Facebook Factchecked


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
So now Facebook has decided that it will no longer censor posts that indicate that the poster thinks Covid-19 was man made. Will they apologize to all those people that WERE paying attention back in January when the news came out that workers at the Wuhan lab had been hospitalized with Covid like symptoms and that no animal in the Wuhan wet market had been found to be Covid infected and posted that information only to have Facebook label their posts as lies and conspiracy theories? Are they going to give those people their good names and reputations back?

there should be a good alternative to facebookfacist
Man made global warming has never been proven.
It is a weak hypothesis.
But, Facebook never censors it.
Facebook has also never censored the crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy nonsense.
fuck the crook zuckerdink....he stole the concept from college buddies...this piece of shit should die slowly

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