Facebook Bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, Other Dangerous Figures

Should Facebook be banning conservatives?

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Facebook, Twitter, Google, MSN, Apple, and most media and social media are Far Left Progressive (Fascist).
That is absolutely silly. There is no way anyone who is NOT Google can compete with Facebook. To even try is nothing more than throwing good money after bad.
So, your solution is to fuck freedom right in the ass?

Corporate censorship is freedom?
It isn't censorship. They are a private company and as such, they are permitted to set the rules.

However, if it can be deemed that their status is so influential on the public opinion that they form an undue influence, kind of like Russia, then maybe their monopoly can be looked into.

Either way, I've already spent more time on this than it deserves. Its been a really long day and I'm beat.

/last post.
They chose ideology over profits. Liberals suck at capitalism.
So, let's not choose ideology over freedom and take away a businesses right to make dumb fuck decisions.



Tell that to Civil Rights activists, who fought to demand that businesses hire & serve non-Whites, and women (By force)

There's a blatant hypocrisy, one standard for Liberals, and another standard for Conservatives.

Ultimately, Disgracebook is an abomination of totalitarianism light.
That is absolutely silly. There is no way anyone who is NOT Google can compete with Facebook. To even try is nothing more than throwing good money after bad.
So, your solution is to fuck freedom right in the ass?

Corporate censorship is freedom?

Politically Republicans come hurling rocks, at a nuclear bomb Democrats possess.

Facebook is just another example here.

The Republican wonders why Liberal values are indoctrinated into the youth masses, but then at the same time does nothing, because of Capitalism freedoms.

You fight totalitarianism with totalitarianism, Republicans are losers in this World, because they stand for Capitalist freedoms.
Facebook, Twitter, Google, MSN, Apple, and most media and social media are Far Left Progressive (Fascist).

LiberTARDians are here to leave.
Just step aside, and realize such a philosophy is worthless in the real World.

Libertardians are for Crapitalist freedoms.
So, they support importing Democrat Brown collectivists from Mexico, and else where for "Crapitalist freedom"

Libertarians are for Crapitalist freedoms.
So, they support Facebook, Hollywood, and the media to indoctrinate the masses against Libertardian values.
Facebook, Twitter, Google, MSN, Apple, and most media and social media are Far Left Progressive (Fascist).

LiberTARDians are here to leave.
Just step aside, and realize such a philosophy is worthless in the real World.

Libertardians are for Crapitalist freedoms.
So, they support importing Democrat Brown collectivists from Mexico, and else where for "Crapitalist freedom"

Libertarians are for Crapitalist freedoms.
So, they support Facebook, Hollywood, and the media to indoctrinate the masses against Libertardian values.

They say "just start an alternative to facebook, and make millions"

As if it is easy to compete with a company as big as facebook.

There already exists social media "alternatives" that claim to defend free speech and you know what happens to them?


Leftists and defenders of censorship and the status quo show up behind a VPN to mask their identity and pretend to be actual violent extremists and post content that will undermine the platform and drive away advertisers.
Facebook announced Thursday that it has permanently banned a host of prominent figures it described as "dangerous" from its platform, including right-wing commentator and former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The platform said it has determined that those figures are "dangerous," and removed them under their policy barring individuals and groups that promote hateful and violent messages.

The tech giant, which has been engaged in an escalating crackdown on hate speech and fear-mongering on its platforms, also removed neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen, who previously ran for the House in Wisconsin, far-right activist Laura Loomer and conservative YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson.

Facebook bans Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, other 'dangerous' figures

2019 will go down as the year where it tuned on Fox News, AM talk radio, and the fringe of social media.

More and more the Death to America democrats look and act like Maduro
You know who else started dictating what was acceptable to read and write?

These guys:


"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
If you are going to ban or block speech you don't like or agree with then don't promote yourself as a platform that supports the exchange of different opinons, viewpoints and ideas. As a private company Facebook does have the right to do this but be honest about what you are and admit that not all viewpoints are welcome on your site.

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