Facebook crackdown on teachers

I'm still in touch with some kids that were students of mine decades ago.

And FWIW, I am also friends with a few of the people who were my teachers, too.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing at all. You're a mature adult.
One of my young colleagues (HS teacher) thought that one of the ways she could change the world was to be available to her students after hours so she gave out her cell number. One student started calling her, then texting her, and one night he sexted her. She ran to the principal who said, "What the hell are you doing giving your phone number to to your students?"
I would think friending any student would be an issue in that kids whom have not been friended would create angst, the old competitive oh you're the pet and I am not thing even if given a chance to be freinded, would create the usual back biting etc. .
Ibeen on facebook since it first came out.it has every kind of private setting there is.even though it has been proven to not be so. any one can see what you post.i only use it to stay in touch with family anf friends.and the games.:razz: just dont do anything you are not wanting anyone to see.
I would question the maturity of any teacher who shares their number with a student. They aren't thinking things through. Too much can happen from being "teacher's pet" or accusations and being stalked.

I'm not against being friends of kids and going to their football games and things, even hugging and putting my arm around all of them when they come back to see me and of course, my youngins!

But you have to know where to draw the line.
Former Braden River High School teacher Charles Willis has fought to get his job back for almost seven months since he was suspended without pay for comments he posted on his personal Facebook page.

An administrative law judge has ruled that Willis’ actions were inappropriate but not serious enough that he should have lost his job. But School Superintendent Tim McGonegal is recommending the school board go against the judge’s recommendation and terminate the drama teacher at its meeting Monday.

Read more: Judge sides with Manatee teacher in Facebook battle - Education - BradentonHerald.com

"School Superintendent Tim McGonegal is recommending the school board go against the judge’s recommendation and terminate the drama teacher"

Huh? Do they really want to fight that fight? Haven't the lawyers made enough money?
Back in the days before Facebook and cells phones, teachers phone numbers were IN THE BOOK.

G-ZEUS, no wonder our schools are such a mess.

Most of you seem to think that teachers need to be (somehow can be!) automaton TEACHING machines and in no way HUMAN.

You realize, don't you, that that is impossible?

No, apprently many of you don't realize that.

Folks, teachers are ADULTS working with children.

Perfectly normal healthy HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS are going to happen.

If they don't happen, there's something wrong with the teacher and/or the student.

Some of you folks are complete fucking idiots when it comes to everything involving education.

I don't mean you're just wrong, I mean you're TOXICALLY wrong.
I don't know. I had a few teachers who were pretty cool.

It could be a good tool if the Facebook site was used as a place to offer support to students.
I personally think you shouldn't "friend" your students on Facebook.

If you want to give your cell # to a student that you think may need you because they are having troubles at home or at school, and you're the only one they can talk to, shouldn't be a problem, as long as you know you can trust that student not to share that info with other students.

It's a judgement call I guess.

Yeah, I think being "friends" on facebook blurs certain boundaries. Kids are curious and can dig into your other friends and family. While not responsible for what other people post, many would admit that there are things you wouldn't want students viewing of those you're related to and/or associate with.
I personally think you shouldn't "friend" your students on Facebook.

If you want to give your cell # to a student that you think may need you because they are having troubles at home or at school, and you're the only one they can talk to, shouldn't be a problem, as long as you know you can trust that student not to share that info with other students.

It's a judgement call I guess.

Yeah, I think being "friends" on facebook blurs certain boundaries. Kids are curious and can dig into your other friends and family. While not responsible for what other people post, many would admit that there are things you wouldn't want students viewing of those you're related to and/or associate with.

Well said, Sherry.
I think it's all a good idea, but how can a web search be done on the teacher if the teacher uses a name other than their real one?
Well it seems that teachers may not exercise free speech from home, but students may.
A teacher calling anonymous kids "future criminals" is illegal. Students calling their prinicipals pedophiles and drunks - ok. Check this out:
Two Pennsylvania teens cannot be disciplined at school for MySpace parodies of their principals created on home computers, a federal appeals court ruled Monday in a high-profile case involving students and free speech.

The postings, however lewd or offensive, were not likely to cause significant disruptions at school and are therefore protected under prior Supreme Court case law, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found.

"It allows a student to target a school official and his family with malicious and unfounded accusations about their character in vulgar, obscene, and personal language

...The site purported to be that of a 40-year-old Alabama school principal who described himself -- through a string of sexual vulgarities -- as a pedophile and sex addict. The Internet address included the phrase "kids rock my bed."

...said his principal smoked marijuana and kept beer behind his desk

Read more: Federal Court Rules Pa. Teens Can't Be Suspended for MySpace Parodies - FoxNews.com

Six judges dissented. The kids were suspended - not arrested or fined - but the court said they should not be punished at all.

No wonder there's no discipline at schools anymore. It seems only the children have rights.
Well it seems that teachers may not exercise free speech from home, but students may.
A teacher calling anonymous kids "future criminals" is illegal. Students calling their prinicipals pedophiles and drunks - ok. Check this out:
Two Pennsylvania teens cannot be disciplined at school for MySpace parodies of their principals created on home computers, a federal appeals court ruled Monday in a high-profile case involving students and free speech.

The postings, however lewd or offensive, were not likely to cause significant disruptions at school and are therefore protected under prior Supreme Court case law, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found.

"It allows a student to target a school official and his family with malicious and unfounded accusations about their character in vulgar, obscene, and personal language

...The site purported to be that of a 40-year-old Alabama school principal who described himself -- through a string of sexual vulgarities -- as a pedophile and sex addict. The Internet address included the phrase "kids rock my bed."

...said his principal smoked marijuana and kept beer behind his desk

Read more: Federal Court Rules Pa. Teens Can't Be Suspended for MySpace Parodies - FoxNews.com

Six judges dissented. The kids were suspended - not arrested or fined - but the court said they should not be punished at all.

No wonder there's no discipline at schools anymore. It seems only the children have rights.

That is utter Bullshit. Now, who is to stop any teen from making 'fake profiles' on a teacher or principal that pissed them off? They can do this to ruin someone's reputation and only get suspended? Hell, some kids like to get suspended just so they don't have to go to school. I doubt those that would do something as vile as this would care anyway.

Jeez freaking louse. Shame on that court! :evil:
I hope there is an appeal from this.

And I also hope that if the parents have the cash to carry an appeal this far have deep pockets the principle can get access too if he sues for civil libel
I was wondering about that too. There is no doubt in my mind that that man's reputation has been severely damaged simply because the kid was pissed over a DRESS CODE VIOLATION! That level of hatred over something so dumb had to come from the parents.

I'd sue the shit out of them. And I wouldn't even do it for the money. I'd ask my lawyer to drag it on for years and bombard them with threatening, incoherent legal munbo jumbo every freakin day.

A teacher friend of mine had his "identity stolen" on facebook and it took him months to get the fb people to take it down. There has to be some consequence for Gods sakes.
Recent 'bullying' legislation, and it's interpetation in many states have a bearing on the OP

Parents are being told (not asked, mind you TOLD) by supervisory unions that they are , and will be held responsible for thier childs internet behavior outside of school boundries

This is why we see some SU's also demanding educators forgo any form of internet exchange, ergo any litigant possibilities

In essesnce, we've a few bullies that have managed to piss on the entire 1st Amd
Parents ARE responsible for their kids' internet behavior. But there is no consequence if they don't. What does the bill actually say?

On the other hand, schools will now be held accountable for cyberbullying. There are serious legal consequences if they don't comply.

The only people who are not being held responsible are the BULLIES themselves.

And we wonder kids are so disrepsectful today. We only blame the adults. The purpose of discipline is to teach about right and wrong and the consequences of bad "mistakes". Yet somehow, discipline has become a dirty word. It's actually detrimental to the kids in the long run. Ignorance is no defense at 30.
unsure (ok, just plain lazy this a.m.) of the exact legislation chanel, but here's a recent passage from the local school district here>

It has been brought to my attention that some 8th grade students have been either sending or receiving inappropriate pictures and/or video via their cell phones. This appears to be happening outside of school hours. Recent legislation requires the school to investigate allegations of cyber-harassment and/or bullying that occur outside of school hours and off-campus, providing such behavior impacts the school environment.
Yes sparky. Thank you. NJs bill is even stricter. Teachers/administrators will be held accountible for what they know about outside bullying and what they "should have known" Huh?

So as I understand it, they must "investigate" and "address" it, but the court says no one may not be disciplined. We are now to have an "anti-bullying specialist" and a team of "investiigators" who have no authority to discipline the students.

The only sense I
can make of it is this; both bullies and victims will be able to sue the schools for any time a kid sends a dirty picture or gets his feelings hurt. Damned if you do; damned if you don't. Another gift to the lawyers.

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