Facebook is deleting mentions of the Ukraine whistleblower's name


We already have a bill of rights. If you let em have a bill of rights for the internet, thats just gonna place them in a position to re-write the actual bill of rights the way they want it written.

There are already countries that have a "Bill of Rights" for the internet. China, for instance. We totally wanna be more like them.
The funny part is that it was the New York Times who outed him. They described his resume, which fit about two people, one of whom was probably on vacation at the time...
I heard a rumor that this was happening so I went and did a little experiment. Made a post mentioning he who shall not be named along with a link from Heavy.com on my profile (which is set to private, by the way so only friends can see my posts). An hour later, without warning, it's gone. What do you guys think about this?

Ever get that feeling we're all Kulacks :10:
The more things change the more they stay the same :20: eh

I heard a rumor that this was happening so I went and did a little experiment. Made a post mentioning he who shall not be named along with a link from Heavy.com on my profile (which is set to private, by the way so only friends can see my posts). An hour later, without warning, it's gone. What do you guys think about this?
It's shutting the barn door after the horse is loose. I can understand why, though; they don't want to get sued.
Facebook left my post mentioning Ciaramella for at least a couple hours last night. It was still on there when I went to bed. It was GONE today! I just posted another message with his name in it. Let's see how long it stays on there.
I heard a rumor that this was happening so I went and did a little experiment. Made a post mentioning he who shall not be named along with a link from Heavy.com on my profile (which is set to private, by the way so only friends can see my posts). An hour later, without warning, it's gone. What do you guys think about this?
I heard a rumor that this was happening so I went and did a little experiment. Made a post mentioning he who shall not be named along with a link from Heavy.com on my profile (which is set to private, by the way so only friends can see my posts). An hour later, without warning, it's gone. What do you guys think about this?

Don't use facebook and they have no control over anyone's speech. Same with twitter.

So...abandon it and let the authoritarian left take full control of the platform to disseminate their propaganda unchecked?
Democrats getting involved with Facebook will be the end of Facebook. They will only open Facebook up to new competitors. It is going the way of Myspace. Google and Disney would benefit to fire partisan Democrats from managment. They will sacrifice the companies for political purposes.
Here's a good one. I got BANNED from Facebook because I posted Eric Ciaramella's name in two separate posts! Can you believe that kind of censorship? It's just as well because Facebook is an awful site. I was looking to cancel my account on there anyway.
Here's a good one. I got BANNED from Facebook because I posted Eric Ciaramella's name in two separate posts! Can you believe that kind of censorship? It's just as well because Facebook is an awful site. I was looking to cancel my account on there anyway.
Damn, false alarm. It seems I'm STILL on Facebook. I'll have to look into deleting my account. I tried to do it one time, but they make it extremely difficult to do so.
I heard a rumor that this was happening so I went and did a little experiment. Made a post mentioning he who shall not be named along with a link from Heavy.com on my profile (which is set to private, by the way so only friends can see my posts). An hour later, without warning, it's gone. What do you guys think about this?

I think all you people making this claim about this guy without even one tiny bit of evidence are assholes...do not really care what FB does with their own site.
Here's a good one. I got BANNED from Facebook because I posted Eric Ciaramella's name in two separate posts! Can you believe that kind of censorship? It's just as well because Facebook is an awful site. I was looking to cancel my account on there anyway.

I heard a rumor that this was happening so I went and did a little experiment. Made a post mentioning he who shall not be named along with a link from Heavy.com on my profile (which is set to private, by the way so only friends can see my posts). An hour later, without warning, it's gone. What do you guys think about this?

I think all you people making this claim about this guy without even one tiny bit of evidence are assholes...do not really care what FB does with their own site.

What "claims" have I made about this guy? This thread is about the fact that facebook is censoring mentions of his identity- something they do not do for random, powerless civilians who go viral for being "racist" or whatever...
I heard a rumor that this was happening so I went and did a little experiment. Made a post mentioning he who shall not be named along with a link from Heavy.com on my profile (which is set to private, by the way so only friends can see my posts). An hour later, without warning, it's gone. What do you guys think about this?

I think all you people making this claim about this guy without even one tiny bit of evidence are assholes...do not really care what FB does with their own site.

What "claims" have I made about this guy? This thread is about the fact that facebook is censoring mentions of his identity- something they do not do for random, powerless civilians who go viral for being "racist" or whatever...

that he is the whistle-blower...it is right there in the title of your thread
I heard a rumor that this was happening so I went and did a little experiment. Made a post mentioning he who shall not be named along with a link from Heavy.com on my profile (which is set to private, by the way so only friends can see my posts). An hour later, without warning, it's gone. What do you guys think about this?

I think all you people making this claim about this guy without even one tiny bit of evidence are assholes...do not really care what FB does with their own site.

What "claims" have I made about this guy? This thread is about the fact that facebook is censoring mentions of his identity- something they do not do for random, powerless civilians who go viral for being "racist" or whatever...

that he is the whistle-blower...it is right there in the title of your thread

Oh. Well I just assumed everyone accepted that as a given at this point. None of the sources who are now engaging in censorship could prove the covington boy was smiling racistly but they blasted his ass all over the airwaves for it anyway.
Just like here..their platform..their rules. Freedom of speech does not apply..in someone else's living room. I've never had a Facebook account..as i never felt the need to live my life in the public eye. Those who bemoan their loss of privacy while still joining such platforms are laughable.
Oh. Well I just assumed everyone accepted that as a given at this point. None of the sources who are now engaging in censorship could prove the covington boy was smiling racistly but they blasted his ass all over the airwaves for it anyway.

Of course you think it is a given, all of your talk radio shows told you so. You have found him guilty of being the WB without a shred of evidence.
Oh. Well I just assumed everyone accepted that as a given at this point. None of the sources who are now engaging in censorship could prove the covington boy was smiling racistly but they blasted his ass all over the airwaves for it anyway.

Of course you think it is a given, all of your talk radio shows told you so. You have found him guilty of being the WB without a shred of evidence.

I don't listen to talk radio or watch fox news. I don't do twitter and barely even look at facebook anymore. Even my cat knows who the whistle blower is. It's impossible to avoid.

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