Face it folks; the hard truth....multiculturalism is failing.

Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.

No, I disagree. Multiculturalism is succeeding marvelously for the people who started it; Anti-Western Social Marxists who want to destroy us as a nation and civilization.
Now there's a boogie-man you can cut a rug to...
Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.
It's failing because right winger positions on everything are causing it to fail. Even right wingers can't name something positive they done to help the country in the last 40 years.
Two words describe folks who feel their "culture" is in some sort of danger: insecure, old.

No, those who have no concern for their culture are those who are ignorant, narcissistic and deluded.

No man is an island, and if you are not willing to at least defend rhetorically the culture that has given you your perspective on the world because you see nothing good about, then get the fuck out, moron.
Jim, "No man is an island" is from a quote that continues "Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main...Any man's death diminishes me, because I am a part of mankind..."
It argues against your stance that humans are fundamentally different due to class, race or other artificial social constructs.
Just didn't want you misquoting Donne; he's a favorite of mine
Are you the culture of a caveman? Multiculturalism cant pass or fail....it just IS and ALL cultures come FROM IT.

Multiple cultures emerged from one. But trying to merge them all back together will destroy each unique one....thus....destroying "multiculturalism".

If the ancient Mayan and ancient Roman cultures were forced together into one island what would happen?? War.
Shaddapp. No cultures are "forced," culture by its very nature is what you do in your spare fucking time......is someone threatening your family recipes, bro? Someone gunna stop you from your Beer League in Darts?

Watching the news too much versus looking at hard data, probabilities, etc. Is the easiest way to get pussies all skeered of everything in life. SERIOUSLY.

Culture is something you do in your spare time? :lmao:

That's why GT is a Liberal and a dumbass at the same time.
you dont know my politics, stick face. Try again.
Are you the culture of a caveman? Multiculturalism cant pass or fail....it just IS and ALL cultures come FROM IT.

Multiple cultures emerged from one. But trying to merge them all back together will destroy each unique one....thus....destroying "multiculturalism".

If the ancient Mayan and ancient Roman cultures were forced together into one island what would happen?? War.
Shaddapp. No cultures are "forced," culture by its very nature is what you do in your spare fucking time......is someone threatening your family recipes, bro? Someone gunna stop you from your Beer League in Darts?

Watching the news too much versus looking at hard data, probabilities, etc. Is the easiest way to get pussies all skeered of everything in life. SERIOUSLY.

Culture is something you do in your spare time? :lmao:

That's why GT is a Liberal and a dumbass at the same time.
you dont know my politics, stick face. Try again.

I know you're a dumbass. Fuck off pussy.
The Melting Pot is still operating just fine.
Ya. On Uranus.
Oh ya. Just the other day I saw a whole bunch of Chinese Taoists and Somali Muslims hanging out together having a big BBQ in the park.
Or were they negroes and Latinos?
Or maybe they were Mennonites and Greek Orthodox?
You are one ignorant fool who keeps on putting up childish drivel.

There have always been a great variety of people of different backgrounds and religions in America, you ignorant buffoon.
Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.
This nation has been a multi-cultural nation since before it was a nation....Dumbass white folks, always thinking they were the only folks here on the North American continent...
I worked for a multicultural organisation for many years. Everybody got on and worked hard. Everybody was treated with respect and it was a pleasure to work there.
Multiculturism is a blessing. As an employer it makes sorting out Christmas time off easy.
Multiple cultures emerged from one. But trying to merge them all back together will destroy each unique one....thus....destroying "multiculturalism".

If the ancient Mayan and ancient Roman cultures were forced together into one island what would happen?? War.
Shaddapp. No cultures are "forced," culture by its very nature is what you do in your spare fucking time......is someone threatening your family recipes, bro? Someone gunna stop you from your Beer League in Darts?

Watching the news too much versus looking at hard data, probabilities, etc. Is the easiest way to get pussies all skeered of everything in life. SERIOUSLY.

Culture is something you do in your spare time? :lmao:

That's why GT is a Liberal and a dumbass at the same time.
you dont know my politics, stick face. Try again.

I know you're a dumbass. Fuck off pussy.
Are you the culture of a caveman? Multiculturalism cant pass or fail....it just IS and ALL cultures come FROM IT.

Multiple cultures emerged from one. But trying to merge them all back together will destroy each unique one....thus....destroying "multiculturalism".

If the ancient Mayan and ancient Roman cultures were forced together into one island what would happen?? War.
Shaddapp. No cultures are "forced," culture by its very nature is what you do in your spare fucking time......is someone threatening your family recipes, bro? Someone gunna stop you from your Beer League in Darts?

Watching the news too much versus looking at hard data, probabilities, etc. Is the easiest way to get pussies all skeered of everything in life. SERIOUSLY.
Show me ONE country which has a 'melting pot' of different cultures/races. Just one. Ever. In world history. Just one.
There is and never has been one.
The closest thing to having a 'melting pot' is in a country which can be described as a 'mosaic' of cultures.
Canada is a good example of a 'mosaic'.
Yet the interracial marriages are still rare in relation to the size of the population.
The simple fact is humans generally want to keep within their cultures/races.
How many Latinos married Jews last year? Two?
How many 'Little ........s are there in every city in the country?
'Little Havana'/Little Italy/Little Chinatown/Little fucking Spain/Little Portugal/Little Malaysia. Everyone living in those 'Littles' are quite happy to be left alone thanks.
There are many examples. Indonesia ,Singapore and Malaysia come to mind.I would also point to Argentina where Welsh people settled in the C19th.
Not only were we able to keep our own language and religion we were also able to celebrate our culture every year in the Eisteddfod.
Welsh books and newspapers were printed and Welsh place names were common. Its a beautiful thing.
There is security in place that, for the most part, has done fucking fantastic.

We are 0 for 4 in stopping terrorist attacks in the US so far, and you think it is fantastic? roflmao
You are more likely to be killed by a toddler than a terrorist in the US.
Speak for yourself, Tweedle-dumbass.
I cant really argue with that.
No. You can't.
Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.

sorry you old cracka halfwit, you cross humping cracker world is coming to an end

Good to see Guano doesn't even hide his bigotry anymore.
The Melting Pot is still operating just fine.
Ya. On Uranus.
Oh ya. Just the other day I saw a whole bunch of Chinese Taoists and Somali Muslims hanging out together having a big BBQ in the park.
Or were they negroes and Latinos?
Or maybe they were Mennonites and Greek Orthodox?
You are one ignorant fool who keeps on putting up childish drivel.

There have always been a great variety of people of different backgrounds and religions in America, you ignorant buffoon.
That's right asshole. And NONE of these groups wants anything to do with any other group.
Let us know the next time the ubiquitous Chinese arch detoning the entrance to Chinatown in every city in the fucking country has fucking Italian flags flying on it.
Dumb ass.
Stupid idiot LIBs: "Why don't the Muslims just 'assimilate' with the rest of the cultures/religions in America?"
Ya fucking right.
Go live in a Muslim country.....as I have. You will quickly learn how badly they want to "assimilate" with the West.
The mother fuckers want to exterminate every non-believer on the planet. THAT'S the reality.
Every person thats ANTI multi cultures seems so vile, angry, mad at life. Go fucking die in a corner, then. Jesus
Are you the culture of a caveman? Multiculturalism cant pass or fail....it just IS and ALL cultures come FROM IT.

Multiple cultures emerged from one. But trying to merge them all back together will destroy each unique one....thus....destroying "multiculturalism".

If the ancient Mayan and ancient Roman cultures were forced together into one island what would happen?? War.
Shaddapp. No cultures are "forced," culture by its very nature is what you do in your spare fucking time......is someone threatening your family recipes, bro? Someone gunna stop you from your Beer League in Darts?

Watching the news too much versus looking at hard data, probabilities, etc. Is the easiest way to get pussies all skeered of everything in life. SERIOUSLY.

GT wins and wins early. OP's whining about being a victim this time as if someone is strapping him in a chair and forcing Arroz con Pollo down his fat fucking face

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