F O X has gone 'phony scandal' 24/7 for 5 yrs - and absolutely zip to show for it!

Now, they open every segment defending the "phony scandals"

Like the Republicans, they have nothing else to do but challenge "E" for the evening dirt.

What a disgrace these people are ....


Yes, we should all just get our "news" from MSNBC, where they read press releases from the White House verbatim telling us how awesome Obama is.

Or you could just learn to accept the fact that not everyone believes Obama's words define reality.
What is especially pleasing is that Papa Doc obama runs his mouth for over an hour and the only shit that stinks is "phony scandals". It was the whole take away.

obama calls four dead men a phony scandal but one dead black thug is a national tragedy.

You can't buy this.

A "thug" three weeks past 17 whose family loves and misses him. Whose only crime was going to the store for a bag of Skittles and a can of Ice Tea. An unarmed kid who was stalked by an armed man who knew he was in no danger from this kid. A man who was logged in on 46 pages of police reports. A man who once called in a "suspicious" 7 year old who happened to be black. And not a single arrest in 46 tries until this one who almost "got away". And right wingers defend this???? Who is the scum? Attacking and smearing this kid?

Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims

WH Benghazi emails have different quotes than earlier reported - CBS News

GOP Sources Altered Benghazi E-Mails To Suggest A Cover-Up, Reporter Confirms

And you people support liars and child killers? That's terrible. What kind of people are you? Is the hate for Obama that great?

House Republicans propose extra $2 billion for embassy security | Reuters

And look at that. Republicans secretly increase embassy security funding after they cut it. Just another cover up. Mrs. Clinton was right when she told them they were making a mistake cutting funding. And now they secretly restore the funding????? If the cuts were OK before that tragedy, then why restore the money????
Who cut the funding?

Oh, yeah -- Democrats.

Dems accuse GOP of cutting security funding in Libya despite majority Dem support for vote | The Daily Caller
What Cummings and the Democratic Oversight Committee staff are referring to is the final fiscal year 2012 omnibus appropriations package that included $2.075 billion for the programs – $567.5 million less than the Obama administration’s request.

Cummings and the Democratic staff memo don’t mention that Democrats made those cuts into embassy security funding possible.​
This has been pointed out to you before. But there's no way in hell you'll ever stop repeating the lies you're programmed with.
Nothing to show for it?

What about these? --> $$$$$$$

These --> $$$$$$$ are Rupert's prop.

FOX is losing record Ad revenues because their median viewer age is an ancient 65

The Ad boys want that 25-54 age group - and that belongs to the Liberal media


Hey, watch it there sonny boy. I'm a ripe ole 66 but I've never been dumb enough to swallow whole the nonexistent scandal du jour that's spoon fed to the rw dupes.

Stoopid is not an age. Its a conscious decision to be uninformed.
Now, they open every segment defending the "phony scandals"

Like the Republicans, they have nothing else to do but challenge "E" for the evening dirt.

What a disgrace these people are ....


Yes, we should all just get our "news" from MSNBC, where they read press releases from the White House verbatim telling us how awesome Obama is.

Or you could just learn to accept the fact that not everyone believes Obama's words define reality.

davvey boy of the phake guns, if you actuallly watched MSNBC, you'd know better.

The other day, President Obama speaking to the country, I flipped back and forth. No surprise that fux did not carry the speech. Instead, they had the usual pretty but DUMB blonde "pundits" telling their viewers what to think about what they had just NOT seen.

Okay, you hate the prez. We get that. BUT, don't you think you should be able to base that hatred on the occasional FACT??

No,of course you don't.

Go polish up your pretend guns.

Now, they open every segment defending the "phony scandals"

Like the Republicans, they have nothing else to do but challenge "E" for the evening dirt.

What a disgrace these people are ....


Yes, we should all just get our "news" from MSNBC, where they read press releases from the White House verbatim telling us how awesome Obama is.

Or you could just learn to accept the fact that not everyone believes Obama's words define reality.

davvey boy of the phake guns, if you actuallly watched MSNBC, you'd know better.

The other day, President Obama speaking to the country, I flipped back and forth. No surprise that fux did not carry the speech. Instead, they had the usual pretty but DUMB blonde "pundits" telling their viewers what to think about what they had just NOT seen.

Okay, you hate the prez. We get that. BUT, don't you think you should be able to base that hatred on the occasional FACT??

No,of course you don't.

Go polish up your pretend guns.

:lmao: I've seen what you and MSNBC consider "facts".

And here's something else your programming won't allow you to comprehend:

I don't hate Obama. I DISAGREE with him. Note for the progressivism-impaired: The two are not the same thing.

Now, they open every segment defending the "phony scandals"

Like the Republicans, they have nothing else to do but challenge "E" for the evening dirt.

What a disgrace these people are ....


Yes, we should all just get our "news" from MSNBC, where they read press releases from the White House verbatim telling us how awesome Obama is.

No, we should get our news from the dominant mainstream media - that doesn't need to sink to the sensationalist lies and phony scandals that FOX peddles.

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Nothing to show for it?

What about these? --> $$$$$$$

These --> $$$$$$$ are Rupert's prop.

FOX is losing record Ad revenues because their median viewer age is an ancient 65

The Ad boys want that 25-54 age group - and that belongs to the Liberal media


There are many in the 25-54 age group.....my daughter and "most" of her friends are very conservative. Not all young people are stupid when it comes to politics, many keep up on what's going on. The others listen to their hero's in hollywood and do just what they tell them to do.....like robots. They really don't care what's going on, they'll just go out and vote for whoever they're told to vote for.

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