Facebook Bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, Other Dangerous Figures

Should Facebook be banning conservatives?

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And yet another nail in FB coffin.

They are going to censor themselves out of existence. You cant be THE social media platform when you are ostracizing massive numbers of people.
Facebook announced Thursday that it has permanently banned a host of prominent figures it described as "dangerous" from its platform, including right-wing commentator and former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The platform said it has determined that those figures are "dangerous," and removed them under their policy barring individuals and groups that promote hateful and violent messages.

The tech giant, which has been engaged in an escalating crackdown on hate speech and fear-mongering on its platforms, also removed neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen, who previously ran for the House in Wisconsin, far-right activist Laura Loomer and conservative YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson.

Facebook bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, other 'dangerous' figures

2019 will go down as the year where it tuned on Fox News, AM talk radio, and the fringe of social media.

It will go down as the year the Left it would be fashionable to decide that the Free Speech of American's should be curtailed.

The First Amendment doesn't apply to Facebook. You fucking wingers are dumb as dirt.

No?????? you wanna bet?????

The first Amendment WILL apply to ALL social media when its made a public utility!

It can not come soon enough!
Facebook announced Thursday that it has permanently banned a host of prominent figures it described as "dangerous" from its platform, including right-wing commentator and former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The platform said it has determined that those figures are "dangerous," and removed them under their policy barring individuals and groups that promote hateful and violent messages.

The tech giant, which has been engaged in an escalating crackdown on hate speech and fear-mongering on its platforms, also removed neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen, who previously ran for the House in Wisconsin, far-right activist Laura Loomer and conservative YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson.

Facebook bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, other 'dangerous' figures

2019 will go down as the year where it tuned on Fox News, AM talk radio, and the fringe of social media.
Its homophobic to ban Mr. Yiannopoulos, the voice of the world's Light in the Loafers sector.
Facebook announced Thursday that it has permanently banned a host of prominent figures it described as "dangerous" from its platform, including right-wing commentator and former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The platform said it has determined that those figures are "dangerous," and removed them under their policy barring individuals and groups that promote hateful and violent messages.

The tech giant, which has been engaged in an escalating crackdown on hate speech and fear-mongering on its platforms, also removed neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen, who previously ran for the House in Wisconsin, far-right activist Laura Loomer and conservative YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson.

Facebook bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, other 'dangerous' figures

2019 will go down as the year where it tuned on Fox News, AM talk radio, and the fringe of social media.
That little faggot and that gat slob are the greatest homegrown threats we face?

You pussies are a hoot

Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Also CNN, Atlantic and other left propoganda sites released NEWS of these bans 2 HOURS before these people actually got banned. Paul Watson and Loomer were able to post on their accounts announcing the news of their bans on their own facebook and instagram accounts before they themselves got banned. Facebook and instagram are conspiring with CNN & Friends to ban conservatives.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart
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Facebook announced Thursday that it has permanently banned a host of prominent figures it described as "dangerous" from its platform, including right-wing commentator and former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The platform said it has determined that those figures are "dangerous," and removed them under their policy barring individuals and groups that promote hateful and violent messages.

The tech giant, which has been engaged in an escalating crackdown on hate speech and fear-mongering on its platforms, also removed neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen, who previously ran for the House in Wisconsin, far-right activist Laura Loomer and conservative YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson.

Facebook bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, other 'dangerous' figures

2019 will go down as the year where it tuned on Fox News, AM talk radio, and the fringe of social media.

It will go down as the year the Left it would be fashionable to decide that the Free Speech of American's should be curtailed.

The First Amendment doesn't apply to Facebook. You fucking wingers are dumb as dirt.

No?????? you wanna bet?????

The first Amendment WILL apply to ALL social media when its made a public utility!

It can not come soon enough!
Big government basically nationalizing business cant come soon enough?

Do you still wonder why so many of us cannot go along with the Republican 'small' government bullshit anymore?
If Trump wins in 2020, you can count on Facebook starting to ban conservative radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levine and Sean Hannity. As well, as Todd Starnes and many more.

And Twitter may consider banning Trump.
Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and Mark Dice

That's what "conservatism" is, now? Wow, how embarrassing for conservatism.
I have just one question. Who the fuck is Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and Mike Dice?
Paul Joseph Watson - RationalWiki

Laura Loomer - RationalWiki

Mark Dice - RationalWiki
No need to have done all that work. You could have just said right wing fruit loops. Thanks
But the articles are pretty hilarious.
You are right, they are hilarious, and sad at the same time, because these are the kind of people that are considered mainstream republicans these days.
because these are the kind of people that are considered mainstream republicans these days.
I'm hoping that's not really true. Hanging here on this site might make it seem that way, or on the internet in general, because they are the squeakiest wheels.

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