Facebook involved in more political censorship

Facebook announced on Friday that it would be removing an posts which name alleged Trump-Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella.
Facebook Scrubs All References To Alleged Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella

What are they hiding is what should be asked when this happens--- sooner or later you dumb fk leftist should be thinking these questons to yourself.
Psycho freak whistleblowers are protected. It’s none of your business psychotic loon
Facebook announced on Friday that it would be removing an posts which name alleged Trump-Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella.
Facebook Scrubs All References To Alleged Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella

What are they hiding is what should be asked when this happens--- sooner or later you dumb fk leftist should be thinking these questons to yourself.

So why did I just go to Facebook and find a whole bunch of posts about him? Oh right, because your source is infowars and they completely make shit up for stupid people like you who can’t think
“But, but, but...the private sector can go commie-lite if they want to...they are not bound by the First Amendment.”
Psycho freak whistleblowers are protected. It’s none of your business psychotic loon

What about the whistleblowers who are not psycho freaks? Do they get protected?

You'd have to ask Obama to answer that question.....

Obama's Legacy: A Historic War on Whistleblowers
"Jan 14, 2017 · Solomon, who is also a journalist, has witnessed the overwhelming force the Obama DOJ has deployed in prosecuting whistleblowers. In his case, he was one of the few reporters embedded in the Alexandria, Va. courtroom during Sterling’s trial.".... In his eight years in office, the Obama Justice Department spearheaded eight Espionage Act prosecutions, more than all US administrations combined. Journalists were also caught in the crosshairs: Investigators sought phone records for Associated Press journalists, threatened to jail an investigative reporter for The New York Times, and named a Fox News reporter a co-conspirator in a leak case. In Texas, a journalist investigating private defense contractors became the focus of a federal prosecution and was initially charged for sharing a hyperlink containing hacked information that had already been made public.

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