Exxon bans blm and Lgbtq flags

No, it wont. You were lied to.

Here is the bill:

If you think that is the case then point to the provision that they would be sued under.

prohibiting classroom discussion about sexual orientation.

A teacher talks about waht they did over the weekend with their spouse, if they mention the sex of the spouse, they have now discussed their sexual orientation
Vouchers......teachers union favorite.
That should be how it generally works, a student should be able to take themselves and every dollar that they represent to any school anywhere.

There may be necessary delineations between states as simply a matter of logistics but within a state there should be no restrictions.
prohibiting classroom discussion about sexual orientation.

A teacher talks about waht they did over the weekend with their spouse, if they mention the sex of the spouse, they have now discussed their sexual orientation
Sorry, that is not a discussion about sexual orientation, is it.

Of course not. And the resultant complaint must go through the magistrate. Me and my husband went to Cancun is not a classroom discussion about sexual orientation. It is a discussion about a location.

Now, IF the teacher then wants to discuss the relationship rather than the location you could swing that. Otherwise, that is simply reaching for a straw that is not there.

If the student asks 'what do you mean your husband' the simple answer is go ask your parents about that. Done.

Is that a horrendous law? Not really.
The woke folks will be abolished soon as America has had enough of this garbage. BLM is using the death of those to get the funds to buy "another multi million dollar home" This time $6 MILLION home. Think of all the idiots that donated to BLM. They have not helped their communities, they have helped themselves to expensive homes----their REAL goal, to get rich.....

The truth is a bit more subtle.

They banned all flags on flagpoles but will allow such displays elsewhere. So, no, they did not ban flying the gay pride or BLM flags. They will not allow any flags outside of governmental and company flags on the actual flagpoles.
Yeah, in order not to be called RACIST.....Good strategy.
Sorry, that is not a discussion about sexual orientation, is it.

Of course it is.

Of course not. And the resultant complaint must go through the magistrate. Me and my husband went to Cancun is not a classroom discussion about sexual orientation. It is a discussion about a location.

As soon as you said "your husband" you have brought orientation into the discussion.
Of course it is.

As soon as you said "your husband" you have brought orientation into the discussion.
No, it is not. That is not a discussion about sexual orientation by any definition of the term discussion. YOU may conjecture on that to force the law to fit into the current narrative of the left, 'don't say gay bill.' but the facts are otherwise.

That is not a classroom discussion. It is rather inane anyway considering at no point do I ever recall if any of my teachers were married because none of them ever said anything about their personal lives. I know one of my sons teachers is gay because he used the word partner once in a teacher conference and confirmed it much later but those were not classroom discussions and my son has no idea. I do not know what you think is discussed in classrooms regularly but it certainly is not and should not be a teachers personal life.

But all that is irrelevant as you are attaching a meaning to the phrase 'discussion ABOUT sexual orientation' that is asinine. The mere mention of a husband or wife is not a discussion about sexual orientation, period.
But all that is irrelevant as you are attaching a meaning to the phrase 'discussion ABOUT sexual orientation' that is asinine. The mere mention of a husband or wife is not a discussion about sexual orientation, period.

We will find out soon. If I were a parent of a student there I would be testing the waters.
We will find out soon. If I were a parent of a student there I would be testing the waters.
Yes, we will find out 'soon' if words mean what they do or if you just get to assume they mean something that they have no relation too.

That is little more than an admission that you were blowing smoke and wanting to see what you wanted to.
Yep, keep your politics off my property. No blm,no Trump signs,no signs from either side belong at the work place.
And yet they are still allowing them.

So the conservatives spinning this as a 'win' are being eminently premature. I can guarantee there will be no Trump signs at least.
Yes, we will find out 'soon' if words mean what they do or if you just get to assume they mean something that they have no relation too.

That is little more than an admission that you were blowing smoke and wanting to see what you wanted to.

Yep, words to have meanings. Talk about your spouse and let the kiddos know what sex that spouse is, you have now discussed your sexual orientation with them.
I predict that in a couple of weeks they will change their policy and allow them.

That is why they went the way they did, tell them they can set up some pride things on the lawn, pretend that they are not allowing them in the headlines.

They are trying to play damage control while keeping everyone happy.
Yep, words to have meanings. Talk about your spouse and let the kiddos know what sex that spouse is, you have now discussed your sexual orientation with them.
No, you actually have not. No discussion about sexual orientation has taken place. And no amount of repeating that lie is going to change what the word about or sexual orientation is.
No, you actually have not. No discussion about sexual orientation has taken place. And no amount of repeating that lie is going to change what the word about or sexual orientation is.

Sexual orientation is about who you're attracted to and who you feel drawn to romantically, emotionally, and sexually...aka a spouse
And yet they are still allowing them.

So the conservatives spinning this as a 'win' are being eminently premature. I can guarantee there will be no Trump signs at least.
Gotta be pretty stupid to ostracize half your potential clients. Keep politics out of it and enjoy larger profits and more job stability. Everyone wins. If your gay and proud fine with me but show the pride on your own time has nothing to do with your job. If ya like fat ass autocrats your a dumb fuck but also do on your own time. Clients feelings need to be protected. But they can also leave the politics at the door. At work it is about the goods and services being provided.
Sexual orientation is about who you're attracted to and who you feel drawn to romantically, emotionally, and sexually...aka a spouse
Yes, it is.

And is the statement John is my husband DISCUSSING that orientation? Does it say ANYTHING AT ALL about the orientation? No it does not.

It is a simple statement, John is my Husband, and no DISCUSSION has taken place.

Now, if a teacher wants to then launch into a tirade about why he has a husband then it is now discussing sexual orientation. Because there is a discussion about a topic. You know, what the term discussion means.

But it seems that everyone wants to demand that a classroom discussion no longer means classroom discussion. Instead it means possible exposure to anything related to. Which is NOT the meaning of discussion. Not even close.

There might be some conservative nuts that want it to mean that, there might be some hard left wing advocates demanding it is so in order to pump up the opposition to the law but the existence of those people is irrelevant.

The real thrust of the bill is set to disallow schools from hiding sexual orientation curricula and discussions with the student about sexual orientation directly from parents because that is what schools want to do.

Parents almost universally support this. Those that do not only do so because it is not them they are thinking of but 'other' parents.

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