Facebook is deleting mentions of the Ukraine whistleblower's name

I heard a rumor that this was happening so I went and did a little experiment. Made a post mentioning he who shall not be named along with a link from Heavy.com on my profile (which is set to private, by the way so only friends can see my posts). An hour later, without warning, it's gone. What do you guys think about this?

The fewer people who know the Whistleblower's name ahead of Impeachment and Trial, the better.

The fewer right-wing whackoids, with big guns and little pekkers and delusional dreams of killing him, who know the name, the better.

After Impeachment and Trial, his name will be in the history books, as showing great Courage in the Face of the Enemy.
I heard a rumor that this was happening so I went and did a little experiment. Made a post mentioning he who shall not be named along with a link from Heavy.com on my profile (which is set to private, by the way so only friends can see my posts). An hour later, without warning, it's gone. What do you guys think about this?
Do not question the arbiters/masters of what is or isn't free speech!

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