Eye-Tralians, where the fuck are you?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The City of New York has a mayor named, DeBlasio. The State of New York has a proud Italian governor named, Cuomo.

At this moment there are hordes of vandals threatening to take down and destroy a famous statue of Christopher Columbus in NYC. Where is the Italian Adult with the balls to make a public statement explaining WHY that statue is appropriate, and why we honor Christopher Columbus ("Cristoforo Colombo" if you prefer)?

It gives a whole new meaning to the word WOP.

I think maybe the male Italians in NYC that get elected to public office spend a lot of time in the female bathroom because they're having issues about that P word that they were born with and the other two things that hang just below it.


The City of New York has a mayor named, DeBlasio. The State of New York has a proud Italian governor named, Cuomo.

At this moment there are hordes of vandals threatening to take down and destroy a famous statue of Christopher Columbus in NYC. Where is the Italian Adult with the balls to make a public statement explaining WHY that statue is appropriate, and why we honor Christopher Columbus ("Cristoforo Colombo" if you prefer)?
im sicilian and raised in an italian part of NY state.....big fucking deal ...the fucker never set foot in NA so who gives a fuck?.....
The City of New York has a mayor named, DeBlasio. The State of New York has a proud Italian governor named, Cuomo.

At this moment there are hordes of vandals threatening to take down and destroy a famous statue of Christopher Columbus in NYC. Where is the Italian Adult with the balls to make a public statement explaining WHY that statue is appropriate, and why we honor Christopher Columbus ("Cristoforo Colombo" if you prefer)?
im sicilian and raised in an italian part of NY state.....big fucking deal ...the fucker never set foot in NA so who gives a fuck?.....
You will never see these sewer rats stirring up trouble in Staten Island...never
The City of New York has a mayor named, DeBlasio. The State of New York has a proud Italian governor named, Cuomo.

At this moment there are hordes of vandals threatening to take down and destroy a famous statue of Christopher Columbus in NYC. Where is the Italian Adult with the balls to make a public statement explaining WHY that statue is appropriate, and why we honor Christopher Columbus ("Cristoforo Colombo" if you prefer)?
im sicilian and raised in an italian part of NY state.....big fucking deal ...the fucker never set foot in NA so who gives a fuck?.....
You will never see these sewer rats stirring up trouble in Staten Island...never
Did something happen to you recently? You have been trying to sound like a bad movie for almost a week now.
You will never see these sewer rats stirring up trouble in Staten Island...never

It would be a logistical nightmare.

They’d have to get on the subway uptown, head all the way down to Battery Park, get on the ferry, head over to Staten Island, regroup and start protesting.

Or they could march across the Veranzano.
The City of New York has a mayor named, DeBlasio. The State of New York has a proud Italian governor named, Cuomo.

At this moment there are hordes of vandals threatening to take down and destroy a famous statue of Christopher Columbus in NYC. Where is the Italian Adult with the balls to make a public statement explaining WHY that statue is appropriate, and why we honor Christopher Columbus ("Cristoforo Colombo" if you prefer)?
Most sold thier properties to idiots and many are long gone
The City of New York has a mayor named, DeBlasio. The State of New York has a proud Italian governor named, Cuomo.

At this moment there are hordes of vandals threatening to take down and destroy a famous statue of Christopher Columbus in NYC. Where is the Italian Adult with the balls to make a public statement explaining WHY that statue is appropriate, and why we honor Christopher Columbus ("Cristoforo Colombo" if you prefer)?
im sicilian and raised in an italian part of NY state.....big fucking deal ...the fucker never set foot in NA so who gives a fuck?.....
You will never see these sewer rats stirring up trouble in Staten Island...never
what ever that has to do with what i was talking about....
The City of New York has a mayor named, DeBlasio. The State of New York has a proud Italian governor named, Cuomo.

At this moment there are hordes of vandals threatening to take down and destroy a famous statue of Christopher Columbus in NYC. Where is the Italian Adult with the balls to make a public statement explaining WHY that statue is appropriate, and why we honor Christopher Columbus ("Cristoforo Colombo" if you prefer)?
im sicilian and raised in an italian part of NY state.....big fucking deal ...the fucker never set foot in NA so who gives a fuck?.....
You will never see these sewer rats stirring up trouble in Staten Island...never
what ever that has to do with what i was talking about....
It's Queersar44. Need I say any more?
Christopher Columbus was a hero and a visionary. His risked his life - literally - and induced scores of others to go with him on a journey that, according to the contemporary "common knowledge" would have resulted in the deaths of all, as they sailed off the edge of the earth.

He continued his journey for months, even after most people on board were convinced of the folly of Columbus' vision, and begged him to turn around. But it turned out that his vision of the world was only partly true; it was much bigger than he imagined and he had no idea of the existence of the America's, so his great discovery was at the same time greater and less than he had hoped for.

People who blame Columbus for the eventual takeover of the America's by The White Man are morons. The inhabitants were, for the most part, locked in the hunter-gatherer stage of existence, and whenever the "discovery" took place and no matter who did it or which country he came from, the American natives and their cultures were doomed. Even the more advanced American natives lacked the technology and knowledge to progress. They had no metal that was capable of maintaining a cutting edge, they had not invented the wheel, they had no gunpowder, and they had no domesticated animals that could be used to do work. Some of what they did accomplish was remarkable in the extreme, but they could never hope to remain in their primitive state when confronted by people from more advanced civilizations.

And the Howard Zinn view of happy natives living in a virtual Garden of Eden is equally preposterous. The natives were just as savage and warlike as the Europeans (who, however, declined to engage in human sacrifice or cannibalism), and would happily have killed all of the settlers and conquistadors and plunderers if they had had the technology to do so.

Columbus was and remains a giant historical figure, and by no rational thinking could he be considered evil or worthy of condemnation. Fuck the Cancel Culture and all of its proponents. YOU are the ones who are worthy of scorn.

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