F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns

You actually think gubmint is everything, don't you?
Well, obviously you do too. You have access to the internet, a cell phone, and I bet, some kind of a govt related healthcare or retirement plan. You may not get it, but 90% of all the people who are responsible don't Give a shit about your ideology.
Well, obviously you do too. You have access to the internet, a cell phone, and I bet, some kind of a govt related healthcare or retirement plan. You may not get it, but 90% of all the people who are responsible don't Give a shit about your ideology.
You're the one blabbering on incoherently about trivial shit like cell service, car registration, and retirement plans in the middle of a mythical civil war.

You're obviously a cultist loon, who believes the alpha and omega of everything is The State.
Never heard of field medicine, paying out-of-pocket for medical services, and radios, have you?
This one is really funny. You have $10 K ready for a drive in Trama center to reattach your arm ? You aren’t well thought out. I see no gun a holics who have set up plans for any support for an insurrection. You can’t live without your cell phones. Everyone with a cell phone is EASILY tracked. So, you’ll never know where “they” are and the CG will know where you are.
You're the one blabbering on incoherently about trivial shit like cell service, car registration, and retirement plans in the middle of a mythical civil war.

You're obviously a cultist loon, who believes the alpha and omega of everything is The State.
It’s your war, not mine. Personally, those of us who have served in the military know what a “piece of shit” you make believe military wannabes are.
It’s your war, not mine. Personally, those of us who have served in the military know what a “piece of shit” you make believe military wannabes are.
I was in SAC, asshole.

That you apparently are the type who would ignore posse comitatus, and turn your weapon against those you're supposed to be protecting, reveals you as the "piece of shit".
I was in SAC, asshole.

That you apparently are the type who would ignore posse comitatus, and turn your weapon against those you're supposed to be protecting, reveals you as the "piece of shit".
Really ? Any you don’t know how much support the military has for active front line soldiers ? Were you asleep ? Sounds like you remember nothing.
Oh, you were “ in the SACK “ and were asleep.
You're the one blabbering on incoherently about trivial shit like cell service, car registration, and retirement plans in the middle of a mythical civil war.
This is telling. In your mythical civil war with how many people ? No way to communicate without revealing yourself, no way to drive or get medical service, food stuffs etc.
Oh, you’re going to encamp in a farm and live off the land.
How many times have you watched “RedDawn”. It’s not real.
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This is telling. In your mythical civil war with how many people ? No way to communicate without revealing yourself, no way to drive or get medical service, food stuffs etc.
Oh, you’re going to encamp in a farm and live off the land.
How many times have you watche “RedDawn”. It’s not real.
Just by asking such ignorantly idiotic questions tends to indicate that you've never been in the military...A determined force would be flexible and resourceful enough to obtain all of those things.
So you don’t have a family, car or a job. Wtf do you do with all your free time, dream about guns ?
Wow, the random mental projections are strong in that one. You know you've won the debate when they start wandering off into lala land, thinking they're still making cogent arguments.
Wow, the random mental projections are strong in that one. You know you've won the debate when they start wandering off into lala land, thinking they're still making cogent arguments.
Obvious, you have no retort. All that shit is gone when you engage in terrorism. You are just bullshitting because there has never been one of your militia units try to take on the well regulated organized military with any success what so ever.
So you’re bloviating and blowing smoke.
Obvious, you have no retort. All that shit is gone when you engage in terrorism. You are just bullshitting because there has never been one of your militia units try to take on the well regulated organized military with any success what so ever.
So you’re bloviating and blowing smoke.
You're ignoring what would happen if millions of Americans, tired of being scapegoated by the rest, decide they've had enough and rebel. The so-called well regulated and organized military would not be monolithically against them, and there would be defections as well as advanced weaponry falling into the hands of the rebels. That military would quickly find itself isolated and unable to function as it's accustomed to function in a foreign nation. You really haven't thought this through very well.
You're ignoring what would happen if millions of Americans, tired of being scapegoated by the rest, decide they've had enough and rebel. The so-called well regulated and organized military would not be monolithically against them, and there would be defections as well as advanced weaponry falling into the hands of the rebels. That military would quickly find itself isolated and unable to function as it's accustomed to function in a foreign nation. You really haven't thought this through very well.
Millions ? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I can’t stop laughing.
Millions ? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I can’t stop laughing.
70 million + voted for TRUMP!. If only half of them get ticked off enough, you have a problem on your hands. They could become the new nation's heroic Founding Fathers.
You're ignoring what would happen if millions of Americans, tired of being scapegoated by the rest, decide they've had enough and rebel. The so-called well regulated and organized military would not be monolithically against them, and there would be defections as well as advanced weaponry falling into the hands of the rebels. That military would quickly find itself isolated and unable to function as it's accustomed to function in a foreign nation. You really haven't thought this through very well.
At most you’ll continue to have right wing extremest terrorist committing mass murders vs easy targets. Your take over is happening now. It’s the craziest of you committing terrorist acts vs easy targets at increasing rates.
70 million + voted for TRUMP!. If only half of them get ticked off enough, you have a problem on your hands. They could become the new nation's heroic Founding Fathers.
Ha ha
You mean the old farts on social security and Medicare ? Hilarious. Nope, the younger will be engaged in white nationalist inspired terrorist acts as they are now.
70 million + voted for TRUMP!. If only half of them get ticked off enough, you have a problem on your hands. They could become the new nation's heroic Founding Fathers.
And don’t think the normal hard working civilian will put up with it. Look at what happened after to Boston Bombings. Everyone was engaged in finding and capturing them and even regular career criminals took the “days off” and helped police with hot line calls. This community as well as the vast majority of normal folks knows more then you and their already organized underworld of organized crime would work to defeat you.
At present federal commandos are only gunning for individual Americans and very small groups of them. The Biden administration is deploying ATF, FBI, Homeland Security, DEA and US Marshal special operations units against individual Americans, isolating and hammering them for ridiculously innocuous violations of federal firearm regulations which shift and change every few months. As it stands, no individual American nor small group of them stand an ice cube's chance in hell of successfully resisting federal SWAT teams on their own, outside of a very, very few and specific circumstances. In other words, if the federal government comes gunning for you where you live . . . you will either be arrested or killed . . . on the spot.

Astonishingly enough, here in America we are absolutely prohibited from defending ourselves against law enforcement commandos in any way, shape or form. Our government at every level expects us to treat law enforcement officials as if they are God himself; we are expected to bow down, bend the knee before them, cow tow, beg for mercy and comply—under direct threat of death.

IF a federal law enforcement commando strike team comes for you, they will hit you with everything they've got, which includes all imaginable military grade gear and tactics. Your neighbors will not help you when they come for you. Your dog(s) cannot help you when they come for you. You will even believe God himself has abandoned you when they come for you. They will breech your door(s), break your windows and toss in several flash bangs to blind you and zap grenades to stun you. They will then do a dynamic entry in squad size elements and likely kill everyone and everything that moves, just like their SEAL team 6 heroes on TV. YOU will be the enemy and everyone outside your circle of friends and family will cheer their actions and your demise because they think you had it coming. When they come for you, they will surround your home with overwhelming numbers and snipers, put your life under what feels like a massive microscope, and treat you like the military treats terrorists in Afghanistan or Syria.

You will die or wish you had.

No number of these military style raids on American citizens seems to make a difference or draw Americans closer to open rebellion. When the smoke of the raid on your home settles, your neighbors won't be weeping for your corpse . . . they'll be thanking whatever god they pray to it wasn't their home the Feds raided. Someone will eventually purchase your home and those same neighbors will forget you and your family ever existed.

Local and federal commando strike teams are infinitely backed up by more of the same, funded to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars annually; they are efficiently organized and they possess all of the latest tactical hardware, from electronic warfare equipment to highly specialized small arms, explosives, optics and devices that can even see through the walls of your home.

The majority of the American people will never openly revolt. They love their lives and dwindling freedom more than anything else. They will infinitely fall back on the old excuse, "He or she (meaning you) had it coming", when the federal commandos come for you or anyone else they decide to raid.

Those are the current facts and the current reality of our 2022 American situation. Try to organize and they will come for you. Defy their petty tyrannies and they will come for you. Stand against them alone and they will squash you like an ant.
Could you give me an example of an act committed by a FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMANDO STRITE TEAM???

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