Exxon bans blm and Lgbtq flags

Yes, it is.

And is the statement John is my husband DISCUSSING that orientation? Does it say ANYTHING AT ALL about the orientation? No it does not.

If I know your sex then yes it does. It lets me know what your orientation is.

Now, if a teacher wants to then launch into a tirade about why he has a husband then it is now discussing sexual orientation. Because there is a discussion about a topic. You know, what the term discussion means.

How about if Miss Jones takes 5 min to tell her class about the anniversary party her and her wife had over the weekend. Then little Suzi goes home and tell mom and dad about Miss Jones and her wife and BOOM they are suing the school for Miss Jones to dare let their kids know she has a wife
If I know your sex then yes it does. It lets me know what your orientation is.

How about if Miss Jones takes 5 min to tell her class about the anniversary party her and her wife had over the weekend. Then little Suzi goes home and tell mom and dad about Miss Jones and her wife and BOOM they are suing the school for Miss Jones to dare let their kids know she has a wife
Depends on if the discussion is about the anniversary party or if it about their relationship.

Because, AGAIN, the word discussion and about actually have a meaning.

And, again, this does not happen in school because the topic should not be discussed ANYWAY. You should not be wasting my children's classroom instruction time discussing YOUR anniversary party, straight gay or otherwise.

Those discussion should happen when you are in the break room, on a break, with other adults that have an interest in your personal life rather than a bunch of children with which you have a professional obligation to fulfill.

In my 12 years of education you know how many anniversary parties were discussed? 0.
And, again, this does not happen in school because the topic should not be discussed ANYWAY. You should not be wasting my children's classroom instruction time discussing YOUR anniversary party, straight gay or otherwise.

It is called building rapport, something good teachers do so that the students feel comfortable in their class room.
Yep, words to have meanings. Talk about your spouse and let the kiddos know what sex that spouse is, you have now discussed your sexual orientation with them.
Explain why it is so essential that young children learn in early school, what gender identity is all about,.

Puberty is too late?
It is called building rapport, something good teachers do so that the students feel comfortable in their class room.
Sigh, no its not.

That is an asinine thing to say. A good teacher does not prattle on about themselves and the adult lives they live with 8 year old's. That is not how you build a relationship with children that age in that position.

You are not interested in anything factual here Gator, just repeating that words mean something they do not and that teachers should be discussing relationships with children that still think cooties are a thing.
Explain why it is so essential that young children learn in early school, what gender identity is all about,.

I do not think that it is. How in the world did you get that I was out of what I posted?
Nope. Good for Exxon.
No, private industry does not have to respect the constitution

Yes, they can violate (and often do) the 1st, the 4th, etc.....

corporatocracy being one of the main tenets of fascism, as well as ruling our Congress rears it's ugly head insidiously in this manner

No, private industry does not have to respect the constitution

Yes, they can violate (and often do) the 1st, the 4th, etc.....

corporatocracy being one of the main tenets of fascism, as well as ruling our Congress rears it's ugly head insidiously in this manner

The workplace is not the proper place for BLM or Antifa or new world order crap. Employees can do that on their own time.
It appears through your posts, you support that.

You really suck at reading comprehension then. Perhaps if you went back and got your GED you could take a couple classes to help with that.

Just a thought.
You really suck at reading comprehension then. Perhaps if you went back and got your GED you could take a couple classes to help with that.

Just a thought.
It was a law to fix a problem that does not exist. Will be interesting to see the chilling effect it has on education when parents choose to sue over every perceived slight by a teacher.
A problem that does not exist, so you are saying there is no existing problem

You must be ok with the issue that the law was created to address.

I am saying that the kids are not being taught that, thus it is not a problem. If it were happening, then it would be a problem.
I am saying that the kids are not being taught that, thus it is not a problem. If it were happening, then it would be a problem.
Some feel a need to share their personal lifestyle with 'their' children in class.....to form a bond.
There is no need for that.
Some feel a need to share their personal lifestyle with 'their' children in class.....to form a bond.
There is no need for that.

Many would disagree. My sister just retired after some 40 years of teaching. Her class knew all about her husband, a local pastor and both her sons. She was a finalist for the NC teacher of the year not too long ago. She is now doing missionary work in Slovenia.

She told me that if the students viewed you as a normal person you could relate to them better and they would be more receptive to learning. Her results spoke for themselves.
Many would disagree. My sister just retired after some 40 years of teaching. Her class knew all about her husband, a local pastor and both her sons. She was a finalist for the NC teacher of the year not too long ago. She is now doing missionary work in Slovenia.

She told me that if the students viewed you as a normal person you could relate to them better and they would be more receptive to learning. Her results spoke for themselves.
Missionary work in Slovenia?

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