Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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There are two constant lies about black criminality. The first is that blacks and whites have the same crime rates, but blacks are more likely to be apprehended and punished.

The second lie is that whites are responsible for the high black crime rate.

Blacks have a high crime rate because human evolution has not prepared most of them with the inclinations to contribute to a civilized community.

Negroes are the way they are because the way they are contributed to the ability of their ancestors to thrive in the tribal environments of sub Saharan Africa.

We never learned of this from the mainstream media. If a white shooter had done this to a black woman it would have been national news. It would have inspired demonstrations, several of which may have turned into black ghetto riots.

White racism is a natural response to a race that represents an earlier stage of human evolution.

We would be so much better off without those people.

This is what they would be like without us.

Hispanics have a lower crime rate than Negroes because they have more white ancestry. Hispanics have a higher crime rate than whites because of their American Indian ancestry. Civilization selects genetically for civilized behavior.
I think it has more to do with culture than genetics.
Culture comes from genetic inclinations. Everywhere Negroes go they carry with them the barbarism and stupidity of the African jungle. This is not true of all colored people. It is true of most of them.
It has to do with what is valued. Among Jews, for example, higher education and lifelong learning is really emphasized.

But you can’t say they aren’t smart. For example, yesterday I drove to a nearby casino for a little craps. (NOT a Jewish value, btw….don’t tell Mommy.) The payoffs of multiple bets, which vary not only by the amount bet of course, but also by the number bet, can be complex….plus you have all these high-horn yo whatever they’re shouting out. (I play the simple bets.)

Wow. You wouldn’t believe how fast they calculate the money they’re owed, based on the payoff rate, the amount, and then subtracting out the bets that lost. They come up with it in 10 seconds.

The problem is the VALUES of the underclass of blacks. Why, for example, why are these smart guys shooting craps at 11:00 a.m. on a Tuesday morning Instead of working? (I didn’t ask them….but it sure seems like a waste.) I of course am retired.
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