Extraterrestrials - Your Thoughts?

Do You Believe There Are Extraterrestrial Beings In Outer Space?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Don't Care

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Astronaut Scott Kelly's 'UFO' photo generates extraterrestrial buzz | Fox News

Here's a snippet from the article above:

An apparent ‘object’ in the top right hand corner of the image has piqued the interest of UFO hunters such as sonofmabarker. “In the upper right of the photo you can clearly see a large object with two lights on each end. It also appears to be very large and constructed,” he wrote, in a post accompanying a YouTube video on the image.
In a blog post on the UFO Sightings Daily website, Scott Waring also weighed in on the image. “Scott Kelly likes to send out photos of the view from the windows of the space station … and they look cool,” he wrote. “This one however has a cigar shaped glowing UFO with a metallic body in it.”
I don't really buy stories about UFO sightings and other such things. There is usually a logical explanation that turns up eventually. :) I believe that the possibilities are very good that there are some types of life forms on other planets somewhere though. Think about how HUGE the universe actually is. It's not even really fathomable!
Sorry, had to do this.

Show me the physical evidence until then it is just interesting things that can't be explained.

Although, the picture is interesting once again it is blurry and without detail. What I find interesting though is some of the construction projects of the ancient world. Puma Puku for example, how and why did they do it? Aliens? If so where did they go and why?
I don't really buy stories about UFO sightings and other such things. There is usually a logical explanation that turns up eventually. :) I believe that the possibilities are very good that there are some types of life forms on other planets somewhere though. Think about how HUGE the universe actually is. It's not even really fathomable!
New avi Chris???:ack-1:
Big Universe...................Too big to believe their isn't others out there.................so I voted yes...............

They just aren't showing up here because they realized that their is no intelligent life down here...............

I swear, half of the posters here are extraterrestrials, with all their bizarre postings.
Show me the physical evidence until then it is just interesting things that can't be explained.

Although, the picture is interesting once again it is blurry and without detail. What I find interesting though is some of the construction projects of the ancient world. Puma Puku for example, how and why did they do it? Aliens? If so where did they go and why?
. Don't forget "Will they return?"
Show me the physical evidence until then it is just interesting things that can't be explained.

Although, the picture is interesting once again it is blurry and without detail. What I find interesting though is some of the construction projects of the ancient world. Puma Puku for example, how and why did they do it? Aliens? If so where did they go and why?
. Don't forget "Will they return?"

What is kinda interesting is that the "returning" part is pretty much shared by the major religions. Someone left and they are going to return someday, to judge the world, more or less.

Interesting, it sounds like we are in a petri dish and the scientist will return to see how their experiment grew without them.
Until NASA comments on the video, it is pure speculation.
That object for all we know is a part of the station or something else.
One thing I always come back to concerning UFO's....if an alien species were to fly here from another star system, light years away...they most certainly would not fly around and leave.
The cost of such a venture in both currency and material there is no way they would not make contact.
If/when a UFO ever comes to earth. We will all know it, and their will be no doubt.
When I say other life forms, I don't necessarily mean the typical "alien" that is portrayed in movies. It could be any kind of life form, even a type of a bacteria or something. It's just hard to believe that there would be nothing else in the entire universe living. :dunno:
Granny wishes when dey come to visit Uncle Ferd...

... dey wouldn't smoke up her 'special herbs'

... she uses to make her 'special' brownies.
Astronaut Scott Kelly's 'UFO' photo generates extraterrestrial buzz | Fox News

Here's a snippet from the article above:

An apparent ‘object’ in the top right hand corner of the image has piqued the interest of UFO hunters such as sonofmabarker. “In the upper right of the photo you can clearly see a large object with two lights on each end. It also appears to be very large and constructed,” he wrote, in a post accompanying a YouTube video on the image.
In a blog post on the UFO Sightings Daily website, Scott Waring also weighed in on the image. “Scott Kelly likes to send out photos of the view from the windows of the space station … and they look cool,” he wrote. “This one however has a cigar shaped glowing UFO with a metallic body in it.”

Looks like some kind of lens flare the pic.

As to aliens, absolutely there are aliens. Have standing bets we'll find microscopic alien life right here in our solar system. Moons of Jupiter and Saturn with liquid water oceans being the best candidates. And likely gonna find fossilized versions on Mars.

So far, nothing else in the universe is unique. Even life itself isn't unique, and where it can exist like on Earth, it does exist and in myriad forms. So why wouldn't that hold true for the rest of the universe? Elements that give rise to organic molecules and eventually life aren't rare. Just about every star goes through a protostar period where it makes and expels water before getting hot, matter falls into orbit around it giving the water somewhere to land, add time, and voila organics and probably life.

Technological life is the only real question. That might be much less likely and rare. Though even then the law of large numbers is still on our side. Planets orbiting stars seems to be the rule, not the exception. So if every star has an avaerage of even just 1 planet, that's a lot of rolls of the dice for life. And even if only 1 technological lifeform comes to be per galaxy, with 200 billion galaxies...
It is just a shame that the first aliens to arrive here didn't make it clear to folks that they weren't Gods and were just beings from another planet. Might have stopped that whole religion thing from getting started.
It is just a shame that the first aliens to arrive here didn't make it clear to folks that they weren't Gods and were just beings from another planet. Might have stopped that whole religion thing from getting started.

Religion has always been the cement that held together civilizations. Without it I doubt man would have progressed at all.
To the majority of people on earth who believe the Heavens to be inhabited by God(s), angels, fallen angels, etc.... what else do they presume them to be but extraterrestrials?
If there are aliens around then I'm pissed, they are decades late in getting me the fuck out of here...

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