County Pennsylvania). Reviewing the statistics mentioned, I have no doubt that they are accurate. But underlying the article is a presumption that is provably false, to wit, that Blacks' and "whites'" behavior is the same. If you tell me that a Black person is five times more likely to be charged with a crime (which this article does), then you need to show me that the relevant behavior was equal or comparable. Otherwise the statistic is meaningless.

How can one be oblivious to the data published by the FBI every year, illustrating that Black and "white" criminal behavior is NOT the same. Blacks are much more likely to be involved in the most serious crimes, and this has been true for as long as the FBI has been keeping these statistics. The reason - a subject that is much debated - is simply the 70% curse: 70% of Blacks are born into a household with no father.

Implicitly and explicitly, the authors of this study, as well as the person writing the story, are accusing local law enforcement of racism. And not just harmless racism like giving Blacks a nasty look - serious racism that can ruin a person's life. Now THAT is a slander worth suing over.

For those who can read numbers, here are some supporting numbers:

A White Man deciding who is lying to Black Americans? LIke you would know.
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