Face it folks; the hard truth....multiculturalism is failing.

Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.

The thing that gets me is liberals think it's racist to be against multiculturalism. I think all cultures are cool to experience, and I think they all should have a right to self preservation. Multiculturalism hasn't just failed in Europe and the US, it's failed other cultures that have tried to emulate Western culture. Africa for example, would be much better off if it's people remained tribal. When Africans live in small tribes they are very efficient and peaceful. But they've tried to Westernize and have these huge overpopulated urban hell holes.

Countries all over the world should practice strict immigration laws to protect and preserve their cultural identity.
Nutbags don't understand that we are much safer for having an open society. If we had shut out Muslims from society by doing some of the things that you frightened losers suggest......we'd have a Brussels like problem here.

Dumb fucks......open your eyes. See the facts. Welcoming Mulisms into the fold is the way to ensure safety from Muslim extremists.
Because we haven't had a Muslim terrorist attack in three months means we don't have a Brussels-like problem?

How stupid can you get? Belgian welcomed Muslims into the fold, and more recently Germany. Stay tuned, the fat lady hasn't barked yet..., well once, but it ain't over.

No. They did not. Muslims in Brussels have not been welcomed into the fold. You simply don't know what you are talking about.

Hmmm. Seems most of Europe initially welcomed Muslims with open arms.


Proof? Becsuse for the last 20 years I recall the tolerant liberals of Europe being held up as a beacon of tolerance because they didn't discriminate and welcomed all cultures.

Now...well....England, France, Germany, Belgium are regretting it.
The term "multiculturalism"was coined by liberals at the failure of assimilartion. It is and has been a miserable failure and domestic terrorism is a direct result.
Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.

The thing that gets me is liberals think it's racist to be against multiculturalism. I think all cultures are cool to experience, and I think they all should have a right to self preservation. Multiculturalism hasn't just failed in Europe and the US, it's failed other cultures that have tried to emulate Western culture. Africa for example, would be much better off if it's people remained tribal. When Africans live in small tribes they are very efficient and peaceful. But they've tried to Westernize and have these huge overpopulated urban hell holes.

Countries all over the world should practice strict immigration laws to protect and preserve their cultural identity.

You've never studied history at all, have you?
Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.

The thing that gets me is liberals think it's racist to be against multiculturalism. I think all cultures are cool to experience, and I think they all should have a right to self preservation. Multiculturalism hasn't just failed in Europe and the US, it's failed other cultures that have tried to emulate Western culture. Africa for example, would be much better off if it's people remained tribal. When Africans live in small tribes they are very efficient and peaceful. But they've tried to Westernize and have these huge overpopulated urban hell holes.

Countries all over the world should practice strict immigration laws to protect and preserve their cultural identity.

You've never studied history at all, have you?

Oh boy, Turd Slurper is here to teach us history! Dozo....
Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.

The thing that gets me is liberals think it's racist to be against multiculturalism. I think all cultures are cool to experience, and I think they all should have a right to self preservation. Multiculturalism hasn't just failed in Europe and the US, it's failed other cultures that have tried to emulate Western culture. Africa for example, would be much better off if it's people remained tribal. When Africans live in small tribes they are very efficient and peaceful. But they've tried to Westernize and have these huge overpopulated urban hell holes.

Countries all over the world should practice strict immigration laws to protect and preserve their cultural identity.

You've never studied history at all, have you?

... here to teach us history! ....

Aren't you the nut squealing about "genocide" on another thread? How long until you just come right out with your agenda here?
Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.

The thing that gets me is liberals think it's racist to be against multiculturalism. I think all cultures are cool to experience, and I think they all should have a right to self preservation. Multiculturalism hasn't just failed in Europe and the US, it's failed other cultures that have tried to emulate Western culture. Africa for example, would be much better off if it's people remained tribal. When Africans live in small tribes they are very efficient and peaceful. But they've tried to Westernize and have these huge overpopulated urban hell holes.

Countries all over the world should practice strict immigration laws to protect and preserve their cultural identity.

You've never studied history at all, have you?

... here to teach us history! ....

Aren't you the nut squealing about "genocide" on another thread? How long until you just come right out with your agenda here?

I don't recall using that word. Perhaps you are referring to what I've said about Islam's murderous history. Not quite sure what your point is though.
In the United States, we have first generation Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Thais, Nepalese, Russians, East Indians, Germans, Irish, British, French, et cetera, et cetera.
These people are made up of Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Eastern Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Jainists, Animists and other religions. They fit in, become absorbed into the greater American society.
Even people whose families have lived here for generations and have other beliefs, such as Quakers, Amish, Mormons, and so on, fit in fairly comfortably with our system, given their restrictions.
Islam, on the other hand.....is a whole different entity. It's political, religious and violent, and its core beliefs are completely at odds with modern humanity, while at the same time seriously advocating the subjugation and killing of all who do follow its teachings. Any Muslim who considers the Quran to be the true word of God, is not only, not your friend, but wants you converted or dead. If he or she says any different, they are using "taqqiya" which is lying or deception to the infidel to protect their religion.
Those who have had the courage to leave the religion and live under death threats because of their decision, have, for years, been trying to warn the west, including the United States, of the definite threat it is to them.
The west's response to these warnings are: "We will be okay. Show love and compassion and we will win them over. Do surgical military strikes against those very few who actually want to harm us and we will win."
News flash! The west's response if a losing one. Eventually, we will lose to them. They have millions of supporters and lots of time. Over time, they will drain the west of resources, both economically and militarily. It may be your children's great-grandchildren or their children, but sooner or later, all under your lineage will only have two choices: Convert to Islam or die.
The only way to stop it is to think of these terror groups as the tufts of a dandelion. You destroy the tuft, you don't kill the dandelion and you have solved nothing. The dandelion is the Quran and its, Mullahs, Ayatollahs and Clerics. Attack the root and you destroy the dandelion.
I have many Muslim friends who are peaceful, beautiful people who fit into the society taht we live it.
NoNukes, If you are not Muslim and your Muslim friends actually do consider you a friend, then they do not believe that every word in the Quran is the true word of God and are like many Christians who cherry-pick portions of the bible they chose to accept and reject other portions; thus they would not be considered true Muslims in Islamic nations.
Three of four mosques studied in the United States preach the very hate that creates the terrorists, your "friends" are probably Muslims in name only and that's fine.
I live in Europe, not the States.
Are you the culture of a caveman? Multiculturalism cant pass or fail....it just IS and ALL cultures come FROM IT.

Multiple cultures emerged from one. But trying to merge them all back together will destroy each unique one....thus....destroying "multiculturalism".

If the ancient Mayan and ancient Roman cultures were forced together into one island what would happen?? War.
Shaddapp. No cultures are "forced," culture by its very nature is what you do in your spare fucking time......is someone threatening your family recipes, bro? Someone gunna stop you from your Beer League in Darts?

Watching the news too much versus looking at hard data, probabilities, etc. Is the easiest way to get pussies all skeered of everything in life. SERIOUSLY.
Show me ONE country which has a 'melting pot' of different cultures/races. Just one. Ever. In world history. Just one.
There is and never has been one.
The closest thing to having a 'melting pot' is in a country which can be described as a 'mosaic' of cultures.
Canada is a good example of a 'mosaic'.
Yet the interracial marriages are still rare in relation to the size of the population.
The simple fact is humans generally want to keep within their cultures/races.
How many Latinos married Jews last year? Two?
How many 'Little ........s are there in every city in the country?
'Little Havana'/Little Italy/Little Chinatown/Little fucking Spain/Little Portugal/Little Malaysia. Everyone living in those 'Littles' are quite happy to be left alone thanks.
Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.

sorry you old cracka halfwit, you cross humping cracker world is coming to an end
So what about all the attacks in the U.K.?
And do you really believe the attacks are going to stay static?
Of course they wont,they intend to destroy us and we are just seeing the beginnings of their attempts.
There is security in place that, for the most part, has done fucking fantastic. You on your keyboard worrying about it doesnt raise or lower the bar any.

The more of them you let in the better the odds are you're letting in terrorist.
All you have to do is look at the U.K.
The only reason that shit wont happen here is an armed society.
ok lets look at the uk. What are the odds a a uk citizen youre hit by a terror attack? And whats the total muslim pop. There? And if you dont know those answers, you should probably kill yourself for admitting youre a pussy based on news propoganda being led around by the nose like a beeyotch.

Keep on pretending there's no such thing as muslim extremist.
It makes you look like a deranged idiot.
Keep pretending I said theres no such thing as muslim extremists. Also, keep pretending you know things you so clearly do not. This is why I dont come up here but rarely.

Your brains think like Pigs. You have no real perspective. You dont even know how big or small thenissue of terrorism is, you have no statistics youve studied and WORSE!! Is that you think its not necessary.

The news has you by the ballsack, schoolgirl.
Go crawl back under your fucking rock asshole!
Permanent Ignore.
There is security in place that, for the most part, has done fucking fantastic. You on your keyboard worrying about it doesnt raise or lower the bar any.

The more of them you let in the better the odds are you're letting in terrorist.
All you have to do is look at the U.K.
The only reason that shit wont happen here is an armed society.
ok lets look at the uk. What are the odds a a uk citizen youre hit by a terror attack? And whats the total muslim pop. There? And if you dont know those answers, you should probably kill yourself for admitting youre a pussy based on news propoganda being led around by the nose like a beeyotch.

Keep on pretending there's no such thing as muslim extremist.
It makes you look like a deranged idiot.
Keep pretending I said theres no such thing as muslim extremists. Also, keep pretending you know things you so clearly do not. This is why I dont come up here but rarely.

Your brains think like Pigs. You have no real perspective. You dont even know how big or small thenissue of terrorism is, you have no statistics youve studied and WORSE!! Is that you think its not necessary.

The news has you by the ballsack, schoolgirl.
Go crawl back under your fucking rock asshole!
Permanent Ignore.

The dudes a wanna be rapper/wigger who thinks it's cool to be a leftist.
The Melting Pot is still operating just fine.
Ya. On Uranus.
Oh ya. Just the other day I saw a whole bunch of Chinese Taoists and Somali Muslims hanging out together having a big BBQ in the park.
Or were they negroes and Latinos?
Or maybe they were Mennonites and Greek Orthodox?
You are one ignorant fool who keeps on putting up childish drivel.
Left wingers....I'm sorry. I know most of you meant well. Honestly. Most of you did. If we could mix all the cultures of the world together like a big ole chef salad....how cool?! A little Islam. A little Asian. Some Hispanic. A little Americanism. European influence. Some Africa culture. Toss it all together...add some drum circles and hugs and wow....it would be like a scene from Star Wars!!! All the diversity and multiple cultures coexisting in peace and love!!!!

Turns out....humans are still tribal creatures. Our cultures begin to encroach on each others. Cultures begin to demand others change to accommodate their values....but refuse to drop their own habits to accommodate others.

A culture is simple. It's "how we do things"..."things we like"...."values we believe".

And when someone else's is different....in theory....you'd think we would just coexist. But reality is proving otherwise. Turns out we like having our own distinct culture and aren't willing to give it up for the sake of accommodating others.

It's failing lefties. I'm sorry. Cultures need to be distinct and separate. Forced mixing fails.
This nation has been a multi-cultural nation since before it was a nation....Dumbass white folks, always thinking they were the only folks here on the North American continent...
Are you the culture of a caveman? Multiculturalism cant pass or fail....it just IS and ALL cultures come FROM IT.

Multiple cultures emerged from one. But trying to merge them all back together will destroy each unique one....thus....destroying "multiculturalism".

If the ancient Mayan and ancient Roman cultures were forced together into one island what would happen?? War.
Shaddapp. No cultures are "forced," culture by its very nature is what you do in your spare fucking time......is someone threatening your family recipes, bro? Someone gunna stop you from your Beer League in Darts?

Watching the news too much versus looking at hard data, probabilities, etc. Is the easiest way to get pussies all skeered of everything in life. SERIOUSLY.

Culture is something you do in your spare time? :lmao:

That's why GT is a Liberal and a dumbass at the same time.

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