Facebook Bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, Other Dangerous Figures

Should Facebook be banning conservatives?

  • Total voters
Facebook has the right to ban whoever they want to ban.

Twitter, Instagram and a host of others are out there and those banned can go to any of them.

There are consequences to acting like an ass on social media. If you come into a restaurant and take a shit on the floor, they are likely to remove you too. Same fucking thing here. How about you act like a fucking adult, and perhaps you will have less problems.
Facebook has the right to ban whoever they want to ban.

Twitter, Instagram and a host of others are out there and those banned can go to any of them.

Yup. And we have the right to boycott Facebook if we don't like how they're doing things. Despite the desires of the Trump socialists, government has no authority to tell Facebook how to run their business.
Facebook announced Thursday that it has permanently banned a host of prominent figures it described as "dangerous" from its platform, including right-wing commentator and former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The platform said it has determined that those figures are "dangerous," and removed them under their policy barring individuals and groups that promote hateful and violent messages.

The tech giant, which has been engaged in an escalating crackdown on hate speech and fear-mongering on its platforms, also removed neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen, who previously ran for the House in Wisconsin, far-right activist Laura Loomer and conservative YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson.

Facebook bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, other 'dangerous' figures

2019 will go down as the year where it tuned on Fox News, AM talk radio, and the fringe of social media.
You're becoming more and more the perfect nazi.

There are consequences to acting like an ass on social media. If you come into a restaurant and take a shit on the floor, they are likely to remove you too. Same fucking thing here. How about you act like a fucking adult, and perhaps you will have less problems.

What a pleasant little boy you are

So.......what if Social Media acted like adults and tolerated dissenting thoughts and speech?

Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Also CNN, Atlantic and other left propoganda sites released NEWS of these bans 2 HOURS before these people actually got banned. Paul Watson and Loomer were able to post on their accounts announcing the news of their bans on their own facebook and instagram accounts before they themselves got banned. Facebook and instagram are conspiring with CNN & Friends to ban conservatives.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart

This is too funny.

You don't know that facebook is a private company and can ban anyone they want. Especially those who violate their TOS rules.

There's a very good way to not get banned.

Don't violate the rules.

PJW did nothing to violate the Fakebook TOS...He got run off primarily because he's associated with Alex Jones.

PJW is tame. He's a total cuckservative. If his brand of politics is deemed too extreme for public consumption then we are in big trouble.
Facebook has the right to ban whoever they want to ban.

Twitter, Instagram and a host of others are out there and those banned can go to any of them.

Yup. And we have the right to boycott Facebook if we don't like how they're doing things. Despite the desires of the Trump socialists, government has no authority to tell Facebook how to run their business.

That you do. Nothing says you have to use Facebook. In fact I don't use any of those social sites and I do just fine.

Trump socialists?? Excuse me while I LMAO.

Have a good day and get your head out of your ass at some point.
Facebook announced Thursday that it has permanently banned a host of prominent figures it described as "dangerous" from its platform, including right-wing commentator and former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The platform said it has determined that those figures are "dangerous," and removed them under their policy barring individuals and groups that promote hateful and violent messages.

The tech giant, which has been engaged in an escalating crackdown on hate speech and fear-mongering on its platforms, also removed neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen, who previously ran for the House in Wisconsin, far-right activist Laura Loomer and conservative YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson.

Facebook bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, other 'dangerous' figures

2019 will go down as the year where it tuned on Fox News, AM talk radio, and the fringe of social media.

It will go down as the year the Left it would be fashionable to decide that the Free Speech of American's should be curtailed.

The First Amendment doesn't apply to Facebook. You fucking wingers are dumb as dirt.

No?????? you wanna bet?????

The first Amendment WILL apply to ALL social media when its made a public utility!

It can not come soon enough!

*In Ron Howard's Arrested Development voice* It won't.
Liberals love to ban. They have zero tolerance for non-libtard views.

This is capitalism, plain and simple. It's good business to drop influences if it can negatively affect your bottom line. Conservatives should be celebrating this decision.
Once Milo is done with his entertaining rants, he is a smart and thoughtful person. The entertaining rants are shock-jock type bilge, though, and they can go. Too bad he can't just stick to being smart and thoughtful about his conservative ideas. I'm sure he's not too upset about being banned from FB, though. I didn't think any of the cool kids were using that anymore, anyway?

There are consequences to acting like an ass on social media. If you come into a restaurant and take a shit on the floor, they are likely to remove you too. Same fucking thing here. How about you act like a fucking adult, and perhaps you will have less problems.

What a pleasant little boy you are

So.......what if Social Media acted like adults and tolerated dissenting thoughts and speech?
How about not tolerating intolerance in this country? Try that on for starters.
All Social Media should become a Public Utility!





That's a 180 about face from a few years ago.

Conservatives screamed that the internet wasn't a utility and shouldn't be regulated when Obama wanted to keep the internet net neutral.

Now that trump has removed the net neutral rules and big internet companies are doing things you don't like, you want it to be a public utility and regulated.

You should have agreed with us in the Obama years and not cheered on trump when he deregulated the internet and removed net neutrality.

It's almost as if wingers never learn...
Facebook is a private corporation and may do as they please or do you think the govt. should tell them what they should and should not be doing?
I don't think he is saying that. He is just pointing out how the left sucks at competing with other ideas, so the try to silence them.

The Left’s ideas got 3 million more votes in 2016.

There are consequences to acting like an ass on social media. If you come into a restaurant and take a shit on the floor, they are likely to remove you too. Same fucking thing here. How about you act like a fucking adult, and perhaps you will have less problems.

What a pleasant little boy you are

So.......what if Social Media acted like adults and tolerated dissenting thoughts and speech?
How about not tolerating intolerance in this country? Try that on for starters.


Lol. LIbtards are gonna ban the whole internet in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

For no reason either.

Also CNN, Atlantic and other left propoganda sites released NEWS of these bans 2 HOURS before these people actually got banned. Paul Watson and Loomer were able to post on their accounts announcing the news of their bans on their own facebook and instagram accounts before they themselves got banned. Facebook and instagram are conspiring with CNN & Friends to ban conservatives.

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives Including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer | Breitbart

This is too funny.

You don't know that facebook is a private company and can ban anyone they want. Especially those who violate their TOS rules.

There's a very good way to not get banned.

Don't violate the rules.

PJW did nothing to violate the Fakebook TOS...He got run off primarily because he's associated with Alex Jones.

PJW is tame. He's a total cuckservative. If his brand of politics is deemed too extreme for public consumption then we are in big trouble.

I think it's because he's funny...There's nothing the humorless leftbats hate more than someone who points out their sheer stupidity, and is entertaining in doing so.
Alex Jones thinks that he could walk back all of the terrible comments he made about the children who died in Sandyhook and they’re grieving parents.

But I think his best defense would’ve been, hey, I’m just a Republican. That’s how we think. That’s who we are. That probably would’ve gone over better.

There are consequences to acting like an ass on social media. If you come into a restaurant and take a shit on the floor, they are likely to remove you too. Same fucking thing here. How about you act like a fucking adult, and perhaps you will have less problems.

What a pleasant little boy you are

So.......what if Social Media acted like adults and tolerated dissenting thoughts and speech?

They're a private business. Their platform is free to use by agreeing to their terms of service. If you act like an ass and break those terms, they can boot you from their platform. How. Fucking. Hard. Is. It. For. Cult45. To. Understand. This? This is capitalism, pure and simple.
Liberals love to ban. They have zero tolerance for non-libtard views.

This is capitalism, plain and simple. It's good business to drop influences if it can negatively affect your bottom line. Conservatives should be celebrating this decision.
Once Milo is done with his entertaining rants, he is a smart and thoughtful person. The entertaining rants are shock-jock type bilge, though, and they can go. Too bad he can't just stick to being smart and thoughtful about his conservative ideas. I'm sure he's not too upset about being banned from FB, though. I didn't think any of the cool kids were using that anymore, anyway?

I sure don't.
Alex Jones thinks that he could walk back all of the terrible comments he made about the children who died in Sandyhook and they’re grieving parents.

But I think his best defense would’ve been, hey, I’m just a Republican. That’s how we think. That’s who we are. That probably would’ve gone over better.
PJW and Milo have said next to nothing about Sandy Hook...What's your excuse now, dimwit?

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