Facebook Bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, Other Dangerous Figures

Should Facebook be banning conservatives?

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Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart
I have just one question. Who the fuck is Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and Mike Dice?

I think Mark Dice is the guy who interviews 300 people to show clips of the 5 who are not too bright. The others; not sure.
Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart
I have just one question. Who the fuck is Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and Mike Dice?

I think Mark Dice is the guy who interviews 300 people to show clips of the 5 who are not too bright. The others; not sure.

Mark Dice is not banned from Facebook (as of yet), Paul Joseph Watson is.
Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart
I have just one question. Who the fuck is Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and Mike Dice?

I think Mark Dice is the guy who interviews 300 people to show clips of the 5 who are not too bright. The others; not sure.

Mark Dice is not banned from Facebook (as of yet), Paul Joseph Watson is.
What did this Watson do ??
Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart
I have just one question. Who the fuck is Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and Mike Dice?

I think Mark Dice is the guy who interviews 300 people to show clips of the 5 who are not too bright. The others; not sure.

Mark Dice is not banned from Facebook (as of yet), Paul Joseph Watson is.
What did this Watson do ??

Posted pro-Trump, anti SJW material. He's affiliated with Alex Jones sometimes, who Alphabet and Facebook also decided is verboten.

They will attempt to silence all dissension.
Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart
I have just one question. Who the fuck is Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and Mike Dice?

I think Mark Dice is the guy who interviews 300 people to show clips of the 5 who are not too bright. The others; not sure.

Mark Dice is not banned from Facebook (as of yet), Paul Joseph Watson is.
What did this Watson do ??

He did nothing! he is a conservative ....that's all....his sin is he is a conservative like me and you

Time to regulate Social Media.

He did nothing! he is a conservative ....that's all
Then that is a sad comment on conservatism. Also, that amounts to a prediction that all conservatives will get banned... as he is "just a conservative"...

Or not, and instead what you said is stupid on all counts.
All Social Media should become a Public Utility!





How very small government of you....

Let’s nationalize social media!

Gee, kind of sounds like a... socialist

Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Also CNN, Atlantic and other left propoganda sites released NEWS of these bans 2 HOURS before these people actually got banned. Paul Watson and Loomer were able to post on their accounts announcing the news of their bans on their own facebook and instagram accounts before they themselves got banned. Facebook and instagram are conspiring with CNN & Friends to ban conservatives.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart

This is too funny.

You don't know that facebook is a private company and can ban anyone they want. Especially those who violate their TOS rules.

There's a very good way to not get banned.

Don't violate the rules.
All Social Media should become a Public Utility!





That's a 180 about face from a few years ago.

Conservatives screamed that the internet wasn't a utility and shouldn't be regulated when Obama wanted to keep the internet net neutral.

Now that trump has removed the net neutral rules and big internet companies are doing things you don't like, you want it to be a public utility and regulated.

You should have agreed with us in the Obama years and not cheered on trump when he deregulated the internet and removed net neutrality.

Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Also CNN, Atlantic and other left propoganda sites released NEWS of these bans 2 HOURS before these people actually got banned. Paul Watson and Loomer were able to post on their accounts announcing the news of their bans on their own facebook and instagram accounts before they themselves got banned. Facebook and instagram are conspiring with CNN & Friends to ban conservatives.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart

It's time to break up monopolies.

Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart
I have just one question. Who the fuck is Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and Mike Dice?

I think Mark Dice is the guy who interviews 300 people to show clips of the 5 who are not too bright. The others; not sure.

Mark Dice is not banned from Facebook (as of yet), Paul Joseph Watson is.
What did this Watson do ??

He did nothing! he is a conservative ....that's all....his sin is he is a conservative like me and you

Time to regulate Social Media.


More government intervention?
He did nothing! he is a conservative ....that's all
Then that is a sad comment on conservatism. Also, that amounts to a prediction that all conservatives will get banned... as he is "just a conservative"...

Or not, and instead what you said is stupid on all counts.

Perfect example of why they are being banned. Propaganda is not dissension. Right wing extremism isn’t conservatism. They just thought they could sell it that way on the sites that are now banning them. If they think there crap sells, they are welcome to try to sell it on their own media.
All Social Media should become a Public Utility!





Sure. Government should seize control of the media. What could go wrong?

Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Also CNN, Atlantic and other left propoganda sites released NEWS of these bans 2 HOURS before these people actually got banned. Paul Watson and Loomer were able to post on their accounts announcing the news of their bans on their own facebook and instagram accounts before they themselves got banned. Facebook and instagram are conspiring with CNN & Friends to ban conservatives.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart

This is too funny.

You don't know that facebook is a private company and can ban anyone they want. Especially those who violate their TOS rules.

There's a very good way to not get banned.

Don't violate the rules.

PJW did nothing to violate the Fakebook TOS...He got run off primarily because he's associated with Alex Jones.
Perfect example of why they are being banned. Propaganda is not dissension. Right wing extremism isn’t conservatism. They just thought they could sell it that way on the sites that are now banning them. If they think there crap sells, they are welcome to try to sell it on their own media.
Says the delusional pinhead whose go-to source is the propaganda mill Daily Kooks.
Some real Americans ought to start their own versions of FB and Twitter and make them better and with no bias. No banning someone based on their political views. Like if USMB was Twitter.
I've seen "Options" so far, and all look like ass.
The problem is, Facebook, Google and Twitter are already entrenched.

Google should never have been allowed to get control of internet traffic the way it has. I knew it was bad when they were buying up servers. It's the same with GoDaddy buying up domains. I see GoDaddy commercials and get mad.

Sooner of later whatever you're trying to access on the internet has a high chance of going through Google's servers, and if it's a metatag they don't like, they can filter it right there.
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