face it dems your boy Robert L. Peters is done.


ya I'm sure its this guy
Tyrone, this is all fake news. You'll find that out when the Dem bots on here (who haven't heard about it) will swear it's fake news because ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSDNC and the Huff Post haven't aired anything about it. They won't know that late this afternoon the House Committee subpoenaed the archives for all of Joey Robineggs VP Emails and papers. This guy had more Email addresses than Google.
But Joe has done nothing wrong. He's cleaner than Hillary, Bill and the Kenyan combined.
He proved that when Hunter and Company called Joe from Ukraine during high level business meetings so he could keep them informed about the weather. Dozens of times. Joe refused to have any knowledge about Hunter's business dealings.Go ol' Honest Joe.
when did someone i've never heard of become "my boy?"

oh, its the "pseidonym" as if "john baron" was trump's real name.

tyroneweaver what did this canadian graphic designer or whoever do to be "done?" if he is "my boy" and he has done wrong he will certainly take the consequence.
It's about Joe Robinegg Biden's use of that guy's name as an email name to hide things from people making FOIA requests. It's been on the legit news all afternoon and evening. That Joe Robinegg Biden is slicker than snot on a doorknob.
If Joe B had a private email address then NARA is not going to have it. It is not a crime to have both a job email address and a private email address.

Since he had a government email address to send when it concerned business. He may have had a private email address for personal use. Still its is not a crime and I would imagine they all have personal email addresses.

Keep the dream alive.

Comer specifically points to a redacted email from May 27, 2016, with Biden’s daily schedule sent to [email protected] and Hunter Bidensaying that the committee has identified “Robert L. Peters” as a pseudonym for the then-vice president.

Well its seems that is how his staff send his schedule to Biden. So there is nothing nefarious about that. If he sent it to Hunter then it means nothing.

Second if he did use fake email address then why would NARA have it. If its not whitehouse.gov then its a personal email address.

His email address is vice.president@whitehouse.gov

pci.gov does not exist. So Nara would not have it. IF the VP had his own email address that he signed up for it as a personal address.

I have fake email address. Its a good misdirection play to keep the baddies at bay.

Also if its not government business he cannot use a government email address. If it his personal address then its a personal address and NARA not going to have it.

So how many people have multiple email address. Try it you might like it.

So nothing here folks just the smell of desperation.
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So he supposedly uses a fake name so no one knows yet it seems everyone knows.

Oh no, another whistleblower. So all of the sudden 6 to 7 years later these emails just appear. How convenient.

So how are they going to prove that it Joe B who sent these emails if its not in his name. How does Comer even know if they are real. It just that Comer is getting desperate as the take down for Joe B is getting nowhere. He leaks everything.

Keep the dream alive.

Comer specifically points to a redacted email from May 27, 2016, with Biden’s daily schedule sent to [email protected] and Hunter Bidensaying that the committee has identified “Robert L. Peters” as a pseudonym for the then-vice president.

Okay so he is saying that he sent an email to himself

Second if he did use fake email address then why would NARA have it. If its not whitehouse.gov then its a personal email address.

His email address is vice.president@whitehouse.gov

pci.gov does not exist. So Nara would not have it. IF the VP had his own email address that he signed up for then NARA probably does not have it.

So how do they prove that it send by Joe Biden over 4 years ago. You can't. You just speculate and accuse.
Very profound! You get one Attaboy for that post. Since you are into Mensa, could you explain how I get a message on Telegram from a scammer who uses a Facebok friend's page information to tell me how to get $200,000 from a government grant by calling Mr So and So. Then when I telephone my Facebook friend if they messaged me they say no and that they got the same message from another of our friends. Joe Robinegg Biden uses those phony email addresses to pull the same kind of scam and hide things from the government. He's a sleazy, slimy crook. See my siggy.
Very profound! You get one Attaboy for that post. Since you are into Mensa, could you explain how I get a message on Telegram from a scammer who uses a Facebok friend's page information to tell me how to get $200,000 from a government grant by calling Mr So and So. Then when I telephone my Facebook friend if they messaged me they say no and that they got the same message from another of our friends. Joe Robinegg Biden uses those phony email addresses to pull the same kind of scam and hide things from the government. He's a sleazy, slimy crook. See my siggy.

As I said, .gov email address is a business email address. If he wanted a personal email address then that is not a crime.

Being amused by Apophenia. It is a psychology term for people obsessed with conspiracies. Catch it.

this guy has a e-mail address claiming to be him,,

Nope! He and Obama had socks for their personal/private email for security...perfectly, and legally obtained
Nope! He and Obama had socks for their personal/private email for security...perfectly, and legally obtained
They cannot understand why you would have a business email address and a personal email address.

If Joe B wanted to apply for a loan and they asked for his email address. Would he give the VP.gov address.

If Joe B wanted to send his son a personal message by email does he use the VP.gov

I use fake email address all the time it does help keep your real email address from being hacked with all your personal info.

and as you say , it is perfectly legal to have multiple email addresses.

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